The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2013: Mid-peak of the Emperor

I am very grateful to the students of Qingfeng Broken Strings (100) and Shenli719 (100)!


Xu Ziyan looked at the pen in front of him. The pen is always more and more like it. This is undoubtedly a consistent pen, and it is sealed with a generation of Fushen's pens. The level is much higher than that of the Yanshan soul. But still not as good as the Thunder.

Such a pen should be able to do it without the use of purple smoke, can she make it?

Xu Ziyan’s heart was hot, and the tone of the pen’s speech was softened, and it was even rare to call her a god.

"Fu Shen, don't cry, you will stay with me from now on, as long as I break through Tianzun, I will come back here to help you. How? Well, I will try to find you to regenerate your body. s material."

Fushen still cried very sadly, but he still swallowed and said: "Wait for you...waiting for you...breaking into Tianzun?呜呜..."

"Yes, is there any problem?"

"You are a fairy emperor... oh..."

The cry of Fushen suddenly became more painful. In fact, her words were not finished. What she still wants to say is that you are a fairy emperor who wants to break through Tianzun, not to mention whether you have broken through the life of Tianzun in your life. Do you know what year and month, 10 million years, 20 million years, or 100 million years?

However, considering that Xu Ziyan's tone is very soft, but also called her Fushen, the most important thing is that Xu Ziyan is now the owner of the Fun Palace, so she decisively replaced the latter words with the cry of "呜呜".

"This..." Xu Ziyan also scratched his head. I don't know how to say it to Fushen. Suddenly my eyes turned bright: "My repair is a distance from Tianzun. But my age is also small, I believe that I still Will soon reach the realm of heaven."

"How old are you?" Fushen did not cry decisively.

Xu Ziyan did not answer his question, but said to Fu Shen: "I said that you may not be willing to believe, it is better to look at yourself."

A powerful god's knowledge is transmitted from the pen. Sweeping on the body of Xu Ziyan, and then an abnormal sorghum voice came out:

"Is this true..."

Xu Ziyan just smiled and looked at the gods and did not speak. The gods squatted for a long time before they flew to the front of Xu Ziyan. Asked in the tone of suffering:

" really less than two hundred years old?"

"of course!"

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan could feel the emotions of the Fu people in the air through the seal of Fengzu. I saw it flying back and forth in the air, and shouting excitedly. Shouting:

"Xiandi, a Xiandi who is less than two hundred years old, and is a mid-peak of the Emperor... hahaha..."


Fu Shen flew over again, and the powerful **** consciousness was once again transmitted from the pen and swept through the body of Xu Ziyan. Then I heard the **** of God muttering and said:

"This is true. It is really a mid-century Emperor who is less than 200 years old..."

"Is it OK that I am the peak of the Emperor?"

"OK is sure..."

"I am sure I am less than 200 years old?"

"OK is sure..."

"I am sure I can break through to the Tianzun period?"

"OK is sure..."

"Are you sure to follow me from now on?"

"OK is sure..."

Xu Ziyan received the Fushen, and the heart was full of joy. He walked to the front of the locker and reached out to touch the locker. His heart was full of emotions. I want to go from weak to the present step by step, and I feel a little embarrassed in my heart.

Looking at the front of the cabinet. Xu Ziyan suddenly had some enlightenment. He understood why the Yaozu took control in the ancient times. At the same time, her heart also had an inexplicable excitement. It seemed that she wanted to understand her future direction.

Think about your own purple smoke space, isn't that a world?

And now it is also divided into the real world and the fairy world. If there are no six people in the purple smoke space, isn’t the demon in the purple smoke space?

If the future direction of its own purple smoke space is a world, is it true that today is in another world where the great powers are cultivated?

If this is the case, presumably he also collected some of the Yaozu in his world when he was weak, so it was only in the initial stage that the Yaozu took control of the world.

Xu Ziyan thinks that the more it feels like this. So what will your future look like? Can that person know his own situation? If you cultivate yourself a real world. Will it reach the same realm as that power?

What kind of realm would that be?

Xu Ziyan was somewhat lost. He shook his head and shook his head. Now that your cultivation is still low, don't think so much. Going step by step, the future will naturally become clearer.

Out of the fun palace. Looking back at the door, there are some regrets in my heart.

This colorful palace is driven by the projections of the two worlds of the fairy and the hell, so its place is fixed, just like the Thunder Xianfu, which makes it difficult for him to collect it into the purple smoke space, and Even if you want to get here, you need to come within a thousand miles from here.

The sleeves flew down and flew down. Now she has blended the soul of Fengzu. Here, just like in her own world, just stepping out, she has already come to Bo Yan and Jiang Tianshui. The air slowly fell.

After falling to the ground, Xu Ziyan did not speak, but thoughtfully.

According to what he said about Fu Shen, the Fengzu should be a holy power. What is the reason for a holy power like her to make her fall? And a soul is still made into a wick?

Xu Ziyan looked down and thought about it here. Jiang Tianshui, who was standing opposite her, was very open-mouthed and looked at her with an incredible look.

When Xu Ziyan just fell from the air, he felt a great pressure. This is because Xu Ziyan's Yuanshen cultivation is the result of the integration of the ancestors of Fengzu and the end of the mid-level of the land.

This kind of pressure is for Jiang Tianshui, who is the first person to respect. Not only the problem of stress, but also the unacceptable psychology.

What does it mean to feel that pressure from his cultivation?

This means that Xu Ziyan's Yuanshen cultivation has surpassed his Jiang Tianshui, and it has surpassed Xu Ziyan's own cultivation. With this kind of metaphysical self-cultivation, it will be on the road of future cultivation. Almost a smooth road.

Jiang Tianshui has always been very confident and even narcissistic to himself. He felt that he was born to cultivate the immortal, and he was the genius of the immortal.

He is a loose man. As a scattered repair on the road to Xiuxian is undoubtedly difficult. There is no Zongmen resources, and there is no Zongmen care. The most important thing is that there is no guidance for Zongmen in cultivation.

However, even so, he cultivated himself to the king of the sacred way only by the practice of the syllabus recorded in his jade. Later, it was because of joining the Tianfu Commercial Bank and having a cultivation resource, and all the way to the human respect.

He sometimes thinks in his heart if he has lived in the nine main gates since he was a child. I am afraid that I am already a monk in heaven.

Therefore, he despised those monks and monks, and even hated those sects. He believes that the qualifications of those Zongmen monks are a **** compared with him.

But when he saw Xu Ziyan falling from the sky, he had a feeling of sorrow.

What is Xu Ziyan's realm? Jiang Tianshui is naturally very clear. To be honest, although he was given a purple head by Xu Ziyan, and sealed his opportunity. However, from the psychology of a cultivator, Xu Ziyan was still convinced.

In the middle of a fairy emperor, he actually played the role of this person in the early days without resilience, letting him admit that Xu Ziyan should be a true genius like himself.

And for Xu Ziyan, he also knows a little about it. He also knows that Xu Ziyan is still only 200 years old. Now when he thinks about this, Jiang Tianshui thinks that Xu Ziyan seems to be a little bit more genius than himself...


When Xu Ziyan left for a few hours and appeared again in front of him, he felt his heart was a little dazed.

How did this become the peak of the mid-century Emperor...

There is nothing here, but why is there a kind of pressure in her body that makes me fear...

"That's the bad luck of his mother!" Jiang Tianshui secretly whispered in his heart: "If you can leave alive this time, you must hide far away. Never meet Xu Ziyan again."

Tianfu business?

Go to hell! Tianfu Business is powerful. But can it be stronger and stronger than the nine major gates? And... This **** is a mid-peak peak of the Emperor, who is less than two hundred years old. I used to think that she must have been deposited with the celestial celestial celestial being, but after talking with Xu Ziyan, Jiang Tianshui knew that it was definitely not the case. . Xu Ziyan's understanding of the attributes and the use of Xianyu have definitely reached a level of depth.

Such a person is definitely a breakthrough through the understanding of attributes. Rather than using waste stacked up by elixir.

Such talents are real geniuses, and they are **** compared to each other. With this idea. His self-confidence was fully attacked, and his self-confidence disappeared. When he saw Xu Ziyan standing there silently, he hurriedly revealed a pleasing smile:

"Xu... Fairy, congratulations, you have another breakthrough..."

Xu Ziyan came out from thinking and looked at Jiang Tianshui with a smile: "Tong Hsi, Tongxi."

"Oh..." Jiang Tianshui smiled bitterly, and he said in his heart: "I like a fart! You got a breakthrough, and I didn't get a breakthrough."

"Xu...daoyou..." Bo Yan looked at Xu Ziyan, and his face showed a shocked color: "You... really... break through?"


Recommend a friend a book:

Title: "Theft of God"

Book number: 3105988

Author: Niu Yue

Introduction: stealing money, stealing equipment, stealing aura, these are already OUT, brother is good at stealing people...


*(To be continued~^~)

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