The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2014: Another fire cloud beast

Congratulations to Faywen as the best elder!


"Xu...daoyou..." Bo Yan looked at Xu Ziyan, and his face showed a shocked color: "You... really... break through?"

“It’s not a breakthrough!” Xu Ziyan said faintly: “It’s only reached the peak of the Mid-Autumn Emperor.”

Bo Yan heard the words and smiled, and said in his heart: "It is really not a big breakthrough to reach the mid-term peak from the medium term, but the time you spent is short!"

"Let's get out of here!" Xu Ziyan emptied into the air and flew in the direction of coming.

Bo Yan hurriedly grabbed Jiang Tianshui and followed Xu Ziyan. Now Xu Ziyan has blended the soul of Fengzu, and it is no longer necessary to enter the Fun Palace. The fire attribute is released, and Bo Yan and Jiang Tianshui are enveloped inside. The fusion will rush out of the Fun Palace. The realm of purple fireworks is perfect, and now there is the soul of Fengzu, naturally not afraid of the magma river, breaking the magma from the inside.


The deafening sound of the immortal release made the entire underground world unable to shake the earthquake. Countless gravel fell from the top into the magma river, and the magma splashed upwards, scaring Bo Yan and Jiang Tianshui to exclaim. The two talents breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the fire attribute of Xu Ziyan could not hurt them.

"Not finished yet!"

Xu Ziyan was speechless in his heart. At this time, in front of him was a flame lion and the monks of the Three Great Courts were in the process of fighting. But it was a monk who did not see the merchants.

"Let's go find the cave that came in."

Xu Ziyan said decisively, Bo Yan and Jiang Tianshui also decisively nodded, and almost said Xu Ziyan Yingming Shenwu.

Three people flew down the side. Looking for the cave that came in.


A louder than the sound of the three major cabinets, I don’t know how many roars came out in front, and a sea of ​​fire was tumbling in the distance. The hot temperature mixed with the smell of charred body and **** smell Xu Ziyan they rushed over.

Xu Ziyan resisted vomiting. Looking up and looking forward, I saw a monk who was a merchant of the heavenly instrument, and dozens of monks were quickly burned to ashes in mourning.

In midair, a monster under the four hooves of the fire clouds. I am looking forward to roaring...

"God, how come out of a fire cloud beast..."

Xu Ziyan could not help but scream, and Jiang Tianshui said on the side: "The fire cloud beast may be a pair..."

"Ah?" Xu Ziyan screamed again, looking seriously at the fire cloud beast, and his heart could not help:

"This... the fire cloud beast... seems to be... the first peak of the land..."

This does not blame the purple smoke, the fire cloud beast of the late peak of a land can be compared with a human monk in the early days of Tian Zun, and the strength should be above the human monks in the early days of Tian Zun.

At this time on the other side, the monks of the Three Great Courts blocked the attack of the Fire Lion. On this side, the monks of the celestial business firm are desperately besieging the fire cloud beast.

More than two hundred monks formed a battle array, surrounded by the fire cloud beasts, one of the fairy releases various colors flying in the air, constantly hitting the body of the fire cloud beast, but it is difficult to give Fire cloud beasts cause serious damage. Although more than two hundred monks formed a battlefield, the power of more than two hundred monks was converged, and it was only able to cause no harm to the fire cloud beast.

Xu Ziyan’s eyelids jumped. She saw that the body of the fire cloud beast slowly transmitted a purple flame, and the flame was the cultivation of the fire attribute to the great realm of Xu Ziyan.

Faced with this power, the first thought born in Xu Ziyan’s heart is to escape.

The front is not able to go, there is a fire cloud beast, Xu Ziyan immediately took Bo Yan and Jiang Tianshui to escape in the other direction, carefully avoiding the flame lion and the three big cabinet people, looking at the monks in the three major cabinets Keep scanning and looking for your own six sisters.

Soon she saw Zhang Wujie and saw Yang Lingwei and Long Aotian, who were fighting with the flame lion. There is no danger in dealing with those lions.

At this time, Xu Ziyan wanted to scream the six sisters and Yang Lingyan to leave here. However, Zhang Wujie and Yang Linglong are different from themselves. At this time, they have joined the sword court. I am afraid that they will not be able to escape.

Forget it, you still have to find a way out. Then look for opportunities to bring the six sisters out.

Xu Ziyan quickly put the flame lion and the three big cabinet behind him, speeding up and flying toward the front. but. After flying for less than a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan stopped in a depressed mood. Because in front of her is a dead end, the entire underground world has collapsed, and it has become a closed space, and there is no way out.

Xu Ziyan stood there depressedly, and the faces of Bo Yan and Jiang Tianshui were already green.

At this time, others do not know the power of the Fire Cloud Beast. Do they still know the two? If there is no such a colorful palace, I am afraid that three of them have already become the mouth food of the Huoyun beast.


There was an infinite roar in the distance behind him, and a heat wave rolled over. The entire underground world began to collapse further, and the magma river exploded into the air. The vision of Xu Ziyan was completely a doomsday scene.

"Xu...daoyou...what do we do?" asked Bo Yan.

"You two are staying here, I am going to help. Now we are all sealed here. If those people die, we can't live."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan's body shape swiftly swept forward, and the fire of the beasts made the spirit of the flame lions vibrate. In contrast, the monks of the Three Great Courts had some confusion.

At this time, Xu Ziyan no longer cares about the loss of the body's strength. The sword refers to a vertical, the best congenital Xianbao purple smoke swords come out and is caught in the hands of Xu Ziyan.

At this time, the shape of Xu Ziyan had already flown over the top of the Three Great Courts. At the entrance, the flame lions were roaring one by one, with their roar. The hot fireballs were ejected from their mouths and intertwined into a beautiful scene in the air, but this scene was full of destructive power.

The monks of the Three Great Courts struggled to withstand the attack of the Fire Lion, but the monks in front fell down in pieces. The fireball, which was hot like a magma, smashed the body and burned it into a powder...


Xu Ziyan screamed, and the purple smoke sword in his hand smashed toward the flame lion below, and the force of the body's acupoints “砰砰” opened. The power of the kendo exploded.

The dense blue giant rushed to the flame lion with a blue sword in his hand.

The power of the peak of the Emperor of the Mid-Autumn has reached the peak of the late Emperor's dynasty under the promotion of the kendo. It is also the water attribute mascot that is in harmony with the fire attribute. It only instantly wipes out a piece of flame lion and completely suppresses the momentum of the flame lion.

However, Xu Ziyan did not stop at all. She knew that this is not the key to determining the outcome. The key to winning and losing is in the Huoyun beast.

Zhou Dongxu looked at the back of Xu Ziyan, who was far away from the moment, and stayed there for a while.

"This is... that purple road friend... Was she the demon monk who was killed by real strength..."

In an instant, Zhou Dongxu’s heart has a feeling of shame. I still want to recruit purple smoke, let the purple smoke join the sword pavilion as the owner?

I am afraid that the owner of the pavilion is not rare!

In the middle of the room, Xu Ziyan flew in front of the air, and the eyes were shocked. From the ground in front of her, a figure appeared from the monk group of the merchants and flew into the air. Standing opposite the fire cloud beast.

An incomparably strong breath emerged from the man's body, and a golden glow burst out of his body.

This kind of powerful atmosphere can only be achieved by one person here, that is, the patriarch of the Tianshang Commercial Bank, Fang Tianhua.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is loose, and Fang Tianhua is in it. The situation will not be too bad...

However, the face of Xu Ziyan was changed instantly, because she found that with the golden light from Fang Tianhua’s body, there was still a trace of blood floating out.

"he is injured!"

The early days of Tianzun in a peak state are not necessarily the opponents of the late peaks of the Huoyun beast, let alone the early days of an injured Tianzun?

"You have to fight hard!"

Xu Ziyan is very depressed, you said that your Tianshang business just ran here to hear the fire cloud beast. Do not explore a few fire cloud beasts. What is the strength, isn't this coming to death?

However, if there is no such thing as the merchant business, you may not be able to find it here.

At this time, the underground world was silent. The violent magma river was silent at this time, as if it was suppressed by the pressure of one person and one monster in the air.

The flame lion slowly receded. After the monk of the merchants, there was no attack, and the monks of the merchants did not attack. At this time, both the human monk and the flame lion put their energy on the one person and the monster in the sky.

The monks of the Three Great Courts also slowly pushed up and stood behind Fang Tianhua, and the flame lions were standing behind the Huoyun beast.

Xu Ziyan also slowly descended from the air, she fell very slowly, for fear of alarming one person and one monster in the air.

It fell to the front of the three major pavilions and found that Bo Yan and Jiang Tianshui did not know when they ran back, standing not far from themselves, and Zhang Wujie, Yang Lingwei, Zhou Dongxu stood in front of themselves. Behind him.


Although Zhang Wujie just called out a purple smoke, Xu Ziyan understood her meaning. Zhang Wujie was very worried that Fang Tianhua was the opponent of Huoyun Beast.

"It's hard!"

Xu Ziyan whispered two words, but Zhang Wujie and others immediately understood the meaning of Xu Ziyan, that is, Fang Tianhua is probably not the opponent of Huoyun Beast.

Under this time, they could not help but be nervous. A great monk in the early days of Tianzun was a natural existence for those who were apart from Zhang Wujie. Therefore, they have a strong confidence in the heart of Fang Tianhua this time, even if they saw the Huoyun beast did not weaken.

However, if Xu Tianhua is heard from the mouth of Xu Ziyan, it is difficult to be the opponent of Huoyun Beast. This cannot help but make them fear.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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