The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2015: Oh...

Xu Ziyan also thought about it quickly at this time. She could bring some people into the fun palace, but that is not a good idea.

If the Huoyun Beast kills Fang Tianhua, this Huoyun beast will surely stay outside the Fun Palace, can he stay in the Fun Palace for a lifetime?



The two sounds screamed like Hong Zhong Da Lu, and the body of Huo Yun Beast and Fang Tianhua burst into a strong light.

The body of the fire cloud in the flame swelled to a height of five feet, and two giant claws smashed the space, and took an endless flame to Fang Tianhua.

At the same time, Fang Tianhua, like the sword with the same handle, blended with the fairy in his hand, exploding the radiance of the flames, and also rushed toward the past.

This kind of scene can be seen as a purple sigh, Fang Tianhua's strength is there, but the fairy in that hand is too inferior, just a product of the innate fairy treasure.

How to say that he is also one of the three major commercial banks, the patriarch of the celestial business, but only one of the inferior Xianbao, this is simply unimaginable in the nine sects.

I would like to ask, can any of the nine sects of the sects make a product of the innate celestial treasure?

Why is it also a Chinese product congenital fairy treasure?


Huoyun Beast and Fang Tianhua instantly collided together, like two planets colliding. Fang Tianhua’s hand burst into a golden light, tearing open a heavy flame, and colliding with the two claws of the Huoyun beast.


As if from the ancient roar, the full force of the Tianzun realm broke Xu Ziyan, and the sword broke out. As if to break a world.


The fire cloud beast is not to be outdone. The two claws open the sword of Fang Tianhua, and the power from the two sides makes the underground world collapse again. At the same time, the mouth of the fire cloud beast opens. A huge, hot fireball quickly formed in its mouth and sprayed it toward Fang Tianhua.

One is the early days of Tianzun, and the other is the late peaks and monsters of the land. The collision between them is like Tianwei, which is not a human enemy.

The hot flame filled half the space. The temperature of the entire underground world is rising sharply. If there is no sword that Fang Tianhua explodes to block the endless flame, I am afraid that not half of the space is filled with flames, but the whole space has become a sea of ​​fire.

All the monks, whether it is the celestial business or the three big cabinets, are now looking at the one person and the monster in the air with fear. The confrontation of this power has never been seen before, and the impact on their hearts is too large, and they are all looking at everything happening in the air.

Of course, there is also soberness inside. Although Jiang Tianshui, who is a respected person, was shocked by the sights in front of him, his mind was repaired there and people remained awake. At this time, his heart was very chaotic, and he regretted it.

Thousands of things should not be done. I filled myself with a lot of garlic. One person followed Xu Ziyan and ran up, killing Xu Ziyan. For yourself to win a higher position in the Tianfu business, get more cultivation resources.

Now that I am better, I have been caught by Xu Ziyan. If I want to kill or kill, I will let it go and put myself in such a dangerous place. Isn’t this the old birthday star hanging up, is it tired?

Besides, you can make the purple smoke look strange and weird. Can't you not know the danger here? Then what are you going to do here? Hurry to find a place to hide!

"Mom*, can't wait like this anymore!"

Jiang Tianshui looked around. Then quietly retreated toward the back. Even if it has been sealed, you should first find a relatively safe place to hide and say.


His neck was caught by a big hand and he was picked back. Turning around, it is Bo Yan.

Although Bo Yan’s heart is fearful. But he remembered the task that Xu Ziyan gave him, and made him optimistic about Jiang Tianshui. The performance of Xu Ziyan along the way. I have already let Bo Yan convinced Xu Zhiyan to take it orally. In the subconscious, I have already made the instinct of what Xu Ziyan said. Therefore, even if his heart is extremely fearful, he always pays attention to Jiang Tianshui next to him. At this time, seeing Jiang Tianshui want to run, he grabbed him back and shouted:

"What are you doing?"

Jiang Tianshui saw himself being caught in the hands of Bo Yan like a little chicken. The grievances and anger buried in his heart suddenly broke out.

When did he alone be a monk in the air, and he was black-faced and yelling at himself?

"Let me go, mom*, you a little fairy will dare to yell at me. Let me go, you want to die, don't leave me, don't take me."

Bo Yan was also angry. If it was before, he would not dare to be angry with a man who was a monk, even if the other party had been sealed.

But what is the situation at this time /

At this time, his heart is full of fear. He feels that he will die at the foot of the fire cloud beast at any time. At this time, all the fears become anger. He needs a vent, and unfortunately, Jiang Tianshui has become Bo Yan. Catharsis object.


Bo Yan gave two punches to the face of Jiang Tianshui very unceremoniously.


Originally, Jiang Tianshui was like a pig's head by Xu Ziyan. Even his mother couldn't recognize it. At this time, she was beaten by Bo Yan. She only felt pain in her bones, but both of them fell on his. On the nose, his nose and tears flowed out.

After the two fists were on the face of Jiang Tianshui, Bo Yan’s heart suddenly felt very cool. He did not expect that he would also put his fist on the face of the great monk. This heart is a cool, then "砰砰" two fists smashed on the face of Jiang Tianshui.

He used all his strengths, Jiang Tianshui, who was sealed by the air machine, his face immediately swollen and old, his body was pumping, and he didn’t know the pain, or he was ashamed...

Bo Yan satisfactorily placed Jiang Tianshui on the ground, smashed his hand, and said in his heart: "The bones of this man who is a great monk are hard! The hand hurts!"

At this time, Jiang Tianshui is also honest. He knows that there is Bo Yan looking around, he doesn't want to run away.


The Huoyun Beast and Fang Tianhua have reached the final stage, and both sides have erupted the power of Xeon. The body power of the Fire Cloud Beast was originally strong, and it has reached the peak of Tianzun. At this point, it is more than Fang Tianhua.

Although Fang Tianhua is powerful, it is not strong enough to kill the fire cloud beast.

At this time, his heart is also very regrettable, Huo Rongshan has always said that there is a person who respects the fire cloud beast, so when he heard his hand, he accidentally explored the nest of the Huoyun beast. I didn’t even think about the strength of the Huoyun beast. I thought it was a monster of a person’s respect, but I didn’t think that the other person was a Huoyun beast in the late stage of the land. If he knew that there was another The fire cloud beast, which was only honored, was burned to death by the Fun Palace. I don't know if Fang Tianhua will vomit blood.

At this time, everyone has struggled out of fear and looked into the air. They all saw Fang Tianhua at a disadvantage at this time. Although the disadvantages are not very obvious, the trend of defeat is what everyone can see.

"It's over..." This is the thought of all the monks.

Being enclosed here, it is impossible to escape. Closed here is not ordinary rock, but fire steel. At the beginning, the body of Xu Ziyan was only able to fly the flame steel and could not crush it. It can be seen that the hardness of the flame steel is sealed here by such a flame steel. If you want to go out, it is undoubtedly a delusion.

Unless it is a great monk in the Tianzun period, it is possible to break away from here.

There is one monk in the Tianzun period, which is Fang Tianhua who is fighting with the Huoyun beast.


Can he still count on it?

I am afraid that if I use it for a while, I will be killed by the fire cloud beast...

The hearts of all the monks are sinking, and a desperate mood spreads in the air...

At this time, a figure flew from the ground toward the air. The higher the flying, the more the direction of flying is the direction of the battle between Fang Tianhua and Huoyun.

The monks on the ground looked at the figure of Xu Ziyan flying into the air, and they couldn’t help but stupid...

What is she doing?

At this time, a common voice emerged in the hearts of most people:

court death!

"She... she... this is looking for death..."

Zhou Dongxu looked at Xu Ziyan with a dull look, and he was shocked to say incomprehensibly. His words caused great resonance in the hearts of many monks.

"That is... Zidaoyou..." Sun Ce said stutteringly.


Zhou Dongxu's look suddenly changed, and he blinked his eyes. He couldn't believe everything in front of him because he found that he couldn't see the repair of Xu Ziyan.

There is only one possibility, that is, the cultivation of purple smoke exceeds him.

How can this be?

Is this purple Taoist friend a great monk?

Impossible, must be an illusion...

Zhang Wujie is still a calm look. She has always been this look. It was this appearance when the Fire Cloud Beast appeared. It was this appearance when Fang Tianhua and Huo Yun Beast were killed. This is still the appearance when Fang Tianhua is at a disadvantage.

Because she knows that the younger sister must appear, as long as there is a younger sister. Everything is not a problem.

Xu Ziyan has done everything since he came to a Jianfeng, not to mention Zhang Wujie. Even Langyue has a blind trust, so when she saw that Zhou Dongxu was shocked by some madness, she snorted and said that my younger sister’s ability is something you can understand...

Xu Ziyan fled into the air while fleeing the falling gravel in the air. It was about 300 meters away from Fang Tianhua's back and it was convenient to stop and watch the opposite battle quietly.

Yes, at this time, Xu Ziyan’s cultivation is the peak of the middle age, because she took a violent Dan. A violent Dan refining from the Gorefiend flower.

At the beginning of the blood magic flower in the Seven Love Tower, Xu Ziyan once made Dan Yi and Dan Er refining twelve violent Dans. Each violent Dan can make a monk upgrade a big step in an instant, and can maintain Half an hour's time, after which there are no side effects.


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*(To be continued~^~)

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