The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2023: Road law nature

You don't understand the scent of purple smoke. Do you really want to push the purple smoke into the whirlpool? and……"

The look of the earth depends on the water: "Ziyan got the first place and there will be two results. First, she successfully opened the school in the south. Then she will face the Yaozu. It will become the first barrier for the Terran to face the Yaozu, and the purple smoke will always be in danger.

Second, the purple smoke was driven by the forces of all parties and eventually failed. As a result, Ziyan and Cangzong will become the laughing stock of the whole Yuanyuan, which is for the mood of Ziyan. It is still a fatal blow to the reputation of Cangwu. ”

The room immediately fell into silence, and at this time the Cangwu sect was in a dilemma. Whether or not to fight for this first, it seems that the Cangzong sect has been pushed to a desperate situation.

All three people are immersed in thinking, and there seems to be no way to escape the whirlpool.

"Oh..." The soil sighed long and sighed: "I didn't think that the twelve days are so honorable. In the end, it came from ancient times. I am afraid that the other eight sects are as headaches as us."

The face of the sword is also very ugly, and I look at Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan, what do you think?"

For Xu Ziyan, the sword is not empty and the soil is very respectful. Although the strength of Xu Ziyan is far from the two of them, after the investigation of the death of Cang Jiuyi, Xu Ziyan’s thoughtful thoughts and high degree of overall situation have made them Both are appreciated. Therefore, in this matter, they all want to hear the thoughts of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan was also very contradictory at this time, frowning and thinking about it. When the soil and the sword are empty, they stare at Xu Ziyan. For a quarter of an hour or so, Xu Ziyan’s brow stretched out. A confident breath emerged from her body:

"The Tao is natural!"

"Do you know how to be natural?"

The soil and the sword were empty and the two people muttered in the mouth, and gradually the eyes of the two people lit up. The sword is not a virtual shot of the thigh:

"Yes, the Tao is natural! We don't have to have so much scruples, everything goes with nature. This is the foundation of cultivation."


Give a sigh of relief. The sword stood up and said: "Ziyan, since you want to compete for this first, our two old guys can't do anything. Go, let's find a place to point you out."

The earth is also a bright eye: "Yes. Since you have decided what you want, you have to go all out. I want to see your true strength."

Looking at the excitement of the two old guys, Xu Ziyan could not help but whispered: "Who wants to fight for the first one... It has been said that it is natural..."

"Let's go all out, how do you drop?" The sword has no eyes.

"That... well..." Xu Ziyan looked bitter.

"How to drop? We two old guys to be a sparring, are you still not willing?" Tu Yishui also narrowed his eyes.

"I may not be able to win the first place, why are you so nervous..." Since joining the Cangwu dynasty, Xu Ziyan has never seen the spirit of the two people, such as the soil and the sword.

In fact, Xu Ziyan really does not pay much attention to this ranking game. She just thought of taking this ranking game as an experience. Besides, although she has a card, can the ten-person monk have no cards?

Jiang Tianshui is only an elder of Tianfu Commercial Bank, and who are these ten Tianzun Masters?

These ten people are from the nine major sects and the upper ally, and the equipment and cards are comparable to Jiang Tianshui?

Therefore, Xu Ziyan felt that even if he had the best cards, it would be normal for anyone to win. After all, I am only a mid-peak of the Emperor, and the ten people are the early monks of the people. This is the difference in the real realm. In general, they are not dominant.

Which of the ten people is not the elite of the elite, the genius in the genius? Which one is not the focus of each sect? Even if Xu Ziyan feels that he is tyrannical and has a deep card, he does not dare to say that he will be able to win the first place.

"Right..." Xu Ziyan suddenly remembered that the disciples of Cangwu Zong are not one who has already broken through the human respect period?

"Lord, Master. We don't have a disciple who has broken through the people's respect? It's better for you to go and give him some advice. I just want to participate."

I haven't waited until the sword is full of all the reactions. The earth is water and the eyes are screaming: "Can you pursue it a bit? You must know that you are the chief disciple of Cangwuzong! Ah?"

Xu Ziyan was stunned by the soil, but his mouth still whispered and retorted: "Why are you yelling at me? I have not said that I want to be the chief disciple, and since he has broken through the human respect. At least I have to be the first to be bigger than me. I am also thinking about Zongmen..."

"He doesn't have to think about it!" Tu Yishui waved: "The disciple who broke through to the early days of the people is called Sui Hui. He is a cultivation-type talent, not a combat-type talent. He was brought to Shangyuan League. It is to let him know more about the 12-day honors and bring them back to the Zongmen.

I don't know much about the disciples of the other eight sects, but the one-step is definitely a combat-type monk. If the picture shines in a single step, then you don't have to fight at all, just admit defeat. I have observed that one step, that kid is really strong! It is strong enough to be able to overcome the challenges. As for the extent to which it can be challenged, I don’t know, he should still hide his strength. ”

Having said that, looking at Xu Ziyan: "So the heavy responsibility of the Cangwu sect can only fall on you."

Xu Ziyan directly turned a blind eye, that is the only step in the human respect, and can also be more challenging, and your old man still does not know what cards are in the family, he put this responsibility on the people who are the peak of my immortal... ...

"Don't worry so much!" Sword nodded and said in a sigh: "Your talent is no better than that one. We two old guys have a little time to point you, you may not have a chance."

"Yes, the most important thing is that you have a multi-lingual physique that is destined to be able to challenge more and more, so don't look at the fact that you are now the weakest among the five disciples who came to the League, but in terms of combat power, I Instead, I think you are the strongest." Tu Yishui also agreed.

"Let's go, take you to an interesting place to point you, don't say that those ancestral doors in ancient times still have some methods." Tu Yishui stood up from the chair with a smile.

Xu Ziyan walked out of the dormitory with the earth and water, and saw the earth to go deep into the Yuanmeng, he curiously asked:

"Sovereign, don't you tear the space and take your disciples to find a place where no one is pointing?"

The sword was full of doubts and looked at the soil with water. The earth shook his head and smiled and continued to fly forward.


The sword was not empty and Xu Ziyan and the two men looked at each other and then followed the soil behind the water with a question.

As the soil followed the water to the depths of the upper Yuanmeng, Xu Ziyan saw a valley shrouded in colorful light. This place has never been seen before. I couldn't help but look at the past seriously, and I realized that it was a mustard space. The eyes fell, and there was a huge door at the mouth of the valley. At this time, many monks walked toward the door.

As the soil descended from the head of the water, it fell in front of the gate and walked toward the door. As soon as it entered the door, the noise came.

There is a huge space inside. The first few people in the space who are reflected in Xu Ziyan are thousands of monks, who are standing still or talking in twos and threes. Everyone has a number plate in their hands and seems to be in line. Looking towards the sky, it was a huge grandstand that was floating above the clouds. There were hundreds of thousands of monks sitting on the stands watching. Looking down at the center of the sky, it was a thousand small mustard spaces, where a pair of monks were trying.

Xu Ziyan saw this and understood that the thousand small mustard spaces were the places for disciples to practice and the hundreds of thousands of disciples around them should be watched by almost disciples of the Yuanmeng League.

It is necessary to know that the original identity of the disciples of Shangyuan League is a disciple of the northern side, while the disciples of the northern side disciples are lower. Due to the reasons of the practice, the monks who can break through the Xianzun period are few, most of them are The emperor’s discipleship, and nowadays the monks who have learned in a thousand mustard spaces are almost disciples of the Emperor’s period. This is the place for these hundreds of thousands of disciples to watch the experience, so the disciples of the Yuanmeng. I have come a lot and don't want to miss this rare opportunity.

As for the following thousands of disciples who are holding the number plate, they are waiting for the small mustard space, because they will soon be in the rankings. Everyone wants to improve their combat strength through even learning. Even a thousand small ring spaces are also available. not enough.

It is not easy to open up a mustard space. It is not only the great mana that needs the monks of the Tianzun period, but also requires a lot of expensive material layout methods. It also requires a large number of fairy crystals to maintain the operation of the mustard space. This is definitely A huge consumer.

Not to mention the mana of the monk's mana and the expensive materials of the layout method, which is necessary to open up the mustard space, is the need to maintain the operation of a mustard space, which is a terrible number.

Like this kind of mustard space, I don’t want to think about it in the past. The small sects in the eastern Zongmen do not have one. The medium-sized sacred gates are not owned by any sect. Even if the medium-sized sacred doors are owned, there are only one or two, and no more than five, because this is a burning. The place of money.

According to the small and medium-sized Zongmen, it is that there is a material and Xianjing is not as good as a disciple to practice. As for the discussion, you can go to find a place where no one is going to learn. This is a convenient look, actually showing the status of Zongmen. The place.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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