The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2024: Who is shining?

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Shangyuan League was formed by Twelve Days, and Zongmen may not have mustard space? However, even so, the 12-day Zun has only opened up a thousand mustard spaces, and there are still differences between the nine major sects. After all, they are only twelve people, and the side door is not rich, and can't compare with the contents of the nine major sects.

Looking at the thousands of people around there lined up, Xu Ziyan could not help but frown slightly. If this is waiting for the queue here, when will it be arranged?

"Sovereign, so many people, isn’t it a waste of time to queue up here? It’s better to forget it, let’s go and work together?”

The soil looked at Xu Ziyan with a contemptuous look at the water, just like watching a soil bun that had never seen the world. Straight to the monk who distributed the number plate on Shangyuan League, Shen Sheng said:

"Give me a mustard space!"

"Yes, Tuzhu Lord! As long as there is space, I will give it to you immediately!"

"Well!" The soil was faint "Hmm" and stood on the spot and closed his eyes slightly.

Xu Ziyan’s face is stunned, no wonder the lord despised, what is the identity of the soil? That is the lord of the nine sects of the sect. This is not a big deal. The most important thing is that the nine major sects are one of the organizers of this ranking competition. Who dares not give the face of the nine masters?

Don't say that the opposite is only a monk of the Shangmeng League. It is impossible for the 12-day Zun to stand here and not give the earth a face. Who dares to send a number plate to the earth to let him go to the queue?

Not only did they dare to let the soil line up in the water. I have to bend my side to the side, although the soil does not take the water to see the monk.


Xu Ziyan is learning that the Sovereign and Master are also copying their hands here and closing their eyes, but they hear someone shouting at her and hurriedly opened their eyes. Seeing the cold and the three monks are coming here. The three monks and the Xu Ziyan came to the celestial disciples of the Shangyuan League. Wherein we have achieved a break in the sacral peak from the sacral peak, the sleek of the purple sui, the seri. After the five brothers drunk and the four brothers Song Wanzhong squatted behind him, they had already caught up with the three divisions of the cold.



"Shi Bo!"

When the three people were cold and clear, they found that the soil and the sword stood in the side of Xu Ziyan, and they hurried forward to meet. After the soil and the sword opened their eyes and nodded slightly, they lowered their eyes and looked at the majesty wherein.

"I have seen my brother, sister!" Xu Ziyan also hurriedly greeted the same door.

The cold and clear four people also hurriedly returned to the ceremony, but the monk’s face with a glorious day was obviously proud and proud.

At this time, Xu Ziyan had already learned about the radiance from Tu Yishui, and naturally he would not care about him. This cultivating scholar-type monk has no way, it is the temper, I feel that I am very good, and some of my eyes are low.

"Three sisters, are you this?"

"The rankings are about to begin, let's come and talk to each other."

"Cough..." on the side of the picture, she coughed two channels: "Ziyan, where have you gone these days? Now everyone is working hard to improve their strength, and you can't always play." Child, wait for me to finish pointing them, and I will give you some advice."


The monks of the two emperors of the Cangwu dynasty rushed to express their gratitude to the glorious figure. The cold and clear eyes directly turned a blank eye, indicating that they were speechless. Don't look at the picture, Shining is the beginning of a person's respect, but there is no cultivation out of bounds. When Xu Ziyan just joined a Jianfeng, the cold Qing dynasty cultivated the rudiment of the world, and now more than ten years have passed. The world of cold and clear is gradually maturing.

At the time of the discussion with the same door, the cold and clear have not been out of bounds. If you make it out of bounds, then the picture is not an opponent at all. Even so, the strength of the cold and clear battle is only slightly lower. For the strength of Xu Ziyan. It’s better to know how to be cold and clear. The heart can not help but secretly, you go to point to Xu Ziyan, do you want to be abused by purple smoke? Shaking his head slightly, no longer paying attention to the picture, but said to Xu Ziyan:

"Small sister, when did the Master and the Sovereign come, what did they bring you here?"

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan snorted and said: "Master and the Sovereign said that they should give pointers to me!"

The two people of Leng Qingyu and Tushenghui squinted at Xu Ziyan, and the sword was innocent and Xu Ziyan was counted. He was Xu Ziyan as a master after all, but the Sovereign personally pointed to Xu Ziyan, which was revealed in the glorious eyes. The color of the cockroach.

What is Xu Ziyan doing?

However, it is the peak of the mid-century Emperor, no matter how amazing her fighting power is, it is still the peak of the Mid-Emperor. However, the two people who are not dependent on the water and the sword can be the masters of the Tianzun period, and the soil is the peak of the late Tianzun.

These two people have to personally point out Xu Ziyan, others may be embarrassed, and understand that their master’s sword is indifferent, but they are worried:

"How do the Lord and Master say how to point you?"

Xu Ziyan looked at the lord and Master and saw that both of them were standing there with their eyes down, and they secretly snorted and said:

"Look at that means to point my finger at me!"

"Sure enough!"

Cold and clear face can not help but show a bitter smile, before Xu Ziyan has not joined a Jianfeng, the sword is not empty, but this method is not used to point out the cold disciples of their disciples, it is simply tyrannical! Nowadays, the two monks and monks together pointed out the purple smoke, I am afraid that this younger sister will be abused for a while...

At this time, the disciples of the three Cangwu sects also understood the words of Xu Ziyan, and the eyes of Xu Ziyan were filled with sympathy.

"You... what is this look..."

"Little sister!" Leng Qingqi pulled up Xu Ziyan's hand: "Sister Shi has always been good to you?"


Xu Ziyan honestly nodded, a Jianfeng these brothers and sisters have always been good to her, and she is protected everywhere, so Xu Ziyan has a deep feeling for a Jianfeng.

"That's good!" Leng Qingyi happily patted the hand holding Xu Ziyan with the other hand, and said with a smile: "Let the Master bring us in to see if it is good?"

"Where to go in? See what?" Xu Ziyan was a bit confused.

"Follow you into the mustard space and see how Master abuses... pointing you!"

Seeing Xu Ziyan still have a reaction to look like, Leng Qingxi hurriedly said: "Little sister, you don't know. Before you joined a Jianfeng, our sisters and sisters were abused by the master... I have pointed out countless times, you still Didn't be pointed out by... let the sister go in and see."

Xu Ziyan looked at the eyes of the cold and clear eyes, and looked at the three figures who were excited and excited. The mind understood the thoughts of the four people. The mind was very speechless. The four people who watched the lively and not afraid of chaos, whispered:

"Well, let me ask the Sovereign and Master!"

At this time, there was a mustard space that fell out. The monk of the Shangmeng League hurriedly told the earth to follow the water, and the soil was directed toward the Xu Zi flue:

"Okay, let me go!"

"Come on! Come!" Xu Ziyan hurriedly ran over the road: "The Sovereign, Master, the Three Sisters, they also want to go in and see..."

"Then come in, just join them today and give them some pointers, saving the ranks of the game to the Cang Zongzong."

The cold and clear four people looked at each other and couldn't help but bite their faces and quietly followed Xu Ziyan.

Seven people emptied into the air and entered the mustard space.

Xu Ziyan turned to look at the cold and a few people bitterly face, could not help but ask: "What are you doing?"

Leng Qingyi looked at Xu Ziyan silently, and the three people who looked at Shenghui looked at Xu Ziyan with the same look. Xu Ziyan was somewhat inexplicable. She couldn’t help but look at the master and the master. She saw the master and the master looking at herself with a smile.

"You... what is this..." Xu Ziyan suddenly felt a little guilty.

"Ha ha……"

The sword did not sneak two laughs, but this laughter... I heard the purple smoke hit a sly...

"Ziyan, look outside?"

Xu Ziyan’s gaze couldn’t help but glance at the outside of the mustard space, then turned to look at the master and said:

"finish watching!"

“What do you think?” asked the sword without a smile.

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment, and looked at the mustard space outside, then shook his head decisively: "Nothing to think about."

"You..." The sword is full of anger: "There are hundreds of thousands of monks watching, if you are beaten very badly, you can..." you know!"

"That oh..." The cold and smirk on the side said: "Small sister, if you are being abused by the master in front of hundreds of thousands of monks, it is just a bare butt, and it’s shameful, oh ......"


Xu Ziyan felt that at this moment, the image of Master and the sister was broken in his own heart.

Tu Yishui also said with a smile: "Ziyan, this is also for you, so that you can feel the pressure in advance, as long as you can improve under pressure. Without a younger brother, you see is your point of purple smoke , or am I coming?"

"I am her master, of course, come by me!" The words fell, looking at Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan, Master does not bully you. Master will use the initial cultivation of people to discuss with you, how do you see?"


"Crap!" The sword has no guilty eyes: "Do you think I will use the early repairs of Tianzun to deal with you?"

"Shi Bo!" Xu Ziyan has not spoken yet. The picture on the side of the picture is shining toward the sword. "It is better to let me point out Xu Shimei first. So at the same time as we learn from each other, Shibo can also give pointers at any time. Sister."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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