The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2026: pressing

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This time, not only is the sword no imaginary, but it is a surprise in the heart of the water that fights with Xu Ziyan.

When the giant wood is released, the soil will know that its ice sword has failed, and it is impossible to attack the front of Xu Ziyan. The key is that Xu Ziyan also released two Xianyu at the same time. Isn't she afraid of running out of strength?

"Not bad!" In any case, Xu Ziyan's response is extremely fast, which proves that Xu Ziyan has a wealth of combat experience, and the eyes of the water show a appreciation.


Xu Ziyan’s mouth was modest, and the tip of the sword was picking up. The root thorn on the ancient vine that entangled with the earth was suddenly turned into a handle and the arrow spurred toward the soil.

There was some depression in the heart of the water, because he lost his chance to grab the first opportunity in the first place. At first, because he miscalculated the strength and reaction of Xu Ziyan, he began to passive himself.

The right foot is gently glimpsed on the ground, and a circle of earth wall is generated around the body, blocking a sharp arrow.

Originally, with the strength of his late Tianfeng monk, he could ignore these attacks. As long as he has one momentum, he can completely break these arrows. But now he has suppressed his cultivation in the early days of human respect. It also lost this ability.

At this time, in addition to having rich combat experience and a deep understanding of Heaven, the strength of the soil is really the peak of a person's early respect.

"Take it up..."

A Daoli arrow slammed on the circle of earthen walls, and the soil in the middle of the earth wall frowned slightly. Because he saw a crack on the circle of earth that he released. This can not help but secretly surprised him. At this time, he has already reacted somewhat. The strength displayed by Xu Ziyan is definitely not the strength of a mid-century peak. The power of an early Xian Emperor is absolutely impossible to crack the earth wall that he released.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was not in the middle of the Emperor's Emperor when he was fighting Jiang Tianshui, but the peak of the Emperor. For Xu Ziyan, a person who has a self-contained space in the body. To upgrade a small step, you don't want ordinary monks to upgrade a small step. So, after the original and the ancient vine hope to merge, they already have the strength of the peak of the people. At this time, together with the purple smoke sword, the power of its release is straightforward. peak.


The face of the soil became very ugly, and almost vomited blood on the spot. This is simply the power of the mid-term peak of human respect. A young girl of less than two hundred years old, a mid-peak of the Emperor, will be able to release the power of the mid-peak of the people. Even the most talented dragon in the fairy world has not seen such a genius.

How can Xu Ziyan have such a heavenly talent?

Is the Six Lingen monks really so abnormal?

The right foot of the soil is gently on the ground. The crack on the earth wall quickly disappeared. But his eyes are full of excitement.

As a monk in the late Tianzun period, what does it mean for the ability of Xu Ziyan to show up, how can he not know?

This means that a true genius is growing up, and this genius still belongs to them.

At this time, the soil is slightly shivering, and there is already a faint feeling in his heart. That is, Xu Ziyan has become a peak in the late Tianzun. There is no problem at all, just give her time.

And Xu Ziyan once became the peak of Tianzun. With her fighting power, I am afraid that there will be no more rivals in the fairy world. There is no one in the late Tianzun summit that is the opponent of Xu Ziyan.

A myth is about to be born...

At this time, the purple smoke sword in the hands of Xu Ziyan was swiped in the air again. A large number of ancient vines with thick arms were formed around the soil, and the earth wall released by the water was wrapped around again and again.


It seems that at any time, the circle of earth wall released by the soil can be crushed.


At this time, the words "hard" in the heart of the water, he never thought that his guidance to Xu Ziyan would become so difficult.

He never thought that he was so depressed now that he was forced into a dark room, and the outside vine could break the black house at any time. And the monk who made this happen is just the mid-peak of the Emperor. He was almost mad by Xu Ziyan.

In terms of strength, it is already at a disadvantage, but in terms of experience and understanding of the heavens, the soil is more confident than the purple smoke, and the two people are not at a level at all.

Although he is the first to shoot. But that is just to learn from Xu Ziyan, let her know the importance of taking the lead. But in his heart, he never paid attention to Xu Ziyan, but it was because of this contempt, but he was passive.

A well-known, if not twelve ancient Tianzun, in the entire fairy world, there is only one of the three peaks of the Tianzun period, the water is actually defending in front of a small **** in the middle of a fairy emperor...

Don't say that the cold and the glory and the picture are shining, that is, the sword is dead.

What happened in front of me is too... unbelievable, the sword is not good, and it can still maintain the pre-backup style, but the people who are cold and clear and Tu Shenghui can’t be calm, and they are trying hard. I blinked and tried to know if I had an illusion.

"That... is it really your sister?" Tusheng felt that his brain was not enough, and the scene in front of him was too unreal. Looking at the battle in front of him, he had a way of seeing the ant sticking out a leg to trip the elephant, and it was the elephant that would be tripped.

His face was a little pale, and he didn't think that Xu Ziyan would be so strong.

What is the repair of the soil?

That is the peak of the late Tianzun, standing at the top of the celestial world. In the eyes of these monks who are shining, Tu Yishui is the dominant character they can't surpass. Don't look at the picture, Shining is now a great monk in the Tianzun period, but he is very clear in his heart. A person like the earth can slap him to death.

But now... that Xu Ziyan, who is not even as good as himself, has even hit the soil with water.

And... it seems to have the upper hand...

How can this happen?

How can this happen?

Although the earth will be repaired as the peak of the early days of Tianzun, even if it is the peak of the early people, you should be a strong presence for Xu Ziyan!

Tu Shenghui asks himself if he is fighting against the earth and water that has been suppressed to the peak of Tianzun. It will definitely not be an opponent. It is not only the suppression of the monks, but also the understanding of the fairy and the heavens. What is it that he can compare with the monks who just broke through to the early days of the people?

What's more, only the purple purple smoke of the mid-century Emperor?

They are here as if they are sleepwalking, and they have been sensational outside the mustard space.

When the soil was accompanied by Xu Ziyan and others into the small mustard space, everyone in the stands understood that today, the soil should personally point out a few disciples of Xu Ziyan.

The earth came to the Yuanmeng in the water and attended the last banquet. Therefore, these monks knew the earth and water, knowing that he was the lord of the Cangwu sect, and that he was a monk in the late Tianzun.

A monk in the late Tianzun period must personally point his disciples. Is this situation so easy to see? By looking at the soil and pointing to his disciples, you can definitely get inspiration. Therefore, there are more than half of the monks in the stands who have a spirit of spirit and turned their attention to the small mustard space of Xu Ziyan.

Such an opportunity is not something that you can meet every day!

Many monks have taken out the jade briefing to inform their relatives and friends to come and watch it. Even the seven-day Tianzun who was in the town of Shangyuan League came over this year and sat on the stands. He also wanted to pass this soil. Water on the guidance of Xu Ziyan, look at the understanding of the rules of heaven and earth.

When the soil is in the water, it is the first to start. And when the release of a top-grade fairy ice sword was sealed, almost all the monks secretly said in their hearts:

"Too shame!"

Just pointing out a disciple of the mid-century peak of the Emperor, do not need to be so shameless? Is this pointing? This is clearly a lesson, that is, abuse, just want to solve the battle.

Is it because the earth is doing this to revenge?

Isn't it that Xu Ziyan defeated Tu Shenghui? Is it the illegitimate son of the earth?

But then their eyes are straight, and their bodies are stiff...

Is this going to happen?

They actually saw that the mid-peak of the Emperor of the Emperor had released two Xianxuan one-time, one defense against an attack. Not only will it defend against the attack of the soil, but it will also launch a counterattack toward the soil.

It is too important to send two cents at the same time.

If Xu Ziyan only releases a fairy to defend, then she will not pull back the opportunity, the soil will continue to attack. By taking advantage of the preemptive shot. Then this advantage will be expanded indefinitely, and finally will be defeated by Xu Ziyan.

However, Xu Ziyan released a large land spring while releasing the giant wood emptying, which not only regained the disadvantage. And it has a slight advantage.

And this advantage is gradually expanding...

The earth is trapped in the earth wall that he released, and if he breaks the earth wall, it will be hit by the spring. With the strength of his current suppression to the peak of the people's respect, under the bombardment of the land, it is really shameful.

However, it has been shrinking within the earth wall, and the disadvantage of soil water is too obvious. The upper and lower left and right sides are all earthen walls, as if they are trapped in a small room, there is no angle of attack.

However, even so, hundreds of thousands of monks in the stands, including Ye Haotianzun, including the swords in the mustard space, and others, no one is worried about the soil. After all, Tu Yishui is a monk in the late Tianzun period. Even if he suppresses it in the early peak of Ren Zun, it is not difficult to clean up the peak of the Emperor.

So everyone is interested in it, just feels funny, but no one is optimistic about Xu Ziyan.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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