The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2027: I am dripping...

For all of us, the outcome of this discussion has been doomed before it started. Even if Xu Ziyan is genius again, then he will take advantage of it again, as long as he wants to end the battle, he can always do it. The reason why the soil still shows a disadvantage, it should be a kind of training for Xu Ziyan.

But as time goes by, they have a tendency to stupid...

The two men did not fight as the minds of the monks thought. When the soil was in the water, Xu Ziyan was defeated, but Xu Ziyan continued to suppress the soil, and the advantages became more and more obvious.

Gradually, hundreds of thousands of monks watching it understood that the young woman who was suppressing the earth was still only the peak of the mid-century, but it had the power of human respect.


It is not surprising that a mid-century peak of the Emperor can release the power of the owner's respected power. As the elite of the nine masters, who has not had a secret skill?

It is now that the disciples of the nine sects in the mustard space are almost able to release the immortals beyond their own cultivation, but that is the instant eruption, the end of the immortal, will instantly consume the power of their bodies.

Such a large-scale release of the immortal is the last minute to decide whether to win or lose, or to save the life, because once it is made, there is almost no ability to fight again.

"I drop the sky..."

All the monks were shocked in their hearts. Xu Ziyan kept the power of the human respect for a long time. It was not the moment that broke out and ended instantly.


How to see, how Xu Ziyan is a mid-peak of the Emperor!

In the mustard space, the sword feels that he has a good understanding of his disciple. Since the sword has no illusion since the last time he returned to a Jianfeng, he almost never went out. At that time, Xu Ziyan was only a fairy king, so Xu Ziyan grew up almost in front of the sword. And as a god, his vision is naturally different. I have long known that Xu Ziyan can overcome challenges.

However, the sword did not think that Xu Ziyan could be so more orderly. This is not something humans can do.

At this time, Xu Ziyan is not as easy as the outside monks outside. The strength of her dantian has already been exhausted, and at this time, twelve powers have been opened. God knows that it is always tightening in its own limit state. The middle of the land is the peak.

This has to thank her for the fusion of Fengzu's soul in the Fun Palace. It is Fengzu's soul that has further enhanced her consciousness. Otherwise, the strength of her original knowledge is really not the opponent of the soil, which is to make Xu Ziyan in a tight state.

I want to know that although Xu Ziyan has pressed the soil to the water, but the soil is only suppressing his own cultivation, but he has not suppressed his own knowledge, so his reaction and the speed of releasing the fairy are not It may be the realm of the Tianzun period, but the speed and responsiveness are not comparable to the monks who are at the mid-term.

But what he didn't know was that the intensity of Xu Ziyan's current knowledge was the peak of the mid-term, which infinitely pulled into his distance. Moreover, the strength of the mid-term peak of the people respects the strength of the peak of the earth in the early days of the people, so Xu Ziyan continues to expand this advantage after occupying a certain advantage.

Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows were picked. She felt the change of the atmosphere on the soil wall released by the soil. Xu Ziyan was also a war-torn person, and from the weak to the present, I don’t know how many times of life and death have been killed. On the mainland. Therefore, on the experience and combat experience, Xu Ziyan is actually not weaker than the soil, and even more than the experience of the warriors who are out of the large gates of the soil.

"Monthly fine wheel!"

Xu Ziyan did not hesitate, the purple sword circling on the head, and then drawn an arc in front of him.


Thousands of months of fine wheels cover the sky and cover the opposite soil.

A road of fine wheels is like a string moon, releasing the cold light of the cold, hovering in the air, bringing the sound of tearing space.


At this moment, it is the soil that is not resistant to water and continues to be passively beaten. The earth wall burst into the air. The surrounding earth broke open a gap in the spring, and the figure of the earth flew out from the gap.

At this time, the face of the earth was already flushed, and he was pressed against him by a mid-peak of the Emperor. When did he meet?

He firmly believes that he will rush out of the earth from the moment of spring. The rhythm of the battle has returned to his own hands. He wants Xu Ziyan to know what is called real battle.

The combat experience of the old guys is definitely not comparable to a little guy.

Then his look is alive in excitement...

He saw the thousands of fine wheels coming to cover him...

In the hands of the sword, a glimpse. "Beep". In the sky above the water, there was a dense ice cone, flashing the cold light, forming an eight-figure picture, hovering in the air, from time to time an ice cone spurt out and collided with a one-month fine wheel.

The entire mustard space is like a magical space.

A one-month fine wheel hovered in the air, drawing a curve, and constantly smashing into a huge eight-frame picture in the air. In the eight-figure picture, there is a cone of ice, which is violently fired from time to time. It collides with the moon-finished wheel in the air, and there is a dense slap in the air, like a big bead and a bead...

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s figure flew toward the air, while his right hand went down, and a muddy technique fell to the bottom.


Numerous ground spurs rose from the ground and rushed toward Xu Ziyan. It was the soil attacking Xianyu released by the soil, and wanted to regain the disadvantage. But those intensive spurs just rose less than three feet, and they were softened by the falling mud, turning into a pile of mud and softening.


Xu Ziyan left-handed sword moved a sword to the air for thousands of months.


Thousands of months of fine wheels condensed toward the middle.


It only instantly condenses into two huge ice dragons.

Accompanied by this roar, the snow fell in the sky, and the fans were divorced. The two ice dragons then swayed around the eight-figure map released by the water, and the sharp dragon claws tore a cone of ice.

"go with!"

The earth is also the leader of the sword, and the eight-figure picture composed of thousands of ice cones is awkward, and the two ice dragons that have become two ice dragons and Xu Ziyan stand together.


A horrible sound sounded, and the earth under the feet of the soil suddenly turned into a big face, and opened a huge mouth to swallow the past with the water, as if biting a piece of soil.


The foot of the earth swelled in the water, and a giant peak fell into the huge mouth, holding the giant mouth, and the earth was standing at the peak of the peak.

"Wanli Huangsha!"

Xu Ziyan left the sword and pulled back and then stabbed in front.


What is the wind in the desert? What is the scene today?

The sand dunes are quickly formed in the air, and flow like a stream of clouds to the opposite soil.


The sand dunes were broken like an eggshell, and a strip of salon was drilled from it to the opposite soil.


Wan Long screamed at the first, and the dust was raging...

"Wanli is frozen!"

The ice rolled over and the ice was frozen in the front of the salon, then fell from the sky and shattered.

However, the back salon was rushed up and stagnated in the air.

In the vision of the monks, Xu Ziyan’s attack was more ambitious than once, and once more fierce than once, once more accurately than once. The soil has been suppressed more and more, and the space that can be controlled is getting smaller and smaller.

The splendour of this battle has gone far beyond everyone's imagination. Even if his imagination is richer, he never imagined that he would see such a dazzling battle.

After Xu Ziyan and Tu Yishui stood in the center of the mustard space, the eyes of the monks were attracted by the water. What they wanted to see was the reference of Xu Yiyan to the soil.

In their minds, since the soil is suppressed by the water, it means that the soil will not destroy the purple smoke by force. He will pass the battle to control the control of the fairy scent by Xu Ziyan. How can it be used reasonably? Fairy.

And it is very likely that with the experience and experience of earth-based water, as long as a few small fairy scorpions are released, they can defeat Xu Ziyan and then tell Xu Ziyan. The importance of the delicate use of Xianyu is not the higher the grade of Xianyu. The higher the realm of cultivation, the more successful it will be.


It was originally thought that the one-sided battle would be so fierce...

The beautiful battlefield in the mustard space, the exquisite fighting, so that all the monks are stupid there, hundreds of thousands of monks are silent, whether it is the late Tianfeng Tianzun, or the weak disciple in the Yuanmeng League, at this time They were all shocked to be there.

The battle between the two people is really shocking.

The earth is not the water at the peak of the world, although the initiative will be repaired in the early peak of the human respect, it seems that the strength is not as strong as the purple smoke. However, his control and subtle use of Xianxu made everyone see the power of a monk in the late Tianzun period.

It is not only the use of the least amount of force to send out the biggest fairy, but also the speed of releasing the fairy, the most important thing is his control, for himself, for the other side, for the control of the entire space situation. Although at a disadvantage, every tiny change he sent, even to every tiny change in each fairy, was directed at Xu Ziyan's fairy, without a trace of waste.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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