The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2032: I want to worship you as a teacher.

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A tone of doubt sounded from the back of the right side, and the sound was still familiar. The voice is very low and seems to be afraid of being heard by others. Xu Ziyan turned and looked toward the sound, seeing a vague figure in the dusk standing in a hutong mouth. Looking at it carefully, you can't help but look at it:

"Jiang Tianshui, how are you here?"

Jiang Tianshui determined that the opposite person was Xu Ziyan, and his face showed a hint of joy. He walked up to the front of Xu Ziyan in the first few steps:

"Xu Daoyou, can you speak in one step?"

Xu Ziyan’s heart has raised his vigilance. This is not a talent business. What tricks are there? I took a closer look at Jiang Tianshui’s look and saw that he was pitiful and somewhat sneaky.

"What's the matter?" Xu Ziyan was still a little curious.

"Please ask my friend to come with me!"

Xu Ziyan looked hesitant. If Jiang Tianshui led himself into the encirclement of a Tianfu business, wouldn’t he be self-investing?

However, Xu Ziyan decided to follow up and see if he felt that he was not the place, he immediately left.

Jiang Tianshui also seems to feel the vigilance of Xu Ziyan, and did not take Xu Ziyan to go far. Stopped in a dark grove. Xu Ziyan has been releasing the knowledge of the gods. Today, her knowledge is even higher than that of Jiang Tianshui. Jiang Tianshui has nothing to discover. There was no ambush in the woods, and Xu Ziyan stopped to look at the opposite Jiangtian waterway:

"Jiang Tianshui. What do you have?"

Jiang Tianshui looked around for a moment, then said to Xu Ziyan: "Can Xu Daoyou set up a lineup?"

In fact, Jiang Tianshui also has several flags on his body, but he does not dare to use it. Fear of causing Xu Ziyan's suspicion, Xu Ziyan heard that the heart's vigilance was reduced by a few points. Nodded slightly, hit the eight-faced flag to cover the two people inside, and then looked at Jiang Tianshui.

Jiang Tianshui’s color is very bad. He is afraid of Xu Ziyan’s gaze: “Xu Daoyou, I went back to Tianfu Business and told you everything you told me...”

"You did a good job! How do you say in the sky?"

Xu Ziyan wants to test whether Jiang Tianshui has spoken in front of himself, because she has already learned from Situ Ming that Luo Tianyu has been at the peak of the early days of the retreat, and it is impossible for Jiang Tianshui to see the falling feathers. If he says the reaction of the falling feathers, it proves that he is lying.

Jiang Tianshui immediately shook his head and said: "The falling feathers are in retreat. I have not seen him at all."

"Retreat?" Xu Ziyan pretended to be surprised.

"Well, Luo Tianyu is at the peak of the early days of the retreat."

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan nodded, no words, and believed in Jiang Tianshui a few points, but his heart was more curious about why Jiang Tianshui found himself.


"but what?"

"Tianfu Commercial Bank does not seem to believe me. They don't believe that you can win a single person." Jiang Tianshui's face is anxious, and with a hint of fear:

"I can feel it. They suspect that I have invested in you. I have rebelled against the Tianfu business."

"Is you still relying on me? How can they have this idea? You alone, the monk is relying on me to be a fairy shrimp?"

In the dark, Zhong Tianshui turned a white eye. Are you a small shrimp? What am I?

Thinking of this, Jiang Tianshui also felt depressed in his heart. How can he beat a big monk in the early days? This is too abnormal. I don’t think I feel that this is an illusion.

But the fact is really so, can not help but make Jiang Tianshui somewhat depressed.

"Xu Daoyou, you don't know..." The fear on Jiang Tianshui's face is magnifying: "If they really believe that I have taken care of you, Tianfu's means of treating traitors is very cruel..."

"Slow! You haven't told me what the day is like, what do you think you are relying on?"

Jiang Tianshui sighed: "Xu Daoyou, if it wasn't for me that I lost in your hands, I don't believe that a Xiandi can defeat a person. This is too doubtful."

And your identity is enough to make them doubt. After all, you are a disciple of the nine sects. Still very identifiable. If I trust you, it will be a bright road in their hearts. In fact, I feel that they are very skeptical, but things are not the same thing! ”

Xu Ziyan silently looked at the opposite of Jiang Tianshui. I saw the fear of his face. I thought about it and felt cola in my heart. One person respected the early stage of killing a fairy emperor. Instead, he was slandered by the Emperor of the Emperor. He was also suspected by Tianfu Commercial Bank and was chased by the people of Tianfu Commercial Bank at any time. This is really a sad reminder.

"Right, how come you come to Tianzhu City?"

"I was squeezed out. Now I have lost the trust of Tianfu Commercial Bank. The reason why they have not dealt with me now is to wait for the drop of the feathers to go out and decide for themselves. But they can't leave me in the sky again. At the core of the business, I sent it here.

In Tianzhu City, there are some shops in Tianfu Commercial Bank, they let me temporarily host here. In fact, I know that the purpose of their temporary hosting here is because it is closer to the Yuanmeng League. You are in the Yuanmeng League. They want to see if I will contact you again. ”

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly: "In this case, will Tianfu Commercial Bank follow you?"

"Of course." Jiang Tianshui snorted: "But I have not left Tianzhu City since I came here, so they are not strict with me. However, if I leave Tianzhu City, I will be tight. Monitoring."

"What are your plans?"

"I..." Jiang Tianshui's look was hesitant, and eventually he gnawed his teeth: "Xu Daoyou, I want to trust you."

Xu Ziyan turned a blank eye, and the heart was dark. What do I want you to be a traitor? Nothing has to beware of you, how can I have that leisure time? So Xu Ziyan immediately shook his head:

"this is not OK!"

Jiang Tianshui’s face was full of disappointment, but he did not dare to say anything. Xu Ziyan suddenly remembered what he asked:

"Right, Jiang Tianshui. What do you operate in Tianzhu City?

"Of course, it is a business fairy." Jiang Tianshui looked at Xu Ziyan strangely.

"Oh... who do you usually sell these fairy charms to?"

"Of course it is sold to monks!"

"Crap, I am asking to sell to those monks? There is always a direction, such as the family, what power?"

"I don't know this, I just came here. But I heard..."

Having said that, Jiang Tianshui reveals a pair of thoughts: "It seems that two months ago, many shops were shipped from the shops in Tianzhu City."

“What is a lot?”

“I don’t know!” Jiang Tianshui shook his head. “I’ve heard a lot of it anyway. It’s like the shops in Tianzhu City have never had so many goods at once. So only a few people were heard when I was chatting.”

Xu Ziyan’s face changed a bit, and he stared closely at Jiang Tianshui: “Are you sure?”


"Help me do things." Xu Ziyan's look has become more gloomy. It seems that Tianfu Commercial Bank really wants to kill itself and then quickly. I have several arrangements for myself. I don’t know what arrangements will be made after I use the Mozu and send Jiang Tianshui to kill myself.

"Ah? What... things?"

"Help me inquire, who is the batch of Xianfu sold to?"

"This..." Jiang Tianshui’s face is full of embarrassment: "Xu Daoyou. You know that I just came here, it is very unclear about the operation here. And... I am still suspected by Tianfu Business, this thing is very difficult. do……"

Seeing that Jiang Tianshui was grinding and arguing there, Xu Ziyan would sink his face and say: "If you get this thing done, I will give you five inferior immortals."


Jiang Tianshui immediately slugged there, and then ecstasy, he has not eaten the inferior fairy in his life. Five of the inferior immortals mean what he knows naturally. His qualifications are still very good, and he has been working hard. Now he is almost at the tipping point of the peak of the early Renren. If you have five inferior immortals, you will have a great grasp to break through the peak of the people. This temptation is too big.

He has seen Xu Ziyan alchemy. I know that Xu Ziyan is an Xiandan division. But did not think that Xu Ziyan turned out to be a congenital Xiandan division. Even if Xu Ziyan does not accept him, he can make a good relationship with a congenital Xiandan teacher, that is also a chance for Tianda. Therefore, Jiang Tianshui immediately nodded:

"Good! I will help you."

Xu Ziyan nodded. I was thinking that if I decided that Tianfu Commercial Bank would sell a lot of fairy charms to the Mozu, don't blame yourself.

Two people discussed it again. In the end, Xu Ziyan removed the formation and left in two directions. After this incident, Xu Ziyan did not have the thought of going to Luo Tianba. He randomly found a place to meditate after dawn, and then left Tianzhu City and returned to Shangmeng.

Before I even walked to my dormitory, I saw a few people standing in front of my dormitory. Xu Ziyan walked inexplicably and did not know what these people were standing here, and they were still a few Xianzun.

Xu Ziyan was looking at the few people with suspicion, and the few people saw Xu Ziyan at this time. There are three people in total, and two of them look to the third person. The third monk's look was awkward, but he still walked toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan stopped and looked at the monk with vigilance. The monk strode to the front of Xu Ziyan and said to Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Ziyan, I want to worship you as a teacher!"

"I am sick!"

Xu Ziyan looked at the fairy in front of him, and he was not polite. You are a fairy to come and worship me as a fairy emperor. Isn’t this coming to me?


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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