The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2033: Go to Tiandan Commercial Bank

The look of the monk was a stagnation, but he still asked: "Do not talk nonsense, can you not accept me?"

Xu Ziyan was too lazy to take care of him. He walked past his side with his robes and walked toward his dormitory. The shout of the monk came from behind him:

"Xu Ziyan, this is you don't accept me, but I don't want to worship you!"

Xu Ziyan is a little annoyed, this is all about it. There is no reason to run alone to worship yourself as a teacher, and there is no sincerity. I immediately stopped my footsteps and turned my head and looked at the other side calmly:

"Tell me clearly!"

The monk also simply said: "When you and the landlord learn from each other, I bet lost!"

Xu Ziyan immediately understood, and his face showed a look of dumbfounding, turned and walked toward his dormitory, and said in a faint voice:

"you can go now!"

Going to the door of the dormitory and reaching out to open the door, I heard the sound of Ma Jingying from the living room:

"I told you, don't look at the Ziyan Shimei is now awesome. I thought that when she first arrived at the Yuanmeng, she was only a fairy emperor. In the first trial, if she was not, she would have died long ago. You know now, there are a total of four people living in this dormitory, including me, Ziyan Shimei, Lan Bailing and dance color clothes.

In the first trial, I relied on my high mana, and the three of them almost all depended on me. I was alone, one hand..."

Xu Ziyan heard Ma Jingying's bragging, and she had a layer of goose bumps on her body. I couldn't listen to it, and I coughed and went in.

Ma Jingying, who is bragging, saw Xu Ziyan coming in, and his look was a stiff: "Ziyan... you are back!"

Xu Ziyan was too lazy to take care of her. Just thinking about entering my room, but I saw a thousand cups drunk in the opposite side of Ma Jingying. It turned out that Ma Jingying had been boasting about a thousand cups. Thousands of cups drunk at this time also looked at Xu Ziyan with a smile, it is obvious that he also heard Ma Jingying boast there. Just too lazy to expose her.

"Five brothers, you are here!"

Since the five divisions came, Xu Ziyan could not take care of himself and smiled and said hello.

"Well. Come and see!" Thousands of drunks also laughed and said.

"Come in my room."

"it is good!"

Two people entered the room of Xu Ziyan, no one went to take care of Ma Jingying. Ma Jingying did not know what to mutter in her mouth and returned to her room.

After the two brothers and sisters were seated, Xu Ziyan looked at the drunkenness of a thousand cups.

"Master has already left!" Thousands of drunks did not wait for Xu Ziyan to ask, and immediately said: "When Master goes, tell me, let me listen to you."

"Master is gone? Where are you going? Going to the West?"

"No! His old man will not take care of those things. After all, the power of the Mozu is not yet strong enough to the extent of Master. The meaning of the Sovereign and Master is exactly the opportunity for the sect of the sect of the sect. The Master and Master will not ""

"Where did the Master go?"

"I don't know, I said I continued to travel."


"Ziyan, when do we go to the West?" The look of a drunken cup was a little anxious.

"Don't worry! Wait until the end of the rankings."

"Alright! Then I will stay in the US League for the time being!"

"Well, it’s not bad to practice here. The cultivation environment here is OK. Right, do you have a place to live?"

"Well, Shangyuan League has arranged for me to live. The environment is not bad."

"That's for the time being!"

Two people exchanged some experience in the room. At this time, the repair of Xu Ziyan has exceeded one thousand cups of drunkenness. Most of the time, thousands of cups were drunk and asked, and Xu Ziyan was answering. After three hours, a thousand cups of drunk were satisfied to leave.

After the five divisions were sent away, Xu Ziyan returned to the room, sinking a glimpse into the purple smoke space, and saw that Fuyi had refining the nine bells. In the later period, the peaks of Jiu Ling Xiantian Xianfu and the mid-late period of the peak Jiu Ling Xiantian Xianfu each refine two sets.

Xu Ziyan was overjoyed and collected four sets of nine bells.

After collecting the sacred knowledge, he sat on the bed and began to cultivate and accumulate strength. Today, Xu Ziyan has rarely taken medicinal herbs to accumulate strength. On the one hand, as the world in her body is getting better and better. The speed at which she absorbs the power of heaven and earth can only be described as terror. On the other hand, she also knows that even if she has accumulated Yuanli to the peak state, it is difficult to get a breakthrough. Because of the self-contained space in the body, if you can't comprehend the attributes, it is difficult to get the final breakthrough.

Therefore, she honestly used cultivation to improve her cultivation. It is the best way to use the strength of heaven and earth to improve cultivation. Eidan is no better. It will also leave impurities in the body. Even if the purple smoke has a quenching method, she also feels that it can be used less or less.


There was a knock on the door, and the consciousness of Xu Ziyan immediately spread out. The figure immediately jumped out of bed and stretched out the doorway:

"Liu brother, how come you?"

"We set off today to Tianfu Commercial Bank!" Liu Jinsong looked at Xu Ziyan: "You will not forget this thing?"

"No, how can I forget?"

According to Liu Jinsong, Xu Ziyan thinks that there is also an alchemy conference held by Tianfu Commercial Bank.

Liu Jinsong looked at Xu Ziyan with suspicion and looked at how he felt that he had forgotten this matter. However, I did not continue to expose Xu Ziyan, but said:

"You are ready to go, let's go."

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan immediately released a cleaning technique for himself, and then said to Liu Jinsong: "Okay."

Liu Jinsong looked up and down Xu Ziyan and frowned slightly: "Would you wear this dress?"

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but look at Liu Jinsong. When he saw Liu Jinsong, he pulled his hair up with a hairpin. The hairpin turned out to be a product of the innate fairy treasure. The clothes on his body turned out to be a Chinese innate fairy treasure. A pair of inferior Xianbao.

Have you seen Liu Jinsong wearing such a brilliant future?

Seeing the eyes of Xu Ziyan, Liu Jinsong glanced at Xu Ziyan: "I am the lord of Danzong. Naturally, I can't lose my identity. You are also, how do you wear the fairyware under your body, even a fairy treasure? Do you know? We went to participate in such a conference, but it represents the face of the big door."

Speaking of this, a frowning face looks like: "But I don't have any clothes for girls here!"

Xu Ziyan’s face is crying and laughing, and his own clothes are all the best innate treasures, but they are treated like Yanxian by Yanshan Soul.

"What is your expression?" Liu Jinsong did not understand.

"Liu brother, I am a low-key. Have you not heard of it, low-key is the deepest show?"

"Fart shows off!" Liu Jinsong snorted and said: "There are also purple smoke, you are now the inferior Xiandan master, but after all, you have entered the field of congenital Xiandan, and you have to talk less at the conference, don't lose the congenital The identity of the singer. Forget it, no one knows that you are already a congenital singer, you will see it with me."

"And, you know that people in our field are very proud. After all, it is not easy for people to hold a conference. You don't want to cause trouble."

Xu Ziyan didn't like it when he heard it: "How do I get into trouble? Am I a troublemaker?"

Liu Jinsong stunned Xu Ziyan and said: "You don't provoke things? Don't provoke things to just kill a person when you go to Shangyuan League?"

"That is he provoke me?"

"No matter who provokes anyone, you should pay attention to this time. Our big door must have the grace of a big door..."

Liu Jinsong said a lot, Xu Ziyan finally understood in his heart. This is the vanity of the nine major sects, and we must have everyone's demeanor. If there is a little friction or something wrong at the alchemy conference, it will be considered a very bad thing.

Others can lose face, and the nine masters of the sect can not lose face, especially when they represent such a large party.

"Death to face the face of sin!" Xu Ziyan secretly muttered in his heart.

"Okay, let's go!"

Xu Ziyan immediately showed an honest appearance and followed Liu Jinsong. He walked out of the dormitory and walked toward the gate of Shangyuanmeng. While walking, Liu Jinsong also explained to Xu Ziyan the alchemy conference held by successive Tiandan firms. .

"Right, Liu Laoge." Xu Ziyan suddenly asked: "Since that Tiandan firm has held an alchemy conference, hasn't Danzong held an alchemy conference?"

"Of course, it is also held." Speaking of this, Liu Jinsong’s face showed arrogance: "The alchemy conference held by our Danzong is the most authentic alchemy conference. The scale is called Shanda..."

Two people slid to Dada to go to the gate of Shangyuanmeng, and the two people were not in a hurry. Liu Jinsong told Xu Ziyan all the interesting things in the alchemy world, but Xu Ziyan listened with gusto.

"Liu Zongzhu!"

Liu Jinsong was talking about it, but he heard someone calling him. The two men looked at each other at the same time and saw a monk politely bowing to Liu Jinsong.

This person Xu Ziyan also knows, it is the disciple of Shenji Zong who broke through to the early stage of human respect, called Shi Zhongtian.

Liu Jinsong saw Shi Zhongtian glanced at it, only a faint "hmm". Xu Ziyan politely prayed to Shi Zhongtian:

"I have seen Shi Shixiong!"

Shi Zhongtian also hurriedly returned to the ceremony. He saw the scene of Xu Ziyan's battle against the water yesterday. Although Xu Ziyan was only a mid-peak of the Emperor, he did not dare to despise it.

Although Shen Zongzong and Cang Zongzong have not dealt with it very much, the disciple of Shenji has encountered a arrogant appearance. However, who is also met.

When I was in the Thunder Xianfu, Shi Zhongtian saw the strongness of Xu Ziyan. Yesterday I saw Xu Ziyan fighting the soil. How dare you and Xu Ziyan proud?


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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