The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2036: It’s too mad...

I am very grateful to Helian Mengqiu (588), Xinyi's Peas (588), Jie Jie (200), my missed youth classmates (200), Xinyi's Peas (100), Marlina (100) , mableip classmates (100), Yu Yu 645098 classmates (100), Susu children classmates (100), seaphay classmates (100), if Yun Zi Zi classmates (100) reward!


Luo Tianba smiled and said: "Tianzhuocheng is my site. He ran to my site. What else would I not know? I heard that you gave him too?"

"Yeah!" This time, Xu Ziyan did not hide, and nodded in a big way.

Luo Tianba looked up and down Xu Ziyan: "I really don't see it, you are such a beautiful little girl? So this thing is really hard to believe, you are the mid-peak of the Emperor...not right ... You were the middle of the Emperor of the Emperor last time. In such a short time, you will be the peak of the Emperor?"

Xu Ziyan gave him a look, a rare and strange look. Luo Tianba looked at it for a while and shook his head:

"I heard that the first place in the ranking competition of the Shangmeng League was the Shangyuan League and the nine major Zongmen funds to go to the south to establish the Zongmen?"

Xu Ziyan snorted: "Actually, I think this is a trouble, it is not a reward at all."

"Stupid!" Luo Tianba unceremoniously evaluated Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan looked at Luo Tianba silently, and Luo Tianba squinted: "How? Not convinced?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded directly.

"You..." Luo Tianba extended his finger and pointed it at Xu Ziyan. He looked like a bad mood: "Do you know where the most difficult place to build a sect?"

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment: "Resources?"

Luo Tianba shook his head and said: "No. The resources of the South are everywhere. As long as your sects can be established, they will naturally have resources. I think that the Yuanmeng and the nine major sects should provide the celestial ancestors."

"This is true!" Xu Ziyan nodded: "That... is a disciple?"

"Not!" Luo Tianba continued to shake his head: "As long as the sect is established, you will always receive disciples."

"That is the practice of cultivation?"

Luo Tianba squinted Xu Ziyan: "A person like you who is born into a big door will lack the exercises?"

"What is that?"

"Oh..." Luo Tianba sighed a sigh: "I haven't waited for you to build the Zongmen. Or just set up the Zongmen and you will be destroyed."

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and thought about it, really as Luo Tianba said. In the South, there has never been a Zongmen established there, but this does not mean there is no power there. And on the contrary, the forces there are intricate, and one wants to establish a sect. It is really going to be combined by various forces. In fact, Xu Ziyan understands that no matter where it is, the emergence of a new sect is meant to compete with other sects for resources, and a new one in the sect is weak, and it is easy to be smashed by the old sect.

Just a piece of cake, everyone is rushing to eat, suddenly came a new person wants to divide a piece of cake, not killing you who?

"This time the establishment of the Zongmen in the South was jointly decided by the Shangyuan League and the Nine Zongmen." Luo Tianba saw Xu Ziyan some consciousness. Continue to say:

"There is a deterrent to the Shangmeng League and the Nine Zongmen. At the very least, the forces in all aspects of the South cannot dare to clear the door. This is the greatest help for you."

"What is the biggest help for me?"

"You have given Jiang Tianshui a sigh, can't you win the first?"

"This is really hard to say..."

"If you can fight for it anyway, it is best to fight for it. It is a rare opportunity." Luo Tianba said seriously.

"I am really annoying this kind of thing!"

Xu Ziyan's tone is somewhat helpless. Looking at the surroundings, I can't help but look. He actually saw the head of the Cangwu Pharmacist Peak, and he saw another master of the Zongmen. However, Xu Ziyan took a serious look at it. In addition to Dan Zong’s lord Liu Jinsong, the rest of the sects sent a monk like a peak.

Xu Ziyan whispered to Luo Tianba: "Luo Daoyou, this former alchemy conference, the nine major sects will send people?"

"Yeah!" Luo Tianba nodded: "But all the disciples are coming. This time, the grades are relatively high. Listening to Situ Ming said that he specially invited the masters of refining drugs in the next post. Those who mastered the refining drugs heard There is a mysterious Danfang. I promised to come."

Xu Ziyan nodded. In the heart, this is right. How can an alchemy conference organized by the Tiandan Commercial Bank attract the existence of the nine major sects? It is estimated that it is a practice to send a disciple to come over. This time I value it, or because of that Dan.

"Do you know what Dan is?" Xu Ziyan asked curiously.

"I don't know!" Luo Tianba immediately shook his head: "The old boy is secretly tight!"

Xu Ziyan suddenly remembered one thing. Then he whispered, "Luo Daoyou, since you are all here, then the people of Tianfu Commercial Bank should come."

"Yeah!" Luo Tianba nodded. "But Tianyu is in a retreat. He didn't come in person. Look at that..."

Luo Tianba used his gaze to indicate Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan followed Luo Tianba's gaze to a tall and thin monk in the distance to the left, listening to Luo Tianba whispered in his ear:

"He is called the falling snow, and he is the younger brother of Tianyu. When Tianyu Yu retreats, the affairs of Tianfu Commercial Bank are under his control. There is also the tall and strong monk over there..."

"He is the merchant of the sky?" Xu Ziyan asked softly.

"How do you know?" Luo Tianba looked at Xu Ziyan strangely.

"I can smell the smell of his refiner."

"Great!" Luo Tianba cocked his thumb toward Xu Ziyan: "He is the patriarch of the Tianqi Shangxing. You see the weak scholar, that is, the fan, guess what he is doing?"

Xu Ziyan looked at the man. It was a handsome middle-aged man with a fan in his hand, giving a very weak feeling, but Xu Ziyan felt a sharp murder from his body.


Luo Tianba’s eyes showed an appreciative gaze: “Yes. He is the landlord of the photo studio, the biggest killer organization leader on the mainland.”

Speaking of this, Luo Tianba looked at Xu Ziyan with a strange look: "I didn't see it, you are a disciple from a big door. It has such a keen feeling!"

Xu Ziyan has no words, and my heart is secret, how long have I become a big disciple? I was killed from all walks of the world, how can I compare with the disciple who was born in a big door?

"Have you seen the woman? You guess what she is doing?"

Xu Ziyan looked at the woman, then shook his head and said: "Can't see it."

"The woman called the step shake, the landlord of the light dance building."

"What is the light dance building? Dancing?"

"I don't know!" Luo Tianba despised Xu Ziyan and said: "Light dance building is the place to buy and sell news."

"There is that..." Luo Tianba gestured Xu Ziyan to look at a man with a face of justice and loyalty: "That is the door of the liar door."

Xu Ziyan was silent for a while, what is this? Various.

"That... it’s a very fat one, have you seen it?"

"See it."

"He is called Huang Tian. He is the patriarch of Huijing."

“Hui Jing Commercial Bank? What are you doing?”

"Huijing is a place where everyone can access Xianjing. Some big forces, or rich people, can't hold so many crystals in the storage ring, so they put Xianjing on the Huijing business, so it is convenient."


"That is the landlord of Baiyun Building."

"What is Baiyun Building doing?"

"He is a fairy thief."


Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but feel that he was always in the Zongmen. I really don't know about the Yuanyuan continent. It was so complicated at this level.

"You don't want to underestimate these people. I don't know how many disciples are suffering from them every year..."


Xu Ziyan chatted with Luo Tianba and looked around. This is a huge living room. There are many doors around the living room. Among them, four doors are engraved with words, which are respectively A, B, and D.

"Luo Daoyou, what are you doing in the four doors?"

"Oh..." Luo Tianba glanced at it: "The three doors of E-Bing Ding are used for the alchemy conference. Dingmen is the place where the five-character Xiandan competition is played. Place, B-men is the place where the seven-character Xiandan competition. The top three in each door have rewards. This is also a part of the alchemy conference. The herbs of the competition are prepared by the participants themselves. Alchemist. This is a famous opportunity for every Xiandan division, so there are many Xiandan divisions to participate."

"What about the word door?"

"The door is also in alchemy, but it is different from the other three. Every time the alchemy conference, the Tiandan firm will come up with a Dandan business that has not been successfully refining Danfang for everyone to refine. Anyone can participate Regardless of whether you are an elixir of Tiandan Commercial Bank. Of course. If anyone can refine this Danfang's Xiandan, Tiandan Commercial Bank will give a generous reward, if the Xiandan Division can send the experience of alchemy to the sky again. Danshang Bank, Tiandan Commercial Bank will also give another gift."

"How come there is no room for eight products and nine products of Xiandan division competition?"

Luo Tianba was very silent and glanced at the Xu Zi flue: "The eight masters and nine products of the Xiandan division are masters, can the masters be able to compete? That is to point out the existence of those games."

Xu Ziyan also looked at Luo Tianba silently and whispered: "Is eight products and nine products Xiandan teacher very powerful?"

"You..." Luo Tianba pointed Xu Ziyan with his finger, and immediately thought of the level of alchemy of Xu Ziyan, he could not put down his fingers:

"Forget it, don't tell you. It's too irritating..."

"I look around!"

Seeing Luo Tianba's nose is not the nose, his face is not the look of his face, Xu Ziyan stood up happily and wandered around the hall. After a long wandering, Xu Ziyan wanted to see the alchemy games and looked at the three gates. He decided to go down to the Ding Gate.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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