The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2037: Outer

The door was open, and Xu Ziyan walked in. I saw that this was a big space. At this time, there were about three hundred Xiandan masters here, and there were many monks watching around. It seems that this game is completely open and allows other monks to watch.

Sitting in front of the room is a monk, a monk in the late Emperor's emperor. There are two monks standing behind him. The two monks are relatively low-educated, just two kings. At first glance, I know that the Emperor should be an eight-piece or nine-disciplinary singer, and he will serve as a referee for Pindan in this room. And the two kings should be the disciples of the Emperor.

At this time, there have been a lot of monks and alchemists completed, sitting down and waiting for the game.

"This friend!" Xu Ziyan squeezed into the side of a female repairer and whispered: "What are the rules of the game?"

"There is only one rule." The woman repaired a look at Xu Ziyan, and also whispered: "The alchemy must be completed in one hour. There is no rule in the other. As long as it is Wupin Dan, you can refine any Dan. medicine."


"What? Little sister, do you want to participate in the competition?"

“Well? Can you still participate?”

"Of course, this is only the first batch. There are a total of three games in each alchemy conference. After a while, my sister will go up and try."


Xu Ziyan curiously looked at the five-product Xiandan who participated in the competition. She also wanted to see the level of alchemy of these Xiandan divisions outside Zongmen through their refining medicinal herbs.

About a quarter of an hour later, a disciple behind the referee picked up a hammer and knocked at a small bronze bell on the table. A whisper echoed in the room. All the Xiandan divisions extinguished the fire. Those who have not yet completed the refining of the Dandan master face the frustration, those who just completed the alchemy of the Xiandan division is a look of joy mixed with fear. And those who have already completed the face of the Elder Dan are faintly proud and sneer.

The failed Xiandan divisions left the alchemy furnace one by one, and they went to the side and became the audience. The Xiandan masters who refine the Xiandan one by one took their own refining Xiandan to the referee. Respectfully put your own medicinal herbs on the table.

"The beginning of the five products, Yuan Ling Dan."

"Five products in the early stage of flame Dan."

“The five products are in the midst of the peak of Han Bing Dan.”

"Five products in the late Yuan Ling Dan."


The referee just took a glance and immediately judged the grade of Xiandan. Xu Ziyan looked at it and could not help but secretly nod. The level of the referee is really good.

At this moment, there was an emperor who had refining a fairy tale in the late stage of the five products. The surrounding monks agreed. The monk who refines the five-product late stage of the elixir is also a proud face.

At this time, I saw the monk who was the referee slamming the table and screaming at the participating Xiandan teacher standing in front of him:


This time, I couldn’t help but attract everyone’s attention. When everyone saw the immortalist who was on the table, the face was full of sorrow. At this time, the singer of the competition was a stunned look, and asked:

"Why... why?"

"Why? You asked me why?" The referee squinted and said: "If it is not the alchemy conference now, the Emperor will kill you."

The sect of the sect of the singer was a step back, but the look of a grievous expression revealed reluctance.

"I... Isn't this refining not Wupin Dan?"


"Why did you let me roll?" The anger of the elder Dan.

"You don't know yourself?"

"What do I know?"

"Who do you usually sell this medicine to?" the referee said with a sullen face.

"I..." The face of the contestant suddenly turned red.

"What's the matter?" asked a young monk who was watching the bustle and whispered inexplicably to an older monk next to him.

The older monk shook his head and whispered: "The medicinal medicine he refines is called Wai Jia Dan. It was an elixir that was accidentally invented by a nine-character Xiandan. This kind of monk is after taking it. The surface of the body produces a layer of scales that allows the monk to double the strength of the body in one hour."

The young monk’s eyes lit up: "This is a good thing!"

"But the side effects of this exogenous dandan are too strong. After taking an hour, it will be painful, and it will be stiff, that is, one year. Only then can it be restored. So this elixir is eliminated, but wonderful Yes, this elixir is not adapted, but the Yaozu is very adapted.

After the demon people took this elixir, not only did they have no side effects, but they also increased their physical strength. Of course, they would not double as much as the human race, but they would be a permanent improvement, not an hour. Therefore, the Outer Jiadan became the favorite of the Yaozu.

Therefore, this kind of external armor is called the demon by the Xiandan division, and the monk who refines this kind of immortality is also called the demon master. Despised by the Terran monks. ”

Just imagine. Such a demon singer despised by the human monks went to the alchemy assembly of the Terran monks and blatantly refining a foreign armor. Is this not a shame to the Tiandan business?

This is the slap in the face of the Tiandan business, and it is "squeaky".

The Terran and the Yaozu were originally antagonistic. You, a person who served the Yaozu, went to the alchemy assembly of the Terran to refine a foreign armor. Isn't this what it is?

"Do you understand?" The referee Xiandan teacher waited until the monk explained the explanation, and then coldly stared at the participating Xiandan division.

"I..." The Xiandan division who participated in the competition was also a young monk. The clothes on the body are very simple...the body is very strong, and a face is born with a fleshy meat, giving a feeling of fierceness, but at this time it is a grievance:

"I don't know... I was adopted by Master since I was young... This is my first time leaving the South..."

"What about your master?"


Everyone shook their heads and realized that this kid was an occlusion. This is the death of Master. I don’t know where to hear the alchemy conference, and I rushed to run. I am afraid that in his heart, I don’t know anything about the Elder Master and the Demon Master.

The referee’s face was also a slow, waving his hand. The demon master picked up the outer armor on the table and lowered his head toward the door.

"Oh... that... refining the armor..."

The demon teacher who was frustrated and walked away, looked up and looked up. He saw a beautiful woman coming towards him. A face immediately rose red again, looking at Xu Zi’s smokers who didn’t know where to go. put.

Xu Ziyan walked in front of him and stopped his footsteps: "What does this Taoist friend call?"

"Below... under... Gaosen."

"Yes, I want to buy your Wai Jia Dan, do you still have it?"

"You want to buy ... outside Jia Dan?" Gao Sen slammed Xu Ziyan, heart, how to see each other is not a Yaozu!

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

Gao Sen looked around and saw that everyone was staring at him, and he could not help but feel guilty. At this time, he also understood his identity and status. I am afraid that he is here a role that everyone calls.

"This one……"

Outer Jiadan does have his storage ring, but in the eyes of the public, where can he dare to say?

Just refining one, it was despised by the people here. If you put out a bunch of it again, then it’s not the oil in the fire, maybe you might meet a few grumpy monks, and you will kill yourself here. .

No, I can’t say anything.

"Fairy... I have this one..."

"Really not?"

Xu Ziyan looked up and down Gao Sen, and his eyes revealed doubts. Just now she was already listening to it. Gao Sen is a demon teacher who specializes in refining the outer armor. Will there be only one foreign armor?

Most of them are in the storage ring, but they dare not say...

However, this does not matter, Xu Ziyan pointed to the outside of his hand, said: "This foreign Jia Dan I bought, and then you give me some refining."

Gao Sen’s look was obviously hesitant, but in the end he still gnawed his teeth: “Do you really want to buy a foreign armor?”

"Of course, how many do you have?"

Gao Sen looked at his storage ring with his gods, and then looked at the monks around him. This was a bit guilty:

"Not less than one hundred."

"Well, I have to, you offer it!"


Gao Sen’s mouth opened his mouth and made an unconscious voice. The monks around him also looked at Xu Ziyan with surprise.

Everyone's eyes are focused on Xu Ziyan's body. Even the monks scan Xu Ziyan with the gods. Do you suspect that Xu Ziyan is a Yaozu?

If it is human beings, what do you want to do?

And still so much...

Is she a mixed-minded demon who has come in, and everyone can't see his true body with his knowledge?

Is this certainly not something humans can do?

The side effects of the external armor have just been clearly stated by the monk! Isn’t a human being will spend a hundred yuan on the outside of the sapphire to eat and play?

You must know that eating a foreign methadone will take a year, who has nothing to do with this hobby, playing with it?

A few grumpy monks thought about going forward and Xu Ziyan, trying to catch Xu Ziyan. But considering that this is the alchemy conference held by the Tiandan Commercial Bank, it still restrains itself. But that pair of eyes was fiercely locked by Xu Ziyan.

The late Emperor of the Emperor looked up and down Xu Ziyan, determined that Xu Ziyan was not a Yaozu, his face could not help but slow down, and shook his head at the same time, his face showed a trace of regret.

Whose child is this beautiful, how is it so stupid?


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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