I am very grateful to the thousands of students (1888), marlina students (200), mableip students (100), the youth students I missed (100), and the rest of the 123 students (100)!


At this time, the Emperor of the Emperor had already wanted to understand, and this gimmick must have thought of buying these squadrons to feed their own pets.

There are many monks in the fairyland who have raised the demon pets, some are the demon pets of the fighting type, and some are the demon pets of the generation. For example, many monks raise the cranes, and nothing to sit on the cranes to save themselves.

In the past, no one has used his own armor to feed his own pets, especially the monks who raised the fighting monsters, and they want to enhance their fighting power through this method.

But then the monks found that this method did not work, because the external armor will not only enhance the body strength of the Yaozu, but also make the demon who constantly take the outside Jiadan become violent. Gradually, the demon pet will be separated from the control of the monk, and the monk will spend a great deal on the body of the demon pet.

Therefore, when it came later, this foreign Jiadan was really abandoned by the Terran. The Yaozu does not care about those, as long as the strength becomes stronger, they can become violent regardless of their temper.


The Yaozu was originally a place where the weak meat was strong.

At this time, all the monks in the room thought about it, and looked at Xu Ziyan's eyes with pity.

This is the unlucky child of the family. I don’t know the strength of the external armor. I also want to use the outer armor to feed the pet. Didn't her adult have told her?

Just think about it. Outer Jiadan has not appeared in the Terran for a long time, and her family has forgotten to say that it is normal. The referee’s heart was full of contempt for the adults of Xu Ziyan and Xu Ziyan’s family, looking at Xu Ziyan’s faint saying:

"I advise you not to buy those exoskeleton Dan, to save your home adult beat you!"

"Ha ha ha..."

There was a sneer around. Everyone thought that Xu Ziyan was a child who was not sensible. He heard that the late monk was very interesting. He remembered that such a beautiful woman was looked like by her family and could not help but laugh.

Xu Ziyan’s heart was not happy when he arrived. What do you mean?

What do I buy for my fairy crystals? Why do you care about things? I also said that adults come home beat me, my family adults who would beat me?

I was ridiculed by a group of people, and it was also a fire on whoever. Xu Ziyan really wants to get angry, but when she thinks of Liu Jinsong’s embarrassment, Xu Ziyan’s heart does not want to cause trouble for Liu Jinsong. She takes a breath and feels unhappy in her heart, and her face becomes faint:

"My thing, I can be the master!"

The meaning of Xu Ziyan’s words is very clear, that is, my purchase of Wai Jia Dan is my own business. My family will not take care of you, and I will not do anything about you.

This faint look and the hard words made the laughter around them come to an abrupt end, and everyone's eyes could not help but look at the late monk.

The late monk of the Emperor of the Emperor immediately blushes, and he reminds himself with kindness, even if it is a little ridiculous, then what?

Your own cultivation is higher than you, and you are older than you. Even if you ridicule a few words for you, why are you so ignorant?

If this happened in the case of only him and Xu Ziyan, maybe he would leave his sleeves. But now, after hundreds of monks and gaze, he will not come to Taiwan, and his face will be black.

"You are a human traitor?"

Xu Ziyan heard it as a glimpse. Some of her did not understand, how did she become a human traitor?

"Don't pretend to be innocent!" The eyes of the late Emperor of the Emperor were full of contempt, the kind of contempt for garbage:

"Here are all wise people. Do you think that you can deceive everyone with your tricks? Are you buying a foreign armor for the Yaozu? You are a human being, and you are colluding with the Yaozu. Do you not know shame?" ”

Xu Ziyan heard this later. Can't help but look at the late Emperor, is this person kicked by the hoof of the monster? I only bought some foreign Jia Dan, and I was given a human traitor, a big hat of the demon!

Should you be so embarrassed?

Do you have to explain some of your own purchases? I also want to tell you that this ex-jiadan is an essential medicine for refining the body of Dan.

In fact, Xu Ziyan remembered that at the first sight of the foreign Jia Dan, he got a sputum flower in Huo Rongshan. That phlegm flower is the main medicine for refining the body of Dan. However, two other medicinal herbs are needed as adjuvants.

The refining method of Refining Dan is completely different from the refining of other elixir. The first is to refine a stagnation of stagnation. Then you need two kinds of elixir, one is exogenous dan, and the other is medlar. Finally, put these three kinds of elixir into the alchemy furnace for fusion, and merge them into one place, which is the refining body Dan.

"Do you have a traitor in this demon?"

To tell the truth, the late Emperor of the Emperor did not think that Xu Ziyan was a traitor to the Terran, but he had a thought in his heart that Xu Ziyan had a meal. Since she let herself not go to the stage in public, she will teach me a lesson. Even if her family came, she would be angry with her when she saw her purchase of a foreigner. She would not be like this to herself. Maybe she would remind her to thank her.


Xu Ziyan was really defeated by him. This person actually showed himself a big hat under the eyes of the public. It seems that this fairyland is what he said. He said who is the spy of the Yaozu, who must admit .

Xu Ziyan is really interested in losing his speech, and he can't communicate with such a arrogant madness. Turned to look at Gaosen Road:

"Go, let's go outside and trade!"

But she didn't want to make trouble, she wanted to get out of here, but the Emperor did not do it later. At this time, he saw Xu Ziyan's appearance of patience. Of course, he thought that Xu Ziyan was guilty, and his eyes could not help but brighten. Could it be said that this woman is really a spy of the Yaozu?

If she is really a spy of the Yaozu, she exposes her in public, and her face is exposed!

"Where are you going?"

The eyes of the late Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor locked Xu Ziyan and sullenly said: "Hello, you dare to openly go to our Tiandan business, and it is really high-profile."


Xu Ziyan is really speechless. I can't talk to myself. I can't talk without leaving. I can't live this day.

Gao Sen on the side was frightened, and there was some resentment in his heart. I have been hated by everyone just now. Fortunately, I just rushed myself and didn’t kill myself. But now that Xu Ziyan has been detained with a hat of a genie, can he still live?

Here is the alchemy conference, a bunch of great monks.

I can bear this myself...

Well, this girl who wants to buy her own squadron is so young, and she will not be taller. Isn’t that looking for death?

"Fairy... Fairy..." Gao Sen said: "I... I don't sell it..."

"Not sold?"

Xu Ziyan was anxious. Although the herbs for refining the outer Jiadan were not scarce, they were found in the southern Yaozu territory, but they did not. Xu Ziyan's space is full of rare herbs, and the general herbs are really not. Do you want to refine the good-looking methadone in front of you, but you have to go to the southern demon territory to pick herbs? When Xu Ziyan arrived, he grabbed Gao Sen’s arm:

"No, you sell it today, you don't have to sell it!"


Gao Sen was panicked and was really scared. He couldn't see through the cultivation of Xu Ziyan, that is, the cultivation of Xu Ziyan was higher than him. Look at the look of Xu Ziyan, if she does not sell it to her, she will kill her own heart. But if you sell it to her, I am afraid that other monks will kill themselves.

Gao Sen’s eyes are wet and crying...

"Don't cry, no one dares to move you!"

Xu Ziyan really fired this time, and the other party wanted to bite like a mad dog and still not let go. Although I promised Liu Jinsong not to cause trouble, but can't I be bullied like this?

Xu Ziyan turned his head and his face smiled with a sincere smile: "Is it sick?"

"what did you say?"

The late monk of the Emperor of the Emperor was looking proudly at Xu Ziyan, and he said that I couldn’t play you. Suddenly I heard the words of Xu Ziyan, and almost did not believe in my ears. Someone dared to say this to the Xiandan division of his Tiandan firm at the alchemy conference.

Xu Ziyan still smiled and said: "I mean that since your head is sick, don't give up treatment!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha..." The monk in the room couldn't help but laughed.

"You... dare to say it again?" The late monk of the Emperor Xian stood up and screamed.

Xu Ziyan looked at the other side with pity, but spit out a word that made the other party explode: "Dare!"

The emperor's late monk's chest was violently undulating, and he has not been so humiliated in his life. Where can I still control myself?

The power around the body fluctuated sharply, and he wanted to kill the woman who dared to humiliate him on the spot.

Xu Ziyan licked her mouth. She really didn't put a late emperor in her eyes. As long as he dared to do it, she wouldn't mind teaching him a meal.


The flames of the late monk of the Emperor of the Emperor came out with a flame, and a fire dragon was born around the body, whistling toward Xu Ziyan.


Not waiting for the purple smoke to start, he took a monk from the back of Xu Ziyan, reached out a hand, and gathered a big hand in the air, screaming and fanning the past, the fan of the fire dragon was dissipated, and the fan went away. Then I saw that the late monk was flying up in the fan, slammed into the wall behind him, and spewed three feet of blood in his mouth.

This sudden appearance scared Xu Ziyan, I thought it was Liu Jinsong, and I was still thinking that your old man said that I should not cause trouble, you are more fierce than anyone else.


When she saw the person standing beside her, the heart was a bit weird.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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