The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2040: A word room

I am very grateful to Hua Weiqing (1888), Xinghaiyun (200), puffy classmates (100), marlina classmates (100), shannee classmates (100), mortals? ? Classmates (100), mableip classmates (100) reward!


At this time, Situ Ming could not wait to go to the late Emperor.

Nima, do you want to die, don't drag the Tiandan business to die together? Xu Ziyan, a congenital Xiandan teacher will be a demon traitor? Will it be a traitor to the Terran?

You don't want to be so rich and will die?

The late monk of the Emperor of the Immortal was originally slapped by Sai Ding. At this time, he saw the anger in Situ Ming’s eyes. His legs were soft and his body was awkward, and he almost fell to the ground:

"The patriarch, heard the explanation..."

"Well, I will give you an opportunity to explain!"

Although Situ Ming’s face is hard to read, he also hopes that his men can have a plausible explanation, otherwise this is really not easy.

"The patriarch... She bought nearly a hundred out of the armor at once... I was kind enough at the beginning..."

The late monk of the Emperor of the Emperor was extremely uneasy and stuttered to say things again. He did not dare to distort the facts. He did not dare to change the dialogue between him and Xu Ziyan, but added some of his heart. The description of the activity, anyway, is to make yourself as good as possible, and to say that the purple smoke is a demon traitor is just an unintentional slip.

But who are Liu Jinsong and Situ Ming?

Which one is not a monster level?

Where is the focus of the matter, how can they not hear it?

The whole thing is nothing more than that the Emperor feels that Xu Ziyan bought his face on the spot. Then he fell into the Xu Ziyan is a genie.

The face of this lower syllabus is even worse. It is obvious that this is a loss for himself. Don’t say that he was slap in the face, that is, he gave the death of the Tiandan firm.

And this thing is not handled well. The situation does not yet know which direction to develop. Situ Ming immediately decisively turned to Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Daoyou, this is the mistake of their Tiandan business. I will give you a reasonable compensation. At the same time, he will also hand it over to you, and I will deal with it. I have no opinion."

Xu Ziyan looked at Situ Ming, and looked at the late Emperor, and there were some difficulties in his heart. The emperor is a mouthful, but he has been repaired by Sading. If he is divided into difficulties, is this a bit of a slap in the face?

After all, people are happy to hold a alchemy conference...

"Forget it..." Xu Ziyan shook his head in a depressed mood.

"Oh..." Situ Ming did not expect that Xu Ziyan would forget this, and hurriedly shouted to the Emperor:

"Not yet to apologize to Xu Daoyou?"

"Forget it..."

Xu Ziyan had some lack of interest. She was really rare. The monk who had been kicked by the enchanted hoof had apologized to her. I don't know if the problem of his brain's lack of oxygen will spread. Then he waved his sleeves and walked toward the door.

Gao Sen’s head was also opened at this time. He knew that he was very unpopular here, and the source of this matter was caused by him. He is really afraid that he will go out alone now and be secretly done by the monks of the Tiandan firm. So he followed closely behind Xu Ziyan.

Out of the T-box room, Xu Ziyan lived in the footsteps and sighed at the Ding: "Sa Shibo, thank you!"

Sading immediately opened his eyes and smiled, knowing that the gap between himself and Xu Ziyan dissipated. Immediately face justice:

"This is what Shibo should do. No one can bully our disciples of Cangwu. Ziyan, there is something in the future, even though Shibo said, Shibo will help you."

"Thank you, Shi Bo!" Xu Ziyan had to thank him once again.

Sading also knew that everything should be done, and he said with a smile: "You young people are walking around, I will talk to Liu Zongzhu!"

Sading took Liu Jinsong away, Xu Ziyan came to sit in a seat, and Gao Sen also hurriedly sat down in the seat next to Xu Ziyan, looking at Xu Ziyan pitifully.

Situ Ming looked at Xu Ziyan, who was sitting there, and sighed in his heart. Hurry to leave. He knew he was bleeding. How can I give Xu Ziyan some compensation, otherwise I can't fix the relationship between the two people.

Xu Ziyan talked more than Liu Jinsong. Situ Ming asked Liu Jinsong every question, and Liu Jinsong took it with him. It is much easier to communicate with Xu Ziyan. Although Xu Ziyan also hides a lot of things, at the very least, he is willing to give one or two points. And Xu Ziyan's attitude is not as proud as Liu Jinsong.

If Xu Zizhi alienated him because of this incident, Situ Ming really wanted to kill him. Thinking of this, I looked back at the Emperor who was stupid there, and snorted in the heart:

"There is nothing wrong with the success, waiting for the end of the alchemy conference to clean up."

"High Road Friends..."

"In!" Gao Sen stood up from the chair and looked at Xu Ziyan respectfully.

Gao Sen’s action made Xu Ziyan jump down and waved and said with a smile: “You sit down.”

"Yes!" Gao Sen sat down cautiously, and he didn't dare to sit down. He only took half a butt.

"Don't be so nervous!" Xu Ziyan was speechless: "I just want to complete a deal with you."

"Oh oh..." Gao Sen hurriedly took out a storage bag and handed it to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan took the storage bag and took out a few jade bottles inside. After checking one by one, this was collected:

"You open a price!"


"Forget it!" Xu Ziyan saw Gao Sen's cautious expression, he knew that he did not dare to offer the price, and directly took out a storage ring and threw it to the other side:

"So be it!"

Gao Sen caught the storage ring, and the gods swept inside, and there was a surprise on his face. The price given by Xu Ziyan is even higher than the price he sold to the Yaozu.

"Right!" Xu Ziyan suddenly remembered something: "Do you have a nail?"


Xu Ziyan’s eyes lit up: “How many? I bought it.”

This time, Gao Sen no longer hesitated, and immediately took out a few jade bottles and handed them to Xu Ziyan. After Xu Ziyan checked one by one, his face showed a satisfactory smile. Also paid to Gao Sen Xian Jing. That Takamori also sat there happily.

"Xu Daoyou!"

Situ Ming took a storage ring in his hand and walked to the side of Xu Ziyan to sit down and handed it to Xu Ziyan:

"This is a compensation you must accept."

"This is no longer necessary!"

Xu Ziyan is a sincere dejection. Last time, thanks to Situ Ming, he had enough to refine the demon skin and blood of the nine bells. In the heart of Xu Ziyan. Situ Ming is a good person.

"Must take it!"

Situ Ming’s attitude is very determined. If Xu Ziyan does not accept compensation, how can he ask Xu Ziyan again in the future?

Xu Ziyan looked at the storage ring with difficulty and didn't even look at it. Situ Ming is a look of excitement. At this time, where is he still like a nine-product late peak Xiandan division? Where is the patriarch of a Tiandan business?

At this time, he is like a disciple in the face of the teacher, with his hands on his head: "Xu Daoyou, do you want to see the alchemy competition?"

Xu Ziyan glanced at the T-word: "Don't go..."

Situ Ming almost raised his hand to give himself a slap at this time. This is really a pot that does not open the pot. Xu Ziyan just had a conflict between the T-words. She also asked her to go to the game. Isn’t this a pumping?

The eyeball turned and said: "Xu Daoyou, do you want to go to the A word? There is Danfang that our Tiandan business bank has not researched for decades. This time, let us refine it. If you want to give pointers a bit?"

Xu Ziyan also raised interest in listening to it. I don’t know what Danfang has allowed Tiandan Commercial Bank to study for decades and have not yet refine it. Then he nodded:

"Good! Let's go see!"

Xu Ziyan got up and followed Situ Ming and walked over to the A word. When he entered the word, he saw that there was a lot less in the Xiandan division, only twenty people. And most of them are some elderly Xiandan divisions. Seeing their alchemy techniques, they know that the worst of these 20 people is also the eight-piece Xiandan division, and several others are Jiu Pin Xian Dan.

Xu Ziyan and Situ Ming walked into the word. There are more than twenty elixir teachers inside who don’t look at them. They are all in the alchemy.

Some Xiandan divisions are in the state of alchemy. Some Xiandan divisions are there to regulate the herbs. At first glance, the refining has failed. Some Xiandan divisions are sitting around and thinking about it.

In the A-character room, there are also several Tiandan merchants who are standing by and watching. These Xiandan divisions are the people who studied this Danfang for decades in the Tiandan business. They stood here and wanted to watch these elixir. Can you get some inspiration during the process of practicing alchemy?

"The patriarch is good!" Several Xiandan divisions of Tiandan Commercial Bank saw Situ Ming coming in and hurriedly lowered his voice.

“Yeah!” Situ Ming nodded gently. “Is there any inspiration?”

A white-haired old man shook his head and said, "No, we have used the techniques they used."

Having said that, the old man paused and said: "Wu Chu seems to have some inspiration."

"Well?" Situ Ming eyebrows pick one. There was a hint of surprise on his face.

"He is over there!"

Xu Ziyan also looked at the old man's gaze. I saw a young monk who was doing alchemy there.

"That is my disciple!" Situ Ming’s face showed a smug look, and he turned his head and whispered to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan looked at the young man's alchemy technique and nodded slightly: "Not bad!"

The Xiandan divisions of those Tiandan merchants looked at Xu Ziyan strangely, and said in the heart: "Who is this? So young. Evaluation of Wu Chu is like an elder."

To know that Wu Chu is not just as simple as Situ Ming’s disciple, it can be said that Wu Chu is the most talented person in the entire Tiandan business. The age of more than 20,000 years is already eight products.

This is a miracle for Tiandan Commercial Bank!

In the view of Tiandan Commercial Bank, Wu Chu’s talent and realm in alchemy is that the disciples of the nine major sects are not opponents. Of course, Situ Ming will not think so again after seeing Xu Ziyan.

However, other people don't know Xu Ziyan?


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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