The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2041: Wan Lingdan

However, Situ Ming naturally would not introduce Xu Ziyan to those people, and he did not dare when Xu Ziyan did not agree. However, at this time, his evaluation of his disciple Wu Chu was a bit higher, because the innate Xing Dan Shi Xu Ziyan said "good." In the heart of excitement, he has decided to increase the intensity of training Wu Chu.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes left Wu Chu at this time, but looked at the Xiandan divisions who were sitting there thinking and meditation, and next to them there were herbs for refining the elixir.

As soon as I saw the herbs, Xu Ziyan’s mouth could not help but show a smile. She knew that it was the herbal medicine for refining the panacea.

Wan Ling Dan is not an elixir for the monks, but an immortal to improve the land. A panacea can improve the 10,000-acre field, and the improved field can be used to open a medicinal garden.

It is necessary to know that such a large gate like the Nine Zongmen will naturally lack the superior Xiantian, but for the small and medium-sized sects, the special small sects of the small sects are rare, not to mention the side gates or the family. It is only a medium-sized Xiantian, and most of them are inferior Xiantian.

But a panacea can solve this problem, and a panacea can upgrade a thousand acres of Xiantian. Of course, it is also time-sensitive, and a panacea can last for one month.

If this panacea is refining, it is definitely a gospel of the immortal world, which will cause a sensation and snapping of the entire fairy world.

Xu Ziyan also refining this kind of panacea before, but did not think of selling it, just throw it casually into the storage ring. Because she is in the nine major sects, she has never lacked the superior Xiantian.

All the Danfangs in Xu Ziyan's inheritance are very detailed. It is not only the simple preparation of the herbal medicine for refining the elixir, but also the refining method. The order in which the herbs are placed, the heat, etc. are very detailed. Therefore, as long as Xu Ziyan is in the realm, her problem is only a proficient problem.

Other monks are different. It is often just a simple Dan List of herbs, which requires constant research.

For example, Pantheon is really difficult to refine, and it requires twenty-seven kinds of herbs. And it is not the kind of elixir that can be refined when thrown into the alchemy furnace.

Refining Wan Ling Dan is very complicated, not just the problem of placing twenty-seven kinds of herbs in order. There is also the timing of placing the latter herb in the first herb.

For example, when the fourth herb is added to the grass, it is necessary to disintegrate the third herb into 40%, which is not more than a little, and less. And when each herb is placed, the degree of decomposition of the herb in front of it has different requirements.

Imagine the order of the twenty-seven kinds of herbs, the heat problem of each kind of herb, as long as there is a problem with it, the panacea will fail to refine. Then he slammed and exploded.

Fortunately, the explosion power of Wan Lingdan is very small, and it can only be used to blow up the herbs in the alchemy furnace into powder, which will make the alchemy fail, but it will not bring any danger to the monk.

In fact, even with these difficulties, these Xiandan divisions of Tiandan Commercial Bank have been trying for decades and should be able to slowly try them out. The reason why they are still in failure is because the refining of this panacea has a strict requirement for the temperature of the fire, that is, the temperature of the fire changes with each herb.

The level of Wan Ling Dan is not high. There are only seven products. As long as you master the order of the herbs, the degree of decomposition, the temperature and other issues, you can use the seven-product alchemy handcuffs to refine it.

Therefore, it is a kind of elixir with a high grade, but it is difficult to refine.

And there is a very small chance to make Wan Ling Dan into a poisonous Dan.

When the eighth herb and the ninth herb are reversed in order, and when the eighth herb is placed, the ninth herb that is put in first is broken down by 60%, and if the temperature is just right, it will Wan Ling Dan is made into a poisonous Dan.

Although this probability is extremely small, once the poisonous Dan is refining. It is extremely harmful. Almost no solution. Only rely on the extremely slow time to solve.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept over those Xiandan divisions, and there was a trace of worry in his heart.

"Don't be so smart..."

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and thought that it was dangerous to refine this immortal. If you happen to refine a million poisonous Dan here, the garden-like Tiandan firm will be destroyed. Will become a Jedi.

More than a Tiandan business, I am afraid that the entire Tiandan City will become a Jedi.

But this matter cannot be said with Situ Ming. Do you want to tell Situ Ming, you should not refine this immortal. This kind of immortal is not a good smelt. If you don't, it will turn you into a Jedi.

Such a thing……

Will it be a bit too shameful?


At this time, a Xiandan teacher frowned, and Xu Ziyan, who was thinking about it, was shocked. Fortunately, there was no danger in the Wanlingdan fryer, just let the Xiandan division have some gray face.


There are two more Xiandan division frying furnaces. Not only those who are fried in the frying furnace, but also the face of Situ Ming is not good.


At this time, a cicada came from the ear, and the look of Xu Ziyan was a glimpse.

This is the voice of Jie Dan, the last handcuffs in the completion of alchemy, the sound of this handcuffs, which means that the refining of medicinal herbs is successful.

Xu Ziyan had not had time to see who sent the knot, and he heard the heavy breathing business beside him. Looking around in a hurry, Situ Ming, who was on the side, was shaking with a slight tremor, and his mouth was even more excited and whispered:

"Successful! Really successful! Wan Lingdan, who has been plagued for decades in the fairy world, has finally been refining successfully, and it has been successfully refining by my disciples..."

"Wu Chu succeeded? Really fake?"

Xu Ziyan immediately turned to Wu Chu. At this time, Wu Chuzheng finished the last handcuffs and took back his hand, waiting for the final heating into Dan. However, the face has been irresistibly showing an excited look.


Many of the Elder Masters heard the sound of this knot, and all of them were excited, and there were mistakes in their hands. There was a frying sound in the whole room.

However, at this time no one cares about the fryer, and everyone's eyes are focused on Wu Chu. It was Situ Ming and those of the Tiandan Commercial Bank who were also rushing around Wu Chu, staring at the alchemy furnace.

Xu Ziyan also walked away, but there were too many people around Wu Chu at this time. Xu Ziyan had to stand outside and tilt his feet and look inside.

"Wu Chu, great! It is the most genius of our Tiandan business!" A Xiandan division of Tiandan Commercial Bank happily patted Wu Chu's shoulder.

"Wu Chu, I really didn't think that you have reached such a realm. It seems that the patriarch should pay more attention to you."

"You can't say this, Master Joe, Master has taken care of me. My achievements today are taught by Master..."

"Wu Chu, the patriarch teaches more disciples, why is it that you are so outstanding, or your talent and qualifications are good. This time you are not as simple as refining Wan Lingdan, but refining a lost fairy. With this, you can surpass those of the big disciples.

No, the elders of the big gates may not be like you! ”

The Xiandan division of Tiandan Commercial Bank excitedly praised Wu Chu. Everyone felt that this was not only the honor of Wu Chu alone, but the honor of the entire Tiandan firm.

Beside them, of course, there are those monks who are not the business of Tiandan. Although those Xiandan teachers heard the bragging of these elixirs in the Tiandan business, their faces are very unsightly. But people are refining Wan Lingdan. How can you be unhappy? How can people blow in front of you?

At this time, Wu Chu extinguished the fire, opened the furnace cover, and took out an emerald green from the inside.

"Wow, it really is a panacea!" There was a sigh of praise around.

"Chu, it’s doing very well!"

Situ Ming has forced himself to calm down at this time, but his face is still reddish. He can't be excited. Tiandan's business is based on alchemy. Alchemy of course requires herbal medicine, and the cultivation of herbs is of course inseparable from the medicine garden.

However, the drug garden of Tiandan Commercial Bank is only a medium-sized Xiantian. With Wanlingdan, it is possible to upgrade the middle Xiantian to the superior Xiantian, which will undoubtedly make the strength of Tiandan Commercial Bank have a big outbreak.

What's more, the disciplining of Wan Lingdan is his disciple. A young disciple of 20,000 years old can refine the lost Wan Ling Dan and refine many Wan Ling Dan who are hard to live in the Xiandan division. Come out, how can he not be excited as a master?

"Master, this is your teaching!"

"Oh..." Situ Ming smiled happily: "Chu, you have a tendency to be blue and better than blue. This Master of Masters has not refining, and will work harder later, maybe you will become a congenital Xiandan Division, surpassing Master. Master is very much looking forward to your achievements."

Situ Ming is really happy, not only because Wu Chu will refine the Wan Lingdan that has plagued Tiandan Commercial Bank for decades. The key is that the time for refining is just right, just above the alchemy conference.

This is too faceless!

It is necessary to know that this alchemy conference is the grandest one. Not only are the heavyweight figures coming from all the sects, but even the congenital Xiandan master Dan Zongzhu Liu Jinsong has come.

In such a grand occasion, his disciples refine the Wan Lingdan, which was lost in the fairy world. It is definitely a great improvement to the reputation of the Tiandan firm, so that the monks of the big gates will never dare to look down on Tiandan again. Business.

After seeing these big gates, dare to send another disciple to attend the alchemy conference?


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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