The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2042: Also caused trouble

I am very grateful to Jin Tianfei (588), Jie Yi (200), An Yanyan (100), Marlina (100), Hua Weiqing (100), mableip (100)!


Situ Ming’s eyes seem to have shown that the alchemy conference of Tianfu Commercial Bank has been in the same position as Dan’s alchemy conference since then...

"Thank you Master!"

Wu Chu gave Situ Ming a courtesy, and the voice revealed modesty, but the eyes could not help but show his pride. In today's scene, he knows that he wants to make a name.

His reputation has not been confined to their level since this moment, but will be passed between the sects.


Isn't Liu Jinsong and some other Zongmen Xiandan teachers coming in?

"Stuart chief, I heard that the refining of Wan Lingdan was successful here?" Liu Jinsong asked as he walked in.

"Yes, Liu Zongzhu, you have come to see!"

Situ Ming said excitedly, the monks around him flashed to the two sides to give Liu Jinsong and other Zongmen Xiandan divisions a way. Liu Jinsong, Sa Ding and others came in and saw a verdant hand held by Wu Chu at this time. Dan medicine.

Liu Jinsong’s eyes are bright. He just glanced at it and determined that it was Wan Ling Dan. It was exactly the same as the legendary Wan Ling Dan’s appearance, and the faint medicinal fragrance that came out was also the legendary taste. .

"Congratulations to the Stuart patriarch, you have received a good disciple."

Liu Jinsong felt a little bit of emotion and reached his realm. There is a strong desire to find a disciple who inherits his own clothes, and see Wu Wu, who is instrumental, and Liu Jinsong is envious of Situ Ming for the first time.

"Thank you!"

Situ Ming’s mouth could not be closed, so that a congenital Xiandan teacher envied. How much honor is this! Cool in my heart!

"Chu, don't talk now, immediately record all the details in the jade. Remember, don't miss any details."

"It's Master!"

Wu Chu smiled very slyly. Then gently put the panacea on a jade dish beside the alchemy furnace to continue the exhibition, and he took out a jade slip on the eyebrow, while recalling the details, while these details Recorded in the jade slip.

Situ Ming looked at his disciple with relief and waited quietly. The details of refining the panacea are naturally not known to others.


Standing on the back of Xu Ziyan's face showed a trace of uneasiness, she felt a trace of danger, slightly sniffed, his face changed color.

A very light rot of the taste sucked into the heart and lungs of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s gaze fell on the Wan Ling Dan on the jade plate.


Xu Ziyan looked at the panacea on the jade dish, his look was awkward, and the cold hair was upside down.

This is this... Where is the panacea, it is clearly the poisonous Dan. Don't look at it, it's just a little remedy, but it can turn the entire city of Tiandan into a Jedi, and it doesn't last for a month like Wan Lingdan, but it lasts for a long time. It is very long, and I don’t know when it will end.

Whenever and wherever, destruction comes more thoroughly than construction.

"The whole Wu Chu's fate is really great! Such a small chance can be met by him!"

For a moment, Xu Ziyan didn’t know how to say it. At this time, everyone’s situation was extremely dangerous. When the poisonous dan was bursting, don’t look at the many monks who had a lot of sacred monarchs. I am afraid that they would survive at that time. There are not a few, even if they survive, the realm will fall.

Look at those people. I laughed so happy around a million poisonous Dan...

Xu Ziyan was a little distracted at this time. If the big monks knew that they were standing around a poisonous Dan at this time, I don’t know what the expression on their faces would look like?

At this time, Wu Chu is fully reminiscing about the details of refining Wan Ling Dan... Wan Dudan, Situ Ming is pondering how to use this matter to push the reputation of Tiandan Commercial Bank to a peak. Other monks are also thinking about whether it is possible to buy this method of refining Wan Ling Dan at a large price. No one pays attention to the fact that the original green color of Wan Ling Dan begins to appear in a very small black. Silk thread...

It is the very thin black line that oozes out. Let Wan Lingdan begin to transform into the poisonous Dan...

According to the theory of alchemy, after a medicinal herb is released, his color will not change any more, but at this time, the black color of the elixir is constantly magnifying.

The most frightening thing is that the original faint smell of decay is gradually expanding...

Xu Ziyan immediately took out a detoxification agent and swallowed it. After taking this Xiandan Xu Ziyan, he gently breathed a sigh of relief. The elixir that Xu Ziyan took was extraordinary, called Wan Jie Dan. It is an antidote that can relieve any toxins in the human body, and its refining is no less difficult than Wanling.

However, even Wan Jie Dan can only remove the toxins of the poisonous dans in the heart and lungs. If this venom is eaten, even Wan Jie Dan can't save the life of that person.

At this time, the monks in this room were almost all Xiandan divisions. If they were normal, they had already found something wrong. But at this time their hearts are not here, each has its own mind. Even Liu Jinsong is there to figure out how to get the refining method of Wan Lingdan. The nine major sects are not lacking in the superior Xiantian, but even the superior Xiantian needs maintenance! Therefore, no one noticed the change of the panacea.

"The trouble is big!"

Xu Ziyan knew that he could not wait any longer. He extended his hands and pushed the Xiandan masters in front of him and rushed toward them.

"What do you squeeze?"

"I really have no quality!"

"Whose child is this?"

At this time, Xu Ziyan had already squeezed into the front of the poisonous Dan, and took out a jade bottle and aimed at the poisonous Dan, sucking the poisonous Dan into the bottle, and then quickly Cover the cover.

All the monks are stupid...

At this point everyone’s heart has a thought: “This is robbing!”

Sa Ding’s head was not enough at the time. He didn't understand how Xu Ziyan started to rob himself so brazenly? I just helped myself in the T-word, because it is on my side.

This time it is obvious... the reason is not on your side...

How to do?

Liu Jinsong is also stupid...

Didn't you tell her not to make trouble? Have the grace of a big door! Even if you want Wan Ling Dan, you can't grab it...

How to do?

Situ Ming is also annoyed, even if you are a purple smoke from the Cangzong. Even if you are a purple smoker, you can't be so overbearing?

He almost wanted to shoot, but suddenly stopped, because he saw a strange thing at this time. Then Xu Ziyan put the Wan Ling Dan into the jade bottle. It didn't close up, but it took out a slightly larger jade bottle and put the small jade bottle with the panacea in the big jade bottle.

This is not finished yet, Xu Ziyan quickly and constantly took out a jade bottle, but a jade bottle is bigger than a jade bottle, a jade bottle set a jade bottle, a full set of nearly 20, only spit out a breath, It will not be called jade bottle at this time. And something that should be called a jade cylinder is placed on the ground.

"Xu Daoyou, what are you doing?" At this time, Situ Ming’s heart was not so angry, but strange, wondering why Xu Ziyan was so nervous?

He really can't figure it out. Even if it has a strong volatility, it is afraid that it will be left outside for a long time and lose its medicinal properties.


The herbs that refine the panacea are not expensive. It is just hard to refine. Now Wu Chu has mastered the method of refining, and refining is no longer a problem. As for this?

its not right! Xu Ziyan itself is a congenital Xiandan teacher, she will not know this?

"This is not a panacea..."

Xu Ziyan felt temporarily safe, and this was a long sigh of relief.

"You said this is not a panacea?"

A high-pitched voice sounded up, Wu Chu's face was red, and his eyes were waiting for Xu Ziyan. If his eyes could kill, I am afraid that Xu Ziyan had already been smashed by Wu Chu's eyes.

In fact, this does not blame Wu Chu angry.

The elixir that Tiandan Commercial Bank did not refine in decades has been refining it. And in the important event of the alchemy conference, the effect of the two superpositions is enough to make him famous.

And this kind of medicinal medicine is bound to be widely circulated. Which monk does not open a few acres of Xiantian! As long as you open the Xiantian, you will have to use the panacea. Wu Chu's name will follow the name of Wan Ling Dan, and it will be passed on forever. Who would not cherish this opportunity of wealth and reputation?

And Xu Ziyan said, "This is not a panacea," he ruthlessly crushed his dream, and ruined everything he had.

Who can't stand this situation, in Wu Chu's opinion. This young woman should be jealous and mad at making such crazy things.

Xu Ziyan was dumbfounded. In her identity, she naturally would not go to Wu Chu, but said to Situ Ming in good faith:

"Actually, you should thank me. I have avoided a big trouble for you and avoided the catastrophe of the destruction of the Tiandan business."


Situ Ming's face became iron blue, and the surrounding Xiandan divisions also cast a contemptuous look toward Xu Ziyan.

This... the skin is too thick, right?

Just use a dozen bottles to put a medicinal medicine up, and avoid a disaster in which the Tiandan business was destroyed. Would you like to be a little bigger and say that you saved the Upper Yuan Dynasty?

"Give me death!"

Wu Chu is really angry, what does this gimmick mean? That means nothing more than the reinvention of this panacea to the Tiandan business bank. This is the biggest filth and humiliation for him. If you endure such things, don’t take your own attitude, how can you do it in the future? Mixed?

Immediately in the air, a flame knife was condensed, and the smoke was smashed toward Xu Zi.

Xu Ziyan certainly does not put the opponent's attack in his eyes. The flame knife is very weak in Xu Ziyan's eyes. He waved a water curtain and wrapped the flame knife inside. Then the flame knife was silent. The ground dissipated.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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