The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2043: Wan Dudan

When I saw the immortality, Wu Chu was also anxious. The teeth and claws flew over to Xu Ziyan, and I punched the face of Xu Ziyan with a punch.


Xu Ziyan lifted his leg and gave Wu Chu back, and then threw a fixed body, and gave Wu Chu there.

Silent and silent all around.

No one thought that Xu Ziyan would be so embarrassed, grabbed the people and did not say anything, but also gave the alchemy teacher to him...

"Ziyan..." Liu Jinsong and Sa Ding looked at each other.

Situ Ming is a face of the subway green, how happy it was, how was it made by Xu Ziyan? very messy……

"Master..." Wu Chu, although his body was fixed, his mouth was still able to speak. At this time his face was full of anger and grievances.

Situ Ming looked at Xu Ziyan, although his heart was very angry, but his heart still remembered the identity of Xu Ziyan. Take a deep breath and say seriously:

"Xu Daoyou, I need an explanation."

"Good!" Xu Ziyan's look is also serious: "The first thing I want to say is that the situation was very dangerous, and the danger is not lifted now, but it has been temporarily suppressed..."


The surrounding monks rolled neatly into a white eye, and each person’s heart showed a voice at the same time:

"It's still alarming here. Do you think we are all fools? Is it dangerous to feel it?"

"You are mean!"

Wu Chuzhen couldn't stand it anymore. At this moment, he was saddened to think that there would be such a despicable and shameless person on the mainland. Destroyed the glory of his future, but put on the appearance of a savior.

Xu Ziyan glanced at Wu Chu and said with both hands: "I know that this is something you can't accept, but this is a fact."


"Okay. Now you answer me a question!" Xu Ziyan's look became serious: "Are you reversing the order of the eighth herb and the ninth herb when refining Wan Ling Dan?"

"What happened to this?"

Wu Chu disobeyed Xu Ziyan, such a reverse order has not been done before. If this can happen, it has already happened.

“Is there nothing originally there?” Xu Ziyan said faintly: “But you added the eighth herb when you broke down the ninth herb to 70%. I’m right?”

"Yes, what happened?"

At this time, Wu Chu is not very good. He didn't know why Xu Ziyan knew so much, and Situ Ming's face changed at this time. He clearly remembered that when he and Xu Ziyan came in, Wu Chu had already begun to place twenty-one herbs. It means that Xu Ziyan did not see the process of Wu Chu’s eighth and ninth herbs.

Then, there is only one case, that is, Xu Ziyan passed the Wan Ling Dan to perform the whole process of Wu Chu Alchemy. Is this elixir made by Wu Chu refinement really not a panacea?

"Xu Daoyou..." Situ Ming swallowed a bite of breath: "That... really not a panacea?"

One by one, I am looking at you, I look at you, and look at each other. At this point they also have some uncertain ideas. Can not focus on the body of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan shook his head and pointed his finger at the set of big jade bottle: "You can now use the gods to explore the drug."


A glimpse of the gods was transmitted, and it was transmitted through a layer of jade bottles, scanning the panacea.

A trace of God's knowledge was taken back from the jade bottle, and the look of the monks became a little dazed and stood there. At this time, when they discovered the Chinese to the Chinese, the original one of the green medicinal herbs had turned black.

"This is... what happened?" Situ Ming asked a little sluggishly.

"Because that is not a panacea at all. It is a million poisonous Dan." Xu Ziyan spread his hands.

"Wantful Dan?" The look of everyone is a stay.

"you're lying!"

Although Wu Chu was fixed in the body, but it was not fixed in the gods, just his knowledge of the gods also transmitted into the jade bottle, but also saw the change of the drug. However, I couldn't bear the result of this kind of situation. At this time, I looked at Xu Ziyan:

"It must be you!


You must be jealous of me, and I will refine the panacea. You must have put something in the jade bottle before it makes Wan Lingdan change.

You are too mean! ”

The eyes of everyone looked at Xu Ziyan, and there were dazzling suspicions in his eyes. Only three people in this area did not reveal doubts. Because Liu Jinsong. Both Situ Ming and Sa Ding knew that Xu Ziyan was a congenital sage. A congenital Xiandan division will go to an eight-character Xiandan division?

Are you kidding?

But this joke is not funny at all...

“How does it become a poisonous dan?” Situ Ming asked inexplicably: “And, what is Wandan?”

Situ Ming did not pay attention to the screams of his disciples, but his attitude completely calmed down and put on a posture of asking for advice.

"Actually... the herbs needed for Wan Ling Dan and Wan Duo Dan are the same. And the refining techniques are basically the same, the difference is only between one thought."

Speaking of it. Xu Ziyan glanced at Wu Chu, who was still angry there, and said faintly:

"I have already said that Wu Chu reversed the order of the eighth herb and the ninth herb when refining Wan Ling Dan, and added the eighth when the ninth herb broke down 70%. Kinds of herbs."

Everyone has a head. These words have just been acknowledged by Wu Chu, and they have all heard it.

"There was nothing in the original, but the problem is that at the moment of adding the eighth herb, if the temperature is just right, it may become a poisonous Dan."

“Why is it possible?”

Xu Ziyan glanced over the surrounding Xiandan Shidao: "Because at this time, only nine kinds of herbs were used, and there are 18 kinds of herbs to be added later. Whether it is refining Wan Ling Dan or refining Wan Dudan Whether it is a very difficult thing. If there is a slight mistake in the details behind Wu Chu, then the poisonous Dan will not be refining successfully, and all the herbs will become powdered."

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan once again glanced at Wu Chu, and his eyes also showed a hint of praise: "But I did not think that Wu Chu's basic skills are really strong, and there have been no mistakes in the future.


He has become a poisonous Dan! ”

"This master!" At this time, a Xiandan teacher said respectfully to Xu Ziyan: "Can I ask a question?"


"What is toxic? Just hear this name and know that it is a poisonous dan, is he very powerful?"

"I don't need to say anything, but I know that only the gas it emits in the air can be poisonous, that is to say, everyone in the room is now poisoned!" Xu Ziyan said faintly.


All the monks in this moment were eager to see each other, and they immediately began to explore their bodies, and then they found themselves poisoned. One by one, rushed to take out the detoxification Dan.

But then their faces became very ugly, because they found that their detoxification did not have any effect on the toxins in the body. Even Liu Jinsong, who is the inferior of Xiantian Xiandan, is very ugly. He uses the congenital immortal, and he has not relieved the toxins in his body.

Although they have not yet figured out the nature of the toxins in the body and the effects on their bodies, they are very serious from the fact that they can't lift the toxins in the body.

Everyone’s gaze once again looked at Xu Ziyan. This time, Sading couldn’t help it:

"Ziyan, what will this toxin cause?"

This is the most concerned issue for all monks. They did not ask if Xu Ziyan could lift this toxin. It is obvious that Liu Jinsong stood here and saw Liu Jinsong’s gloomy look that he could not lift it. A congenital Xiandan teacher can't solve it. Can Xu Ziyan solve a small girl?

Of course not, so what they are most concerned about now is the result.

"The result is that your body will slowly rot, and finally..." Xu Ziyan is a pair of hands.

This time all the monks' faces have changed. Although Xu Ziyan did not say anything last, is this still used? That is rotten death.

"Good..." Xu Ziyan spoke again.

All the monks are inspired by the spirit, and Xu Ziyan’s turning tone can be heard, it should be less serious.


I haven't eaten that poisonous Dan, but I have absorbed a little bit of volatile gas. It shouldn't be a problem, and it will be automatically excluded from the body.

"Fortunately, everyone did not go directly to eat that poisonous Dan, just sucking in a volatilized gas..." Xu Ziyan continued.

Sure enough, everyone has a loose heart and a gloomy face.

"So, you will not die immediately, you will slowly rot, you may rot for three months, you may rot for a year, and you will die."

This last sentence was exported, and the whole room was quiet, and the heavy air was so overwhelming.

Rotten for three months? Decay one year?


It is better to die immediately. When they think that their bodies will rot for three months or a year, these monks immediately feel creepy. This time, even Liu Jinsong is not calm, but he knows that Xu Ziyan is a congenital Xiandan teacher, so Xu Ziyan’s words must not be false. Looking at the eyes of Xu Ziyan, there are some expectations:

"Ziyan, can it not be dissipated automatically over time? Or can we force it out with Yuanli?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head regretfully: "If this is the case, it will not be called the poisonous Dan!"

Liu Jinsong’s heart is a trembling: “Is it really so powerful?”

Xu Ziyan pointed to the jade bottle road: "You can look at the poisonous Dan inside!"



Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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