The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2044: Danfang

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A glimpse of the gods is transmitted, and then these people are stupid...

At that time, the poisonous dan was no longer a Dan Pill, but turned into a pile of mud, and the jade bottle that was first loaded with it was gone. At this time, everyone’s knowledge was seen. The pile of mud is eroding the second jade bottle, which has eroded the second jade bottle by half, but the pile of mud has become larger.

At this time, all the monks understood why Xu Ziyan had to set so many jade bottles. The original jade bottle could not stop the corrosion of Wan Duan. At this time, Xu Ziyan’s words were gently passed over:

"Wantong Dan has nothing to rot, if you let it go like this, let alone this Tiandan business, that is, the entire Tiandan City will become a swamp."

"Death Swamp!" Liu Jinsong screamed. The other monks have completely changed color.

"What death marsh?" Xu Ziyan asked strangely.

"That is a Jedi!" Liu Jinsong said slowly: "There is a swamp in the Kunyu Mountains in the south, called the Death Marsh. According to legend, the death swamp appeared in ancient times, but it was not big at first, but as time passed The swamp is getting bigger and bigger and it has become a Jedi.

The reason why it became a Jedi was not only because of the swamp, but because the swamp was full of poisonous cockroaches, and only the great monks of the Tianzun period could barely enter.

But it also has a strange place. It has been signs of shrinking in the last few thousand years, and the fearsome drug lords have shown signs of fading.

Before, everyone did not understand the reason. Now, I heard you say that the death swamp is probably not knowing that the Xiandan teacher has produced a million poisonous Dan and threw it there. This formed the death marsh. ”

Liu Jinsong’s words fell, and the whole letter was silent, even very heavy. Because at this time everyone remembered that they had sucked in a lot of toxins, which was simply a toxin that could not be relieved. Waiting for your own destiny is only a way down.

These people are not ordinary characters. Not to mention those Xiandan divisions, they say that once Liu Jinsong and Situ Ming fall, they will bring about the turmoil of Danzong and Tiandan. The turmoil of Danzong and Tiandan Commercial Bank will undoubtedly cause the turmoil in the Upper Yuan Dynasty.

This is a very serious matter!

Situ Ming glanced at his disciple Wu Chu, Wu Chu was already stupid there. He not only harmed himself, but also harmed Master.

Situ Ming also just looked at Wu Chu, but did not blame him for the meaning, Wan Duo Dan is not Wu Chu deliberately refining. That is the result of a mistake caused by a mistake.


Liu Jinsong’s nephew was a bit dry. When he was doing his life, Xu Ziyan gave him three thousand years of Shouyuan. He did not expect that he would not escape the degenerate result. However, at this time, he still had a slight expectation for Xu Ziyan in his heart. After all, Xu Ziyan recognized Wandan Dan. Maybe Xu Ziyan had a way to contact the toxin.

"Do you have a solution?"

Liu Jinsong’s voice fell, and everyone’s eyes were all looking at Xu Ziyan. Everyone’s eyes are full of expectations. At this time, Xu Ziyan is their last life-saving straw.

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan nodded immediately.

"Call..." All the people were relieved, and the eyes of Xu Ziyan became hot.

Xu Ziyan did not stop, immediately took out a few jade bottles and put them on the case: "One per person."

When the words fell, they immediately solved the release of the fairy in Wu Chu. Wu Chu looked at Xu Ziyan, remembering that he had just started to work on Xu Ziyan, and his heart was full of embarrassment, and he gave a deep ritual to Xu Ziyan:


Seeing Wu Chu decisively admit his mistake, Xu Ziyan’s eyes showed a hint of appreciation. I waved my hand and walked aside, giving the space to the monks who took Wan Dan.

These monks took out one of them in a quiet and orderly manner. Then I silently observed my body. Soon they found that the toxins in their bodies were lifted. This is a relief of a happy smile.

Then these monks fell into meditation, and this solution could not be used. Although Xu Ziyan does not say, if you have forgotten it, this is not the case.

A monk took care of it. I took out a storage ring and handed it to Xu Ziyan: "Xu Daoyou, I have some materials here. I will give it to you."

Xu Ziyan's gods swept into the storage ring and saw a large amount of alchemy materials. He roughly estimated it, and there are also 10 billion yuan of fine crystal materials. Xu Ziyan was not polite, nodded and closed the storage ring.

After the monk retired, another monk came up and handed a storage ring to Xu Ziyan. Even Liu Jinsong is no exception.

Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and smiled. This time it was made.

"I threw this poisonous dan to the death swamp!" Situ Ming suddenly waved his sleeves and collected the jade bottle containing the poisonous dan, tearing the space away.

"Xian Jie Hua!"

Xu Ziyan suddenly remembered that there is a kind of herb called Xianjiehua in the inheritance. This herb can only grow in the swamp. The more effective the scented scented flower is, the more effective it is.

Everything in the heavens and the earth is strange to say, and the poisonous Dan is refining because of the mistakes of Wan Lingdan. The herbs needed for the two medicinal herbs are exactly the same. Just because some aspects of detail form two very different results.

However, often the poisonous land can grow holy things.

This Xianjie flower is a detoxifying substance that grows in the marshes. And the most important thing is that Xu Ziyan knows that if a drop of Xianhuahua's flower juice is added during the process of refining Wanlingdan, the efficacy of Wanlingdan will increase by a hundredfold. At that time, Wan Ling Dan could not only upgrade a thousand acres of Xiantian to a grade, but this effect can last for a hundred years.

However, Situ Ming has disappeared at this time. Xu Ziyan also had a sigh. It is really not suitable to go to the death swamp with her current cultivation.

Xu Ziyan suddenly had a plan, simply refining a million poisonous Dan, and then looking for a planet in the purple smoke space to throw it up, to create a swamp, can not grow Xianjie flowers?

At this time, Xu Ziyan was thinking about it, and his look had recovered. On the contrary, it is the glory of Sading's face. This purple smoke is a disciple of Cangwu. Her face is her face! Because I am also a member of the Cangwu sect!

Too long face!

Let these bunny see what is called a big disciple!

In the countless years before this, Dan Zong was the giant in the field of alchemy, and its reputation was unparalleled in the field of alchemy. It was the late Jiu Pin, who was born in a large-scale door like Sa Ding, who was also lacking confidence when facing Dan Zong. Because Dan Zong has a congenital Xiandan division.

Everyone is the peak of the nine products in the late stage, but Danzong's late nine-character Xiandan division is very arrogant in front of Sa Ding, as if Sading is lower than them.

There are no other reasons, no other reasons, because they have a congenit of the innate Xiandan division, they can have the guidance of the innate Xiandan division, have the hope of becoming a congenital immortal, and Sading has almost no possibility.

But today, Xu Ziyan stepped on the emperor of Dan Zong, and the shoulders of the congenital Xiandan Liu Jinsong soared. Even Liu Jinsong could not solve the problem. Xu Ziyan actually solved it.

Sading believes that from now on, Cangzong will have a place in the field of alchemy, and it is still very high.

"Ziyan, don't be here, let's go out and talk!" Sading said enthusiastically.

Xu Ziyan nodded, and Sading walked out of the word, and came to a corner where two people sat down and chatted. At this time, Sading has given up the identity of the peak owner. As a disciple generally consulted Xu Ziyan about some alchemy knowledge, Xu Ziyan did not deliberately hide and arbitrarily point to him.

Liu Jinsong walked out of the A word, looking at Xu Ziyan from afar, and sighed in his heart. Why is such a genius not a disciple of Dan Zong?

Time did not last long, probably about a quarter of an hour, Situ Ming came in from outside the gate. Looking around, after seeing the purple smoke in the corner, he smiled and nodded toward Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan also hurriedly nodded to return.

Situ Ming strode to the center of the main hall, then both hands patted the macro and said:

"Everyone, everyone is welcome to attend this year's alchemy conference. I believe that everyone participating in this alchemy conference has a common purpose, that is, a Danfang that our Tiandan firm has.

This Dan Fang was half a year ago and their Tiandan business was derived from an ancient ruins. The reason why they took this Danfang out is because this Danfang is very weird, and we are not sure whether this is a Danfang, because this Danfang only writes three kinds of materials, and did not write this. Danfang's name and effect.

Perhaps it is a shocking Dan Fang, maybe it will be a kind of ancient medicine with the handwriting of three herbs, not Dan, which requires you to help identify. ”

"Situ patriarch, don't sell it, just take the Danfang out!"

Situ Ming’s voice just fell, and a frank and honest monk said, Xu Ziyan looked straight, and turned out to be the doorkeeper of the liar.

At this time, all the monks in the hall also looked at Situ Ming, these people are running this Dan Fang. Especially the monks of the nine sects such as Liu Jinsong, if they don't have this mysterious Danfang, they will not come here at all.

For a time, the hall was silent, and every pair of eyes looked forward to Situ Ming.

"Oh..." Situ Ming laughed: "To loyalty, you can rest assured. You don't have to use tricks today, I will send you a Dan Fang."

"Ha ha ha..."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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