The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2045: Yin and Yang and the combination?

There was a big laugh inside the hall. Many people here know loyalty and naturally know what he is doing. After listening to what Situ Ming said, he laughed loudly.

He is not annoyed with loyalty. He has not been personally shot as a liar. He has his disciples to shoot, so he does not care that everyone recognizes him.

"To loyalty, you haven't shot it for a long time. I heard that you have married another fairy. This is already your 176th. Are you using tricks on women?"

"Shut up, do you believe that I have deceived you to go bankrupt?"

"Ha ha ha..."

“Well...” Situ Ming said while taking a piece of animal skin from the storage ring: “This Dan is recorded on this animal skin. We have studied it in Tiandan’s business, this animal skin is A skin of the tiger in the late Tianzun. If it is not because of the level of this animal skin, we will not think that the three materials listed above are a Danfang. No matter what, in such a precious monster Can't you just write casually on the skin?"

The people in the hall are all serious, and the preciousness of a demon skin in the late Tianzun is naturally known. Dan Fang, who can write on this precious material, made them look forward to it.

"There are only three names for the materials. It's very simple. Let's take a look!"

The demon skin roll was passed in the hands of the monks. After each monk took the roll to his hand, he would look at it first, and then carefully scan it with the gods, hoping to find other secrets.

But the result was disappointingly passed the skin to the next monk.

The skin roll finally reached the hands of Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan looked at it clearly and saw three materials on it:

To Yang demon, to Yin demon. The gas of life.

After that, there was no word. Xu Ziyan explored it again with the gods, and found no secrets. He handed the paper roll to the next.

Xu Ziyan deeply locked his brow. Using three kinds of materials to refine a kind of medicinal herbs, Xu Ziyan is not refining, but using these three materials to refine the medicinal herbs, Xu Ziyan has never seen it.

Looking up and glanced around, I saw that all the monks were thinking about it at this time. Moreover, what made Xu Ziyan unexpected was that she saw the life of Tianzun. I really didn't know when he ran. There was no movement at all. At this time, the life Tianzun was also a bitter and hateful thinking.

Xu Ziyan has some doubts that this life will respect alchemy? Don't be like the time of the sky, noisy all day, I will arrange the array, in fact, is a rookie.

This life is not really like the time of heaven, right?

Shaking his head, he took life to the side and began to search for soul inheritance. In fact, Xu Ziyan did not have to search to know that there is no such Dan in his inheritance. Her inheritance has not been known for many centuries, and Xu Ziyan can basically back down.

However, Xu Ziyan still carefully searched in the heart of luck, hoping to have a corner that was forgotten by himself.

The search in the soul is fast, and it is only about two quarters of an hour. Xu Ziyan completed the search with disappointment. She did not search for any information about this Dan in her heritage.

Since the search is not available, Xu Ziyan only relies on his own ability to analyze and deduct.

At this time, the skin roll has been sacrificed in the air, and then slowly rotated, so that everyone can study it at any time.

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, because she actually deduced it soon, because it is not serious to deduct it, as long as it is carefully recommended, it will be able to infer the three kinds of materials that can be refined.

The role of the sacred demon is similar to that of the scented grass. The effect of the yin yin is similar to that of the yin grass. It is only possible to refine a medicinal herb by using two kinds of common herbs, namely, yang grass and yin grass. That is the world's first **** drug. Yin and Yang and the combination.

Nowadays, with the more active yang yang and yin yin dan, instead of the yang grass and the yin grass, plus a vitality of life, I am afraid that a more effective yin and yang will be refining. Scattered.

"Is this really a yin and yang and a split?"

Xu Ziyan can't help but blush, if it is really yin and yang. That fun is big. A large group of men and women gather together to develop yin and yang and break together. This is definitely a big joke. And these people also have their own one.

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but look up and look forward. Seeing that the monks were locked in brows, it seemed to be troubled there, and some women's faces had some blush.

Xu Ziyan understands that these people are afraid to push this performance at this time. This is a kind of yin and yang and a combination of the two, but who is embarrassed to say it.

Some of these people said that they did not listen to the fact that some people refining yin and yang and dispersing, but this kind of medicine that was despised by the monks in the world was secretly refining itself. Who dares to say it?

If you say it, it will be despised by the world's monks, and you will be detained with a **** pharmacist's hat. In the future, people will be treated with a different look. So no one wants to say it, it also creates a strange atmosphere inside the hall.


Xu Ziyan suddenly heard that someone on the left called her, and then turned to look at it. I don’t know when Luo Tianba ran to his front, and said:

"Roman, what is it?"

"How do I feel that this Dan is very familiar."

Xu Ziyan’s look is a glimpse. She did not think that Luo Tianba’s master of refining would understand alchemy? I asked in disbelief:

"Do you understand alchemy?"

Luo Tianba squinted at Xu Ziyan: "I don't understand alchemy, but I am mixed with the old man all day, and I know a little bit of basic things."


Luo Tianba’s gaze suddenly turned to look forward to using Xu’s knowledge to say to Xu Ziyan: “Ziyan, how do I feel that this is the recipe for refining yin and yang and rendezvous?”

Luo Tianba is very anxious at this time, don't see him and Situ Ming often mixed together, two people often quarrel. If this time he can judge the way that Situ Ming can't judge, then he can despise Situ Ming.

So he is looking forward to it, and he is very excited. He hopes that Xu Ziyan can prove his judgment.

Xu Ziyan looked around and sneaked a little, and when no one noticed this, he whispered in the knowledge of God and Luo Tianba:

"I think so too!"

Although it is exchanged in the knowledge of God, Xu Ziyan is also somewhat awkward. And a man and a woman use the gods to exchange yin and yang and share, what is this? If this is known, he will be ashamed to die.

Fortunately, using the knowledge of the exchange, everyone will not know.

“Really? In your experience, is this really a yin and yang and a split?”

Luo Tianba was excited. In the field of alchemy, he overwhelmed Situ Ming. Luo Tianba only felt that a moment of pleasure hit his heart. He was so excited that he forgot to communicate with God and shouted excitedly with his mouth open.

The voice spread throughout the halls of the entire hall, and countless monks looked at Luo Tianba and Xu Ziyan invariably. A pair of binoculars are full of contempt and strangeness...

Xu Ziyan’s eyes released an endless murderous waiting for Luo Tianba, and there was a voice in his heart shouting:

"You have experience, you have experience in the whole family!"

At this time, Luo Tianba also knew that things had been messed up by himself, and he looked at Xu Ziyan with apologetic eyes. Xu Ziyan turned his head and gave him a back head.

Luo Tianba is a little anxious, can not because of this matter and Xu Ziyan friction, he also wants Xu Ziyan to point his refining technique. At this time, he had already taken care of the others, and nodded and said:

"Sorry, I am really sorry, I didn't mean it!"

Xu Ziyan has a tearful impulse, you can't close your mouth when you shut up! What made me not intentional? Isn't this the darker?

"I can't stay here..."

Xu Ziyan just left his sleeve and left, but suddenly stopped there. Because at this time, a voice suddenly sounded in her knowledge, a bit strange, and a little familiar...

"Hey? What is that?"

"Who are you?" Xu Ziyan asked in the knowledge of God.

"I am a god!"


Xu Ziyan breathed a sigh of relief. How did she forget the pen? She has been throwing the pen in the storage ring since she left the Fun Palace, and these days she was too busy to forget her.

Ok? its not right! I threw it in the storage ring, how could she still contact me, and it seemed to see something.

"How can you talk to me?" Xu Ziyan asked in the knowledge of God.

“Is this difficult?” Fu Shen’s tone is very despised: “You have branded a spiritual power on the storage ring, and I naturally can follow you with that spiritual power.”

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan understood.

"Right, are we leaving the Fun Palace?"


"That took me out of the storage ring. I haven't seen the world for a long time. I really miss it..."

"Not very suitable here, waiting for a chance!"

"What is not suitable?" Fu Shen jumped in the storage ring: "I don't want to be inside, I want to go out, I want to go out..."

"Don't make a noise! ​​Waiting to leave, I will release you."


"Of course it is true, but you are jealous, I will shut you down for a lifetime."

"You...speak to count..." There is some doubt in the tone of the gods.



"What?" Xu Ziyan was a little impatient.

"I know that thing..."


"It is the scroll that rotates in the air."

"Do you know that thing?" Xu Ziyan had a surprise in his heart.


"Tell me, what is that?"

"That is a Dan."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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