The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2046: Ling Gendan

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"Is that really a Dan?"

"Well, that is a kind of Danfang created by Longzu."

"Long Zu? He will be alchemy?"

"Of course, the dragon ancestors, the ancestors of the ancestors, this is something that everyone knows in ancient times."

"Slow, isn't the Tiandan firm's exploration of the remains of ancient times, but the remains of the ancient times?" Xu Ziyan's face was a shocking color.

"What is Dan Dan?"


"Linggendan?" Xu Ziyan's eyebrows beat a bit, thoughtfully.

"Well, it was in the ancient times that Longzu had a favorite son but there was no spiritual root in the body. At that time, the relationship between Longzu and Fengzu was very harmonious. Two people worked together to develop an elixir, which made no spirit. The roots of life are spiritual roots. The record on the skin is the Dan Fang that was originally developed by the Dragon ancestors. But... that can only be counted as half a Dan."

"Half Zhang Danfang?"

"Well, if you want to refine this kind of Ling Gendan, you need the half of the ancestors of Fengzu."

"Feng Zu? Is she not a singer?"

"Yes, because the half of the ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors was the martial arts. This theory was proposed by the dragon ancestors, and the ancestors created by Feng Zuzu according to the theory of the dragon ancestors.

If the yang yang dan and the yin yin dan are only refining with pure alchemy, they can only make the two of them merge on the surface, and there is no fusion in essence. So come. Only the yin and yang can be refining. However, the set of scorpions created by Feng Zu can make the sacred demon and the yin yin Dan completely merge into the liquid of chaos, and then add the gas of life, you can refine the Ling Gendan. ”

"Is that Ling Gendan really able to make a root without a root?"

Xu Ziyan was excited, and her parents had no spiritual roots. This makes them unable to cultivate. If you can really refine Lingen Dan, wouldn’t your parents be able to cultivate and increase their life?

"It is possible to refine Lingen Dan, but... the spiritual roots that can be born are very low, and only that one produces the spiritual roots."

"The next product is also good!" Xu Ziyan was excited: "Fu Shen. Will you have that symbol?"

"Of course, I am a disciple of Fengzu. When Longzu and Fengzu were refining Linggendan, they were playing with Lin Yuhua, a disciple of Longzu. Wait a minute, I will pass you the law of Fuxi. ""

Then a message was passed to Xu Ziyan's knowledge of the sea. It was a set of tactics. Based on the void character, Xu Ziyan stood there to digest this method. I quickly understood the key to the combination of alchemy and typography.

"Dan Fuzong!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a hop. Isn’t the reason why Dan Fuzong is called Dan Fuzong? It’s not that Dan Fuzong can both make alchemy and make a character, but integrate alchemy and syllabus into one place. Is it the road to alchemy?

Xu Ziyan stood there in the study of Dan Dao and Fu Da, and gradually she began to comprehend. The whole heart is intoxicated in the epiphany.

A glimpse of Dan Dao and a glimpse of the sympathy in the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan's knowledge, gradually Dan Dao and Fu Dao in the void ooze into the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan.

All of this was so quiet, the original purple smoke stood in a corner, and the trace of Dan Dandao and Fudao infiltrated into the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan very concentrated, there is no chance that other people feel.

Like this supreme way, if it is not for you to understand, how can Heaven give you this opportunity?

In the time when Xu Ziyan was enlightened, because Luo Tianba shouted out the names of yin and yang and the scattered, everyone was less embarrassed and scrupled.

Then there was the Xiandan division who began to try to refine it. Yin and Yang and the combination were just their deductions. Whether or not it still requires proof of practice.

But the result is really yin and yang. Let everyone who is in the former refining system face the embarrassment.

But these people are not dying. Since they have already begun to try, these people have all let go. Situ Ming also prepared a large number of Xiangyang Yao Dan, to Yin Yao Dan and the gas of life.

The discussion within the hall gradually grew louder. Those Xiandan divisions began to refine in various ways, and others continued to adjust to Yang Dandan. The match between Yin Yao Dan and the gas of life.

They first purified the yang yang dan and the yin fang dan to form the yang liquid and the yin liquid, and then tried various ratios constantly. This is a complicated and cumbersome process.

But they still refine the yin and yang and the separation.

However, even if the Tiandan merchants are big, the sacred demon and the yin demon will be gone, but the gas of life is a waste of the Tiandan business, collecting hundreds of gongs, it is impossible to give these monks How bad it is.

Everyone was aware of this problem. Finally, everyone discussed it and decided to use Yangshuo and Zhiyin instead of Yangyang Dan and Zhiyue Dan, and replace the gas of life with Xianye.

These three alternatives may not be able to refine Linggen Dan, but as long as they are not yin and yang, they prove that they have studied the right direction, and then use the real yang dan, to Yin Yao Dan and life. The gas refining system knows the result once.

At this time, everyone has agreed on the same point, that is, they no longer try to refine themselves. If hundreds of people go together to refine and constantly adjust the ratio, one can refine a pile of yin and yang. The number of yin and yang and rendezvous that these hundreds of people have refined will reach an astonishing level.

How to deal with so many yin and yang and rendezvous? Isn't this a big joke?

Besides, when everyone's refining, there must be a situation of matching repetition, that is a waste. It’s better to go to the refining one by one, and the rest of the people are watching it. This is not only able to understand the ratio of the monk’s refining, but also to understand the man’s tactics, so that the next person does not have to try it when they go to refining. Techniques and matching.

This is undoubtedly an effective way.

Therefore, this time Situ Ming simply built an alchemy platform in the main hall, which is not difficult for a monk. Then there is the people who want to make alchemy on the alchemy platform, so that everyone can stand by.

At this time, Xu Ziyan woke up from the epiphany. Although it was only half a day in the past, it seems to have been in the world of Xu Ziyan's epiphany for several years.

Xu Ziyan opened his eyes, and there was a wireless joy between the eyebrows. Her alchemy realm broke through to the peak of Zhongpin Xianxian Xiandan.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has been able to refine Lingen Dan. But she did not reveal it. After taking two steps back, she sat down on a chair in the corner.

Looking up at the tall alchemy station, Xu Ziyan did not know what it was doing, and could not help but secretly:

"Is it already that someone has refining Ling Gendan, is this going to the stage? But why no one is going up?"

Then, Xu Ziyan erected her ears and listened to the whispers of the monks in the main hall. After listening to it for a while, she realized what was going on, and she couldn’t help but agree with this way.

At the same time, she also understands why no one has tried it until now. It is because everyone can refine it. Anyway, it is not a person who is shameful, but in the presence of so many monks, he is refining. Fortunately, this is an opportunity to be famous. If you can't make it, it's a ugly public.

The problem is that it is not sure that refining is successful! Even if it is not a single grasp, the biggest possibility is to make a fool of the public.

These people are all people with identity. If the refining fails, they will be laughed at by hundreds of people below. No one can stand it.

Then, if you advertise this thing, you can’t stand it.

Therefore, the sound inside the hall gradually disappeared. Everyone, look at me, I look at you, but no one moves.

Situ Ming reluctantly sighed, this alchemy conference was held by him, and many Zongmen Xiandan divisions were personally invited by him. At this time, if I don’t stand up again, I can’t say it.

"If you are a shame, you will be shameful!"

When Situ Ming emptied, he flew up to the alchemy platform and bowed down to the bottom: "This conference was held by the Tiandan Commercial Bank, and this Danfang is also taken out underneath, and it will be thrown at the bottom."

All the monks under the alchemy platform are a loose face.

Is this right?

You brought everyone here, let everyone out of the ugly, and you Situ Ming has nothing to do. If Situ Ming does not stand up at this moment, he can say that he has offended all the invited monks.

Seeing the look of everyone in the audience, Situ Ming also secretly wiped a sweat in his heart. At this time, he realized that if he didn't stand up and throw a ugly like everyone, the trouble would be big.

Fortunately, this hidden danger was dispelled by itself.

There was a smile on his face, and Situ Ming began to refine the medicinal herbs. He had to say that Situ Ming was the master of Jiu Pin, and the ability was really not simple. Everything was very skillful, no waste of time, and it took only half an hour to complete the refining.

At that time, when he opened the alchemy furnace, the look on his face was very ugly. He used the sun grass, and the refining of the grass and the fairy liquid was still yin and yang.

The yin and yang harmony was collected, and I smiled at everyone and flew down the body. However, he did not hear the sneer, and when he looked at it, he saw the dignity of a monk.

Everyone has just carefully read the process of Situ Ming's alchemy, there is no mistake, but it still refines the yin and yang and the separation. At this point everyone is thinking about what to change if they go up. In the end they found that it seems that only the ratio can change.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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