The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2048: Alchemy

I am very grateful to Jie Yi (200), Pear slave (100), mableip classmate (100), marlina classmate (100), and fire dance Yiren classmate (100)!


It is not a general phoenix feather! It is the feather of Fengzu! The congenital Xianbao grade refined with it will not be low.


At this time, there was a cold cry from the other side. Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but look at it. When he saw the scholar’s ​​killer, he looked at the falling snow on the high platform with a cold face. meaning.

"What is this story?" Xu Ziyan was a little curious.

Xu Ziyan raised his hand and frowned, it seems that this time he has to refine the Ling Gendan.

"Let's let, borrow a way..."

Xu Ziyan walked out of the corner and politely said to the monk in front of him, while squeezing forward.

Everyone saw Xu Ziyan really going up to alchemy, and they all looked forward to it. After all, what Xu Ziyan had done in the middle of the word was already amazing. This kind of person who can even crack the million poisonous Dan may indeed be able to refine the unnamed medicinal medicine.

Xu Ziyan walked under the high platform. If the sky was empty, the figure floated and gently landed on the high platform, facing the falling snow:

"Lowering friends, is it that I have refining this kind of Ling Gendan, will this half of the Phoenix feathers be given to me?"

"Of course!" Falling snow replied proudly.

"Xu Daoyou..." And at this time, Situ Ming said excitedly in the audience: "Do you know the name of this drug?"


All the monks in this downstage talked about it, and it was almost a day away, except for the falling snow fryer. The rest of the Xiandan divisions are refining yin and yang and playing together. If it is passed out, it will not be shameful.

And no one knows what kind of medicinal herbs can be refined from these three materials. This is the first time someone has said the name of medicinal herbs.

"It’s a big disciple..."

The falling snow above the high platform is also a look. Do you really know this Danfang?

"Can you put this half feather down? Then go down?" Knowing the thoughts of falling snow, Xu Ziyan naturally would not be a little polite with him.

The look of the snow fell, and then smiled faintly: "That is here for a while."

If you fall, put the half feather on the stage. A wave of sleeves and flew down the alchemy platform.

"Xu Daoyou, you just said Ling Gendan..." Situ Ming still looked at Xu Ziyan nervously.

"This is the case!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "This is an elixir that can make a root of the roots without roots, all called Ling Gendan."


It’s amazing again under the high platform.

Is there such an elixir?

You must know that even if there are many people on the Upper Yuan, there are no spiritual roots after birth. These people who have no spiritual roots are some of the children of big monks or big forces. In the past, this kind of thing can only become those big monks or The regret of the big forces. And become the object of being laughed at.

But what is Xu Ziyan saying today?

She is saying that these three materials can refine an elixir called Ling Gendan, which can make the roots of life without roots out of the roots.

What does that mean?

It means going against the sky!

No wonder people Xu Ziyan has not come up to alchemy, who has such an alchemy technique who is not hiding, who will come to refine it for others to see?

What if I let others learn?

"Stuart seniors, trouble you to the Yin Yao Dan, the Yang Dan Dan and the gas of life ready for me."

"Good! Good! Good!"

Situ Ming said three times in a row, and his heart was very excited. If today’s alchemy conference is over, it’s gone. Everyone refines the yin and yang and the separation of the day. This alchemy conference has become a big joke, and the reputation of the Tiandan firm will definitely fall.

But now it is different, Xu Ziyan has already said that this is Ling Gendan, even if Xu Ziyan can not refine Lingen Dan, but it can also be the name of the alchemy conference.

Situ Ming immediately flew to the alchemy platform, placed a yang dan and a yin yin on the alchemy table, and then took out a small finger-sized jade bottle on the alchemy platform, then simply The ground flew down to the alchemy platform, and the eyes were tightly locked with Xu Ziyan.

Not just Situ Ming. All the monks under the alchemy platform are tightly locked with Xu Ziyan. I hope to learn the way Xu Ziyan refines Ling Gendan. If you can learn this technique, then it will be sent.

Xu Ziyan first put the Xiangyang Yaodan into the alchemy furnace, and then opened the fire to start refining to Yang Yaodan. And that to the Yin Yao Dan and the gas of life is still placed on the alchemy platform.

The monks under the high platform did not have any surprises about this because they had been refining this way. The purpose of this refining is to make the ointment of the yang yang and the yin demon. Then take the same aliquot.

About two quarters of an hour, Xu Ziyan opened the lid. The medicinal ointment that has been refined is taken out, and then the yin yin Dan is put in.

After another two quarters of an hour, Xu Ziyan opened the lid again, took out the yoghurt, and took out two aliquots and placed them in the alchemy furnace. The gas of life is still on the alchemy platform.


Xu Zi smoked, everyone's eyes were bright, knowing that this is the key moment, every pair of eyes are not stunned, for fear of missing a trace of action.

But then their look is a glimpse.

Xu Ziyan actually painted in the void, is this not the same as falling snow? At this time, the falling snow was also bright, and the eyes looked at Xu Ziyan's every move.

Xu Ziyan snorted slightly, so the mysterious void painting is something you can understand with a look? This is the symbol of the creation of Feng Zu.

The hands of Xu Ziyan pulled up the shadows in the space, and the magical emptiness of the mysterious realm was generated. There was a humming sound between the heavens and the earth...

The monks looked around and saw that the void paintings of the Tao Fu and Xu Ziyan were automatically generated within the space. The radiance of the cockroach is released, and the fusion is hidden in the alchemy furnace.

Xu Ziyan did not stop manually, and thousands of symbols circling around the alchemy furnace and slid into the alchemy furnace one by one.

All the monks are disappointed. They found that they couldn't understand the void characters at all, that is, the snow was also dumbfounded.

When the last symbol was hidden in the alchemy furnace, Xu Ziyan stopped and then transmitted the gods into the alchemy furnace. Pay attention to the changes in the fusion of Zhiyang ointment and Zhiyin ointment.

I have been paying attention to the sudden appearance of Xu Ziyan in the alchemy furnace, because she found that the fusion of Zhiyang ointment and Zhiyin ointment produced a kind of semi-solid and semi-liquid chaotic gas similar to the inner edge of her purple smoke space. . Although the chaos in the alchemy furnace in front of it is completely incomparable with the chaotic gas in the purple smoke space, even one in a few hundred million is not there, just a little bit similar.


If you use the chaotic gas in the purple smoke space to refine Lingen Dan, will it be of higher grade and better effect?

At this time, the monks under the alchemy stage also saw the look of Xu Ziyan. One can not help but one tight, is it that Xu Ziyan refining failed?

The slight faintness on the face of Xu Ziyan was fleeting. She knew that when she was not a god, she immediately picked up the jade bottle on the alchemy platform, opened the lid, and dripped the gas of life into it. Then cover the lid again.


This time, Xu Ziyan began to play alchemy, and the handcuffs were beaten on the alchemy furnace. A burst of sound echoed in the space...

Under the high platform, all the monks were drunk.

The handcuffs of Xu Ziyan's refining medicinal herbs are not just as simple as handcuffs. The set of alchemy handcuffs that Xu Ziyan is playing at this time is a very common alchemy handcuffs. The Xiandan divisions present at the scene, but no one I can make this ordinary alchemy handcuffs so beautiful.

So fit the path of heaven...

Liu Jinsong stared blankly at the movements of Xu Ziyan's hands. At this moment, he knew that Xu Ziyan's alchemy realm had surpassed him. Liu Jinsong did not know how many immortals he had refined in his life, and he constantly tried his best to make his alchemy handcuffs fit the path of heaven.

However, when he saw Xu Ziyan's alchemy today, he found that the realm of alchemy that he had always been proud of was eclipsed in front of Xu Ziyan.

Don't say that Xu Ziyan coincides with the handcuffs of the Tiandao track. That is, the screams that hit the alchemy furnace are like the scorpio. Wash their hearts.

In addition to Liu Jinsong, Situ Ming and Sa Ding, the three people knew that Xu Ziyan was a congenital sage, and the rest of the people were stunned.

Is this too fake?

How big is Xu Ziyan? How can it be so smooth, so that it fits the hand of the heavenly track?

Is it an illusion?

The eyes of the scholar's killer are getting brighter and brighter. The excitement is faintly transmitted through the eyes. Looking around, I saw Sa Ding. Then he squeezed over to Sading. Came to the side of Sa Ding and whispered:

"Predecessors are the Chongshan Zongsa Peak?"

Sading is there to sigh Xu Zhiyan's alchemy handcuffs, where he is glad that he has seized an opportunity and rehabilitated Xu Ziyan. I heard someone talking to him in a very respectful tone, then turned around and saw a monk who was a scholar, and nodded slightly:

"you are?"

"In the next Luoshu. Excuse me, the predecessor is the Cangwu Pharmacist Fengfeng Lord?"

"Not bad!"

"No wonder!" Zhang Luoshu’s eyes showed a pleasing color: "Only an alchemy master like you can teach a disciple like Xu Ziyan, and only a place like Yao Shifeng can make a Zen master like Ziyan."

Saiding looked at Zhang Luoshu strangely, and said in his heart: "Nima, do you have such a face? Is Xu Ziyan a pharmacist? If this is the case, I would rather give her the position of the pharmacist Feng Fengzhu. Xu Ziyan is my disciple? I am almost as a disciple..."

"She is not a disciple of Yao Shifeng, nor a disciple of me!" Said said with a black face.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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