The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2049: He is the lord

"Really?" Zhang Luoshu is a glimpse.

"Of course it is true!" Sading's face was black again, and he wanted to move away from Zhang Luoshu.

"She is not so powerful as the pharmacist's disciples. Isn't that the disciples of the Pharmacist Peak more powerful?" Zhang Luoshu asked in shock.

At this moment, the heart of Sading is really bursting into tears. Look at this guy who stops smart, so ask some stupid questions?

Seeing that Sading’s face has become iron blue, and the way to go, Zhang Luoshu’s heart does not understand. However, he came here with a purpose. Naturally, it is impossible for Sading to leave, and hurriedly said:

"Sacred seniors, after you see Xu Daoyou refining Dan for a while, can you recommend Xu Daoyou to the next?"

There was an anger in the heart of Sa Ding. What is this called...

I don't know if the guy who got out of it ran to his side for a long time. It wasn't to worship himself, but to be an introducer! Immediately, I will leave with a robe sleeve. At this time, Zhang Luoshu whispered:

"Yes, you just saw the half feather, and the other half is in my hands. You and Xu Daoyou said that if she can help me solve the difficulties of alchemy, I will take my half. The root is also given to her."

The footsteps of Sading are just a meal. At this time, he also wants to understand. The reason why Xu Ziyan is willing to go to refine Lingen Dan is because of the half feather. Now that Zhang Luoshu has half a feather, it can be recommended to Xu Ziyan. Through this matter, he pulls into his relationship with Xu Ziyan.

The moment is no longer hesitant, and his face is also slow: "Well. I will talk to her by then."

"Thank you for your seniors!"

The falling snow stood underneath and looked at the Xu Ziyan on the stage, his face was very ugly. I remembered the empty space character that Xu Ziyan had just made. The kind of vain and empty picture can't even understand himself. I want to know that he is the first person in the system.

Is it possible for Xu Ziyan to make a mark?

It seems that the understanding of Xu Ziyan is still a little less! It’s a pity that half of the feathers.

But there is nothing to be sorry about. The half feathers have no secret except for the material of the refiner. Maybe the two half feathers will be together to find the hidden secret, but the other half is in the hands of Zhang Luoshu.

This is also good, the killer head in order to get the half feather. Maybe it will kill Xu Ziyan, but he saved his own hands and feet.

At this time, Xu Ziyan had already played a knot, and after a scream, Xu Ziyan stood up, and the gods passed through the alchemy furnace to see the heat of Cheng Dan.

All the monks' eyes were focused on Xu Ziyan's body, waiting for her to open the alchemy furnace to see if she was refining whether it was Ling Gendan.

Although everyone is looking forward to seeing the real Ling Gendan. However, the hearts of these monks have basically confirmed that Xu Ziyan has succeeded in refining.

I don’t know when the life comes to look at Xu Ziyan above the high platform. There is a thought in my heart. Such a talent should be in the Yuanmeng, and it is aggrieved in the Cangwu Zong.

Liu Jinsong’s eyeballs also kept turning in the eyelids. The mind keeps wondering about the possibilities. Now that he has judged it, Xu Ziyan’s alchemy realm should have surpassed him. How can such a big master miss the opportunity to ask for advice from time to time?

However, Xu Ziyan is a disciple of Cangwu. He is the emperor of Danzong. How can this be asked at any time?

"Let Xu Ziyan come to Danzong to hang a position as an honorary elder. Is there an excuse to ask for advice from time to time?"

Situ Ming also kept thinking about how he could pull up with Xu Ziyan. Liu Jinsong has this qualification to give Xu Ziyan the position of an honorary elder. He Situ Ming does not have the ability.

Is the seat of the elders of the Tiandan Commercial Bank attractive to people like Xu Ziyan?

At this time, Xu Ziyan on the high platform finally closed the fire, then opened the alchemy furnace cover, took out two medicinal herbs from the inside, placed it on a jade plate on the alchemy platform, and then took it from the alchemy platform. It took your half feathers to swing toward the falling snow:

"Thank you!"

Even if the half of the feathers were put into the storage ring, it took the jade dish containing Ling Gendan to fly down the alchemy platform. Put the jade dish in the hands of Situ Ming:

"Let's have a look!"

A group of monks surrounded Situ Ming. Xu Ziyan retired, and chose to sit down in a corner.

No one has ever seen Ling Gendan, and no one knows if this is Ling Gendan. But everyone knows that this is not yin and yang.

A faint scent of medicine was floating in the air, and everyone sniffed the nose. I know that the two elixir in this jade dish are definitely good for the monks of the monks. These are the sage masters. Although Dandao is far from the purple smoke, the most basic judgment can be judged.

However, only this step can be judged. If you want to know if this Xiandan is Linggen Dan, there is only one way:

Try Dan.

There are still many people in the Upper Yuan Dynasty who do not have a spiritual root. Soon an old man was brought in. He is the son of an elder of Tiandan Commercial Bank, and he is over 100 years old this year. Even in the place where the Yuanyuan Continent is abundant, he has not lived for many years.

In his 100s, it was only a moment for the monks.

But for a mortal without a root, it is almost a lifetime.

The old man was very excited at the moment, because he heard that he was coming to try Dan. Try a kind of elixir that can grow out of the roots. As long as it can grow out of the roots, he can cultivate. As the son of the elders of the Tiandan Commercial Bank, as long as they have a spiritual root, Xiandan will naturally not be less, and he will soon become young again.

Sure enough, I saw that the patriarch was standing in the middle of a group of people with a plate in his hand. There is an elixir on top of the dish, and another elixir has been taken up by Situ Ming.

"Seeing... the patriarch..." The old man was so excited that he trembled.

"Take it down!" Situ Ming was also anxious at this time, anxious to know if this is Linggen Dan, so there is no extra nonsense, directly put the jade in the hands of the old man.

The old man trembled and picked up the elixir in the jade dish, put it in his mouth, and then stood there, feeling the changes in his body.

He is just a mortal, not able to look inside, only to pass his own feelings. But he didn't feel anything, and his eyes gradually showed the color of disappointment.

However, the surrounding monks did not disappoint, and did not disperse. They still surrounded him in the middle, and the gods were scanned on his body.

After three hours in the past, Situ Ming took back the gods and said: "The efficacy has been consumed."

When the words fell, I took out a jade rule and handed it to the old man: "Hold it!"

The old man of this kind of jade ruler is too familiar. He didn't know how many times he had held it in his life, but he did not change the whole jade ruler once.

Trembling the jade ruler in the hand, then forcefully hold it. A brilliance rises from the jade ruler, but the height of the rise is not high.

Even so, the old man was trembling with excitement, and kept whispering a word:

"I have a spiritual root! I have a spiritual root..."

All the monks in the hall were quiet, and then they all turned to face the purple smoke sitting in the corner, bursting out with a burst of cheers.

Xu Ziyan stood up from the chair and smiled and smiled. The snow fell on his face and looked at Xu Ziyan. He knew that he had not lost half of the feathers in vain, but also pushed the reputation of Xu Ziyan to a peak.

Looking at Zhang Luoshu not far away, the heart said: "Now that half of the feathers are in the hands of Xu Ziyan, it depends on when you started."

The monks lived under the arrangement of the Tiandan Commercial Bank, and a grand banquet will be held tomorrow, indicating that the current alchemy conference has come to a successful conclusion.

the next day.

In the garden of the Tiandan Commercial Bank, the seats were filled, and the dishes were brought up.

It is a business of Tiandan. Every dish has different kinds of elixir as a material. It is not only full of color and flavor, but also has great benefits for the monk's power operation.

Xu Ziyan just smiled and sent a close to the Xiandan division, and he felt that someone was sitting next to him. The heart could not help but sigh, these people are too warm.

From the time when Xu Ziyan was less than a quarter of an hour, she had already sent four people away. It seems that this meal is not good. Turning his head to look around, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes:

"Mountain Spirit? How come you are here?"

"I went to Yuanmeng to find you, and Ma Jingying said that you are going to attend an alchemy conference, and I will come."

"Seeing the Quebec?" Xu Ziyan began to communicate with Yanshan soul.

"Well! These days are practicing in her. Right, I am here to take you to Quebec."


"You know, that Kui Tian is composed of three kinds of powers of the fairy demon, so he is proficient in the three magical powers of the fairy demon. You will not be just a human race in the future, so let Kui Tian use your three magical powers to point you out. It is good for your future."

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded, suddenly remembered something, asked the Yanshan soul: "Mountain soul, have you heard of Yutian?"

The hand of Yanshan Soul is a shake, the color of his face is slightly changed. Gently took a breath and it calmed down. In the knowledge of God and Xu Ziyan exchange.

"Ziyan, where did you hear the name Yutian?"

"What? You know?"

The eyes of Yanshan soul changed a bit, and Xu Ziyan could see a trace of tension from his eyes. This is the first time that Xu Ziyan has seen tension from the eyes of Yanshan Soul.

"He is the lord!"

The voice of Yanshan soul finally sounded in the consciousness of Xu Ziyan, but it was not shocking Xu Ziyan.

Yutian turned out to be the lord...


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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