The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2050: very good

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"How do you know the name of Yutian? Do you encounter Yutian?" Yanshan soul's tone is somewhat anxious.

Xu Ziyan said the fun of the palace to the Yanshan soul, Yanshan soul silenced for a while:

"I have never been clear about the origin of Yutian. I did not expect him to have such a history."

"You have not found the whereabouts of the lord?" Xu Ziyan asked curiously.


Yanshan soul shook his head, then slightly released his brow, and looked around, his eyebrows stalked to Xu Ziyan and asked:

"Ziyan, how do I find that almost everyone is looking at you?"

Xu Ziyan smiled a bit, and he told the story of refining Ling Gendan to Yanshan. Yanshan soul heard, can not help but laughed:

"How? How do you feel?"

"Not good! A little annoying..."

At this time, the monks in other seats looked at the eyes of Yanshan soul full of murderous, one heart:

"Who is this? Sitting on the side of Xu Ziyan's body is endless. Xu Ziyan is not your own. Everyone is waiting to communicate with Xu Ziyan. Don't you be so overbearing?"

However, in the end, no one dared to come over and say something to Yanshan Soul. Because they can't see through the cultivation of Yanshan soul. They all saw that the body of Yanshan seemed to be wearing a fairy, covering his cultivation and chaos. I can't see the realm of Yanshan soul at all. So they are forbearing, and wait for the departure of Yanshan soul. But in their eyes, the Yanshan soul seems to be leaving at all, and there is a chat with Xu Ziyan.

"Mountain Soul. How did you get a mask to repair the fairy?" Xu Ziyan asked curiously in the gods.

"I am now at the second level of the Holy Class. If I was found by a peak of the late Tianzun to see through my cultivation, isn't that a trouble? So I simply refining myself to a congenital treasure. Repaired to cover up."

"That... wait and give me another one."

"You?" Yanshan soul is somewhat puzzled: "Your cultivation is not high, there is no need to cover it?"

"Why do you manage so much, I just want it."

"Good!" Yanshan soul touched the nose helplessly. Decisively agreed.

Among the monks around. Finally, some people couldn’t help it. Zhang Luoshu stood up from his seat. Going towards Xu Ziyan.

"Xu Daoyou!"

"Zhang Daoyou!" Xu Ziyan had to temporarily stop chatting with Yanshan Soul, and Zhang Luoshu greeted him. The Yanshan soul on the side was eaten there regardless of the location.

"Xu Daoyou!" Zhang Luoshu simply ignored the existence of Yanshan soul and sighed toward Xu Ziyan: "Your alchemy was too wonderful yesterday. I really didn't think that alchemy and martial arts would have such a close relationship. I am afraid that it is all over the whole. You are the first great master to combine alchemy and craftsmanship in the Yuan Dynasty."

"Dow friends praised!"

"No! No! No! Not too much at all, but not enough to allow the talents of the Taoist friends." Zhang Luoshu shook his head and said:

"Xu Daoyou, I know your identity. I am a killer. I didn't build a photo studio in the beginning. At that time, I was still alone. So everything depends on myself. In one accident, I found myself on alchemy. The technique was extremely savvy. Since then I have been studying alchemy, and from that time on, I gradually built a photo studio.

On the one hand, because of my understanding of alchemy, on the other hand, I am a killer. Seeing people is my strength. When you refine the Ling Gendan, I feel that even the Emperor Danzong is not as good as you in the realm. ”

"Zhang Daoyou, you are joking! Liu Zongzhu is a congenital Xiandan teacher!" Xu Ziyan hurried and modestly said a few words.

Zhang Luoshu saw Xu Ziyan look faint. I decided not to go back and lowered my voice and said:

"Xu Daoyou, you won half of the feathers from the falling snow, and the other half of the feathers are in my hands."

"Oh?" This time, Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows were picked and his face showed an interesting look.

"That was a hundred years ago, after I stabbed a monk, I strayed into a space on the way back. That space gives the impression that it is a battlefield after the war. At the foot of me, it is the broken feather. But I just picked it up and didn't know what was being squeezed out. And I couldn't find that space anymore.

At this time, the falling snow suddenly appeared to me, and eventually grabbed half of the feathers. ”

Speaking of it. His eyes looked at Xu Ziyan. When Xu Ziyan saw Zhang Luoshu look over, he frowned slightly:

"You want to get back the half feather from me?"

"No, no..." Zhang Luoshu hurriedly waved: "I am not asking for the half feather, and as long as you are willing to help me, I will give you the half feather on my body."

"What busy?"

Xu Ziyan is really interested this time. Can you collect two and a half feathers, should you be able to use it a bit? After all, this is the feather of Fengzu!

Falling snow and Zhang Luoshu do not know. Xu Ziyan knows!

"This is the case..." Zhang Luoshu said earnestly: "You know that I am also a Xiandan teacher. I got a Danfang, and I have studied it for a long time. I have also refining it several times, but I have not succeeded. I want to ask a friend. Take time to help me see the Danfang, as long as you can help me with this, the half feather is yours."

"Well, wait for a time!"

Xu Ziyan naturally will not miss this opportunity. However, it is not an easy task to study a Danfang. If it is a refinement of its own, or if it is owned by a heritage, if it is a new Danfang, it will take a certain amount of time for Xu Ziyan. . but. Xu Ziyan has to follow the Yanshan soul to Kuitian for a while, only to temporarily release this matter.

"This..." Zhang Luoshu’s face showed a trace of anxiety: "Can we be after the banquet, we..."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "I am very busy recently!"

"That's good! Waiting for Xu Daoyou to come at any time. Just go to any photo studio and say your name. I will come as soon as possible."

"Good!" Xu Ziyan smiled and nodded.

The distant snow has been paying attention to Zhang Luoshu and Xu Ziyan. With his cultivation, as long as Zhang Luoshu and Xu Ziyan are not exchanges of knowledge, even the sound is low. He can also hear clearly.

He never thought that Zhang Luoshu would give the half feather to Xu Ziyan. Although he couldn't see the secret of the half feather, it was considered the best material as a refiner. Otherwise, he will not take it out to lure Xu Ziyan into the alchemy. Because he knows that only half of the feathers on his body are the most precious.

Zhang Luoshu left, Yanshan soul conveyed to Xu Ziyan: "What kind of feather did you get half?"

"Feng Zu's feathers!"


This time, the soul of Yanshan was not shocked. Feng Zu, he had never seen it, but I heard it!

"Then why don't you quickly get the half feather of that piece?"

"Isn't this going to be with you for a while? The time is a bit tight. And look at him like that, and don't want to open up Dan here publicly."

"Then wait a minute, anyway, they don't know that it is the feather of Fengzu. I am interested in what is the pen of the god. Waiting for the Kuitian, take it out and show it to me."

"Mountain Spirit, after you were born, Longzu and Fengzu are gone?"

"Well, there are only legends about the dragon ancestors and the phoenix ancestors. At that time, the whole world was the lord, the demon master and the demon lord. I was later on, and the prince was even later than me."


A voice came from the opposite side. Xu Ziyan looked up and saw that Tian Zun came to his own life. Although he was talking to Xu Ziyan, his eyes were looking at the Yanshan soul.

"Excuse me, this Taoist friend is..." Life is looking forward to the eyes of Yanshan soul.

"Yanshan soul!" Yanshan soul said faintly.

Life is respectful, and the name of Yanshan soul has been heard. It is a Taoist of Xu Ziyan, and it is said that a cave house was opened in a valley outside the Yuanmeng League. He only heard about this thing in the past, and he has never seen the soul of Yanshan. But he saw the soul of Yanshan today, but he was fidgeting there.

The dusty memory opened from the sea of ​​knowledge. The more he saw the young boy next to Xu Ziyan, the more like the evil master of the original fairyland, but the evil master was not so young.

In the end, he couldn't help but walk up. Prepare for a temptation. Did not think that the other party turned out to be Yanshan soul. But he did not dare to ask more. In my heart, I thought that he was a Taoist who was a purple smoker. He could knock from the purple smoke in the future.

It’s better to be safe than to face each other once they are evil.


Since there is doubt about the origin of Yanshan soul, Life Tianzun is even more willing to pull Xu Ziyan into the Yuanmeng. To know that this is not as simple as an alchemy master.

in case……


That Yanshan soul is really an evil master. That pulled Xu Ziyan into the Shangyuan League, which was to pull the evil master into the Yuanmeng League. This will make Shangyuan League occupy an important position in the great era of the future.

"Ziyan, have you been in Shangyuan League for almost ten years?" Life Tianzun and He asked kindly.

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

"What do you think of the alliance in the past ten years?"

"very good!"

The look of life Tianzun is a stagnation, full of thought that Xu Ziyan will appreciate the Shangyuan League. Anyway, on today's Upper Yuan Dynasty, that sect has a 12-passage hall? However, I did not expect that only a change of Xu Ziyan was "very good."

In fact, Xu Ziyan really feels very good, and it is just quite good. After all, when she came to Shanghai Union, many attributes realized the great perfection. In addition to the life of heaven, the inheritance of the time Tianzun and the Seven Loves Heaven helped him a little more, and the other nine inheritance halls did not help her much.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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