The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2051: Thought avatar

Life Tianzun looked at Xu Ziyan somewhat silently, but he finally only grasped the words "very good" to make a fuss, and looked at Xu Ziyan and said:

"Ziyan, since I think that the Yuanmeng League is very good, is there any intention to completely join the Yuanmeng League? You can rest assured that as long as you agree to join the Shangyuan League, I will go to talk with him."

"Well?" Xu Ziyan accidentally looked at the life of Tianzun, she did not understand why a Tianzun late peak should force her to pull a fairy emperor?

But he can't leave the Cangzong sect. She already has deep feelings for a Jianfeng. Naturally, it will not be added to the Yuan League for the sake of certain interests.

What's more, she did not feel that there is any interest in the alliance.

"Predecessors, Ziyan still like to stay in the Cangwu."

"Ziyan!" Life Tianzun waved his hand and replaced it with a godly voice: "You didn't just want to be a congenital master in your life? Do you still think that there is a breakthrough in repairing?

But in your case, you know that you have six kinds of roots of gold, wood, fire, and light. A monk like you wants to get a breakthrough, you should know how hard it is.

You need a lot of resources on the road you cultivate, and you can't give it to you.

You know that all of us are from ancient times, so we have the advantage that others can't compare. In the ancient times, many secret houses we all know, we casually collect a few secret houses, and their resources will exceed that of Cangwu.

Therefore, if you want to be a fairy, joining the League can not be said to be your only choice, but it is also a shortcut. ”

"I am still small. No hurry!"

Xu Ziyan sneaked a sly grin, and said in his heart: "I have a sacred sacred spirit. As long as I am going to improve to the peak of the late Emperor, the worst will become a half-step person."

Life is a little dazed. He said so much, did not expect Xu Ziyan to give him a sentence: "I am still small, no hurry!"

"This... time waits for no one, just fight for the day..." Life Tianzun feels that his mouth is full of bitterness:

"Ziyan. Even if we don't talk about resources, we all have 12 people from ancient times. We look at the cultivation methods that are not available on the mainland today, and we have mastered the fairy tales that have been lost in the mainland today, as long as you are willing to join. Yuanmeng, these things are yours."


Life Tianzun waved to stop Xu Ziyan, one bite: "You still don't know if I will make alchemy?"

"I don't know!" Xu Ziyan shook his head.

Looking at Xu Ziyan’s skeptical eyes, Life Tianzun is a sigh of relief: “My alchemy is real, don’t look at me with the eyes of time.”

"Yes. Seniors!" Xu Ziyan looked down.

"Do you know how I learned alchemy?" Life is a mysterious look.

Xu Ziyan showed a curious look in cooperation: "How did you learn?"

"I told you that in ancient times, I had accidentally got a dragon scale. My alchemy technique was realized from the dragon scale. How about? As long as you join Shangyuan League, the dragon scale is you. of."

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a movement, can understand the dragon scale of alchemy, will not be the dragon scale of Longzu? What day is it today, not just the feathers of Fengzu. Even the scales of the dragon ancestors appeared.

"How?" Life Tianzong looked forward to Xu Ziyan: "I don't know why this dragon scale will comprehend alchemy, but the truth is true, and I think maybe there is no secret in the dragon scale." come out."

Xu Ziyan is really very excited about the dragon scale. If the life Tianzun does not want her to join the Shangyuan League, but to change a condition, Xu Ziyan may even agree.

It is probably the scale of the dragon ancestors! I want to be the original dragon ancestor, the ancestral ancestor, if it is the scales of the dragon ancestors, there must be inheritance of alchemy.

Such a heritage, and which Xiandan division will not be heart-warming?

"Hey..." Xu Ziyan sighed in the heart. The dragon's scales are so lost to themselves: "Predecessors. Sorry!"

Xu Ziyan did not say the reason for not joining the Yuanmeng League. The reason is full and the result is the same. Therefore, Xu Ziyan is better than not to say.

Life is esteemed by Xu Ziyan. Then I sighed and got up and shook my head and left.

Life Tianzun has just left. Liu Jinsong came to the front of Xu Ziyan and said very directly:

"Ziyan, are you interested in becoming the honorary elder of our Danzong?"

"Honor elders?"

"Well, every year Danzong gives you some resources, and you don't have to do anything for Danzong. It is what happened to Danzong in the future. You can also choose to help or not."

You can rest assured that there are absolutely many resources. ”

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently: "Liu brother, we are all people who cultivate the immortals. Do you look like a little girl like a fool? The more resources a sect is given to you, the greater the responsibility of this person. It is impossible to collect resources only and do nothing. The younger sister does not want to end the cause and effect."

Liu Jinsong also shook his head and left, and then the forces of the parties kept coming to Xu Ziyan here and pulled her close. Xu Ziyan’s hand received a pile of jade slips.

They are all VIP cards of various organizations. There are Huijing firms, and there are light dance buildings...

After the leaders of these parties left, they were the elders who had waited for a long time. They all came up and started to introduce themselves, all kinds of praises, all kinds of praise...

Finally, the banquet was finally over, and Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul immediately left Tiandan City.

"Call..." Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath and whispered: "It's so annoying!"

Yanshan soul smiled and shook his head and said: "This is a good thing. You have been in the Zongmen. To be honest, you still have too little time to go to the Yuan Dynasty. You have not many connections between the Zongmen. Almost all of your time is spent on cultivation. If there is time in the future, it is not necessary to travel with others. It is also very important to cultivate the four treasures of the immortals.

However, today, under the circumstance, it is a lot of connections in the level of the Tiandan business. This is good for you, no harm, don't underestimate the monks at this level. ”

"Know it!" Xu Ziyan nodded seriously.

"Let's go!"

Yanshan soul pulled up the hands of Xu Ziyan, and did not tear the space. It was only taken one step in the air. The two figures disappeared into the void. When they reappeared, they have already arrived in Sancha. Over the sky.

With a big sleeve and a wave, Yanshan soul pulled Xu Ziyan's hand directly on the side of the three-color lake. The lake was rippled, and the sturdy figure appeared in front of Xu Ziyan.

Kui Tian looked up and down Xu Ziyan, and his mouth was amazed: "Yes, this is how long, you will be the peak of the Emperor!"

"Purple smoke is handed over to you!" Yanshan soul pointed to Xu Zi flue.

"no problem!"

Kui Tian looked at Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan was thinking about how Kui Tian would point her, but saw that Kui Tian suddenly opened his mouth and sucked into the inside, Xu Ziyan was sucked into the mouth of Kui Tian.

Xu Ziyan felt a sigh of relief, waiting to see the sight in front of him and found that it was a big city. At this time, Xu Ziyan stood outside the city gate and saw many monks walking or walking in the big city through the city gate, or buying or selling, or gossip...

“Where is this?” Xu Ziyan was amazed. She remembered that she was swallowed up by Quebec. Is it the world of Quebec?

Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the gods conveyed a message that she was allowed to enter from this gate and then came out from another gate. Even if you pass the customs.

Standing at the gate of the city, watching the people in the city gate, Xu Ziyan was a little shocked. Is there so many people in the world of Quebec? These people are caught by Quebec. Still born in the world?

Going into the city gate in the first two steps.

The original shackles in the whole city were a quiet, and Xu Ziyan was shocked. Looking up and looking around, I saw a person staring at myself, and suddenly one person said:



The quiet big city was smashed again.

"Kill her, kill her!"

Xu Ziyan could not help but smile in her heart. At this time, she already understood. Kuitian wanted her to kill all the gates from this city gate.

Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated, took out the purple smoke sword. A sword slammed into a monk who rushed to his front. However, the sword smashed from the head, and the other party did not have the slightest injury. The purple smoke sword crossed the other's body, and the other party was not a physical entity, as if the gas was condensed.

"Thoughts, this is the thought, this individual is the formation of Quebec's thoughts."

Xu Ziyan was shocked and did not think that Quebec’s thoughts were so powerful. It is useless to use physical attacks on such thoughts. It can only be attacked with Xianyu to achieve results.

Xu Ziyan took the purple smoke sword up. Since the mountain spirit said here to see the magical powers of the three races and polish their foundation, it is better to use the basic exercises.

Moon fine wheel!

Golden gun.

Flame knife.


Xu Ziyan kept releasing the basic fairy, and she discovered that these thoughts formed a human form, and even released the fairy, and countless fairy scorpions came to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan released a water curtain Tianhua defensive shield on his body, resisting the attack from the sky, and his hands were constantly hitting and sending out a fairy.

Kuitian seems to control those thoughts in a weak realm. Xu Ziyan looks at it at a glance. Although it is a monk in all directions, it is also the strength of Xianjun period.

Originally, this kind of strength is no more, and it is hard to hurt Xu Ziyan. However, these thoughts are incarnate in a very high state of mind. The power of Xianyin is small, but it is precisely in the place where Xu Ziyan is very uncomfortable, often letting Xu Ziyan The released fairy scent became unsmooth.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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