The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2052: Shen Nian Tongda

I am very grateful to Jie Ji students (100), mableip classmates (100), Yu Yu 645098 classmates (100), night sleep classmates (100), Xiahou Zengqi classmates (100), fire dance Yiren classmates (100) reward!



Xu Ziyan stopped and Xu Ziyan was immersed in the memories. The attack by Kui Tian’s tens of thousands of thoughts continually bombarded the water curtain Tianhua released by Xu Ziyan, and swayed a circle.

Starting from Zhongdu City, one of the thoughts in her memory is clear, it is already far away, or has been forgotten. Because some people have a deep memory of Xu Ziyan, some people have just passed by and have forgotten. If Xu Ziyan is not in control at this time, these memories will never appear.

And even if you remember something deeply, it is often a deep memory of a certain stage.

Xu Ziyan’s breathing gradually became slower, and as soon as he breathed, the space rose and shrank...


There was a wall around the body of Xu Ziyan. Only one meter away, Xu Ziyan was surrounded.

One breath and one suck...

The one-meter-wide city began to expand outward.

Two meters in width... three meters... one in one... ten miles...

The water curtain Tianhua hangs over the city, but as the city continues to widen, the water curtain Tianhua will be blasted by the city.

A light spot floated out of the body of Xu Ziyan, floating in the air, swaying, and turned into a human form. It is the appearance of Xu Haoguang.

One by one, the light spots continually floated out of the body of Xu Ziyan. It was a thought in the memory of Xu Ziyan, and turned into a personal shape, Xu Tianlang. Xu Wei, Xu Lin, Yang Lingwei...

Three places.

Yanshan soul and Kui Tian are sitting opposite each other, and there is a pair of expectations on the middle stone table. Kui Tian put down a child. Then look at the soul of Yanshan and say:

"The evil Lord, your Taoist understanding is good!"

"Well? She realized that God is known?"

“Not bad!” Kui Tian nodded. “Now she has created a god-like city in my **** city. I will see if she can get further insight through God.”

Kui Tian looked up and glanced at Yanshan Soul, and his eyes flashed a glimpse: "Evil Lord, how do I feel that you really like your Taoist this time?"

"Of course it is true, is there still a fake?"

"But... are you not ruthless?"

"I am born again! Reborn, do you understand? And I have also had a love spring, isn't it good now?" Yanshan soul proudly lifted his legs:

"And, in the future, you will call me the soul of Yanshan. Don't call me the evil master again. It is already a matter of past life. There is no evil master in this world, only a brand new Yanshan soul."

Kui Tian looked up and down the Yanshan soul. After a long time, he said with emotion: "I didn't think that rebirth is so good, even the heart will become young!"

"I was young..."

"Evil Lord..."

"Call me a brother, or Yanshan soul!"

"I still call you the mountain spirit." Quebec looked at the Yanshan soul road enviously: "Mountain spirit, are you really serious about that little girlfriend?"

"Well. Is there something wrong?" Yanshan soul frowned slightly: "Why do you always ask this?"

"Mountain Spirit, have you ever thought that this would bring her danger?"

"I thought about it, and the purple smoke also knows that my enemy is very powerful."

"Soul of the mountain, she will become your flaw. When we face the lord again, we can't lose again. The lord is undoubtedly powerful, and it is not necessarily the opponent of the lord when you win. If you let the lord discover that Xu Ziyan is your dead hole... you are harming yourself."

Yanshan soul sat there in a silly manner, half-talking: "What do I do?"

"Kill her!"

"Who killed?"

"Xu Ziyan, only you can kill Xu Ziyan by hand, can you eliminate this flaw."

"No! No! No! I can't do it!" Yanshan soul shook his head. There is some confusion on the face that has never been seen before. Suddenly staring at Kui Tiandao:

"Now no one knows that I am a lord, I don't think the lord knows. I can stay away from the purple smoke, change my face, wait for us to solve the lord. I will find the purple smoke again..."

Kui Tian sighed a sigh: "Mountain Soul, why is this? We have reached the realm of immortality. Unless the heavens and the earth rob, we will live with the world. And Xu Ziyan can live for a long time, but it is tens of millions. Years are over."

The world of Quebec.

Among the cities that belong to Xu Ziyan, more and more people are turned into ideas. The water curtain Tianhua was finally blasted by the ever-expanding city. The heart of the sky was moved, and the fairy, the demon, and the demon came from three directions. Start attacking the city that wants purple smoke.

The human figures that were made by Xu Ziyan’s thoughts also began to defend the city, and they fought in a place with the fairy demon. The details of the battle between the thoughts and the fairy demon are fed back to Xu Ziyan to understand the sea, so that Xu Ziyan has a clearer understanding of the characteristics and magical power of the fairy demon.

I don't know how long it took to give Xu Ziyan the feeling that it has been a few years. Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and whispered:

"It's time to go back!"

One breath and one suck...

The city gradually became distorted, and a personal shape turned into a light spot that was hidden into the body of Xu Ziyan. Finally, the city was turned into a light and entered the body of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan looked up at the void, and the void opened a gap, and Xu Ziyan sucked in. I only felt a flower in front of me, Xu Ziyan had already stood in the land of Sancha, sitting in front of her with Quebec and Yanshan soul.

Not yet waiting for the opening of the purple smoke, Yanshan soul stood up and slammed, and pulled the hand of the purple smoke:

"let's go!"

Xu Ziyan inexplicably disappeared into the land of Sancha with the soul of Yanshan, and instantly fell on a white cloud, and below it was a rolling mountain. Unlocking Xu Ziyan’s hand, Yanshan’s soul silently looked at the opposite Xu Ziyan.

"Mountain Soul, what's wrong? But I have been practicing in the Quebec world for too long?"

Yanshan soul shook his head: "No. You have been inside for a few years, but outside is only a moment."

"Then why did you bring me here? What is it here?"

"The place below is called the Lost Mountain!"

“The Fallen Mountains?”

“Yes, the Luoxian Mountain Range has existed since ancient times. It is a mysterious place. In addition to the five people who can barely tear open the space here and in. No matter what the monks of the realm will enter here, they will be Sealed the fairy power and turned into a mortal. And once you get here, don't think about it again."

"Ah? So terrible!" Xu Ziyan carefully looked at the bottom. I was afraid that I would accidentally fall off.

"Ziyan..." Yanshan soul's voice is a bit difficult: "Today, Kuita and I said something, I think it makes sense."

"What did she say?" Xu Ziyan felt a little bad.

"She said... you will become the flaw when I face the lord. If the lord catches you, it will point me to my death."


"This Luoxian Mountain Range is a Jedi. Anyone who cultivates the Immortals will not come here. Even if we are five people, we are not willing to come here, because after entering it, it will be greatly affected by our realm. So, the lord will never think that I sent you here. You are here waiting for me. After I have settled the matter with the lord, I will pick you up again."

"No, mountain spirit..."

"Ziyan, if you let the lord discover the relationship between you and me, he will definitely catch you. You hide here, I change my identity. The lord is hard to detect the former Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan."

"No, mountain spirit..."

"Ziyan. You can rest assured. After I left, I will go to find the demon Lord. I and his holiday have been resolved because of the emotional spring. I am going to say that he and I will join forces with Kui Tian. We will Take the initiative to find the lord.

Soon, I will pick you up soon. ”

"Mountain Spirit, I don't want to..."

The right hand of Yanshan Soul draws a space in the space, tearing a space around the space of the Luoxian Mountains, and stretching his hand on the body of Xu Ziyan. Although Xu Ziyan struggled, the figure still fell into the crack.

Once in the Fallen Mountains. Xu Ziyan felt that his fairy power was being quickly sealed. Reluctantly fell to the ground. Looking up into the air, the Yanshan soul has disappeared.

The space seems to have a force infiltrating into the body of Xu Ziyan, and her body's strength is firmly sealed. After a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan could no longer give a trace of strength.

Xu Ziyan was sitting on the grass. She understands the mind of Yanshan, but she can't accept this fact.

"No. I am leaving here!"

Xu Zi stood up from the grass with a sigh of relief, looking around and looking for directions to leave. But everything around it is so strange, strange to let Xu Ziyan have no sense of direction.

Xu Ziyan suddenly moved in her heart. She remembered the **** of the storage ring. The guy came from an extraordinary place. Maybe I have been here?

Xu Zi smoker took a touch of the storage ring and took the three-foot pen in his hand. I haven't waited for the purple smoke to open, the pen made an inspiratory sound, and then it was a sigh:

"Ah... how fresh this air is!"


Xu Ziyan was sitting on the grass by the gods, and you said that you have a soul that is parasitic in the pen. How can there be so much emotion? Without the flesh, do you feel the freshness of the air?

"Hey..." Fushen continued to say: "You don't know, I was locked in the Fun Palace and I don't know how many billions of years have passed. I have been locked in the house, the thing I want most every day. Just be able to look at the green mountains and green water, and make a few rolls on the grass..."

"Okay! Ok!" Xu Ziyan released his hand and placed the pen on the grass: "You are willing to roll it and roll it!"

"Oh oh..."

Fushen fluttered happily on the grass, and suddenly stopped, and all the way back to Xu Ziyan’s side, stood up and said:

"How come you came here?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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