The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2058: Dark symbol

I am very grateful to Cheng Mengyi Bing Zichang (588), Yu Yu 645098 (400), mableip (300), marlina (200), Jie Yi (200), rest 123 (100), seaphay (100) reward!


Under the concern of Xu Ziyan, the two sides began to send people to discuss in the lake. There is a win-win situation for each other, and it is calculated seriously. On the contrary, the Eastern Zongmen has more wins and losses.

Wu Shijie’s face showed joy, and the opposite step did not speak from the beginning, as if he was just looking at the excitement.

In the crowd of Fangya Xiaoju, Lan Bailing’s double fists are clenched on the side of the body. Because of too much force, the joints are whitish. Her eyes are staring at the opposite side of the chair sitting idle on the chair, thinking of her own The chest was once caught by the dirty hands, and she could not wait to kneel down the two hands.

Lan Bailing’s gaze was so wide that he could feel it from a long distance, slightly frowning, and his heart was killing.

Lan Bailing can't stay, he must kill it. It is not cruel to one who can always let a person who always thinks of taking a cold to give himself a fatal blow.

The right hand hidden in the big sleeve unfolded, and a black rune appeared in his palm. After that, the gold power between the heavens and the earth gathered toward his palm, wrapped the rune in it, forming an egg-sized egg. Golden projectile.

Waved to the beginning of a fairy emperor, the golden projectile was handed over to the early Emperor:

"You go to challenge a monk called Lan Bailing, and then throw this at her."

And it is at this time. A battle on the heart of the lake just ended, but it was a victory on the side of the Shangmeng, and the monk on the eastern Zongmen was slightly injured.

The Xian Emperor flew from the West Bank to the heart of the lake and walked on the lake. The body was slightly ups and downs, and his eyes swept away from the opposite side.

"In the next Shangyuan League, far away, challenge Qinglian Zonglan Bailing."

Everyone's eyes fell on the body of Lan Bailing. Lan Bailing was the early stage of Xiandi, and the challenger of Shangyuan was also the early stage of Xiandi. She had no reason to refuse.

However, she always pays attention to her own step. Naturally, she sees that she has given one to Cheng Yuan. Her heart is a sinking, can't she just want to use Cheng Yuan to kill herself?

Lan Bailing's gaze became sharp, and suddenly stepped out and plunged toward the lake. No matter what you give to Cheng Yuan alone, you are not afraid. If you can't even pass the pass. How to face her true enemies?


As soon as the two men started the battle, Cheng Yuan threw the golden projectile toward Lan Bailing. Lan Bailing's gaze shrinks, but there is no hard connection, but the body shape floats and flashes toward the side. But the golden projectile was like a golden meteor with eyes wide, chasing Lan Bailing.

On the other side, Cheng Yuan continued to attack. It was only in an instant that Lan Bai Ling fell to the bottom.

Lan Bailing knows that Cheng Yuan is nothing, the most important thing is that he is too scrupulous about the golden projectile.

"Ha ha ha..." On the other side, there was a single-handed laughter: "Bai Ling, you are still so timid, hahaha..."

Lan Bailing's gaze is so strong, what is a projectile, I have to see how powerful it is?

Lan Bailing suddenly punched the golden projectile and the golden projectile burst into bursts. The huge metallic energy almost bombarded the water in the small lake into the air.


Lan Bailing spurted a spurt of blood, and the whole person was already fainted in the air. Ma Jingying flew out in an instant. Lan Bailing, who fell from the air, hugged her arms. Back to Fangya Xiaoju.

This is the first time the two sides have tried, the first time there has been a fainting situation. This time, even the purple smoke could not sit still, and rushed to the side of Lan Bailing to look at her.

At this time, Lan Bailing was placed on a case, and his face was pale as paper. There is no trace of blood, but there is a hint of faint black gas that occasionally shakes under the skin.

Ma Jingying and the dance color clothes are helplessly looking at Wu Shijie to save Lan Bailing there. Ma Jingying’s mouth still doesn’t know what to mutter, but it’s not a good thing anyway.

When I looked up and saw Xu Ziyan, my face instantly burst into a surprise: "Purple smoke, come over and see, Lan Bailing is injured!"

Xu Ziyan nodded and had no words. At this time, Wu Shijie was checking for Lan Bailing, and she stood by and waited. This is the minimum courtesy. And this injury is not anxious, and I can't die for a while.

Wu Shijie carefully checked it again, and fed the Lanbuling an elixir, and sent some power to the body of Lan Bailing, making her own sweat, but Lan Bailing was still unconscious.

At this time, some monks in the eastern Zongmen flew over to the Fangya small house. In fact, in the Eastern Zongmen and Shangyuanmeng monks began to test, they came to watch a lot of monks, including nine. The nine breakthroughs of Da Zongmen went to the great monks of the people's respect.

Of course, the same is true of Shangyuan League, and there are many monks who will participate in the ranking competition in the future.

At this time, the nine-person monarchs entered the Fangya small residence, and each of them also inspected Lan Bailing, and they also tried several times, and they were helpless.

One of the nine great respects, the figure of the cultivation scholar of Cangwu Zong, now knows the ability of Xu Ziyan, turned to see Xu Ziyan, and hurriedly asked:

"Ziyan, have you seen it?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded. Although she had never been to the front, she only stood by her side and looked at it with her eyes. Basically, she determined the injury of Lan Bailing.

"That... why is she always in a coma?"

The problem of shining is also the problem of everyone around this time. They don’t understand how Lan Bailing has been unconscious. Seeing that her injury is like a bombardment by a metallic fairy, although serious but absolutely no Life is dangerous. but. At this time, these people clearly smelled the smell of death from the body of Lan Bailing.

"She has a power of rune."

Xu Ziyan sighed softly. As a congenital fairy teacher, there was a faint flow in the body of Lan Bailing. How could she not see it?

But seeing it is one thing, can it be another thing to crack.

If it is a symbol of other attributes. Xu Ziyan is really easy to solve, but the charm of Lan Bai Ling is a dark attribute.

The dark attribute Xu Ziyan is very familiar, so she can see the seriousness of the problem. If this dark symbol can't be solved, waiting for the fate of Lan Bailing is only death.

However, Xu Ziyan lacks the dark attribute aspect of this aspect of the system. Let her be a little helpless.

Xu Ziyan locked his brow and thought about it. The rule of dark attributes...

Suddenly, Ziyan’s eyebrows were picked. He remembered that when he participated in the alchemy conference, Luo Tianba, the leader of the Sanxian League, once told him that the killer’s head, Zhang Luoshu, said that he was walking the path of the dark fairy, he should Can you help me?

Extending one hand to hold the heart of Lan Bailing, the gas of life was transported in, and found that his realm is still too low, with the constant interference of the darkness. The power of your own life can play a small role. Moreover, Xu Ziyan also discovered that with the destructive power of the dark symbol, even if Zhang Luoshu was able to lift it, the body that was deeply damaged by Lan Bailing was not cured by his current state.

The best way to do this is to ask for life.

Xu Ziyan transmitted a glimpse of the gods into the storage ring, took out the jade card that Zhang Luoshu gave her, and handed it to Ma Jingying:

"Mr. Ma Shijie, you took this jade card to the photo studio in Tianzhu City. Tell them that Xu Ziyan has something to find Zhang Luoshu, let him immediately come over."

Ma Jingying took the piece of jade in her hand and looked at Xu Ziyan. Why is there no place in the photo studio? Zhang Luoshu is who she knows, but now it is a life-saving, what to do to find a killer?

"Ziyan, what are you looking for?"

Xu Ziyan glanced at the eyes: "Let you go, go!"

"Oh oh..."

Ma Jingying knows the temper of Xu Ziyan. Usually, she always smiles and rarely gets angry. Now I saw Xu Ziyan blinking, knowing that Xu Ziyan was really anxious, and left in a hurry.

"Dancer sister. You are here to guard the Lanshi sister. I am going to find someone to help."

Xu Ziyan got up and left the Fangya small residence and moved to the mysterious valley.

In the West Bank, a group of Shangyuanmen monks gathered together, and Cheng Yuan said more femininely to the one-step:

"Boss. How am I doing?"

“Not bad!” singularly praised.

"Boss, what will that Lan Bailing be? Will she be rescued?"

"Save back?" Step by step: "I can't save it. Just rely on them?"

In the Fangya small residence on the east bank, everyone frowned around Lan Bailing. Shi Zhongtian looked at the back of Xu Ziyan's disappearance, thinking in his heart, Xu Ziyan would go to ask someone.

However, everyone is not optimistic about Xu Ziyan. After all, Xu Ziyan is also a disciple. Can she ask someone who has identity?

Just like before, she asked Ma Jingying to go to the killer's head. When I thought of it, these few people respected the monks and shook their heads.

Please, this is saving people, not killing!

"Figure brother, who is your sister to ask?" asked a monk.

"I don't know!" Tusheng shook his head very honestly.

Several people whispered, and finally looked at the stone machine in the **** machine: "Shi Shixiong, do you think Xu Ziyan can come to heal the people of Lan Bailing?"

Shi Zhongtian’s look obviously hesitated. If this matter is placed on someone else’s body, he will not hesitate to think that he is screaming, what kind of killer to save?

But things happened to Xu Ziyan's body, but Shi Zhongtian had a feeling of believing in Xu Ziyan. I don't know how it happened. Since he saw Xu Ziyan and Liu Jinsong talking about laughter, he felt that Xu Ziyan was very mysterious.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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