The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2059: sensation

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"Xu Ziyan has not been fooled!" Finally, Shi Zhongtian had to give an ambiguous answer.

The monks in the eastern Zongmen carefully recalled the Xu Ziyan in the memory. It was really like Shi Zhongtian said. Xu Ziyan is sometimes unknown, as if the whole person has disappeared. Sometimes it’s very bold, and the things that are done are staggering.

However, Xu Ziyan never made a fool of himself.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, only wait silently.

"Oh..." One person respected the early monk and sighed: "I think this is a challenge that Shangyuanmeng gave us to the eastern sect. If we can't save Lan Bailing, we will fall down and will directly Affecting the momentum of the rankings..."

At this time, Xu Ziyan stood outside the hidden valley and stepped into the valley. He went all the way to the hidden passage, then entered the passage and entered the Tianmen space.

Under the huge heavenly gates, those heavenly buddies are quiet, cultivation of cultivation, and research on the ban of research on the ban. Xu Ziyan looked at Tianmen and saw that there was no change in the door that day. That is to say, after many years have passed, the cracking of Tianmen has not achieved remarkable results.

Xu Ziyan’s body shape flew toward Tianmen. A few days, Zun Zun looked at Xu Ziyan, and his face showed a smile. Among these heavens. I am afraid that the Chugo God Machine and the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sacred sect of the sacred sect of the sacred sacred sect.

At this time, Hua Yu and Xuan Tian Ao were still immersed in the cracked Tianmen, and Tian Zun also had a meditation on it.

After meeting the gods. I haven't waited for the purple smoke to speak, and Iyi asked with anxious eyes:

"Ziyan, but what happened in Zongmen?"

Xu Ziyan looked awkward and knew that the soil was misunderstood. Then he hurriedly shook his head: "No, Zongmen is fine!"

"Oh!" The look on the face of the soil was relaxed: "What are you doing?"

"I..." Xu Ziyan looked at the life and respected it: "I am looking for a life-like predecessor."

"Hmm?" Life Tianzun did not expect to have his own business.

"This is the case, my roommate is injured, I want to ask the life of the seniors to help treat."

"What kind of injury will be difficult for you?" The eyes of life Tianzun showed curiosity. He had already seen it at the alchemy conference. Xu Ziyan was a congenital Xiandan. What kind of injury will make a congenital Xiandan master helpless?

"She suffered an erosion of darkness while she was injured..."

After listening to the explanation of Xu Ziyan, Life Tianzun slightly frowned and said: "According to your statement, it is useless to go to me! As long as the dark symbol is not cracked. There is no cure."

"This I have sent people to ask for someone who can cure."

"Oh... then I will go see it with you!" Life Tianzun stood up from the ground.

"I am going to have a look at it when I am idle!"

"I am coming too!"


In addition to the sacred masters of the sacred sects and the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects, the remaining celestial gods all said that they went out to see together Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but laugh and cry. These Tianzuns were boring here, and they went out to let the wind go. I didn’t dare to leave easily. It was because I was afraid that when I left, the Tianmen was suddenly opened and they lost their opportunities.

They have also discovered it now. I don’t know what year and month to crack this Tianmen. However, the soil is still not at ease, and Xu Ziyan knows:

"Ziyan, how long does it take for that Tianmen to break open?"

Xu Ziyan looked up at the Tianmen and pulled the Yuanshen into the sea. At this time, the first one is already the peak of the Chinese artist, and this time, the observation of Tianmen is different from the previous observation.

"Master, this is a congenital fairy tales in the early stage of the top grade. The three people have not yet been cracked in half."

Xu Ziyan nodded, and then told the earth in the gods that the Tianmen had not cracked half.

In this way, the sect of the nine sects of the sect of the sect. Xuan Tianao, the patriarch of the ancestor, did not notice the arrival of Xu Ziyan. The sacred masters of the sacred sects and the sects of the sects of the sacred sects remain in the Tianmen space, and the remaining five lords plus ten in addition to the time when they studied the Tianmen and the seven celestial celestial beings who stayed on the Yuanmeng League. Tian Zun has walked out of the hidden valley with Xu Ziyan.

On both sides of the lake, the Shangyuanmeng monks on the west bank talked and laughed, and from time to time they made a sneer. The east bank is very quiet. A repressed atmosphere. They are waiting for the purple smoke to come back and see what kind of person she can ask back.

The clouds broke open in the sky. More than a dozen figures passed through the air and fell to the Fangya small residence on the east bank.

This is a sensation!

Not to mention the originally quiet east coast, that is, the west bank of the hustle and bustle is silent. Every pair of eyes is unbelievable.

How can this be?

How can Xu Ziyan please move these people?

See who these people are?

The top ten lords of Shangyuan League, the five masters of the nine sects. Don't say that these disciples on both sides of the strait are still living people. Even if they are dead, I am afraid they will be scared to jump at this time.

Sure enough, those disciples jumped one by one. Even the only people in the West Bank jumped up and flew from the other side of the sky, and honestly met with Tianzun.

"You seniors, please here." Xu Ziyan walked toward Fangya Xiaoju and said softly to Tianzun.

All the disciples looked a change. They were still holding the luck of their hearts. They felt that Xu Ziyan happened to meet these gods. Not the people who went to ask. However, now I heard Xu Ziyan’s words, they are clearly invited by Xu Ziyan.

Everyone's eyes turned back and forth on Tian Zun and Xu Ziyan, and they were shocked to find a problem. Although Xu Ziyan is very respectful to everyone. However, those Tianzun did not reveal the expression of Xu Ziyan as a younger generation, and also revealed a trace of respect for Xu Ziyan.


Respect for Xu Ziyan?

Nima, have I been living in a dream? A group of lame feet, the entire Tianyuan trembled Tianzun will respect a small fairy emperor?

At this time, this group of Tianzun has come to Lan Bailing with Xu Ziyan. These gods only used the knowledge of God to understand what was going on, and they could not help but frown slightly.

As Xu Ziyan said, the dark symbol is the real big problem. At this time, the dark symbol is not breaking down. One is broken down into two, two becomes four, and four becomes eight...

This darkness that gradually penetrates into the blood makes it difficult to lift them. Moreover, if the interlacing is like a mountain, even if these days are highly respected, it is impossible to encounter such a situation.

Life Tianzun glanced at the disciples of Shangyuan, who stood outside. The voice asked: "Who is Cheng Yuan?"

"I..." Cheng Yuan carefully responded.

"This dark symbol is what you gave?" Life Tian Zun stared at Cheng Yuan.

"I..." Cheng Yuan couldn't help but glance at it. How can his smiling movements survive the blame of life? A pair of eyes squinted and looked at the one step.

With so many eyes respected, the feeling of the mountain is coming. At this time, I knew that I couldn’t hide it. However, he is not very scared. Here are the five masters of the Eastern Zongmen, but there are also ten ancient Tianzun of the Shangyuan League. They are disciples of the Shangyuan League. Can the ancient Tianzun help Xu Ziyan?

Therefore, the only step is to tighten the mind. Taking a step forward, respectfully said: "Back to the predecessors, the disciples condensed a fairy and handed it to Cheng Yuan."

"Yeah!" God's life Tiandun nodded: "Is that condensed fairy smashed Lan Bailing?"


"Then you go to lift the dark symbol."


"Well?" The look of life is respected.

In the eyes of the single step, there was a flustered saying: "The predecessors of life, not the younger generation, will not give a solution, but the younger generation will not be able to solve it. The release of the younger generation will not be lifted!"

The face of Life Tianzun became ugly and said faintly: "Go on!"

Seeing the life of Heaven alone does not blame him, but let him leave, the heart is a joy. Knowing that Tian Zun is still protecting the disciples of Shang Yuanmeng, the chest is also straight for a while.

Life Tianzun did not really take this thing as one thing. He came here to sell to Xu Ziyan a human condition. Come and treat Lan Bailing. As for the conflict between Lan Bailing and the one-step, he will not care.

He did not leave, but after retiring to the crowd, he wanted to stay and watch Lan Lanling finally die, his eyes swept over Lan Bailing's face. I saw the faint blackness under the skin, and a sneer appeared in the corner of my mouth.

suddenly. His back was stiff and a cold thought rose from the bottom of his heart. Huo Ran looked up, he saw a pair of cold eyes, the eyes just glanced at him gently, but it seemed to bring him into the dead space, Xu Ziyan took back the look of the one-step. Originally, I didn't know that Lan Bailing was hurt in the hands of the single step. Now that I know the truth, Xu Ziyan saw a one-step look, and it seemed to look at the dead.

Xu Ziyan has already killed her in the heart several times, because this time her affair is not big enough, not only owes the life of Tianzun, but also owes Zhang Luoshu's human feelings.

What is the most difficult thing to return in the fairy world?

Human feelings!

Only human feelings are the hardest to return!

Liu Jinsong always watched Lan Bailing there, and frowned slightly and said to Jin Endless: "Golden brother, how do I feel that this black symbol is somewhat familiar!"


Recommend a friend a book:

Title: "百媚千骄"

Author; Qiandao Banshee

Introduction; the fierceness of the previous life plus the arrogance of this life, want to take me as cannon fodder?


*(To be continued~^~)

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