The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2062: Analysis of Shi Zhongyu

Shi Zhongyu at this time was already the original cultivation of Tianzun, and it was also the lord of Baisezong. Under his leadership, Baise was the first to be the northern side door.

However, the strange thing in the northern sects is that Shi Zhongyu has never received a disciple. Only after the unique appearance, Shi Zhongyu received the first disciple.

After that, the things of the Devil's Guardian Land broke out. The Seven Love Towers were born, and the twelve ancient heavens came.

When the twelve ancient Tianzun came to the north, it was naturally the first to go to the first Baise in the north. Shi Zhongyu went to the Twelve Ancient Heavens without any hesitation. And in the process of forming the Yuanmeng, it is almost the main force. The twelve ancient Tianzun plays a major role in deterrence. All trivial matters are treated by Shizhongyu.

At this time, Shi Zhongyu is not young. His heart has already understood that if he only counts qualifications and natural charms, he is not worse than the gods and monks, and may even be stronger than them. . Therefore, when the twelve ancient Tianzun appeared, he thought that this was his only chance in his life.

Sure enough, this decade of submersible, constantly comprehending the inheritance of the twelve days of respect, he has felt that he has to sneak into the peak of the early Tianzun, this is his efforts for millions of years, did not expect to be the inheritance of the twelve ancient Tianzun After that, only a decade has been used, and there are signs of breakthrough.

"Master, I understand!" He raised his head with joy and glanced at his master gratefully.

"Independence, do you have the confidence to win the first place in this ranking?"

"Yes!" Just stepping on his chest, but his eyes suddenly hesitated: "Master, but once I won the first place, I will go to the South..."

"Do you mean to open a sect?"


"You feel in your heart that this is a departure from Master, and some ungratefulness?"


Shi Zhongyu shook his head in a gratifying way: "Independence, don't think so. Now there is no Baise, only Shangmeng. And Shangmeng is not the real home of Master. The real master here is the twelve ancient gods."

Speaking of this, Shi Zhongyu’s face showed a trace of confusion: “The future is what it is like, and Master is not sure. So if you go to the south to establish a sect, you can still leave a back road for Baise. You can rest assured. Master will Strongly support you."

With a spirit of independence, he let go of his heart: "Thank you Master, the disciples must not live up to Master's expectations."

“Yeah!” Shi Zhongyu’s eyes showed a hint of gratification: “Talk about the opponents that you think are worthy of your attention.”

There is a sigh of pride on the one-sided face: "Master, I don't think there are any opponents in this disciple who threaten the disciples. It is also the white bloom of Shizhongtian and Xingyu Zong of Shenji Zong who can barely entangle with the disciples. For a while, but the disciples firmly believe that they can beat them in less than two quarters of an hour."

"Well, I have also observed the nine monks of the nine major sects. Their strength is really not your opponent. Recently I observed that a monk in the Shangyuan League called Luoyang also broke through to the early stage of the people. You Is there any concern?"

"Yes!" There is no such thing as a one-step face: "His breath is still very unstable. It is hard to beat."

“Yeah!” Shi Zhongyu nodded, and there was a faint sigh between the look: “On the way, what do you think about the Xu Ziyan of the Cangwu Zong?”

"She? That mid-century peak?"

"Well, let your thoughts come and listen."

"She is a monk who has risen from the lower bound, and is about 200 years old. When she came to the Yuan Dynasty for only 20 years, she broke through the fairy king to the present mid-century peak. She can be regarded as a genius. But I think she can stay for less than a quarter of an hour under my hand."

"Where does your confidence come from?" Shi Zhongyu did not blame the big words. Instead, I looked at my beloved disciple with a smile.

"The first difference is the difference between her and my realm. I am a great monk in the respect of the people. I am no longer in the category of the disciples of the Upper Yuan Dynasty. Xu Ziyan is only a mid-peak of the Emperor, still belongs to the disciples. The gap in this realm. I can't fill it, and most of her strength is strong, and it can't cross this gap.

Second, I met her a few days ago. At that time, she seemed to have gone to Huo Rongshan and just returned from there. When she went, she was in the middle of the Emperor. When she came back, she was already the peak of the Emperor. but. The volatility of her body is extremely unstable. I suspect that she is not a cultivation of cultivation and improvement, but because she has some kind of opportunity, she suddenly got promoted.

The extremely unstable atmosphere indicates that she has not adapted to the power she has gained, which means that although she has the cultivation of the mid-peak of the Emperor. However, because it is not able to fully manipulate the power, it may not be able to play the power of the mid-century peak.

third. Her time to go to the Yuan Dynasty is too short. In less than 20 years, it will be upgraded to the peak of the mid-century Emperor in less than 20 years. This has a loophole, that is, her foundation must be Not solid. The so-called foundation is not strong, and the ground shakes.

Therefore, through the above three points, I think that Xu Ziyan simply does not deserve to be my opponent. I said that defeating her in a quarter of an hour has left too much room. Maybe I will kill her in one stroke. ”

“Not bad!” Shi Zhongyu nodded. “You analyze it very reasonably, and it is very real.”

"Thank you, Master!"

"But... have you learned about Xu Ziyan’s past fighting process?"

"She...the battle process of the past?"

"Do you know her true fighting power?"

"Don't pay attention to it?" The feelings between the one-step and Shi Zhongyu made him speak very casually: "Her strength is stronger, it is just a mid-peak of the Emperor, and there is a huge gap between me and the people. If She is such a disciple of the Mid-Autumn Emperor, and they have to pay attention. Then, do the disciples of the late Emperor and the late Emperor of the Emperor have to pay attention to them?"

"Xu Ziyan is different from others." Shi Zhongyu said with a faint smile: "Now let me tell you the true strength of Xu Ziyan."

"Independence, you are a single spiritual metal disciple, I want to ask. For ordinary monks, if in the same realm, for example, these two are the mid-peak of the Emperor, but a monk is a single spiritual root. Another monk is a double Ling, you think that the monk can have the hope of winning."

"Double Lingen!" said one step at a time: "However, if it is a normal monk, if you change to a disciple. Even if the other person and I are in the same realm, and it is a double root, the disciple has the confidence to easily defeat him."

"Okay, then if the opponent in the same realm is San Linggen?"

"The disciple still has the confidence to beat the opponent."

"So what if it is the four roots?"

I was silent for a while, then snorted: "I will not lose."

"Oh..." Shi Zhongyu smiled and said: "That means you won't win."

Shi Zhongyu’s look revealed dissatisfaction: “But if my opponent is Xu Ziyan, even if she is a four Linggen monks, she is only a mid-peak of the Emperor. I still have the confidence to beat her.”

"What if she is a Wu Linggen disciple?"

"How come?" Looking at Shizhongyu in amazement.

"She is not a Wu Linggen disciple, but a six Linggen disciple. They are Jin Mushui's fire and earth and light properties." Shi Zhongyu's face revealed a hint of dignity.

"What? Really fake?"

After asking this sentence in a single step, I knew that I had made a mistake, and what Master said was of course true. He believes that this is the investigation that Master has specifically conducted for him.

"You first talk about your chances of having a purple flower in the face of Liu Linggen?"

I took a deep breath and calmed down. After a long silence, I looked up and said to Master:

"Master. I am confident that I can beat Xu Ziyan."

Shi Zhongyu nodded: "If Xu Ziyan is only challenged by the strength of Liu Linggen, you should have the strength to defeat her. However, Master heard that she has a kind of fairy, called Wan Jian. It was once in the Thunder. Hundreds of people respected the monks, claiming to kill hundreds of days of monks and monks. I personally investigated this matter, and it is said that the fairy scent of Xu Ziyan really had that strength."

"What?" Today, Shi Zhongyu was shocked by the single step. If Xu Ziyan is a type of sword that can kill hundreds of people, so what do you count? Isn’t it a big joke in front of Xu Ziyan?

"However, her fairy is also very suspicious." Shi Zhongyu frowned slightly.

"Well?" The one-step eyebrows were picked, and there was a look in the eyes.

"She is such a fairy, but there are two ways. One is the immortal release on the spot, if this is the case. This kind of Wan Jian's consumption of Yuanli must be huge. I am afraid she will not release it several times. And once she was consumed, she became the lamb to be slaughtered.

The other is that Xu Ziyan first condensed the fairy squad of Wan Jian, and then sealed it in a certain fairy. When it was used, she released it again. This is more troublesome. Because no one knows how much she seals, and this does not consume her body power. ”

The room was silent. For a long time, I asked softly, "Master. How do I do that?"

"Xu Ziyan must die, and it is best to die in your hands. Only one step, now the Mozu and the demon are turbulent, and the Terran Twelve Ancient Heavens are returning. This is a sign of a big era. In such a big era. It belongs to your generation and has the air transport of your generation. You are undoubtedly a person with air and luck, and Xu Ziyan is also a person with air transport. If you can kill Xu Ziyan by yourself, you will also take it away. Her air transport has gone further on the road of cultivation."


Recommend a friend a book:

Book number: 3051357

The title of the book "嫡长女"

Author: ze-off.

Introduction: In the past life, she was the eldest daughter of Wu Yue.

Enjoy the richness of the world: the family is flourishing, the right to dig into the wild, is the world's first noble woman;

But I also tasted the pains of the world: the whole family is destroyed, the prisoner is abolished, and finally it is not good!

Because of all this, it is the strength of Shen’s family to help him climb the position of the Nine-Five.

In this life, she is still the eldest daughter of Wu Yue.

And see her born again, 挟 vengeful anger, to the world of intelligence, destroy the enemy, save the family, change the fate of the previous life!

And see her as the eldest daughter, leading the family to embark on the road of unpredictable powers...


*(To be continued~^~)

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