The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2063: Near the rankings

"The disciple understands!" There was a hint of excitement on the face of the one-step: "But, Master, you just said that Xu Ziyan has a kind of swordsmanship... Can the disciples not be able to cope?"

"Oh..." Shi Zhongyu smiled and said: "Don't forget, you are my disciple of Shi Zhongyu. How can you not prepare for you?"

When the words fell, I took out a golden little bell and said: "This is for the teacher to look at the ancient Tianzun of the Twelve Yuan to establish the Yuanmeng, and the twelve ancient ancient gods have given the teacher a year of the first-class fairy treasure, this is a defense. Sexual congenital treasure, you have this, will not be afraid of the purple smoke of Wan Jian."

The golden bell slowly drifted into the air and took the golden bell in a single step: "Thank you, Master."

"Go, go back and refine the golden bell."

"Yes! Master!"

The moon rises to heaven.

Xu Ziyan locked himself in the room, and the entire room was lined with the innate fairy tales of the middle class, but there was no one in the room. Xu Ziyan is now personally refining Dan in the time array in the purple smoke space.

Xu Ziyan has entered the Shangyuan League since he first entered the ranking game as one thing and began to take it seriously. Originally, although she promised in the mouth that Tu Yishui and Master should take this ranking game seriously, strive to win the first place and win the opportunity to go to the South to open a school. However, from the heart she really did not take it seriously.

Xu Ziyan’s character has always been able to be happy for a while. In general, she is still a lazy person who knows how to enjoy. She was smashed along the way, and the legends she wrote down were all forced. And this ranking game. Although the soil and the master's sword are not empty, they also persuaded her to work hard, but it was not so powerful, so she automatically chose to let it go.

After all, in order to get the first place in the rankings, there is no day and night to practice. Xu Ziyan is unwilling, and the same is even the first. I have to go to the South to go to the hard work day and night, not even the willingness of Xu Ziyan.

However, now Xu Ziyan has been seriously serious as never before.

Although Xu Ziyan is a little lazy, her thinking is very agile. Otherwise, it is impossible to fly all the way from the realm to the fairy world. Ever since she lost her one-step teacup, she knew that she had formed a hatred with her own step. It is impossible to let go of yourself, even in the next millennium, as long as there is a chance to be alone, he will certainly give her a critical blow.

And if Xu Ziyan does not take this ranking game seriously, with the analysis of Xu Ziyan, the first place in this ranking competition is almost exclusively obtained. So uniquely, I got the opportunity to go to the South to open a sect. If he was successfully opened in the South, the strength and power of the single step would be on a fast track. And the more independent development. The greater the threat to Xu Ziyan. In order to avoid the huge troubles in the future, Xu Ziyan only needs to kill this troublesome seed in the cradle.

She believes that she must also kill herself in the rankings, and she will kill herself in the rankings.

Xu Ziyan thought of the first way to improve strength is refining body Dan, and now her body cultivation is already the beginning of the land, she believes that a refining body Dan is enough to push her body to the middle of the land. With this body strength, it is basically invincible.

Can not rely entirely on defensive innate Xianbao, because the use of congenital Xianbao mainly depends on three ways. The first one is that the body of Xian Xian Xian Bao has a natural force to absorb the heavens and earth forces in normal times. But this storage also has a degree, when it is saturated, it can not be stored.

When it hits a fierce attack, it consumes a very fast force, and the defensive power will drop sharply as the Yuan force disappears. When Yuan Li consumes cleanliness, even the best defense of the innate Xianbao is not vulnerable.

The second is that there is a tiny mustard space in the congenital Xianbao, where there is a power zone where you can put Xianjing as a support for the innate Xianbao. The same is the higher the grade, the faster the Xianjing Xianbao consumes. You can put eight celestial crystals at a time, but I am afraid that the best celestial crystals can only make one of the best congenital sacred treasures resist the attack of sixteen human sacred periods, eight times of sacred attacks, and four sacred attacks. .

Of course, when Xianjing is exhausted. Can replace the fairy crystal. But where will the monks in the fierce battle have a chance to replace Xianjing?

The third type is to transfer to the congenital treasure in the body of the monk. Xu Ziyan can wear the most innate congenital treasures. This is the best congenital celestial treasure. It is called horror. I am afraid that all the forces in Xu Ziyan Dantian will be absorbed once.

And this is only a defensive type of innate Xianbao, the attacking type of congenital Xianbao is almost entirely supported by the power of the monk. Therefore, Xian Xian Xian Bao is only an aid to the monks. The cultivation of a monk is the real foundation.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan was the first to think that she could quickly improve her strength in a short period of time. She has already refining Yan Yandan. It is integrating 炙炎丹和内甲丹,外甲丹.

This is not a problem for Xu Ziyan. The strength of Zhongpin Yifeng Xiandan is so good for her refining and refining.

In the time array method, seven days later, Xu Ziyan opened the alchemy furnace and took out six refining bodies from the inside. The alchemy furnace was collected, and Xu Ziyan immediately took a refining body Dan.

Time passed in the silence, and there were very few impurities in Xu Ziyan, but they still began to be excreted.

The skin, flesh, tendons, bones, marrow, dirty, and veins have become more dense. Her body has been repaired from the beginning of the land, and directly crossed the peak of the rent, reaching the middle of the land.

Xu Ziyan did not stop, and then directly took the second refining body Dan. After a while, she took the third one, followed by the fourth and fifth.

Until the fifth refining body Dan was taken, the body of Xu Ziyan was further improved and reached the peak of the middle of the land.

Xu Ziyan looked at only one of the remaining refining bodies, knowing that this refining body Dan had no use for himself. He took this refining body Dan and remembered that he promised to give Bo Yan a refining body. This is also considered to have landed.

Sitting in the time array, Xu Ziyan began to seriously consider the ranking game that will soon begin. I still have any cards that I am not prepared for.

Wan Jian.

Xu Ziyan remembered his own sword, and there was really no sword in the Feng Ling array at this time. Xu Ziyan thought about it. Now his cultivation is the peak of the mid-century Emperor, but the strength of the body is the mid-peak peak of the land. Therefore, she is the sword that can be condensed out of the mid-term peak.

It’s just that every time the sword is condensed, it’s very costly, and it’s also very time consuming. However, this ranking competition is faced with masters. In the end, Xu Ziyan is still a bite. Other swords are not condensed, and they are condensed in the middle of the peak.

In the time array method, Xu Ziyan condensed the sword of the mid-term peak in the middle of the battle. From time to time, he swallowed the fairy to adjust the interest rate, and then continued to condense after the restoration of Yuanli.

Tianzhu City.

In the underground secret room of Tianfu Commercial Bank.

Luoyang has a pair of legs and sits on a jade. No one bothered him, and the Tianshang Commercial Bank’s falling snow knew the situation of Luoyang, and he strongly supported him. The inclination of resources has exceeded some of the disciples. His only requirement for Luoyang is to kill Xu Ziyan.

At this time, a slight footstep was remembered in the quiet corridor outside the Chamber of Secrets. Then the footsteps stopped at the door of the Chamber of Secrets, remembering the sound of Jiang Tianshui:

"Young Master, what you need, the family has already been sent over."

The stone door of the secret room slides open on both sides. Jiang Tianshui walked in with a jade box in his hands. His eyes were slightly changed. He felt that Luoyang had a strong momentum, which is his old Tianzun monk. The opponent of Luoyang.

The eyes of Luoyang’s drooping eyes opened a line, but the line was like a viper that locked the prey, so that Jiang Tianshui, standing opposite the Yangyang, could not help but fight a chill, and a chill from the tailbone rose along the spine. The scalp was numb.

The same is a great monk in the respect of people, but the momentum of Luoyang is too cold...

Jiang Tianshui took a soft breath and stabilized his mind. Then he walked into the secret room and came to the front of Luoyang. He placed the jade box in front of Luoyang and then took a few steps back. Standing there.

Luoyang stretched out his hand and gently opened the jade box. There were ten demon dans placed neatly in the whole, which turned out to be the demon of the early stage. Jiang Tianshui did not know what was placed inside the jade box. Now, when I saw the demon in the early tenths of the land, I couldn’t help but scream in my heart. The cost of falling snow on the sun is really big.

"Oh, huh..." Luoyang's fingers crossed the ten early demon dan, and smiled coldly: "Ten one of the first demon lords, ten people respect the early monks and a purple smoke, it is your turn to be shocked. Up..."

Hearing the words of "Ten people respecting the early monks and Xu Ziyan", Jiang Tianshui’s heart is a tight one. He understands the meaning of the words of Luoyang. He is talking about the nine monarchs of the nine masters. The only step of Shangyuan League is Xu Ziyan.

Isn't Luoyang ready to use these ten demon to deal with ten people, the monks and Xu Ziyan?

This next thing is getting bigger...

The one who walked alone and the nine sects of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect was not related to his death. He was not familiar with them. But he and Xu Zi smoked! Don't look at him being violently smashed by Xu Ziyan, but Xu Ziyan did not kill him, and he also gave him seven congenital immortals.

This has already caused Jiang Tianshui to move his mind. He thought that even if he could not become a follower of Xu Ziyan, he would have a good relationship with Xu Ziyan, because Xu Ziyan is a treasure. If he works for Xu Ziyan, he will get congenital elixir from Xu Ziyan. If you can make a sudden advance in the future, you will point to Xu Ziyan.


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Author: Jade C

Book number: 3063638

Title: "Da Qing Royal Abandoned Woman"

Brief introduction: clearing the rice worms and abandoning women, farming and watching the tiger


*(To be continued~^~)

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