The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2067: Strong

I am very grateful to Jie Jie (10000), `棂┆籹孓. Classmate (588), Yu Yu 645098 (200), Shannee (100), Dingnan sour duck (100), mableip (100), Marlina classmates (100), the land-based classmates (100) reward!


Xu Ziyan shook his head with a smile and his body strength was really strong. He even offset most of his sword's intentions, but only caused the other party to suffer a slight injury.

Sure enough, as soon as the body of the giant spirit fell from the sky, it immediately shrank into the inch and approached Xu Ziyan, while a pair of sledgehammers slammed down.

Xu Ziyan was in a leisurely manner and drifted back toward the back.


The giant spirit's sledgehammer slammed on the ground, and the entire mustard space was shaking. Xu Ziyan's eyes were slightly moving, and she clearly felt that the power of the hammer had reached the late Emperor.

This guy is thick and thick, and he can't be entangled with him for too long, otherwise he doesn't know how many cards he will force himself. He must be resolved immediately.

Xu Ziyan is no longer much, letting the giants shrink into the inch and rushed to her front.

The corner of the giant spirit passed a cruel smile. As a martial artist, his favorite thing is to use the hammer in his hand to break the other's head. The kind of stimulation is not a spell that can be obtained by bombarding each other.

Xu Ziyan does not want to expose too many cards, and physical attacks are often not the best way for this kind of humanoid martial arts. The best way is mental attack.

"Ziyan, what do you want to do?" Seeing Xu Ziyan standing there motionless, the sword was a little anxious, grabbed the soil and asked nervously.

"Don't be noisy. Look at it!" Tuyi said without saying back.


Xu Ziyan's eyebrows burst into a spiritual force, spiraling toward the sea of ​​the giant spirit.

Now the intensity of Xu Ziyan’s knowledge has reached the early stage of the sacred sect. Is this kind of sensation attacking the momentum of a martial artist in the early days of Xiandi?

The head of the giant spirit instantly felt the explosion inside, and the severe pain made him have a tendency to stun.

The giant spirit bites the tooth. The figure suddenly jumped up from the ground, and the two sledgehammers smacked like two big mountains toward Xu Ziyan, and screamed in the mouth:

"Give me death!"

However, his body suddenly fell from the air, his hands were loose, and a pair of sledgehammers fell. Xu Ziyan suddenly enhanced the attack of the gods, letting the giants stun in the moment.

Xu Ziyan held the sword behind his back. The left arm slammed and punched out with a punch. A huge flame fist bombarded the chest of the giant spirit.


The huge flame fist bombarded the giant spirit, instantly spread, engulfed the giant spirit, and turned him into a huge fireball, like a meteor dragging the tail far away...

Huang Tianwei looked at everything that happened in the mustard space. Suddenly squatted, and immediately picked up the communication jade Jane to the other side:

"I will immediately transfer the odds of Xu Ziyan to one to ten, no! Give me one to five."

"Ziyan won!" The sword patted the shoulders of the earth with water.

The soil was slightly frowned and frowned: "There is no shortage of younger brothers, grace, attention to grace."

"Oh..." The sword retracted his hand without vain, but it was still difficult to hide the excitement and pride in that eye.

At this time, the soil was turned to the direction of the star domain, and shouted:

"Shang Zongzhu..."

"What?" Shang Dao reluctantly looked over.

Tu Yishui first raised his eyebrows provocatively, and then said nothing, just "hehe" two times, he turned his head back. Only the face of Shang Dao was so angry that it was red.

The sword has nothing to look at. Secretly smashed the sleeves of the earth and the water, smiled and said: "The sovereign, grace."

"That must be seen with who!" Tu Yi slammed his mouth: "And he? Fart style."

The Shang Dao on the side can hear clearly and clearly. Only sitting there is sulking.

On the other side, Zhang Luoshu. Situ Ming and others looked at Huang Tian straight and looked at Huang Tian, ​​and couldn’t help but ask a little bit:

"What are you doing?"

"You adjusted the odds of Xu Ziyan to one to five?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"So, the purple smoke really has the strength to win the first place. Although I earned less than one, I will go down and buy some."

"I am coming too!"

"I am coming too!"

"Wait for me!"


Huang Tian looked at an individual who had left the seat. He suddenly rushed: "Hey, I said, you are probably throwing the fairy in white!"

“Nothing!” Situ Ming said with a smile: “We don’t have much pressure. I will press 10 billion yuan of fine crystals. If I lose, I will be the right to cheer for Xu Zongshi.”

Looking at the backs of these people, Huang Tian couldn't help but gnash his teeth: "A group of monks, want to take advantage of the cheap, no door."

He immediately took out the jade briefing and shouted to the other side: "I will immediately transfer the odds of Xu Ziyan to one to one."

Put down the jade slip and continue to grit his teeth: "I don't think you can buy it this time."

The referee in the mustard space shouted: "The first round, Xu Ziyan to the giant spirit, Xu Ziyan wins!"


The viewers watching the clouds and the monks who have not yet played the game have no applause. After all, here is the world of cultivation, and respecting the strong is an eternal rule.

This game was too clean and the two sides played a total of two times. And the immortals used are very common, but they are just right.

The first is to shrink the ground into the inch.

Then Xu Ziyan released a fake sword to break the law, hiding a golden sword. This is a conspiracy, a conspiracy that fully demonstrates the combat experience.

Although the expected result was not achieved, the next attack of Xu Ziyan was to accurately find the fighting method of engraving martial arts.

This kind of experience. Decisive, not at all like a girl can show. If it is an old blame, it can still be accepted, but it is a purple smoke.

"Ziyan, doing beautiful!"

Xu Ziyan came out of the mustard space. Ma Jingying rushed up the first, vigorously patted the shoulders of Xu Ziyan, and could not help but admire.

"Oh, his repair is lower than me. Winning is natural!" Xu Ziyan said calmly. Then he asked casually:

"When are you going to play?"

"I will be in the color clothes for a while, Ma Jingying will have to wait a little longer." Lan Bailing said softly.

"We will also pass the first round!" Ma Jingying said with a big sigh: "Our opponents are not strong."

"Idiot, you should be more careful!" Lan Bailing hit Ma Jingying unceremoniously.

It is rare that Ma Jingying did not get angry, but said with a smile: "If you lose, I will not lose. My opponent is just a fairy."

"Idiot!" said that Lan Bailing was thrown to Ma Jingying a jade: "Let's see for yourself."

Ma Jingying swept away with the knowledge of God, and her face changed. The inside is the information of the fairy emperor that Lan Bailing collected for her. The information shows that the other party is no longer a fairy emperor. It was the beginning of a fairy emperor.

"real or fake?"

Ma Jingying suddenly looked up and looked at Lan Bailing with a stupid look. She thought that she had picked up a cheap one, but she did not expect it to be a hedgehog.

"Love does not believe, do not believe to pull down. Color clothes, let us go!"

Xu Ziyan looked at Ma Jingying with some sympathy. Xu Ziyan believed that this was true. Don't look at Lan Bailing and Ma Jingying all day long. That is also an affectionate way. At the crucial time, Lan Bailing investigated the opponent of Ma Jingying, who was a big nerve, and then provided it to Ma Jingying. It seems that Ma Jingying wants to win this game, it is not easy.

"Step by step!"

Suddenly someone shouted, Xu Ziyan's gaze could not help but look forward to the past, and she saw a single step and smiled and stood in a mustard space, and his opponent was a late monk.

When Xu Ziyan saw that his only opponent was only a late Emperor, he lost interest in watching. In the late stage of a fairy emperor, there is no difference between a single step and an ant, and it is impossible to force a single-step card. This game is really of no value to Xu Ziyan.

And in fact, not only Xu Ziyan thinks. Almost all the audience think so. Even the heart of the late Emperor thought about it.

Standing in front of the one-step, the face of the Emperor of the Immortal changed, he felt that he was unlucky, and he took the first step in the first round. Isn't this bad luck?

It’s already a great monk in the Tianzun period, and it’s still the highest number one. How big is one of the emperors and people? Xiandi and Renzun have a huge power gap. It is no exaggeration to say that a monk in the Tianzun period can instantly smash an ant ant to crush a fairy emperor.

"The one-step brother, please be merciful!" The Emperor said with a low voice.

A single step of faint smile: "You can now admit defeat, you are safe!"

"I..." The pride of the Emperor did not allow to admit defeat, but the look on his face became more gloomy and tightened the sword in his hand.

"Begin!" The referee in the mustard space issued an order, and the figure retreated toward the rear.

The fairy emperor moved at the moment when the referee made a sound, and the fairy of his hands quickly came out. The heavens and the earth were madly surging, his face was pale and the sweat was flowing in the forehead.


The three fire dragons rose from the back of the Emperor, and roared.

The whole time is very little, that is, less than a breathing time, Xiandi has already taken his peak strength, he knows that he only has the opportunity to attack, if he can still despise him in the first step When you do it yourself, you may have a chance to win.


He was too small to look at the one-step, and he was the only one to go and take the first place. He would not allow himself to overturn in the gutter.

The three fire dragons behind Xiandi have just risen up, and the air suddenly suddenly darkens. The golden hand that has been covering the sky has been photographed toward the Emperor.


The three fire dragons squirmed frantically, but they could not get rid of the shackles of the golden hand that was being photographed in the air. The big hand locked the entire space, and could not help but bind the three fire dragons released by the Emperor, and also bound the Emperor himself to the original place.



Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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