The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2068: Different from the sun

Warmly congratulate Jie Jie students to become the best!


After a loud noise, the entire game field was quiet. After a sharp tremor in the mustard space, the golden hand slowly turned into a golden force and dissipated in the space. A large handprint remained on the ground, but the figure of the emperor had disappeared. He had been photographed as a powder. .

All the monks in the cloud stands are slightly changed, and this ranking is too shocking. These young people are too powerful. When I was young, I couldn’t compare with these young people.

Just now the girl Xu Ziyan let them see what combat skills and experience, but now this one-step directly let them see what is called power, what is called crushing. No matter how you cast the spell, I will shoot directly to death.

So direct! Good hegemony!

"Very powerful ah!"

Xu Ziyan looked at the one step from the mustard space and frowned slightly. Xu Ziyan passed the one-step slap, and he can see that he should still have enough strength to stay alone. As a result, he may not be able to stand alone in explosive power.

The golden giant that was just released in a single step is just the power of an ordinary person to honor the monk. Even so, he slaps the celestial empire. However, Xu Ziyan knows that it is definitely not the only real power.

Maybe not even the true power of one-tenth of a single step.

The one-step figure flew out of the mustard space, and his eyes crossed the space and looked at Xu Ziyan. He would never forget that Xu Ziyan threw him a cup in front of everyone. This shameful shame must be reported.

And just in this ranking game.

The eyes of Xu Ziyan greeted the one-eyed gaze without fear, and the eyes of two people intertwined in the air. It seems to inspire countless sparks.

There was a round of applause from the surrounding, which was given to the one-step. The one-step win was even cleaner than the purple smoke, so he got more applause than Xu Ziyan.

"How?" The life on the cloud stands in the sky and looks at the nine masters and said with a smile: "The talents that Shangyuan League has cultivated for the Yuanyuan continent are good!"

Twelve ancient Tianzun is a proud and proud face at this time, Xu Ziyan and the performance of the single step. Undoubtedly, they are inseparable from their studies in Shanghai. Moreover, Tian Zun is also right. They are not only disciples in the cultivation of the Yuanmeng, but Xu Ziyan is a disciple of the nine major sects. Therefore, Shangyuan League is training talents for the Upper Yuan.

What can the nine masters say at this time? All in one is nodding. But it is just nodding. But I don't want to say a word more. At this time, the minds of these nine great masters were placed on the one-step body. They naturally saw the uniqueness of their own eyes, and the disciples in their sects wanted to win the championship.

However, the powerful strength that they showed out in a single step gave them a feeling that their disciples who participated in the rankings were not alone. They even have a feeling if they give time and space to grow alone. For another thousand years, I am afraid that even they are not unique opponents.

At this time, the hearts of the nine great masters also chose to forget Xu Ziyan. At the beginning, the birth of Xu Ziyan also made them feel this way, but now see Xu Ziyan and the unique step, Xu Ziyan is inferior. It is now the peak of the mid-century Emperor, and her growth rate is too slow. It is true that Xu Ziyan is the root of six attributes. It is a normal thing to cultivate slowly, but it is precisely because she is the root of the six attributes, so that these big masters are now beginning to doubt, relying on the qualification of Xu Ziyan, will this life break through the human respect? Maybe Xu Ziyan was blocked from this threshold for a lifetime.

However, if you look at the one-step, now it is already a great monk. Although he is a single Linggen disciple, his combat power is definitely not weak.

At this time, Lan Bailing and the dance color clothes also returned to Xu Ziyan, and both of them also won. Then finally it was the turn of Ma Jingying to appear.

Her opponent is already a fairy emperor. The same repair as Ma Jingying. The two played fiercely, hard and almost evenly matched.

Fortunately, Ma Jingying has the fairy scent that Xu Ziyan once dismantled and reorganized for her, so that she gradually took the upper hand. but. This is just a slight advantage, the other person's character is very tough. The cultivation of two people is indeed between the two. Therefore, the battle scenes of the two people are not as gorgeous as the purple smoke, and there is no single-step violence, but it is fierce.

Ma Jingying clenched her teeth. There was only one thought in her heart. That was to win this victory and enter the second round.

Because Xu Ziyan won, the dance color suit won, the monk Lan Bailing also won, they all entered the second round, Ma Jingying could not enter. Otherwise she will stand in front of Lan Bailing.

Ma Jingying relied on this thought, and then the one was firmly locked, and then gradually expanded. Two monks who were evenly matched were scrupulously scrutinizing for more than two hours, watching people sleepy and finally Ma Jingying won the victory.

Ma Jingying almost flew back and swayed back to the ground. The body was squatting hard. If Xu Ziyan reached out and held her, she would sit on the floor with her ass.

"I... I won..." Ma Jingying said with a gasp.

"I almost turned the boat in the gutter?" Lan Bailing said with a wooden face.

Ma Jingying turned a blind eye, but Lan Bailing said it was a fact, and it was not easy to refute. Then he took out a fairy suit and sat down on the ground to make a tempered look.

At this time, the eyes of Xu Ziyan were attracted by the players in a mustard space. The two monks Xu Ziyan knew one of them, that is, the first master of the Shenji Zong, the great monk Shi Zhongtian, but the other monk did not know.

But although I don't know, it is not Shi Zhongyu who is attracted to Xu Ziyan, but it is him. Because the referee introduced the two sides, he shouted his name:

Falling sun.

"He is the sun..."

Xu Ziyan’s gaze is tightly locked in Luoyang. Sure enough, he is already a great monk in the respect of the people, and Shi Zhongtian is also a great monk in the respect of the people. It is also a game that is evenly matched. The battle between the monks and the monks should be much more exciting than the battle between Ma Jingying’s monks.

At this point, the referee has announced the beginning. But what surprised Xu Ziyan and other audiences was that the two people in the mustard space did not move, but stood opposite each other.

Shi Zhongtian's body is filled with this mysterious atmosphere, which is a unique atmosphere in the sacred sect. On the opposite side of him, there is a cold atmosphere in the body of Luoyang, and the whole person is like a poison dragon that chooses people.

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, that is, she can't see Luoyang now. She feels that Luoyang is really unfathomable and feels his threat to himself. Xu Ziyan knows that Luoyang is a person of Tianfu Commercial Bank. He participated in this ranking competition with the task of killing himself. He did not regard him as one thing at the same time, but at this time Xu Ziyan had to pay attention to Luoyang.

"How can they not both of them?" the dance color coat asked confusedly.

"They both are not sure to win." Xu Ziyan said faintly.

"That stone is not a human respect..." The face of the dance color dress suddenly changed: "Ziyan, do you mean that Luoyang is also a human respect?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded, and at the same time the eyebrows screamed: "Begin."

Both Shi Zhongtian and Luoyang moved, but the two did not release any big moves, but began to test each other with some simple fairy. Most of the energy is spent on defense, and a small amount of energy is spent on testing.

After all, both sides are great monks who are respected by the people. At this level, as long as one negligence is caught by the other party, it almost indicates failure.

Both are very cautious, and most of the energy is spent on defense, and the attack is a bit scattered. Both sides are waiting to find the flaws of the other party, or the other party's mistakes, the battle scene into a kind of extreme dullness, so that the audience watching will not turn their eyes to other mustard space, or to sleepy.

"This is the battle between the monks and the monks?" I don't know when Ma Jingying has finished the tempering, the pale face has recovered the blush, and I look at the stone in the mustard space and the yang. .

"It seems to be flat, but it is actually extremely dangerous." Xu Ziyan did not look back to see Ma Jingying, but the eyes still locked in the mustard space of Shi Zhongtian and Luoyang.

"It seems that this fall is really neglecting him..." Xu Ziyan's eyes flashed.

Shi Zhongtian is very strong, although most of his energy is used in defense, but the singer reveals the power of a monk. The most important thing is that his defense is almost perfect, which makes him almost invincible. For Shi Zhongtian's method of warfare, Xu Ziyan felt a headache. At this time, he faced Shi Zhongtian, and there was a kind of tiger eating a hedgehog.

The ridiculous thing is that the tactics adopted by Luoyang are exactly the same as those of Shi Zhongtian, so this battle is extremely boring, there is no ups and downs, no ups and downs, everything is quite normal, just like a pair of brothers are practicing routines.

The law-abiding defense, the law-abiding attack, the Yuanli shield has been supported, and it is always added to Yuanli. Nothing unexpected happened, no exciting highlights.

There was no such thing as the singularity of the game, and there was no such thing as the domineering of the game, and there was not even the fierceness of Ma Jingying.

There are already too many people turning their eyes to other mustard spaces. At the very least, the battle scenes of other mustard spaces are more lively than here. The battle here is simply a torture of sight.

However, Xu Ziyan still keeps his eyes on this game. Because one of the two men wants to kill her, she must figure out the true strength of Luoyang. Therefore, she had to endure this kind of eyesight torture, not letting go of the action of Luoyang.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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