The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2069: humiliation

Shi Zhongtian seems to be finally intolerant. There is a seven-dimensional and fascinating virtual image behind him that begins to rotate slowly, and just as he displays this kind of mind, he immediately predicts the next trajectory of Luoyang. The judgment was clear.

Shi Zhongtian began to gradually increase the power of the attack, but Luoyang is still very calm, and his actions are very strange. Shi Zhongtian's momentum is external, and the whole person is like a rising flame, forcing toward the sun.

The momentum of Luoyang is introverted. The whole person is like a black hole. No matter what he is, he is absorbed in it. As a result, Shi Zhongtian seems to judge the next move of Luoyang, but it is not the case at all. Luoyang not only absorbed the attack of Shi Zhongtian, but even absorbed his own trajectory. It was only an illusion to stay outside.

A mystery, a surprise.

But in the eyes of everyone is still boring.


Xu Ziyan, who was squinting at her eyes, suddenly gave a scream. I don’t know when, Luoyang suddenly silently released a big hand on the back of Shi Zhongtian, and the big hand grabbed it. The virtual image of the seven-year-old exquisite heart of Shi Zhongtian’s back.


The virtual image of Qiu Ling’s heart was pinched by the big hand.


Shi Zhongtian spurted a blood out of his head, and the blood fell from the sky. A huge ice cone shot into his body and flew in the sky.

Luoyang did not take the opportunity to ask for the life of Shi Zhongtian. After all, Shi Zhongtian stood behind the giant machine of Shenji Zong. But everyone knows that Shi Zhongtian was pinched out of the virtual image of Qi Ling's exquisite heart. The repairs must be settled, and I don’t know how long it will take to recover. Maybe this life will be abolished.

Shi Zhongtian was lifted out, and Luoyang’s face did not win the game. It seems very calm, still as usual, cold, silently left the mustard space.

On the high platform of the cloud, the sacred masters of the gods are very ugly, and the nine seed players of the nine masters. In addition to the elimination of the first round of Shi Zhongtian of his **** machine, the nine masters of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect.

Shi Zhongtian’s exit can declare that Shenji Zong has lost the qualification to compete for the first place in the rankings. Although there are four disciples in Shenji Zong who entered the second round, everyone knows that the four emperors A level of monk is unlikely to have the chance to win the first place, and may be eliminated in the second round.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze has been staring at Luoyang. She hasn’t figured out how to set off a big hand and suddenly smashed the heart of Shi Zhongtian’s seven cents.

It’s amazing!

Not only did Xu Ziyan not see clearly, but those who did not see it clearly. Or they said that they did not pay attention, because the battle between Shi Zhongtian and Luoyang was too boring, and even the dream machine could not help but see the battle in other mustard space.

However, in any case, Xu Ziyan knew that Luoyang was an extremely dangerous opponent. He has increased his wariness.

Luoyang, has always been in the reputation of the Shangmeng League, but suddenly a sudden emergence of one of the hottest champions of the gods of the celestial ancestors, Shi Zhongtian, can be described as a fame.

He belongs to the Shangyuan League. Therefore, the faces of the twelve ancient Tianzun smiles. The faces of the nine great masters became dignified.

Shangyuan League originally had a unique step to make the nine major sects of the door very stressful. Now there is another Luoyang that is not inferior to the one-step. The nine major sects feel the urgency.

In this ranking game, everyone understands that this is not a simple ranking game. This is a collision between the Shangyuan League and the Nine Zongmen. Maybe the situation on the Yuanyuan will change because of this ranking game.

When these disciples entered the Shangyuan League ten years ago, everyone’s cultivation was similar. Ten years of cultivation through this ranking competition to show whether the disciples of Shangyuan League have the potential, strength, or the disciples of the nine major Zongmen have potential and strength?

Just the first round. Shenji Zong is already out. This undoubtedly made the nine major sects see the seriousness of the matter. Even if the first place in this ranking competition is not the nine major disciples, one of the two people who are competing for this first must be a disciple of the nine major sects. If the last two monks who competed for the first time were the disciples of the two Shangmeng Leagues, who were the only ones and the two of them, there would be no such thing as the nine major sects. The face of the nine sects was really lost.

Luo Tianyu sat on the top of the cloud. Looking at the yang that stood in a corner in the cold, there was a slight satisfaction in the eyes. I did not expect a subordinate disciple to have such a talent. If he can finally kill Xu Ziyan, the family can tilt the resources to him.

Well, if he really won the first place and got the chance to go to the South to open a school, the family must fully support him. However, the Zongmen that was established must be in the hands of the family.

The ranking competition was continuous. After the end of the first round, more than 10,000 people were eliminated and more than 10,000 monks remained. Immediately after the end of the first round, the second random draw was started.

Xu Ziyan's opponent is not strong. It is a mid-level peak of the Emperor, which is the same as her. But the luck of Lan Bailing and the dance color suit is not so good. Both people have drawn a late Emperor, but Ma Jingying continues. Her dog was lucky, and she even took another episode.

As a result, after the end of the second round, Lan Bailing and the dance color clothes were eliminated, and Ma Jingying broke into the third round all the way, his mouth twirling around Lan Bailing, and the look on his face was more arrogant. More arrogant.

"Lan Bailing, do you not? This is strength, the strength of the third round! You are still weak, the second round was eliminated, hehe..."

Xu Ziyan naturally entered the third round without any thrills. Of course, her opponent was not strong. She did not have any good places, but she defeated the other party very normally.

At the end of the second round, the number of people left was less than 6,000. The fewer the number, the faster the game will progress. Because there is only a thousand mustard spaces.

After the end of the third round, the remaining disciples were less than 3,000. Ma Jingying did not enter the fourth round and was eliminated in the third round. Such Lanbuling, the dance color suit and Ma Jingying became the loyal supporters of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan observed that the disciples of Cangwu Zong are still there, not only the disciples of Cangwu Zong, but also other large disciples. In particular, those who have respected the monks, in addition to Shi Zhongtian accidents, the rest are triumphant.

After the fourth round of draws, Xu Ziyan's number plate was placed behind, as the second batch of disciples who entered the mustard space. Xu Ziyan stood outside and watched the test of several disciples of Cangwu.

The fourth round of the game began to be a lot more intense, to this level, the rest is basically not weak. A thousand mustards played fiercely in the space.

It didn't take long for the time. One of the two peaks of the Clan Emperor's late emperor was beaten to vomit blood, and he was fainted in the mustard space and was eliminated.

At about the same time, the only one of the clan's ancestors, the great monk Tushenghui, also defeated a late Emperor and won the victory. He entered the fifth round.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze was now focused on a mustard space, where her third division’s cold and clear battlefield. At this time, the cold and clear face is a late Emperor of the Emperor, and it is higher than the cold and clear in the repair.

The cold and clear 贞 is the peak of the mid-century Emperor, the sword of the earth is perfect, and it does not show weakness in the late stage of the Emperor. And she still holds the kendo, almost in the late press of the Emperor.

The late Emperor of the Emperor was the disciple of the Stars, and it seems that there is still some hatred. At the beginning, the star field, Emperor Xian, was very arrogant in the late period. He told Li Qingqing arrogantly that he would waste her here.

Cold and cold, a face, but the eyes are rising with flames. After the referee ordered the order, Leng Qingyi took the lead to rush to the other side.

The cold and clear move is really beyond the expectations of the celestial celestial emperor. Leng Qing dynasty has not been his opponent, and his cultivation has always been very different from him. Although I don't know why, the repairs of the cold and clear in the past decade have been very fast, and I am already catching up with him, but the habits in my heart have made him still not look at the cold.

When I saw that Leng Qingyu gave up the defense and gave up the steady and steady, I dared to take the initiative. His face could not help but sneer, staring at the tighter and colder, laughing and laughing:

"Ha ha ha..."

The starland Zongxiandi pulled the wind toward the cold and clear, and a sword light came from the opposite side. He did not carelessly counterattack, but found that the Jianguang suddenly turned into a myriad of earthy giants. Holding a fairy sword and killing him.

The Xingyu Zongxiu was the late Emperor of the Xian Emperor. The cultivation of the cold and clear dynasty was the peak of the mid-century Emperor. It has almost wiped out the gap in the cultivation, and the sword of the earth is perfect and kendo. This time, the test is fundamentally In fact, it’s a very easy thing to do.

However, the Emperor of the Stars has not adjusted his position psychologically. He feels that he can still easily defeat the cold and clear, and he is completely inadequate, so he is tragedy.

This is a game that has no suspense from the beginning. Leng Qingyi took advantage of it from the beginning, and firmly grasped this advantage, and then gradually expanded this advantage.

Leng Qingying seems to have been deeply hated by the other party in the past years, that is, Xu Ziyan had not had a deep hatred with the celestial emperor before he came to the mainland.

Because from the situation of Leng Qingyi's current shot, she does not want to beat the opponent quickly, but to humiliate each other. In the face of hundreds of thousands of viewers, they are humiliating each other naked.

This is not a game at all, but a performance, but the two sides of the show feel different. It’s cool and clear, and the demise of the celestial emperor is abnormal.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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