The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2070: breath

I am very grateful to Xue Xin (1888), `棂┆籹孓. Classmate (588), Susuer (588), Tu Yishui (400), Yu Yu 645098 (200), Su Suer (100) ), marlina classmates (100), garlic ribs rice classmates (100), guagua9621 classmates (100), rest 123 classmates (100), language away from classmates (100) reward!


Leng Qingyi has completely grasped the situation, but he did not end the battle. He released the various immortals to the other side in turn, but he did not have a heavy hand, but he constantly wounded the other side. Whenever he was about to defeat the key moment of the other party, Leng Qingyi suddenly took back the fairy, and then released a fairy from another angle, and repeatedly hit the star emperor in the air like a top.

It can be seen how deep resentment he has for him!

On the top of the cloud, the sacred face of the celestial domain is very ugly, and it is completely naked in the face, hitting the face of their celestial domain, playing in the face of hundreds of thousands of monks.

It is not a good thing to say that the soil is not easy to water. This is a matter of Jianfeng. A Jianfeng is an alternative in Cangwu, and sometimes it is not necessarily good to speak as a sovereign.


There is no shortage of swords here, and he is too lazy to gossip. If you are a sword, your sword is not flat.

The sword is not calm, but the heart is crying and laughing. He is naturally clear about the grievances between Leng Qingying and the celestial emperor. Nothing is that a Jianfeng has declined before, and everyone wants to bully, although a Jianfeng disciple is very clumped and desperate. However, it was a fact that the strength was low at that time, so it was very normal for a Jianfeng’s disciple to be bullied when he was doing tasks outside.

And the star sect of the emperor is one of the characters who bullied the cold and clear. And it is one of the more bullying. Now that the cold and clear has the power of revenge, it is natural to fight back. Is it impossible for Master to stop?


Leng Qingyu finally seems to have played enough, a petrification, turning each other into a stone. Ended the game. Leng Qingyu left the mustard space. The people of the Xingyu Zong moved the stone back. Naturally, there will be a big monk who will display him to change him back, but it is inevitable to repair it.

When Xu Ziyan came to the game, Xu Ziyan still beat the opponent in a neutral manner. There was no bright spot, only control, precise control, and step by step forced into the dead end. Finally beat the other side.

After the end of the fourth round, the number of people left was around 1,500. The fifth round was also very fast, as if at this time, all the monks had adapted to the rhythm of the competition and spurred a climax.

The second Emperor of the Cangwu dynasty was eliminated in the fifth round. In this way, there are only three people left in the Cangwu sect. The cold peaks and Xu Ziyan of the mid-century of the Emperor.

The sixth round.

There are only more than 700 people left, and Xu Ziyan’s opponent is a great monk in the early period.

That person's early master was a tall and thin, Xu Ziyan just looked at it, the heart was a jump, and the whole body began to squat, she felt a deadly threat spread from the other side.

But seriously searching for but not finding the slightest trace, the other side also looked at Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan immediately had a feeling of being stared by a powerful creature, she never had this feeling, a powerless resistance. I can only sit and feel.

"That person is very dangerous!" The cold and clear eyes on the side narrowed his eyes.

Xu Ziyan nodded. "He has a breath of ecstasy. I think the atmosphere is familiar, but it is too light, I can't catch it."

“Not bad!” Leng Qingyi also nodded lightly: “It’s just that there is a huge danger in the scent of nothing, Xiao Shimei. You have to be careful.”

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly: "Although he is a man who is a great monk, but the breath of the present should not be his own. He is a disciple, is it a powerful fairy?"

"It's hard to say, maybe it's a secret evil."

"I didn't think that there were so many unexpected characters in this ranking game!" Xu Ziyan got quite a spine, and the warfare came out from the body.

More than seven hundred monks flew into the air and entered a mustard space. Stand against your opponent.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of viewers each chose to focus on their own objects, especially those who had a human monk's mustard space to attract a lot of attention.

In this round, the great monk of the Cangwu Clan, who was a great monk, was so unlucky to take a step. Stepping still shows his hegemony from the first round. It took only a third of an hour to beat the figure of the same monk. Tu Shenghui, a master of the cultivation scholarship, did not have the power to fight back in the face of independence, and was bombarded with indiscriminate bombing from beginning to end.

The one-step style of play has no technical content. It is completely naked and violent. It is simply violent from the beginning to the end, and the only step is to sweep out the picture like the autumn wind sweeping leaves.

When the picture was lifted out in fainting, the face of the earth was so gloomy that it was able to drip out water. Although he never expected to take the lead to beat the single step, but did not think that the picture will be so useless.

The strength of the single step from the first round to the sixth round made the entire cloud stand quiet. The call to win the first place was very high before the start of the rankings. All the monks knew that he was strong, but no one thought that he would be so strong. It is also the figure of the great monk who is respected by the people, but he is swept out like a fall of the autumn wind, without any help.

Is this picture too bad?

Of course not, where is a monk in the Tianzun period?

It can only be said that it is too strong and too strong. It has become strong enough that the early monk is not his opponent. His fighting power has gone far beyond his cultivation.

The **** machine lord's dream **** machine took a look at the soil, and the look on his face looked a little better. Since Shi Zhongtian’s exit, Shenji Zong has also been out. Now the only one of the clan ancestors is also out of the monk. This shows that the Cangwu Zong is also out. Therefore, the Cangwu dynasty still has two people, Leng Qingyi and Xu Ziyan, but these two are the peaks of the Mid-Emperor, and it is impossible to qualify for the first place.

In the view of the dream machine, the monks who are now fighting for the first place will be left alone. Luoyang and the remaining seven masters of the seven main gates of the monarchy.

Step by step!

Almost everyone's eyes are now focused on the one-step body, everyone has the same idea at this time.

Not surprisingly, the first place in this ranking competition is a one-step move.

The future is a one-step move, and a new star is rising. Perhaps after tens of thousands of years, it will become one of the few masters of the Upper Yuan Dynasty.

They are sitting here today just to witness the birth of a legend.


Originally, those young people who had great honours had the opportunity to become the man of the storm, but they were unfortunately in the same era as they were, and they were destined to become a supporting role and eclipse under the guise of one step.

The earth is looking at the mustard space where Xu Ziyan is located. At this time, Xu Ziyan is fighting with the master of the instrument.

Xu Ziyan still performed well, but still in a slight disadvantage, giving the impression that it is hard to support.

Looking at the figure of Xu Ziyan. The soil was deeply frowned. Even if Xu Ziyan can defeat the master of the instrument, but is she capable of defeating the one-step?

At this time, the most happy undoubtedly Huang Tian of Huijing. He saw the strength of the one-step, and also saw the disadvantages of Xu Ziyan at this time.

"How?" Huang Tian proudly looked at Situ Ming and Zhang Luoshu and others, laughing: "Your fairy crystal white thrown?"

Zhang Luoshu’s eyes stared at Xu Ziyan, and Shen Sheng said: “Do you think Xu Ziyan will be defeated? I tell you, Xu Ziyan will definitely win this.”

Huang Tian took another look at Xu Ziyan, who was in a disadvantage. He smiled and said: "Zhanglou. I know that you are not willing, but the truth..."

"Factly, I am a killer. Seeing people is better than you." Zhang Luoshu said faintly: "Xu Ziyan is at a disadvantage, but there is no fluster. This kind of disadvantage is not necessarily the intention of Xu Ziyan."

Huang Tian looked at it seriously for a while, and snorted: "Even if you said yes, but he must not be an independent opponent."


Suddenly a burst of crazy sounds came out of a mustard space, drawing the eyes of everyone. In the mustard space, there are also two people who respect the big monks, one is Luoyang, and the other is Tianxiangzong.

This battle. Luoyang changed the first game and Shi Zhongtian's cautious appearance. Playing wide and big, all kinds of fairy singers are like squally showers, not only powerful, but also the speed of releasing fairy tales. A road of fairy tales is like a sea tide. Like the hurricane, the general ravages each other. The opponent’s Tian Xiangzong’s early respect was not even the slightest, and finally. Then a thousand miles of ice were released and the other party was frozen into an ice sculpture.

At the beginning of the fall, Luoyang was still warm and the other side came to fight with me, but from the sudden on his way to the end, the total time was less than ten, but it was no less than the one-step hot, completely violent with the same step. , no technical content, naked crushing.

All the monks who watched were stunned. When was the violent hit so popular?

This violent blow is not something that can be made by anyone. It requires absolute strength. At the very least, it is far superior to the opponent in terms of explosiveness and endurance. Then the power and speed of the release of the fairy singer completely suppress the other party. This is not easy. .

At this point, another major honor period of the Nine Zongmen was eliminated.

Xu Ziyan has been deliberately showing weakness. She has not yet figured out what the looming danger of the opposite face is.

Without understanding the dangerous atmosphere, Xu Ziyan did not dare to attack easily. She was fighting with each other while looking up and down.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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