The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2071: Sword tip

From the outside, it is a very ordinary monk. Although the body is fluctuating with the breath of the early monk, the atmosphere is not strong. That is to say, he is not a strong person in the realm of human beings. However, the kind of breath that is unknowingly transmitted from time to time is a feeling of cold and bloodthirsty. Every time Xu Ziyan catches a trace, he feels familiar with one layer.

Finally, he finally remembered, this is a kind of Mozu atmosphere. And it is the kind of extremely noble Mozu atmosphere, and even a bit like the original purple smoke in the Xinghai black space encountered the kind of atmosphere that the devil has.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a shake. She can now completely confirm that this kind of breath belongs to the extremely noble kind of the Mozu, because Xu Ziyan has seen too many Mozus, only the extremely noble Mozu can have such a pure Mozu. breath.

Xu Ziyan once again caught the scent of ecstasy, she felt that the two-headed magic that she encountered in the Mozu space did not have such a pure Mozu atmosphere.

This made Xu Ziyan very surprised. Saduo is a pure Mozu, and is a high Mozu, a kind of Mozu who has survived since ancient times. And the monk in front of this device is human, how can a human being have such a pure Mozu atmosphere?

Xu Ziyan completely couldn't understand, so she began to gradually increase her pressure on the monk. Her combat power has already surpassed the peak of the late Emperor, and it is between the half-step force. Nowadays, God's mindfulness, control and counter-control have reached a state of perfection, and the immortal monk of the patriarchal monk is still released, and the channel of Xu Ziyan interrupts the passage of communication.

This is a brand new style of play. The sect of the sect was never encountered, and there was a feeling that the whole body could not make it out, and the heart was depressed.

At this point, neither of them took out the fairy. Both of them are playing against various fairy tales. But the situation has begun to change.

Xu Ziyan gradually pulled back from the disadvantage and the two sides stalemate again. Xu Ziyan has been trying to maintain this balance of feelings and wants to see what action the next party will take. Look at the other party's pure Mozu atmosphere is not enhanced.

However, what disappoints Xu Ziyan is that the atmosphere of the other party has not increased. It has not become obvious, and it is still the case.

Xu Ziyan quickly merged with Gu Teng hope, she decided to increase pressure on the other side again. If the other party still hasn't changed, she will defeat the other party. As for the fascinating Mozu atmosphere, it will be investigated later.

Now that Xu Ziyan and Guteng hope to merge, the cultivation will be upgraded to a half-step human respect in an instant, and the combat power has already surpassed the early stage of human respect, with the understanding of God. In the blink of an eye, the monk was completely suppressed.

The face of the monk’s face finally changed, and he felt the pressure of Xu Ziyan’s majestic pressure. I bite my teeth, grab a single arm, and I am in the hands of a congenital sword.

At the moment when the instrumentary monk took out the sword, Xu Ziyan’s face changed greatly. He really felt the pure Mozu atmosphere in the middle, and this breath no longer exists, and becomes clear and abnormal. It was the sword that was in the hands of the monk. Accurately speaking, it is the sword tip of the sword.

"Good pure dark power!"

Suddenly heard a low voice in Xu Ziyan's knowledge of the sea, then she felt that the dark attribute of her body had a tendency to boil and pour toward the outside world.

Xu Ziyan madly ran around, suppressing the boiling of the dark attribute of his body, and smothering it in the body, without revealing a trace of it, while locking his eyes to the sword opposite.

Then she saw that the monk's look changed greatly, and the hand holding the sword began to tremble as if she could not control the sword.

Sure enough, a humming sound. The sword suddenly broke away from the control of the monk. Fly into the air.


The whole sword burst open, and there was only one sword tip in the air, and the tip of the sword was changing rapidly. The original blue tip seemed to melt snow. A black tip is exposed inside. Then the black tip of the sword released an extremely dark cloud, as if a drop of ink fell into the clear water. In an instant, the entire mustard space is covered in black.

Xu Ziyan just felt that she was imprisoned in an instant.

Do not!

It is not as simple as imprisonment, but as if it has become a wood, completely lost the ability to act, except for thinking, everything becomes numb.

The moment of God's knowledge is filled with all kinds of sorrowful sorrows. The people's, the demon, the demon, and the various sounds mix together, making Xu Ziyan feel as if he is in an extremely chaotic space.

The entire test space suddenly sensationalized, and everyone jumped up in shock. At this time, the mustard space where Xu Ziyan is located is like an ink ball. I can't see the slightest scene inside.

Sitting here today, there are nine great masters and twelve ancient heavenly lords. With their knowledge, they immediately see what the black cloud is.

It is also because they see what it is, and the heart is even more shocked.

It is the pure power of the Mozu, the nine masters have never seen such a pure Mozu power, and this pure Mozu power seems to awaken the distant memory of the twelve ancient heavens, the whole body is involuntarily It’s up.

The entire cloud platform was flustered. They were guessing at this time whether the pure Mozu power was released by the monk, or was released by Xu Ziyan, or the Mozu invaded the mustard space.


When the soil and the sword are empty, they are in a hurry. The two of them can see clearly. The pure magic is released by the monk, and his sword is released.

The look of the earth is very dignified. The power of this magical power is absolutely unseen. He has never even seen him. This kind of power has even exceeded the realm of Tianzun’s later peaks and reached the realm of legend. .

The body shape of the water rushed from the clouds and rushed toward the mustard space of Xu Ziyan. At this time, there is a feeling of madness in the soil. Xu Ziyan is the hope of the future of Cangwu, not only because she has extraordinary talents and qualifications, but also because of her innate Xiandan division, the congenital sect, first Heavenly Master and the Congenital Wizard. Such a talent, if you die here, the soil will really go crazy.

The sword has no illusion, and the sword has been sacrificed. The figure has rushed into the black mustard space.


The two figures of the earth and the sword are flying from the mustard space. Two people just rushed into the mustard space, and they felt that there were countless swords from all directions, one peak in the late Tianzun and one in the early days of Tianzun. I felt that my body was hit intensively and intensively. I didn’t have the power to fight back. I spurted a blood out of my head and flew out of the mustard space. Then I fell down like a broken kite.

Twelve ancient times have been moved, and the remaining eight masters have also moved. These celestial bodies quickly encircle the mustard space in the middle. They each extend a large hand into the mustard space. They want to put the purple smoke and The monk was brought out and said.

However, the big hand inserted into the mustard space seemed to cut the thousands of swords in an instant, and it also had the effect of corrosion. The 12-year-old ancient Tianzun and the eight masters were white, and they took back their hands.


Life Tianzun snorted and slammed his fingers with one hand, and a large white hand in the air, once again inserted into the mustard space. At the same time, the remaining eleven ancient Tianzun and the eight great masters also condensed a big hand into the mustard space.


The whole mustard space was blasted, and thousands of black swords were smashed around. It was only an instant, and the big hands that the celestial gods condensed were smashed into dust by thousands of black swords.

The space in which the broken mustard space is still shrouded in a dark cloud of dark ink, completely invisible to the inside, even the gods can not be transmitted.

The Tianzuns surrounded the dark clouds and released all their powers, trying to dispel the dark clouds. At this time, the soil and the sword were empty and flew back into the air. Twelve distant ancient gods and the nine great masters and the swords were empty. The Taoist monks forced the past as the black clouds like the tides, but the black clouds of the group Such as a solid black reef, it does not move.

At this time, Xu Ziyan is in an extremely dangerous situation, and it can be said that it has reached the edge of collapse.

Her consciousness is very clear, she can even see the twelve ancient Tianzun and the nine patriarchs, as well as her own master's sword is not anxious, but her body is imprisoned in the air, can not move.

At this time, her seven scorpions had spurted blood out, because her body was suffering severe damage.

She saw a black sword tip slamming in her body, the sword tip releasing a pure black, with a very pure dark attribute power.

At this time, the tip of the sword is trying to destroy the other attributes of Xu Ziyan, while madly absorbing the dark attributes of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan is not only unable to move the body, she finds that she has lost control over the movement of the body. She seems to have only consciousness, and this kind of consciousness seems to only play the role of watching and watching herself. The meaning of the other attributes is constantly destroyed, and the meaning of the dark attribute is constantly absorbed by the black sword tip.

There has never been a sense of loss of control, a sense of powerlessness that has never been seen before, and Xu Ziyan’s firm heart has always become awkward. Xu Ziyan knows that she is in extreme danger. The black tip of the sword constantly absorbs the meaning of her dark attributes, while still destroying the meaning of other attributes and body functions, and she can still feel the black The sword tip is permeating its own consciousness and wants to control its own mind.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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