The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2073: Reveal strength

Xu Ziyan soon returned to the competition venue, at which time she has completely recovered. Only her look was very dignified, because she found that the Thunder giant sword fell into a drowsy. The full blow of the black sword tip, exhausted the accumulation of the Thunder giant sword these days, once again fell into a drowsiness.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a bit stunned. Since the Thunder’s giant sword has followed himself, he has been incessantly injured, and he has just recovered some of it, just to fall asleep again.

It seems that I need to break through to the humane period as soon as possible. Only when I break through to the human respect period can I provide enough support to the Thunder Giant Sword and let it return to the peak as soon as possible.

After all, I am still too weak.

However, Xu Ziyan also has a happy thing.

The purple ancestors of Xu Ziyan, who was originally integrated in the Fun Palace, were not thorough, but she did not know. Imagine that it is the soul of a phoenix ancestor. Is it so easy to integrate refining?

However, after the soul of Feng Zu collided with the black sword tip, it began to become weak. This allowed Xu Ziyan to further integrate and refine at the time of healing, achieving complete integration.

At the moment when I completely merged, Xu Ziyan felt that her realm of Yuanshen was further improved. Her current consciousness of the gods has reached the late stage of the land, and Xu Ziyan felt that she could not break into the late Emperor of the Emperor in the long run. It is necessary to comprehend the meaning of the property, but only because it completely integrates the soul of Fengzu, it has reached this level.

The seventh round of the game started very soon. Xu Ziyan was faced with a late Emperor, and did not reveal much power. Xu Ziyan won the victory. Break into the eighth round.

Leng Qingyi also continued to triumph, and her performance was much higher than Xu Ziyan. In this round, she was the early monk of Luo Tianzong.

In the face of the early monks of the people, the cold peak of this immortal emperor felt the unprecedented pressure. Then the cold and clear smashed out of bounds, at this time the world of cold and clear is not a prototype. And a complete world, the birth of Luo Tianzong's early masters of the great masters defeated, broke into the eighth round.

The progress of the game was very fast and it continued into the thirteenth round. There are only six people left.

Shang Yuanmeng’s unique step and Luoyang, the early monks of the Xingyu Zong and Danzong’s people, the cold and clear and the Xu Ziyan of the Cangwu Zong.

At this level, not only the disciples who participated in the competition felt tired, but the audience also looked tired. In order to take care of everyone's emotions, the ranking game was interrupted for two hours, giving everyone a little rest time.

But the opponents who played against it were first drawn out. Xu Ziyan’s luck is good. Her opponent is the monk of the Stars. Xu Ziyan also saw his game, feeling that his strength is much worse than the one-step and the fall.

At this time, the sword is no longer sitting on the cloud platform. He stood next to Xu Ziyan and the cold and clear. Now there are only two people in the Cangwu Zong who entered the semi-finals, and these two men are disciples of his sword peak. The sword has no vain mouth and has reached the roots of his ears.

When has a sword peak for thousands of years, when is it so beautiful?

Now that a Jianfeng reappears in his hands, there is nothing more exciting than this.

"Ziyan, how? Can you take him down?" The sword looked at Xu Ziyan with hope.

"There should be no problem!" Xu Ziyan said softly.

But the sword is not empty but it is very unreliable. Because Xu Ziyan has not encountered any masters along the way. So far she has only met a person who is an early monk. It was the monk of the instrument, and she won some inexplicableness, and she did not show her strong fighting power.

Therefore, it is not only the sword, but all the monks who watch it are not optimistic about the purple smoke. In addition to her and Leng Qingyu, the remaining four are now the early masters of the people. Leng Qing’s entry into the semi-finals has also been recognized by the audience, because she has displayed her boundaries, and Xu Ziyan has been flat on the road, only to be said to be law-abiding.

However, the sword is still empty but still has hope for Xu Ziyan. It’s not that the sword is not empty, and the strength of the cold and clear is not as good as the purple smoke. It is the next opponent who is cold and clear, so that the sword has no meaning and no confidence.

Her next opponent ran into the sun.

Don't say that the sword is not empty, that is, you are not sure about it.

Among the remaining top six, only she is out of bounds, but this does not mean that other monks have not practiced out of bounds. It can only show that other monks are very strong. No one has forced them to make them out of bounds.

From this point of view, the first thing to make the out-of-bounds cold has already fallen.

Everyone is very clear in their hearts. The next game should be the last game in the rankings.

However, no one laughs and is cold. A mid-level of the Emperor of the Emperor broke into the top six in the middle of the episode, and he defeated the early monks in the early days of the people, and broke into the top six. This is absolutely sufficient.

Everyone has no doubt that as long as it is alive and well, in the future it will definitely be the existence of a superpower on the mainland.

So the confrontation of six people has come out, and the only step is to the monks of Dan Zong, the descendants of Luoyang, and the Xu Ziyan to the monks of the Xingyu Zongda.

When the time of rest is about to pass, the earth flies down from the clouds.

"There is no virtual younger brother, purple smoke!" The soil fell to the front of the two people, and his face was not very good-looking: "The disciple of the device was awake."

The spirit of Xu Ziyan was a revival. She had already thought about what the black sword tip was. In her opinion, it was probably the weapon of the original Lord. So I hurriedly asked:

"What did he say?"

Tu Yishui sinks for a while: "He said that he got a sword tip five years ago. He felt that the sword tip had a huge force, so he refining the sword tip in his own sword."

"He refining the tip of the sword?"

"Not..." The soil frowned slightly and said: "According to him, the black sword tip could not be re-refined. He just wrapped the sword tip in his sword, or said it was embedded in Inside his sword is the tip of the sword."

"and after?"

"Later... he didn't know anything."

"I don't know? I don't know anything?" Xu Ziyan asked in surprise.

"Yeah!" Tuyi nodded. "In his narrative, we found out that what happened in the last three years, he didn't know at all, that is, after he got the black tip, he lost consciousness until two years later. He just regained consciousness when he woke up."

"What you mean is that his consciousness has been sleeping for three years. In the past three years, he has been the black sword tip?" Xu Ziyan was a bit sloppy.

"Yeah!" Tu Yishui was also depressed and nodded.

"How do you say in the Twelve Ancient Times?"

"Twelve days of respect is not concealed. They have a speculation. In the ancient times, the demon master had another magic sword. The black sword tip is like the sword tip of the magic sword."

Xu Ziyan was silent, and the soil and the sword were silent and silent. They all faintly feel that it will not be too long to be born again from those ancient powers.

The game after entering the semi-finals did not start at the same time, but was carried out one by one.

The first game was held between Shang Yuanmeng and Dan Zong Da. Once again, one can see how unfathomable his strength is. It was also the early monk in the early days of the people, but there was almost no resistance in the face of the single step. It only supported the time of less than a quarter of an hour, and was severely wounded by the one-step, and stunned on the spot.

Since the first game, it has been such a strong trend. It has been violently crushed. He does not need to release the skills of Xianxie. He crushes his opponent with absolute strength, and his opponent’s end is very miserable. There is no monk. Can retreat from the body. All of them were seriously injured and stunned and carried down.

Moreover, none of these monks who have been defeated by one step will fall in the realm. It is very likely that there will be no more in this life.

This single-step play made all the monks watching, while shaking their heads, secretly shaking their heads. Such a monk is daunting and difficult to get close to.

The second game was Xu Ziyan and Xingyu Zong, who was a great monk. This game saw the true strength of Xu Ziyan in the hearts of all the audience.

The strength of the other side is very strong, although it is the realm of the early people, but its combat power has reached the peak of the people. Xu Ziyan has already seen his game, so he did not go through temptation after playing. He directly merged with Gu Teng hopes, and he will be upgraded to a half-step person's cultivation, and then directly used the kendo. His fighting power has surpassed people. Respecting the peak of the beginning, the students pressed the other side of the line.

The monk of the celestial ancestor did not practice the out-of-bounds, and began to be at a disadvantage under the pressure of Xu Ziyan.

Each of Xu Ziyan’s swords was thrown out, and there were a large number of blue water giants holding the water attribute of the sword in the hands of the other side.

Dense, endless...

Like a blue giant composed of Wang Yang constantly slamming toward the other side, countless Yuanli giants hovering around the Stars of the Great Masters, like a huge whirlpool, and the weak body of the Stars of the Great Masters is like A leafy boat trapped in a huge whirlpool...

The biggest horror of the kendo is that the other party is not exposed to Xu Ziyan, and there is a wide range between him and Xu Ziyan. There are countless, dense water attributes of the giant. When Xu Ziyan throws out every sword, there will be thousands of water attributes Yuan Li Giant, layered, fascinated...

Moreover, the power that erupted from each of the giants of the power has the power of the peak of the human beings, and even has it.

Imagine that the other side is just an early monk in the early days of the people. If you face these thousands of powerful giants who have the power of the early peaks?

Therefore, just less than a third of an hour ago, Xu Ziyan defeated his opponent and won.


Buy a pink ticket at the end! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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