The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2074: Collapse

I am very grateful to hr Anxin students (5888), night Luo Qingli classmates (100), mableip classmates (100), Zi Bingyue students (100) reward!


After defeating the other side, Xu Ziyan was also uncomfortable. The power of this kendo is too great. Just less than a third of a quarter of an hour, the force in the Xu Ziyan Dantian was consumed.

Opened the power of a hole, Xu Ziyan left the mustard space and flew below. After falling to the ground, Xu Ziyan immediately swallowed a Chinese product peak Xiandan began to restore his own strength in Dantian.

So, the last game is left.

Luoyang is cold and clear.

Xu Ziyan looked at the cold and clear, but in fact, her heart really wants to say to the cold and clear: "Three sisters, don't go up, let's admit defeat. You are not an opponent of Luoyang."

However, in the end, Xu Ziyan opened his mouth and did not say anything.

As a disciple of Xu Jianfeng, how could Xu Ziyan not know the temper of a Jianfeng disciple?

Let the coldness die in the mustard space, but if you let the cold and swear to admit defeat, then the cold and clear can never do. If Xu Ziyan made this suggestion to Leng Qingyu, I am afraid that even the teachers and sisters did not have to do it.

If you don't see it, even if there is no sword, you will be entangled in it, but you don't know how to open your mouth and persuade you to be cold. He wanted to put out the master's majesty and ordered the cold to quit the game, but he couldn't open the mouth. He knows that once he withdraws from the game with strong refrigeration and clearing, he will be able to save a life, but the resulting demon will make the repair of Leng Qingyu stagnant.

Because the main purpose of a Jianfeng cultivation has been defeated. Oh no.

A figure flew into the mustard space, it was Luoyang. At this time his gaze was looking through the mustard space to Xu Ziyan.

She is Xu Ziyan! She is the patriarch who ordered me to kill at all costs!

Unfortunately, she has never met her, but today she met her sister-in-law, and then counted as some interest.

Xu Ziyan, don't blame me. I have my dreams. I don't want to be a disciple of my family. I want to be a leader. I want to win first. Going to the South to open a sect is my only chance. And to successfully stay in the South, the family's support can not be ignored.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan you must die. Only when I kill you personally will the family give me the greatest support.

Cold and clear, I will kill you first, destroying the fighting spirit of Xu Ziyan.

"I am going!"

The cold, clear, and empty, stepping into the sky, flying toward the mustard space.

"Three teachers..." Xu Ziyan reached out and summoned a voice. I don't know what to say. Only nervously looking into the cold and clear in the mustard space.

When the cold and clear into the mustard space, he sacrificed his own inferior fairy sword. The feet stand on the earth, but in an instant they seem to blend into the earth and exist in ancient times.

Luoyang still stood quietly opposite the cold and clear, no action, and even the body's breath did not waver. It’s just that the eyes are as cold as the poisonous dragon.

Stepping forward a little, just this step. But the look of cold and clear is greatly changed.

The cold and clear eyes of the future have changed in an instant, as if the time has returned to her childhood world. At that time, she was still a wandering orphan, and she had not been found by the Master’s sword.

On the endless prairie, the two demon wolves are chasing only the eleven-year-old cold and clear, running cold and helpless, and the demon wolf behind her has already rushed to her back...


The illusion of Luoyang instantly pulled the coldness into the world he created. Looking at the despair in the eyes of the cold, the corner of Luoyang’s mouth reveals a smile:

"too easy!"


Suddenly, the power of the monks broke out in the cold and clear body, and they broke away from the illusion. A khaki-like world spread from the cold and clear body. Going quickly to the sun.

"It’s got rid of it. Hehe..."

The right foot of Luoyang gently stepped forward, and a white border spread out to the outside, colliding with the cold and clear soil property.

It is a world of ice and snow, the boundary of ice properties.

It is full of cold. Full of loneliness, white. Everything is frozen, including the cold and clear soil property that is in contact with his world.

The cold, clear chest was undulating, and the throat was a bit sweet. At this time, there was a fluster in the heart of the cold and clear, the other party was the first time to show the bounds, and it was the boundary of the variability attribute, the ice property.

It’s just an instant, when it’s cold and clear, I feel that the other’s world is stronger than hers. I’m biting my teeth, and while I’m resisting the fall of the world, I’m concentrating my own world, like a sword with the same handle. The world of Luoyang rushed toward Luoyang.

This is to entangle the fall of the world and pull the body of Luoyang into his own realm. Then everything will be calculated by himself. In his own world, he is the master. When he enters the world of his own world, his strength will be greatly reduced, and even half of the power can not be displayed.


In front of Luoyang, in the circle of Luoyang, a cold ice storm was formed and bombarded the past.


A series of intensive explosions, the collision of the two circles produced strange distortions, and the front line of the cold and clear front collapsed and was quickly forced back.

At the same time, the world of Luoyang shrouded the past with a coldness and clearness while forcing the line of cold and clear.


Xu Ziyan stood below and looked at Luoyang and Lengqingyu in the mustard space. At this time, she had already seen that it was not the opponent of Luoyang.

The difference in the realm, and the other side also has a boundary, so that the only advantage of Leng Qingyi is gone.

At this time, Luoyang had a palm in front of his chest and made a strange handcuff, then turned it out.

Two dragons out of the water.

The two ice dragons whistle with the falling palms of the sun, and rushed toward the cold and clear. These two ice dragons rushed into the cold and clear world and went to the cold and clear.

Leng Qingyu is now in a dilemma. Under the pressure of Luyang, her world is already on the verge of collapse. If we split our energy to deal with the two ice dragons, the world of Luoyang will surely break through her boundaries and come in. If you don't give up the energy to deal with the two ice dragons. The two ice dragons will be arbitrarily destroyed in the world, and the final result is also covered by the world of Luoyang.

Looking at the eyes of Luoyang, the cold and clear ritual sacrificed her fairy sword, and said coldly: "Luoyang. The game is not over yet."

"Oh..." Luoyang smiled coldly: "It is over for you, the longer it persists, the more painful it is."

Leng Qing 贞 no longer speaks, holding the sword with one hand and suddenly slamming back, spreading around the khaki-colored boundary to the cold and shrinking, wrapped in the sword in her hand.

At this time, the fairy sword in her hand is the boundary, and the boundary is the fairy sword in her hand.


Leng Qingyi went out with a sword, as if he had pulled out a world.

There was a sneer in the eyes of Luoyang. A punch slammed into a cold-blooded sword and slammed into a world.


A dragon screams, the ice circle of Luoyang gathers toward his fist, and as his fist strikes forward, the ice world quickly condenses, and a world becomes a fist. There are two ice dragons hovering on the sides of his arms.


This fist collided with a sword, which is the collision between the world and the world.


It seems like something is broken. The world wrapped around the sword broke down, and the cold and clear body flew out, and the blood was continuously sprayed in midair.

A figure appeared in front of the cold and clear, and the fists wrapped in the world bombarded the cold and clear body again.


The cold and clear body is collapsing, and the whole person has passed out. At this time, there was a huge fist in the sky, and the third time it bombarded her.

A big hand suddenly grabbed the cold and smashed to the side, and escaped the punch of the sunset. It was the referee in the mustard space, and there was a sigh of anger in the cold, falling Yangyang tone:

"She has passed out and you won."

The man has passed out, and watching this look is a waste of life. The bounds have been blown up. In this case, the yang will attack. It is clear that you want to kill the cold. This does not put his referee in his eyes, and completely ignores the rules of the game, as long as one coma loses the ability to fight and the battle ends. This made the referee feel that there is no face.

If you let the sunset kill in the cold and stun. I don't know how the madman of the Jianfeng Peak will deal with the setting sun in the future. I am afraid that even the referee with him will hate it. and so. The referee was very decisive to save the cold, and then sent the cold to the mustard space.

Looking at the cold and clear sputum thrown out by the referee, Luoyang’s eyes flashed a trace of regret, but he immediately cleared his mood and looked at the Xu Ziyan outside the mustard space, but just happened to meet Xu Ziyan who looked over at him. Angry eyes.

The eyes of both sides collided in the air, and the space was strangely distorted.

The soil stretched out with a big hand and released a soil-property hood to cover the cold and clear. Even if the cold and clear injury was clear, he suddenly looked up and looked at the falling sun that was flying out of the mustard space. Said:

"Good! You are very good!"

In the face of a peak of the late Tianzun, the look of Luoyang is not a stagnation. But at this time he has embarked on this single-wood bridge, even if it is the peak of Tian Zun's late stage, he can't allow him to retreat. Cold face, a robes sleeve, body shape like electricity.

At this time, Xu Ziyan had already refused to go to Yang, and opened the eyes of Zhai Peng to look at the three divisions. His face was immediately changed. The cold and clear injury is too heavy.

Her body has begun to collapse, and as the Yuan force is gradually broken. If you let the body collapse, the cold and clear is not far from the fall.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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