The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2079: Battle of the sun

"It's a pity..." Life Tianzun finally sighed, but it was because of his sigh that heralded the game to continue.

It also indicates that the life of Xu Ziyan will be ended.

The sword is in vain. From the high platform of the cloud, it jumps up. The sword in the hand has been sacrificed. But no matter what the rules, he only knows that his disciple is going to die. He must rescue Xu Ziyan.

What **** rules, where is the life of Xu Ziyan important!


It was at this time that the mustard space suddenly changed.


In the stillness of the golden world, a sudden burst of sound broke out. The cracking sound was very weak, but it was unusually loud in the silent world. Such as a series of boring thunder in the ear of the ear.

The golden statue suddenly had a crack, and then the crack spread and became two, three, four, five...

Only in a moment, a magnificent statue was covered with cracks, and then a "bang" sound was heard, and thousands of golden pieces were spurred in all directions.

Standing alone and standing there, looking at the golden statue from a crack into hundreds of cracks, and then thousands of pieces burst into the air, Xu Ziyan's body shape revealed from the inside.

There was a circle of five rows of wheels around Xu Ziyan's body that slowly turned, which made it possible to open up a space in the unique world, and in the unique world, a space belonging to Xu Ziyan was propped up.

"Independence, are you disappointed?"

Xu Ziyan looked faintly at the moment, in the moment of being blocked. Xu Ziyan suddenly wanted to understand one thing. His own cultivation is indeed a distance from the one-step, that is, it may not be able to defeat his own step. At this time, the remaining gas swords are only a few dozen handles, and they are not a threat to the single step.

but. When she cracked the golden seal, she remembered the five-wheeler, and the five-wheeled wheel remembered the sound.

Now Xu Ziyan's realm of consciousness has reached the end of the land, and the main attack of the sound is through the sound of the gods, the power of the body is only an auxiliary role.

Xu Ziyan took a single hand and caught it. The green jade flute has always appeared in the hands of Xu Ziyan. At this time, the jade flute is different from the past, and it is the best innate treasure that has been re-refined by the Yanshan soul.

Xu Ziyan holds the jade flute and looks at the opposite step. Although she is already in the world of independence, the rotation of the five-wheel has opened up an independent space.

This five-row round is not the practice of the five-wheeled wheel that Xu Ziyan cultivated. Nowadays, the cultivation of Xu Ziyan wants to prop up a space of his own in the realm of a monk. This is undoubtedly an idiotic dream.

It is better to be a one-steper and to be trapped in the world of independence. Here is the only one to dominate, his strength will be infinitely magnified, and the strength of Xu Ziyan will be infinitely compressed. Don't say that you want to hold out a space that belongs to Xu Ziyan, that is, there is no chance to break through the golden seal.

However, Xu Ziyan did it.

Because it was not done by the fairy she released, but Xiaojin, Xiaomumu. The water of one palm, the five children of Huo Linger and Xiao Tu, turned into five streams, formed a five-row round, broke the golden seal, and propped up a space in the unique world.

I think that these five treasures can circumvent the magical master’s ignorance. Only one water of the palm of the hand can smash the ladder in the vast mainland, and want to support the big monk in the early stage of this person. It is not very difficult to have a space that belongs to Xu Ziyan.

However, Xu Ziyan knows what the five-wheeler is. Others don't know, especially if they are unable to accept this result.

"This is impossible……"

A pair of eyes with a single step widened, staring at Xu Ziyan. The whole face is unbelievable. Staring at the time when Xu Ziyan looked at the tenth, he jumped up as if he had been burnt, and shouted screaming.

“Everything is possible!” Xu Ziyan said faintly: “There is only one explanation, that is, you are too weak!”


"Let's celebrate my coming out of your golden seal. I want to play a song..."

Xu Ziyan will be the jade flute across the lips, directly she did not play the soul to lead. Directly play out his own original star fantasy.

There was an extremely small bright spot in the air.


The bright spot burst into bursts, and a gleaming star river appeared in front of the one-step, and the stars released the radiant light toward the one-step.

The meteor river ignored his world and rushed into his sea of ​​knowledge. He spread in his knowledge of the sea, broadly, as if to occupy his sea of ​​knowledge and destroy his god.

The entire cloud platform has once again boiled up. The sound of Xu Ziyan is only for one person. Other people can't feel it, and they can't see the wonders of the Xingxing River, but they see the seal of Xu Ziyan suddenly bursting. The golden seal came out from the inside, and released a five-color wheel to create an independent space in the unique world.

This is not the case that no one can do it. At the very least, these Tianzuns want to stand out in an independent world to support an independent space. It is also easy to break the one-step world in the one-step world. The repair is much higher than the one step.

However, Xu Ziyan is different. Her cultivation is lower than her own, but she can create an independent space in the unique world. This is counter-rule. This situation makes all the monks in the stands look good. Letting go, the excitement of a face.

He was the most vocal genius, but he made the most correct decision in an instant, giving up the attack on Xu Ziyan in the use of the world, because he knew that his own world had lost its effect on Xu Ziyan. Quickly took back the boundary and directly recovered it to the sea of ​​knowledge, resisting the star-like attack of Xu Ziyan.

At this time, the battlefields of the two people have been transferred from the mustard space to the unique sea of ​​knowledge. In the mustard space, the purple smoke and the single step are opposite each other, and the eyes are closed tightly. Xu Ziyan’s hands are jumping on the jade flute. The whole mustard space seems to be quiet, but in It’s a storm in the sea.

The illusion of the stars is ruined and ruined. Although it is struggling to resist it, it still cannot stop the spread of the stars. His gods began to be clearly destroyed, and they were in the midst of storms.

Closed double-handedly, he suddenly opened his eyes, and the free-spirited steplessness disappeared. At this time, the one-step step was full of screaming, shouting screaming toward Xu Ziyan:

"I am fighting with you!"

Then he rushed to the Xu Ziyan with his teeth and claws. When the people had not arrived, all kinds of fairy scorpions swept over the past with Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan also moved at that moment, and the flow of the cloud was completely applied. The light attribute was transported to the great consummation, and the white light was released from the body. The whole person swarmed like a stream of light in the mustard space. The speed of this kind of light attribute makes it impossible for the one-step fairy to lock Xu Ziyan, and at this time, Xu Ziyan did not stop the sound.


Suddenly, he gave a scream of screaming, and then he stood still, like a statue, without moving, his eyes became dull, and then the whole body slowly tilted backwards, tilting...


He fell heavily on the ground, his eyes were still open, looking into the air, but there was no spirit, it was so bleak, empty...

Xu Ziyan put away the jade flute and looked down on the ground, his face pale. She struggled with her own efforts, but she consumed almost no power, but she consumed a lot of mental power.

Shizhong jade and double fists above the high platform of the cloud are clenched, and his face is paler than Xu Ziyan, who consumes a lot of mental energy. He is very clear at this time, and he is completely ruined by Xu Ziyan, although he looks like a good man from the outside. But he knew that the one-step **** was destroyed. From then on, he would be like a walking dead. Although he was still breathing, he could only lie there like a corpse.

Reunited with the unique **** of the step, Shi Zhongyu did not grasp it at all. One of his favorite disciples was ruined like this, and Shi Zhongyu’s heart was bleeding.

But he can't do anything, Xu Ziyan did not violate the rules of the game. Even just now, Tu Yishui also asked to end the game, but was rejected by his disciples. Moreover, in the early days of his reverence, he did not dare to make anything in front of the earth in the late Tianzun.

Shi Zhongyu’s red eyes flew down from the clouds and entered the mustard space. He took a unique step and jumped out of the mustard space. He never returned to the cloud platform and left.

At this time, there are two people in the mustard space, Xu Ziyan and Luoyang.


Luoyang came out of the corner and clasped his hands with his hands, as if he was admiring an old friend with a cold smile on his face:

"It’s really an accident, oh... wonderful, it’s wonderful.”

Going to the opposite side of Xu Ziyan, Luoyang looked at Xu Ziyan, and the coldness in his eyes seemed to spread out of his eyes, and the temperature around him was instantly reduced.

"But your life has come to an end. When you kill the autumn water and the autumn wind, when you offend the Tianfu business, you are destined for your destiny. Even if you are a disciple of the nine masters, Can't get rid of the fate of death."

"Is it?" Xu Ziyan slowly carried his hands behind him and stared at Luoyang: "I think that Tianfu Commercial Bank is in the moths, maybe a big business is ruined by a wrong decision. It is a pity." ”

The gaze of Luoyang is a change. He heard a meaning from the words of Xu Ziyan, that is, Xu Ziyan actually had the mind to destroy the entire Tianfu business.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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