The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2080: Magnificent

I am very grateful to Xue Xin (1888), `棂┆籹孓. Classmate (588), wqiy2003 classmate (588), Jie Yi classmate (200), `棂┆籹孓. classmate (200), classmate (100) , mableip classmates (100), Sum3mer classmates (100), mortals? ? Classmate (100) reward!


Why is she? Even if it is Cang Zong, it will not easily go to war with the entire Tianfu business. Is it by her alone?

Luo Yang closed his mouth and his face was scorned. He disdain was talking to Xu Ziyan. As long as you kill Xu Ziyan here today, everything will end. The threat of Xu Ziyan will become a big joke.

Xu Ziyan’s body began to spread a little bit of killing. This kind of killing was spread from Xu Ziyan for the first time. It was so direct, so rich, so that hundreds of thousands of monks in the stands could feel the purple smoke. Kill the heart.

Even in the face of the single step, Xu Ziyan did not reveal such a killing, but Xu Ziyan at this time did not hide his killing.

Xu Ziyan is ironic to kill Luoyang, because Luoyang beat the cold and smashed too badly, and the sword is full of anger and tells Xu Ziyan to kill Luoyang.

Leng Qing dynasty has not known whether he can survive or not. A Jianfeng is like a home for Xu Ziyan. It is like her family. Luoyang will be like this, and Luoyang does not hide the killing of Xu Ziyan. If Xu Ziyan has not killed her at this time, she is not a person who cultivates immortals. Can only become the cannon fodder of the cultivation of the world.


Xu Ziyan suddenly moved, and released the remaining dozens of swords in his own spirits, and spurred the past toward Luoyang.

The shape of Luoyang pulled out a trace of the shadow in the mustard space, and quickly avoided the handle of the sword. At the same time, the big sleeves are rising. There are countless ice cones lasing out, the temperature in the mustard space is instantly reduced, the earth is frosted, and the snow floats in the air. A handle with a cone of ice flashing with crystal clear light greeted a sword.


The ice cone of a handle is crushed by a gas sword. The dozens of swords are like a purple river running in the air, but the purple cones are superimposed on the opposite side of the purple river, just like building a snow and ice dam. The purple river intercepted.


The gas sword and the ice cone collided, and the gas sword broke through the ice and snow dam, but one dam was destroyed and the other dam was instantly formed. One after another, the ice and snow dams piled up toward the purple river, consuming the power of the sword.

“A thousand miles of ice!”

The right hand of Luoyang released thousands of ice cones, the left finger swayed, and a thousand miles of ice was released. The whole space seemed to be frozen in an instant, and the snow in the mustard space suddenly became thick and fascinated. Covering the line of sight, the earth quickly turns white, and the "咔嚓嚓" freeze spread. In this snowy world, the purple river is like a dragon that is about to be frozen, and the whole speed is slowed down.

The terrible ice was wrapped up in Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan felt the suffocation. She believes that as long as this thousand miles of ice spread to her body, she will become an ice sculpture, the danger is not inferior to the unique golden seal.

"Explosion!" Xu Ziyan slammed and released the detonation in the spirit.


Dozens of swords suddenly exploded. The magnificent waves rushed around. Destroyed the ice, destroyed the ice cone, and raised a huge mushroom cloud in the air, smashing the heavy snow into the powder. It turned into drizzle.

"Hope, fusion!"

Xu Ziyan was a little nervous at this time. Luoyang is too strong. Although his cultivation is the beginning of human respect, the power of this thousand miles of ice makes Xu Ziyan feel that the strength of Luoyang is currently showing the lowest strength and the strength of the peak of the people. This is probably not his ultimate strength.

"It's my turn to attack!" Luoyang saw and finally forced Xu Ziyan to detonate the gas sword, his face showed a violent smile, his eyes revealed extreme confidence.

"You don't have that chance!"

Xu Ziyan’s left arm suddenly slammed, and the ancient rattan arm glowed green. In the mustard space, there are countless green ancient vines that are as thick as the arms, like a python, intertwined into a giant net to cover the past.


A strip of ancient vines smashed the air, but it completely obscured the shadow of Luoyang in an instant. A huge egg made of green ancient vines wrapped in the sun.


The freezing of the white pelicans spread rapidly from the ancient vines, and the verdant ancient vines were frozen in frost, like the green crystals, and even the smashing cracks, countless ancient vines fell into pieces and fell into the sun. The figure appeared from the inside.

Shaking off the ice powder on the celestial clothes, there was a sarcasm on the face of Luoyang: "Is this your skill?"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes condensed and quickly dissipated the ancient rattan arm. He called out in the mind: “Little white, fusion.”

Xu Ziyan’s right arm has a blue light, and the Yan Peng arm is instantly formed. The right arm slammed and punched the past with Luoyang, which had just emerged from the ancient rattan package.


An infinite roar, the water property of the scorpion swayed in the space, and the vast ocean swelled toward the opposite sun. The entire mustard space has turned into a turbid water world, and the power of the scorpion has shocked the monks watching the clouds.


A Peng Peng, which was completely condensed by the water attribute, rushed out with the punch of Xu Ziyan, set off a wave of waves, and swooped down toward Luoyang.

Everyone clearly feels that the power of the water attribute has surpassed the peak of the early human respect, and is infinitely close to the power of the middle of the human respect.

There was no panic on the face of Luoyang, his hands swiftly twitching a finger, and then his hands turned to the outside.

A white smog greeted the rushing water world. The white ruthenium and the azure water world instantly hit a place.

There is no infinite roar, only the densely frozen sound and the smog of frost. The front of the sly water world freezes a dam. And spreading towards the water world, it has blocked the rushing water world from five meters away. At the same time, the right finger swayed toward the air.


An ice dragon came out of the body, rushing into the air in the air, Peng Peng, a long mouth. The roaring spurt a bright torrent, which is a torrent of ice cones that are completely covered with dense ice cones.


Yan Peng was angry with his head and spurted a dense ice cone from his mouth. The ice cones on both sides filled the sky above the mustard space and collided in the middle.


In the sky, it seems that two glass worlds are colliding, and a piece of shattering sounds intensively. The sky's ice debris falls from the sky, forming a curtain of ice that falls from the sky, and shines brightly under the sunlight. Rays.

All the monks on the high platform of the cloud sat up straight and stared nervously at the two people fighting in the mustard space.

Where is this also where two disciples are fighting?

It’s just a matter of falling out of the sun. After all, Luoyang is already the early master of the people. It has become a place of disciples and has become the top monk in the fairy world. It is normal to have great power.


What is Xu Ziyan's repair?

She is just a mid-peak of the Emperor, and there is a distance between the late Emperor and the late Emperor of the Emperor.

It is such a disciple that has unleashed the power of the peak of the early human reverence.

This is this... Is there any reason?

Is this too fake?

Just as all the audience were stunned there, there was a loud noise in the mustard space. Whether it is the water world released by Xu Ziyan, or the frozen world released by Luoyang disappeared. Under the collision of two people's immortals, the smoke disappeared, but countless water resources fluctuated in the mustard space, and the sun reflected the ray of sunshine, showing off a magnificent world.

"Xu Ziyan, you are too disappointing to me!" The figure of Luoyang shines more and more in the magnificent world. The whole body is covered with colorful Xiaguang, and he looks at Xu Ziyan with sarcasm:

"You use the water attribute Xianxie to deal with me, don't you know that I am the ice attribute? All the narcissus will be frozen by me!"

"I do not believe!"

Xu Ziyan’s right arm retracted toward the back and then violently blasted toward the front.


The magnificent world collapsed in an instant. A 鲲鹏掀 掀 波 。 。 。. In a more violent situation, he slammed toward Luoyang.

"Idiot!" Luoyang's big sleeves suddenly rushed forward: "You still don't understand? My repair is higher than you, my ice attribute is higher than your water attribute, you will never hurt me."

The water potential of Haotian was swayed in the big sleeve of Luoyang and was broken from the middle. The water diversion flows from both sides of the body of the falling sun. With the left hand of Luoyang holding a hand, Ice Yuanli instantly condensed a crystal clear bow in his hand. With the right hand of Luoyang on the bowstring, an ice arrow is generated.

Pulling a bow like a full moon, the arrow looks like a meteor...

A string of sounds, the ice arrow dragged the colorful light and shot at the Peng Peng, who was swooping down in the air.


The ice arrow hit the air and dive in the Peng Peng. There was a little white frost on the chest of the Peng Peng. Then the white frost quickly spread, and the whole Kun Peng was frozen into an ice sculpture and fell from the sky.

Xu Ziyan dissipated the fairy tales, and the fusion of Xiao Bai, separated from one another and fell to the peak of the mid-century Emperor. Looking at the opposite sun.

Xu Ziyan felt a little tricky, she was not sure for the first time. She hasn't fully used her own cards, but she believes that Luoyang also hides her cards.

"Well, since you are ice, then I am a fire!"

Xu Ziyan called in the gods: "Fire spirit, fusion."


Xu Ziyan’s body suddenly rises to an endless flame, and the flame quickly grows into a sea of ​​fire, spreading toward the opposite sun.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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