The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2081: Late Emperor

Luoyang still stood there quietly, but at his feet there was a whirlwind, the whirlwind quickly expanded, just a moment of dying became a hurricane, wrapped in the sun.

Luoyang stood in the wind and opened his arms. The hurricane was composed entirely of multi-angled ice crystals, like a huge ice dragon spinning, and endless ice spread everywhere.

The sword was invisible, and his face was full of tension. He said incredulously: "Why is the lord, Luoyang, whose ice attribute is so powerful? It is completely beyond his realm."

The soil is also frowning, and he can't figure out why the ice properties of Luoyang are so powerful. This should not be the power that a great monk can possess.

"His blood has a problem!" It was unexpectedly said that the sect of the celestial domain said.

"Blood veins?" The soil is slightly wrinkled as a brow, and if the face is realized.

"You don't think that when you release the fairy cockroaches, it is very short, and there is almost no fingering. It is very similar to the sacred magical power of the Yaozu. And his ice attribute is more natural than the fairy scorpion released by humans. Wellpower has surpassed his repairs as a whole."

"Half demon?"

"Not bad!" Shangdao nodded: "The combination of human and Yaozu in most cases is a garbage, but there is very little probability of giving birth to a genius. Although the probability is extremely small, once it happens, he It will bring together all the advantages of the Yaozu and human beings, surpassing the Yaozu and human beings, and become a horrible existence. Do you remember the semi-demon layman?"

The soil is silent, he certainly remembers the half demon. It was a major event that shocked the Yuan Dynasty thousands of years ago and it was also a tragic event.

Most of the semi-demons settled in the south, because there is a place where the demon and the human race are mixed, and it is also the place where the half demon is most likely to appear. Tens of years ago. A small thing happened in a small town where a half-devil settled in the south, a very trivial matter.

At that time, there were not only three major commercial banks on the Upper Yuan Dynasty, but there were four major commercial banks at that time. In addition to Tiandan Commercial Bank, Tianshang Commercial Bank and Tianfu Commercial Bank. There is also the fourth largest business, Tianzheng.

The main business of Tianzheng Commercial Bank is that it has some flags related to the formation of the law, the formation and other equipment, as well as the layout and maintenance of some families, small sects.

In addition to running their own duties, the four major commercial banks of the time also operated another occupation, capturing half demon people, and each business bank had a slave team. They capture the half demon and then sell them to humans as slaves.

It happened very often. It is common for both humans and semi-demons to become accustomed to it. A bandit team of Tianzheng Business Bank suddenly rushed into the town of semi-demon, but at this time the semi-demon is not in the town. The people in the business line took his wife and daughter away.

When the semi-demon came back, he left the town. Find the pair of demon. But when did humans put the half demon in their eyes? The demon team of the Tianzheng firm not only did not release the wife and daughter of the semi-demon, but also arrested the semi-demon.

The semi-demon layman suddenly took the plunge and even killed a hundred people to capture the demon team and brought his wife and daughter back to the town.

However, this matter has not ended. After the business of the day knew about this, they sent five demon teams to rush into the town, killing the wife and daughter of the semi-demon in the war, and also attracted a big disaster for the business. .

Half demon layman killed five demon teams, and then set off from the south, he began to attack the Tianzheng business. A hundred years. A giant Macao business firm was almost killed by this semi-demon, and the Tianzheng merchants disappeared completely. From then on, there were only three major firms left in the Yuan dynasty, and there were no more celestial firms.

No one knows what the half-demon layman is. How powerful is it. The Tianji Commercial Bank has also failed to make a task, and the high price has rewarded the head of the semi-demon. But no monk did this task. Even some of the disciples have taken over this task, but they have gone.

A hundred years later, the half-demon layman who had destroyed the Tianzheng merchants returned to his own town and lived there. The town has almost become a restricted area for humans and demons. Even when the disciples of the nine sects go out to practice, they will get the embarrassment of their masters. Don't provoke the half demon.

In fact, the nine sects of the sects do have taboos for the semi-demons. On the one hand, they do not know the true strength of the semi-demons. However, the strength of one-person squadrons is destroyed by one person. On the other hand, the nine sects are the most taboo for such a loner, and it is really no good to offend such a person. As long as he hides, you can't find him, and then he can attack you slowly, so that you can't prevent it. It is the nine major sects that can't stand this.

The most obvious example is the Stars and the Miles. It’s been how many years have passed, and the Stars have not taken thousands of miles, but they have tossed the Stars.

The sword on the side was not empty. At this time, his face showed no channel: "Is he not a child of Tianfu Commercial Bank? How could he be a half-devil?"

Shi Yishui shook his head: "The disciples of the three major commercial banks are walking all the year round. It is not unusual to have a relationship with the Yaozu under the chance of coincidence. It is normal to bring the born children back."

"Oh, huh..." Shang Dao smiled and said to the earth by the waterway: "The lord of the earth, do you say that this yang will have a relationship with the half demon? Will it be the disciple of the half demon?"

The face of the earth is a change, the half demon is not dead, and now still retreats in the southern town. If Luoyang is really a disciple of the half demon, this thing is troublesome.

It is very clear in the heart of the water. The abnormal races like the semi-monsters have some psychological abnormalities. It is definitely not a wise choice to provoke such people. His eyes were not worried about the mustard space, and even he didn't know how to be good.

At this time, the sea of ​​ice and the hurricane released by the sun in the mustard space have collided countless times, and Xu Ziyan’s heart has risen a little helplessly. Way.

Xu Ziyan immediately shrank the sea of ​​fire, forming a circle of hot magma wrapped himself in the middle, from offense to defense. In the situation where the cracked Luoyang Xianyu could not be found, Xu Ziyan chose the defense decisively.

Xu Ziyan experienced the attack of water attribute and fire attribute. After the integration with Xiaobai and Huo Linger, there was no way to take Luoyang. Xu Ziyan realized that he underestimated the Luoyang. The most dangerous thing is that he completely went to Luoyang. Do not understand. In this case, I will rashly attack, and I am afraid I will eventually be injured.

Moreover, Xu Ziyan was keenly aware that Luoyang was too confident and seemed to have never made his real means. He was just playing himself.

Sure enough, after seeing Xu Ziyan begin to defend, Luoyang’s ridiculous smile on his face was expanding, and the two big sleeves were rising forward. The ice hurricane screamed out and swept over Xu Ziyan.

However, just as Xu Ziyan was nervously defending, the ice hurricane slammed into half, and when Xu Ziyan was about five meters away, he suddenly sank into the ground.

Then the ground began to bulge, quickly bulging, bulging up to ten feet high, turned into a snow giant.


The ice and snow giants clenched their fists and screamed at Xu Ziyan. The endless snow and hurricane spurted out of its mouth, and the hot magma around Xu Ziyan immediately became dim.

"What monster is this?"

Xu Ziyan saw the ice giant who was ten feet tall, and the scalp was numb. For the unknown, she instinctively gave birth to a hint of fear.


The ice giant slammed down and hammered his hands toward the ground with his fists.


The endless snow waves skyrocketed, and the rolling avalanches flooded the Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan took a step in the air and his body shape rose to the sky. Huo Linger incarnation of fire and phoenix circled around the body of Xu Ziyan.


In the rolling avalanche, the ice and snow giants roared into the sky, and the long and endless avalanche picked up in the air, and turned into nine snow dragons in the air to pursue the purple smoke in the air.

Xu Ziyan’s sleeves waved, and two phoenixes were born under the feet. They flew toward the sky. Under her, nine snow dragons were chasing after them. The two giant eyes on the ground stared closely at Xu Ziyan. .


There was a bang in the soul of Xu Ziyan, and then there seemed to be something broken in the soul. That is the sorrowful power of Xu Zi, who has always thought that Feng Zu, who has been fully integrated. The original soul of Feng Zu was integrated into the soul of Xu Ziyan, but it still existed independently. At this time, it suddenly broke, and the independent soul dissipated, completely integrating the soul of Xu Ziyan.

Then Xu Ziyan heard a crack in the body, and her cultivation was instantly promoted to the late Emperor Xian, and with the broken soul of Feng Zu, a strand of information was incorporated into her soul, in the soul of Xu Ziyan. Something more quickly.

Xu Ziyan had not had time to explore what was in the soul. He instinctively moved a set of fairy scorpions, and waved downwards. A hot wave of Yuan Libo melted nine snow dragons toward the ice giant on the ground. Cover it away.

"Heavenly fires!"

All the monks on the high platform of the cloud were instantly petrified, and looked at the graceful figure standing in the air.

"This... isn't this true?"

Luo Tianba whispered to himself: "This... this is absolutely a fairy that can only be released by the monks of Xianzun..."

The sword stood up in excitement and excitedly: "Ziyan... she broke through..."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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