The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2083: Jiu Ling Xian Fu

Luoyang's body suddenly squirmed, his neck suddenly extended into a snake, but the head was still the head of the sun, the pale face with a long neck, it was full of cold.


Xu Ziyan jumped in the heart, but still played the star illusion, and a sound wave went to the attack of the sun.


On the shoulder of Luoyang, another head rushed out, followed by an infinite extension of the neck...

"Puff puff……"

The heads of the heads were found from the shoulders of Luoyang, and the neck was infinitely extended. Luoyang actually gave birth to nine heads. As long as the first sight could be seen, it was completely the look of the Hydra, but the nine long ones. The top of the neck is the head of nine humans. It is the head of Luoyang, and every face is pale like paper.


Nine mouths on the nine heads opened, and nine different sounds were emitted. The space rang a series of dense sound explosions, which completely destroyed Xu Ziyan's star illusion.

Xu Ziyan put away the jade flute, and without hesitation, he took out the best innate fairy sword purple smoke sword, and the fire attribute world spread from the body.


Accompanied by Xu Ziyan's scorn, the spread of the world condensed toward the purple smoke sword in her hand, the whole purple smoke sword became hot, and the endless flame rose, and the whole fire attribute world condensed on the purple smoke sword.

The sword is the boundary, and the boundary is the sword.


Xu Ziyan took out nine lights in a sword, and that was the nine out of the world. The nine flaming worlds smashed into the nine heads of Luoyang.


In the nine heads of Luoyang, nine ice-cold circles were sprayed, and the flames of Xu Ziyan collided together, and the space was shaking. The endless flame world engulfed the ice world, and the fog rose and drowned.

Nine long necks stirred in the air, stirring a huge frosty white whirlpool. The endless flames are swallowed up, revealing the figure of Luoyang.

"Oh..." The nine heads sounded together and swayed in the air, very strange: "Xu Ziyan. This is what you forced me. These are all prepared for those who respect, but they are used in your mind." You should be honored, hehe..."

In front of Luoyang, nine demon dans suddenly appeared. Each of the demon buds shines with the light of the runes. The nine skulls open their mouths and suck, and they will illuminate the demon with the runes of light. Dan sucked into the mouth.

"It’s awful..." Liu Jinsong on the cloud platform changed his face: "He is trying to stimulate the essence of the blood in the body. In a short time, he will completely awaken the essence of the Yaozu, and perfectly combine with the blood of the human race to become a The existence of terror."


The body of Luoyang began to surge, starting from a head of less than two meters, and the giants who had grown to about five feet stopped. Nine necks became longer and nine heads became bigger.

"Puff puff……"

There were actually horns on the nine heads, and it looked like a Hydra. On the contrary, it is a bit like the appearance of a nine-headed dragon.

"Puff puff……"

Seven spurs were born on the spine of Luoyang, like seven spears.


On the back of Luoyang, a pair of shredded wings were born, and the hula la la was unfolded.

The whole body began to spread and gave birth to a layer of scales. The power of the early part of the earth was radiated from his body.

Xu Ziyan is a little bit worse. In the face of such a horrible monster, the cultivation has been promoted to the early stage of the land, in other words, not to mention the Xu Ziyan in the face of Luoyang, that is, all the audience do not think that Xu Ziyan still has the possibility of surviving.

Xu Ziyan is also a bitter smile, not to say anything else, just say this height. Facing the height of the five feet of Luoyang. Xu Ziyan is like a cockroach ant.

Moreover, after the fall of the yang, the strength of the body is obviously improved, and the degree of promotion to the extent is not known, but the spread of the breath is absolutely strong.

Xu Ziyan has a double sleeve light dance. A series of congenital charms come out of the body, layered. The fascination divorced her body, and she was able to shine brightly. The light suddenly rushed, and a five-foot-high man appeared on the opposite side of Luoyang, with three heads and six arms, and released the power of the late peaks.

The nine heads of Luoyang shook a bit, and each head showed a scornful smile. The wings of the back suddenly swayed, and the huge body swept past the will of Xu Ziyan. Nine large heads were bitten into a few angles toward Xu Ziyan, and both hands and legs also pulled out the shadows and madly attacked Xu Ziyan.

Furen people are swaying in the air, every attack of Luoyang makes Xu Ziyan suffocate and suffocate, and the light of Furen is flickering.

Xu Ziyan is completely in a state of passive beating. The strength of the late peak of Renzun is not an opponent for the early fall of Shangdi. Xu Ziyan also realized this, his body squatting out of the Fu people and fleeing far away, while he sipped in his mouth:



The puppet blew himself up, and the fascinating power would bombard the sun, and nine heads swayed in the air, and a pair of wings flickered, flew a hundred miles, which stabilized the figure. The head of the head makes a hoarse voice:

"Oh, is that a bit of power? This time you have no symbol, when can you struggle?"

Xu Ziyan gasped and gasped. He had been beaten by Luoyang for a while. Although he was not hurt because of the resistance, the mental power used to control the person was consumed. At this point, her head was a little bit painful, looking at the sneer of Luoyang, Xu Ziyan’s face also squeezed a smile:

"Nine heads, I will let you see what is called the real symbol."


On the nine heads, there was a scornful smile on the neat head. In the view of Luoyang, Xu Ziyan had reached the point where the mountain was running out of water. The real symbol? Does she still want to make a person who is not successful?

What if you make another person? Still not the same as being self-destructive?

Floating in the air with a strong attitude, Luoyang is not eager to attack Xu Ziyan, but he wants to see what kind of symbol can Xu Ziyan still make?

He just wants to slowly kill Xu Ziyan. Doesn't Xu Ziyan feel that he still has hope? Then give her hope, let her show her skills, and then beat her mercilessly, defeating her both physically and mentally.

He wants Xu Ziyan to understand the truth, that is, the hope in Xu Ziyan’s heart is given by him, and then he can ruthlessly and easily break the hope of Xu Ziyan.

This is the feeling of dominance. This is the cat's enjoyment of playing with mice. In the case that the ending is already doomed, Luoyang enjoys the process of playing.

Luoyang was so quietly floating in the air, revealing ridicule in the nine pairs of eyes, waiting for the attack of Xu Ziyan.

"Ziyan is really dangerous this time!" The sword was taken out and the sword was taken out. He looked nervously at Xu Ziyan and Luoyang in the mustard space.

“Slightly safe!” said the soil softly.

"She is not your apprentice!" said the sword with no anger.

"Ziyan should have other means!" Tu Yishui glanced at the sword in the hands of the sword, and frowned slightly: "Put the sword away, don't throw people here."

The sword has no change in color, and eventually the fairy sword is closed, but the two fists are pinched tightly, and the bones are whitish because of the force.

He can't help but worry that Xu Ziyan is only a late Emperor, but that Luoyang has now become a monster, but with the initial cultivation of the land, the gap between Xu Ziyan and Luoyang is too big. How can this be played?

He really wants to see if there is any card in the purple smoke. This girl will not be a hard-nosed person.

"Oh, this time, Xu Ziyan is really in jeopardy!" Shang Dao said with a chuckle, but also turned to look at the **** machine master dream machine to ask:

"How do dreamers think?"

"Xu Ziyan has no chance!" said the **** of dreams.

Hearing the dialogue between Shang Dao and Meng Shenji, the heart of the sword is a pumping, and he can't help but look at the twelve-day statue. In those twelve days, I felt that the sword’s gaze was over, and I couldn’t help but sigh.

This sigh of sighs undoubtedly showed the attitude. The hands of the sword were shivering and closed their eyes. He could not look at the mustard space in the center.

The clouds were silent on the high platform, and all the monks referred to the eyes of the blind, and they all looked nervously at the two people in the mustard space. For the shape of Luoyang at this time, these human monks have an instinctive disgust, and their hearts are involuntarily standing on the side of Xu Ziyan.

Although they can all see that Xu Ziyan at this time is completely inferior, Luoyang has already occupied a complete advantage, as long as he is willing, he can solve the life of Xu Ziyan at any time. However, they still hope that Xu Ziyan can create miracles again, like the miracles of the past, and can turn defeat into victory.

At this time, the sun was moving. Because he has been waiting in the air for a long time, waiting for Xu Ziyan to release the so-called Fu, which she just said, but Xu Ziyan also quietly floated in the air without saying anything.

Xu Ziyan is recovering his mental strength. After all, the control person has some consumption. But Luoyang can't wait, and he thinks that Xu Ziyan is delaying time.

So he moved, and a pair of wings flashed behind him, and his figure was like a lightning strike at the opposite Xu Ziyan.

The breathing in the entire platform of the cloud was a stagnation. Everyone’s eyes looked at Xu Ziyan, and I was expecting Xu Ziyan to create a miracle again.

In the eyes of everyone, including the eyes of Luoyang, a sleeve of Xu Ziyan fluttered up, and nine sleeves were floated from her sleeves. These nine charms are the nine bells of the peak of Zhongpin. symbol.

Jiu Ling Xian Fu hovered in the air, like a dragon, instantly connected end to end, facing the setting sun.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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