The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2084: Soaring

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In an instant, Guanghua was released, and Jiu Ling Xian Fu Wai became a space in that circle. The huge suction force pulled the body of Luoyang toward the space.

The look of Luoyang was a surprise. He was the first to see this kind of symbol, and he was able to make himself a space. This moment, he felt that if he was sucked in by this space, he would die.

The space power of this nine bells is beyond the repair of Luoyang at this time. One is to reach the peak of the late stage of the land, and the other is only the beginning of the land. The body of Luoyang’s big body was helplessly approaching the space of the nine bells.

The nine faces of Luoyang were extremely embarrassed. Nine pairs of eyes were red and bloody. The body flipped hard and pointed the seven bone spurs behind them to the space of the nine bells.

"Puff puff……"

A root spur spurred out from the back of the falling sun. Every bone spurt came out with a blood, and the painful screams in the nine mouths of Luoyang.


Six huge bone spurs were shot at the space of the nine bells, and then blasted. The huge power spread in the space, and the power of the spurs blasted to the top of the peak...


A huge mushroom cloud rises in the air, and the space of the nine bells is broken by six consecutive bone spurs. The whole mustard space is stirring. Even the mustard space opened by the ancient Tianzun, which has been hand-opened by the ancients, is unstable and has a tendency to collapse.


The last bone spurt with the endless blood from the back of the sun, spurred toward the purple smoke.

Xu Ziyan was shocked and moved. At the same time, the light property is turned on, just like a stream of light across the sky, it is almost at the extreme.

But the spurs are like locking the purple smoke, crossing the layer space. It was only in an instant that I came to the front of Xu Ziyan.


The bone spurs bombarded the body of Xu Ziyan, even if the body strength of Xu Ziyan had reached the peak of the middle of the land, and could not withstand the bombardment of this bone spur.


Xu Ziyan spurted a blood out of her head. If it wasn't for her wearing the best congenital defensive dress, I am afraid that this spur has already smashed the body of Xu Ziyan. However, even so, Xu Ziyan’s internal government was also injured.

Looking up at Luoyang, I saw the madness in the nine pairs of eyes of Luoyang. The seven scorpions on each skull are ejected with blood. It seems that the outbreak of seven bone spurs has also greatly damaged his fundamentals.

"Hehehe..." A head in the middle of Luoyang sent a smirk, and the blood sprang from his mouth with his laughter:

"Xu Ziyan, I really looked down on you. I didn't think you could push me to this field, so you can see my true power."

In front of Luoyang, there was a demon full of runes, and Zhangkou sucked, and the demon that shimmered with the fascinating light was sucked into the mouth.


Endless powers are radiated from the body of Luoyang. A circle of visible air waves swayed around the center of the sun, and the entire mustard space was trembled and sizzled.

"Puff puff……"

At the spine of the body of Luoyang, the seven bone spurs that lost the spurs grew seven spurs. The whole body of Luoyang became a whole body red, and the scales of the body shimmered with the red.


Nine heads swayed in the air, making a slamming crack. The huge breath is rising rapidly, but the breath of the moment of yang rises from the early stage of the land to the peak of the late stage.

From the head to his long neck, to his body, arms and legs. Behind the wings. Seven bone spurs, all over the body scales, released an abnormal red, blood oozing from the gap of the scales, painful mourning in the nine big mouth.

Excessively awaken his blood. Although his power is infinitely improved, it also hurts the body of Luoyang. The whole body is twisted. Nine pairs of eyes release endless madness. The violent voice echoes throughout the mustard space:

"Xu Ziyan, you must die..."

Xu Ziyan took a soft breath, and the internal government came with a faint pain. He shook his head gently and looked at the falling sun that was approaching to him. Xu Ziyan whispered in the knowledge of God:

"Chaos, you come!"

Xu Ziyan and Chaos quickly switched their bodies, and all the monks on the high platform were shocked. Luoyang performed too crazy, and his connection changes made these monks bear the impact of the soul again and again. Where is the human touch at the time of Luoyang?

However, that power is the peak of the late Ming Dynasty, and only one step has stepped into the ranks of Tianzun. Although everyone knows that Luoyang is only a temporary improvement.


Even so, does Xu Ziyan still have a hope of survival?

The eyes of the people could not help but look at Xu Ziyan, looking at the wonderful girl who had always brought them miracles.


They saw that the power of Xu Ziyan was also raised in an instant, and even climbed from the late Emperor to the late Ren.

This kind of breath is different from that of Luoyang. The breath of Luoyang is violently fluctuating. It makes people see at a glance that he is forced to improve by some kind of secret law. However, the breath of Xu Ziyan is very stable, and people can immediately feel that she is the one who cultivated, that is, the cultivation of the late human beings, and definitely not relying on some secret method to temporarily improve.

Tu Yishui turned his head and looked at the sword without a virtual look. The meaning in the gaze was clearly: "When there is no virtual master, when does the purple smoke break through to the late stage?"

There was a bitter smile in the eyes of the sword: "Don't ask me, I don't know."

Turning his head and looking at the Xu Ziyan in the mustard space, the sword can't help but think about it: "Is the purple smoke always hidden?"

The look of Luoyang suddenly stunned, but instantly became indifferent. What is the future of Xu Ziyan? In the face of his late peak of the land is still a slag, still only the abused part.

Xu Ziyan looked at the outside of the sun in the chaotic sea of ​​knowledge, and clearly understood that the cultivation of the chaotic people in the late stage was not necessarily the opponent of the late peak of the land.

"It seems that you have to use violent Dan!"

The violent Dan is an elixir made from the first layer of the Seven Love Tower with Xu Ziyan. It can be used to make a monk rise directly in half an hour. Order, and there is no side effect.

Xu Ziyan quickly took out a violent Dan and passed it directly to the chaotic mouth. The chaos didn't want to swallow it right away, just as the violent Dan had just swallowed it, and Luoyang had already rushed to the chaos.

At this time, Xu Ziyan had no matter what the chaos was. The figure instantly entered the time array of the purple smoke space. She needed to hurry to heal the wound. She felt that one person might not be the opponent of Luoyang.

The chaos is not stupid. At this time, the efficacy of the violent Dan has not yet been emanate, and it is hard to fight with the fall of the sun. When the figure flashed in the space, it flew back toward the rear.

However, at this time, the speed of the sun has reached a horrible level, but in an instant, it was thrown into the chaos. Nine long necks were like nine large steel whips pulling toward the chaotic volley.


The chaos escaped seven long necks, but was continuously drawn two times. The whole body was taken out, and the body was broken. The mouth could not help but spurt a blood.

But then a force spread out of her body, instantly healing her wounds, and quickly improving the chaos.

The efficacy of the violent Dan has been released!

At this time, a head appeared again in front of the chaos in front of the chaos, opening nine big mouths to the chaos of the chaos.

The chaotic arms trembled in a row, and the air trembled nine fists. With the power of the late Zun, the air was blown to see the air, and the stunned thunderous bombardment hit the nine heads of Luoyang.


Nine sounds infinite roar, the nine heads of Luoyang were bombarded high, nine long necks trembled in space, and the chaotic body swayed back in the air.

"This is this..." The sword was so empty that the eyeballs almost squirted out of the eyelids: "When did the purple smoke break through to the late stage?"

It’s incredible that all the monks on the cloud platform are sluggish. Originally a mid-century peak of the Emperor, while the Yangyang continued to become stronger, Xu Ziyan actually climbed all the way, climbing from the peak of the Mid-Emperor to the late stage of the Land. Where is this still a battle within the disciples?

The entire cloud was silent, and all the monks' eyes were a bit sluggish. They really dare not continue to think about it. Will Luoyang and Xu Ziyan be upgraded again and become a battle between the monks of Tianzun period?

This game is too surprising, constantly frightening, a scare and then a startle. The fall of the sun is no problem. It is the individual who can see that he has used some kind of secret method. This kind of secret method seems to be powerful, but the secret law has been used by Luoyang to the point of this horror. After the lapse of the secret law, it is bound to be extremely great. Side effects.

But the purple smoke is different. Until now, the whole person has not changed at all. It gives people the feeling that Xu Ziyan is the cultivation of the late Zun, and this unbearable fact almost makes all the monks on the cloud high platform instantly mad.

The sudden burst of power of the chaos, while making the battle fierce, completely ignited the atmosphere of the entire cloud platform, pushing the atmosphere to an unprecedented climax.

Under the unprepared defense, Luoyang was slammed into nine heads, raising nine heads staring at the chaos underneath. He snorted and opened nine large mouths, squirting a fairy from inside.

There are hurricanes, ice cones, acid...


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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