The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2087: Arrogance

Xu Ziyan’s face became very ugly, because she had already speculated that the reason why the Mozu attacked the sacred disciples in the black plains was actually an agreement between Tianfu and the Mozu, that is, to force themselves to appear in the shady Plain. In this respect, the second brother is suffering from his own. This made the group's heart purple smoke very uncomfortable.

"Lord, Master, I immediately rushed to the plain of the dark!"

The sword has no vain hand: "Tomorrow Shangyuan League will hold a banquet for you, or look for the teacher."

"Slow!" Tu Yi swayed his hand and stopped the sword. He looked at the drunken cup and asked: "Yi, the Mozu, is there a monk in the Tianzun period?"

"No!" Thousands of drunks immediately shook his head.

So the soil turns to the sword and there is no way: "Since the Mozu does not have a monk in the Tianzun period, you should not go. Let the purple smoke go!"

The sword was empty and immediately shook his head: "The sovereign, my two disciples have been seriously injured, and the repair of purple smoke is not as good as the heart..."

"Oh, huh..." Tu Yishui saw the sword without a glimpse and smiled: "You think about the battle between Ziyan and Luoyang. Do you really think that the strength of Ziyan is not as good as your heart?"

"This..." The sword's innocent look is still hesitant.

At this time, Xu Ziyan rushed and said: "Master, I don't care if you go, I have to go to the black plain immediately."

"There is no imaginary, we can not become a joke of the nine major sects. We can not send monks more than the repair of the Mozu monks, we compete is the strength between the same level. This is also a kind of experience for disciples, We can't protect them for a lifetime, but the Zongmen need them to grow up as soon as possible. Protect the Zongmen."


"Don't be me or mine, I will return to Tianmen, Ziyan will go to the black plain, and you should not idle. Immediately return to the Zongmen, help Ziyan go to the south to establish a Zongmen to recruit some disciples as much as possible!"

"But!" The sword finally made up its mind, but still worried about Xu Ziyan: "You must be careful!"

"Well, Master! I will leave soon!" Xu Ziyan immediately stood up from the chair.

“No hurry!” Tu Yishui stopped Xu Ziyan: “We are a big disciple. And you have to be a master. Don’t do things well, have everyone’s temperament. Or after tomorrow’s banquet, go on. Black plain."

Although Xu Ziyan was anxious in her heart, she couldn’t help but live in the water. In the end, even the Master agreed with the opinion of the soil, and also helped. She knew that the depressed nod was promised.

the next day.

The Shangyuan League is a big feast. Xu Ziyan became the busiest person at the banquet. The strength that Xu Ziyan showed in the battle with Luoyang is that Xunzi also understands that the future of Xu Ziyan is limitless.

Therefore, all the monks had a great enthusiasm for Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan naturally could not cool everyone's enthusiasm, especially yesterday, when Yi Yishui and her sneaked for several hours, Xu Ziyan had to put up a large gate at this time. The manners of laughter and glory are all around.

Those monks who participated in the alchemy conference with Xu Ziyan, such as Situ Ming of Tiandan Commercial Bank, Luo Tianba of Sanxian League and others, called Xu Ziyan a passion. That is, Huang Tian seems to have forgotten that he lost two thousand trillion yuan of fairy crystals to Xu Ziyan yesterday, and smiled in the mouth to call "Xu Zongzhu".

This made Xu Ziyan cry and laugh, reminding Huang Tian with a sigh of relief: "The Yellow Patriarch, I am still a disciple of Cangwu Zong, not a sovereign."

"The same, the same!" Huang Tian still smiled and said: "When is Xu Zongzhu going to establish the Zongmen in the South? We have a branch in the South, and I will personally go to congratulate."

After getting rid of Huang Tian and others, Twelve Days also released a goodwill to Xu Ziyan, saying that when the Yuanmeng League will send a disciple to the South to help, the other eight sects. Even the **** machine sect and the sacred sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sacred sect of the sacred sect.

of course. Xu Ziyan knew very well that the monks sent by Shang Yuanmeng and the Eight Great Zongmen went to help and helped for a few days. After Xu Ziyan established the Zongmen, they would leave.

The banquet opened in the morning. Xu Ziyan immediately left the Yuanmeng with a thousand cups drunk.

After leaving the Shangmeng League, Xu Ziyan immediately summoned the cloud baby. With a thousand cups drunk into the cloud baby, command Yun baby to fly to the Western Mozu land at the fastest speed.

At the speed of today's cloud baby, although there is a distance from Tian Zun's tearing space, but in terms of speed, it is faster than the big monk of the late peak.

In five days, at dusk, the baby came to the black plain, and the purple smoke had already seen the camp of the Cangwu.

The black plain is open and there are no mountains. The monk who lost the shady fairy city built a small town in the other part of the black plain, using the soil property Xianyu, and arranged the array around the small town, temporarily living here.

Xu Ziyan put away the cloud baby on the cloud, and stood in the clouds with a thousand cups drunk, looking toward the small town below.

Looking from the cloud to the bottom, Xu Ziyan's brow could not help but wrinkled deeply. Below, the formation of the small town is completely open, but outside the small town is surrounded by more than a hundred monks.

Looking at the more than one hundred monks, Xu Ziyan could not help but turn his eyes to the five brothers beside him:

"What is the situation? Isn't it only the Mozu and us fighting? What are these human monks?"

Thousands of cups of drunk are also strangely looking down, and the look is not a glimpse. Because the following monks are not high, the best monk in the lead is just the beginning of the Emperor. Most of them are immortals, such a group of people, and there are only a hundred people, even the gates of the Cangwu dynasty are extremely arrogant.

Judging from their clothing, Xu Ziyan naturally knows that they are disciples of the Stars.


With such a hundred garbage, it is so arrogant that the small town that can block the Cangwu dynasty is so arrogant?

Since the emergence of the Shangmeng League, the contradiction between the Cangwu Zong and the Xingyu Zong has eased, and there has been no conflict like this for a long time. Moreover, Xu Ziyan did not understand how to think about it. Cangwuzong now has more than 10,000 disciples in the black plain, and there are people like the second brother who respect the early monks, and the monks in front of them are the strongest in the early days of the Emperor. How do you dare to block the shackles of the Cangwu dynasty?

How can the monks of the Cangwu sect make such a hundred stars in the sect?

Xu Ziyan landed the gods from the clouds and immediately heard the voices of the following sects:

"The garbage of the Cangwu sect, you still quit the black plain. Since you do not have that strength, this shady plain is better than handed over to our celestial sect. There is no such thing as you in the West. Why do you suffer from shrinking here? The tortoise, since it has already done a shrinking turtle, it is better to retreat to the Cangwu sect."

"That is, why bother to become a big joke here?"

"We simply broke their turtle array and rushed in to get rid of the garbage of the Cangwu sect."

"It should have been like this long ago, saving them from humiliating us!"

"Yes! We have to go in and ask them, as human beings have been beaten like this by the Mozu, what other faces are they left here?"

"The garbage of their sacred sects has lost the face of the Terran, and our Terran needs their compensation."

"Yes, we want this shady plain as our compensation!"

More than a hundred people are noisy, but it is really the introduction of two unknown singers who began to break. Xu Ziyan’s face is gloomy above the clouds. I don’t have to think about it. The one hundred or more monks who came here to make trouble must not be the idea of ​​the high-level sect of the Stars. Otherwise, they will not send such people who are inferior.

But no matter what, this is playing the face of Cangzong. Xu Ziyan understands the clan disciples in the small town. There must be a cultivation that is higher than the one hundred people outside. It is only a continuous failure of the Mozu in the dark plain, and the disciples of the Cangwu are unwilling. There are also some timidities to clash with other human sects, so they will be more isolated.


Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly jumped, and there should be a heart in the small town. How can the temper of the heart be able to endure this humiliation?


Unless the heart attack is very serious!

Xu Ziyan's eyes were cold, and there was even some impatience. Extend a palm and fan it toward the bottom.

The clouds in the sky are broken, and a broken sky sticks out to the bottom of the cloud...


The big hand that has no warnings will fly more than a hundred monks, but Xu Ziyan also knows how to be merciless. If you only kill one or two, there is nothing. After all, this is the star domain sect who comes to provocate and kill one hundred, even if it is still not saying. What comes out. But if you slap all the people to death, the result will be serious.

More than one hundred people were fanned, and they fell to the ground and looked up. The big hand that had covered the sky had already dispersed in the air. Two people, one man and one woman, were falling from the clouds.

Gently fell on the ground in front of everyone, the woman in a jewel blue dress was frosty and shouted:

"Shame the clan, die!"

There was silence outside the small town, and more than one hundred star-class monks had no noise, only the heavy breathing. The head of the starland, Emperor Xianzong, squirmed in the early throat, and swallowed a slobber unconsciously, but his eyes were still unruly.

Although he could not see the cultivation of the two people on the opposite side, he was not afraid. Since the two people opposite them shot them, they proved that the two of them were monks of the Cangwu sect. The disciples of the celestial sect would be afraid of the celestial sect. Disciple?


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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