The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2088: reaction

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In the eyes of the two men, they only fanned out those who came to humiliate the celestial sects, but did not kill any of them. This proves that the two people in the eyes have scruples about the sect of the sect. How are they? I want to understand all of this. The Emperor of the Emperor climbed up from the ground in the early days.

"Do you want to die? You dare to offend our Stars!"

"Brother, what can you ask! The two of them dare to fan us, we will fan back!"

Standing in the early stage of the Xian Emperor, the peak of a fairy emperor is even more arrogant. Perhaps these days they have become accustomed to the weakness of the Cangwu sect. Suddenly there are two tough celestial disciples who are not in the heart. In their view, although the Cangwu Zong and the Xingyu Zong are called the Nine Great Zongmen, the Cangzong Zong is undoubtedly much weaker than the Xingyu Zong. Don't say that you are a fairy emperor, that is, a fairy king wants to slap a slap in the hands of a fairy emperor, and the emperor of the Cangwu dynasty has to endure.

"Mom*, I dare to fan the Emperor!"

The emperor, squatting toward Xu Ziyan and a thousand cups drunk, did not wait until he walked to Xu Ziyan and a thousand cups drunk, and saw Xu Ziyan raised his right hand, and tweeted his fingers toward the fairy emperor. A red light of rice size bounced out to the opposite emperor.

The emperor had not reacted yet, and the red light of the rice grain slid into the chest of the emperor. The red light of the size of the rice grain swelled in the circle of the emperor's chest and expanded in his chest.

"Boom". The red light of the size of the rice became a flame that enveloped the fairy.


The emperor screamed screamingly, and fell to the ground to roll, but only in the two-time time was burned to the ashes by the flame.

"Is the Stars Zong people very powerful?" Xu Ziyan smiled lightly, and even the frost on his face thawed. Showing a gentle smile, slowly moving toward the disciples of the opposite star domain.

" don't come over!"

The face of the early Emperor Xiandi’s face showed fear, and the gentle smile of Xu Ziyan fell in his eyes but made him feel cold.

He felt that the woman opposite was somewhat familiar, but could not remember for a while. It doesn't matter if you want to get up. The important thing is that this murderous woman is approaching herself.

Xu Ziyan stopped his footsteps and looked at the fairy emperor of the Stars. Half-sounding, the smile on Xu Ziyan's face gradually converges, and it is covered with frost, and he sighs coldly.


"You... you, you, you... don't be arrogant...we are...the disciples of the Stars..."

Xu Ziyan sneered a sneer: "You can roll back, let the people who can be the masters of the singularity give me a confession. No one can go to the door to scatter wild."

The celestial sect of the celestial empire suddenly remembered the woman who was opposite, and his cultivation ten years ago was not a fairy emperor. He once saw Xu Ziyan in the nine ceremonies held by the Star Fields. At that time, Xu Ziyan was only a fairy king, but he won the title of the disciple. It is said that she later went to Shangyuan League. She did not think of the time of the district for ten years. This Xu Ziyan actually surpassed herself in repairing. Doesn’t that mean that Xu Ziyan’s cultivation at this time is the lowest in the middle of the Emperor?

I also glanced at the thousand cups drunk next to Xu Ziyan. I also know the temper of a thousand cups. At this time, I saw a thousand cups of drunken brains on the blue veins. Looking at the place where my own door was burned to death, I couldn’t help but hit another shackle. The figure retreated a few steps toward the back.

"Xu Ziyan, our star domain is not so good!"

"Roll!" Xu Ziyan screamed: "Tell you the monks who are the masters of the Western Regions. If you don't give me an explanation today, I will come to visit."


The Stars Emperor Xiandi took a breath of air. He really didn't understand why Xu Ziyan had such a big tone. Even if Xu Ziyan was a genius, it could not be a fairy. Doesn't she know that the star-studded monk who was sitting in the west at this time is a great monk in the early days of the people?

Is this Xu Ziyan a arrogant mad? Or is this Xu Ziyan a madman? When was the disciple of Cangwu Zong so arrogant? In the past, the disciples of the Cangwu sect saw the disciples of the Xingyu sect hiding. She dared to let the Star Brothers in the West sit down to the court brother to give her an account?

Why is she?

Of course, at this time, the Emperor was just thinking about it in his heart, but he did not dare to say it. Whether the other party is arrogant or mad. Such people are doing things without considering the results. Such people are the most terrible. He is really worried that Xu Ziyan really wants to be crazy to kill himself here.

result. This sect of the celestial sect of the celestial sect did not even dare to say a word, with more than 100 people left here dingy.

Xu Ziyan turned and looked at the small town in the array. He turned his head and drunk on a thousand cups: "Five brothers, let's go into the city!"

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan walked toward the small city's formation, and the drunkenness did not hesitate to follow Xu Ziyan. He knows that Xu Ziyan is a congenital sect, and the array outside the small town is not worth mentioning in the eyes of Xiao Shimei.

Within the small town, two figures came in and fell into the small town.

For the disciples of the Xingyu sect outside the small town, the disciples of the Cangwu sects in the city also saw their strength, knowing that they simply broke through the squad of the small town, they simply ran here to disgust the celestial Therefore, these clan disciples have all gone down to the city, and they simply ignore the situation outside, and the so-called eyes are not bothered.

However, after Xu Ziyan and a thousand cups drunk into the small town, they were immediately recognized by the monks of the Cangwu dynasty. Someone immediately shouted:

"Xu Shimei is here!"

This change immediately shocked the surrounding monks. For the monks of the Cangwu sect, it is impossible to know Xu Ziyan. Now, who does not know that Xu Ziyan is a congenital fairy teacher, and is also a congenital immortal master, but also a congenital immortal.

At the beginning, Xu Ziyan was on the Wanbaofeng refining device, but refining the ruthless dynasty of the entire Cangwu dynasty, but also wrapped his own purple smoke peak in a congenital fairy tales.

And this year, it is even more common that the lord wants to make Xu Ziyan the chief disciple. What does the chief disciple mean? That means that Xu Ziyan is the lord of the next generation of Cangwu.

Although these celestial disciples did not know that Xu Ziyan had won the first place in the ranking competition, it was also the birth of a legendary monk who was watched by Xu Ziyan and Luoyang.

However, they clearly remember that when the soil was in a major battle with Jiang Jiu, Xu Ziyan’s type of sword smashed the space trajectory of Jiang Jiuzhong’s escape.

"Xu Ziyan is here!"

The news spread quickly in the small town, and soon more than 10,000 clan monks in the small town knew it.

In the wind and whistle forest, inside a fairy city, the emperor, who was screaming outside the Cangwu sect, was standing in the hall.

In the upper part of the main hall, the first peak of a person is respected. It is the great monk Fang Tianlong who sits here in the Xingyu Zong.

The early Emperor of the Emperor before Fang Tianlong was not the weakest monk of the monks in the West. The weakest monks were the kings, but he was not a master.

After all, there are a large number of monks above the early Emperor of the Emperor, and even the monks of the late Emperor of the Emperor have many, and he is really nothing at the beginning of a fairy emperor.

He went to the small town of Cangwuzong to make troubles. Fang Tianlong did not know that he was not the first person to go, but the first time he went, Fang Tianzhong did not take it as a matter of time. Will their celestial sects put the celestial sect in their eyes?

However, today is different, because he has already got the news, Xu Ziyan is coming to the black plain, and arrived after winning the first place in the Shanghai League.

This news was conveyed by the disciples of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the singer. Because from the character of Xu Ziyan, she does not care about the background of the celestial domain. If she provokes Xu Ziyan, she will definitely not have the slightest softness when she kills the celestial disciples.

Think about it, and in fact it is. When Xu Zi was still a fairy king, she once killed the autumn water on the platform inside the sect of the sect of the sect. How could she care about the background of the sect?

Therefore, when the Xian Emperor returned in the early days, Fang Tianzheng immediately called the Xiandi.

"Miyakuo, I heard that you went to the dark plain today?"

Fang Tian’s look was cold, but his heart was helpless. He believes that the same door that passed on his message, because the character of the same door has always been straightforward, there is one to say one, absolutely will not exaggerate the facts.

When he heard that Xu Ziyan would have been repaired to the end of the late stage of the declining land, his heart was really shaking. Xu Ziyan has such a fighting power, and Xu Ziyan is a sword peak, a sword peak dedicated to a good war madman. Therefore, he is not willing to provoke Xu Ziyan.

"Yes..." The palace was weak and weak.


Fang Tianyi waved his hand and the air condensed a big hand to fly the palace wide fan out. He fell to the ground in the hall.

Gong Kuo was fanned to the ground by Fang Tian, ​​but he did not dare to have the slightest grievances. He hurriedly climbed up from the ground and stood there honestly.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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