The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2089: Come one after another

"Yuan Kuo, your courage is not small, even dare to take people to Cang Zongzong to make trouble. I still don't know your thoughts, but I want to extract some resources. You dare to do it for that little resource." If you do such a thing, do you know that you are likely to provoke a large array of two books, the Cangwu and the Xingyu.

Do you think it is still the situation before? Nowadays, our nine sects are in the same breath, and you dare to destroy the relationship between the two. Do you not know how to write the dead words? ”

"Uncle Shi..." When Fang Tian was furious, the heart of Gong Gong was really scared.

"Don't call my uncle, I can't afford it!"

Fang Tianzheng was really angry at this time. He really regretted that he had indulged himself in the same door. You said that there are countless resources in the forest, why do you have to go to the black plain.

In fact, Fang Tian also knows in his heart that these same doormen are not just the resources of the shady plains. They just want to humiliate the celestial patriarchs. The grievances of the celestial sects and the celestial sects have lasted for thousands of years, not because they were completely eliminated. Although the emergence of the Shangyuan League has improved the relationship between the nine major sects, after the past ten years, they have not seen anything that the Yuanmeng League has made in the crisis of the eastern sect, but only in the northern region.

This situation has caused the nine monks of the monks to relax from top to bottom, and this decade, the ancient Tianzun and the nine masters seem to have disappeared collectively, which makes the nine major sects forget the warnings of the lords. The resurgence of the old nature, Shenji Zong and Xingyu Zong began to look down on the Cangzong sect, Luo Tianzong and Tianxiang Zong, and the Ming dynasty began to bully the Cangzong. Luo Tianzong and Tian Xiangzong's monk.


Now Xu Ziyan is coming! I don’t know the beauty of Xu Ziyan, I know it! That is a monk! Now this monk is coming, and it is just to catch up with his own door to provoke the Cangzong. It is said that it is not only the celestial sects that have provoked the celestial sects, but also the sacred sects. But when it happened to be the same door to provoke the Cangzong, Xu Ziyan came.

"Mom*, isn't this bad luck?"

If the purple smoke was a temper, the monk with the celestial sect was killed. Even if he is dead, there is no place to reason. The Stars will not avenge himself. After all, this is the first time that the celestial domain sects to provoke the celestial ancestors, and more than once to provoke.

No! Must come up with a way!

After thinking about it for a long time, I feel that I still have to face it myself and talk to Xu Ziyan. Presumably, your own posture is lower, and Xu Ziyan will not give himself a face.

He slammed the palace wide and said coldly: "When I prepare some gifts. You will see Xu Ziyan with me."

"Uncle Shi... that purple smoke... I used to let you see him..."

"What?" Fang Tian was shocked: "What is going on? You tell me clearly."

Gong Kuo’s body was a trembling, and he weakly said things before and after the incident.

After listening to the palace wide, Fang Tian was furious when he was on the scene. He turned his head and slaped it in the past. He fanned the palace's body and slammed it against the wall and set it in the wall.

"You are a junk. Xu Ziyan let me go, why don't you say such an important thing!"

Gongkuo struggled to break free from the wall and fell to the ground. Kneeling on the ground, the trembling said:

"Uncle Shi, that Xu Ziyan is just a disciple of Cangwu Zong. Although I can't see her cultivation, I must be just a fairy emperor,"

He wants to say that why do you want to be afraid of a purple monk? But when I got to the lips, I didn’t dare to say it. Fang Tianlong naturally knows what it means in the palace, and can’t help but be furious:

"You know a fart!"

Fang Tianzhong hated to think that Xu Ziyan was indeed a late Emperor. But is her late emperor the same as the general Emperor?

That is a late Emperor's emperor who can kill a late peak of the land!

Looking at the two sides of the palace wide, I was beaten by myself. Stretching his finger on the broad, swollen face of the palace, said:

"Don't use the magic to eliminate the swollen print on your face, so go to the dark plain with me to see the purple smoke."

If you fall, choose some gifts and put them in a storage ring, then stride out of the hall. Gongkuo hurriedly followed. Two people flew up and flew toward the plain of the black curtain.

at this time. Xu Ziyan is warmly entertaining Fang Tianlong, completely without the slightest look of anger. Fang Zizhong’s gift, Xu Ziyan, also collected it with joy, and also unveiled the matter of Gongkuo. The two sides chilled for a quarter of an hour, Fang Tianzhi sent out under the polite attitude of Xu Ziyan.

Later, there were seven other monks who came to the west to visit in the West. Shenji Zong, Dan Zong, Lu Zong, Tan Zong, Fu Zong, Luo Tianzong and Tian Xiangzong seven masters who were sitting in the West all came alone. They also received news from the same door in Shangyuan. However, they did not spread the news, but just came to visit alone.

They don’t spread this kind of news, they know the value of this kind of network. If this kind of news they preached out, every monk who felt that he had cultivated almost the same would run away with Xu Ziyan. On the one hand, this kind of network resources would be shared by others. On the other hand, I am afraid that Xu Ziyan would raise his resentment in his heart.

Everyone is a person who cultivates immortals. Who does not know that their most important time must be placed on cultivation. Where is the time to waste a lot of time to socialize? Maybe Xu Ziyan will resent them because of this, completely sever the opportunity to pull the relationship with Xu Ziyan.

Therefore, they just told their respective friends not to provoke the Cangzong ancestors, and they hurried to visit the small town of Cangwu Zongzha to visit Xu Ziyan.

In fact, apart from the sacred sects and the sects of the celestial sects, the other sects did not provoke the Clan. And they have only visited Xu Ziyan and released their goodwill. I hope that the strong people like Xu Ziyan will have a good relationship, even the gods and the celestial sects are no exception.

They are not the identity of the disciples, but the great monks of the early peaks of the people. They are already the elders of the Shenji Zong and the Xingyu sect. They naturally know a lot about the situation on the Yuan Dynasty than those of the disciples.

They know that the Shangyuan continent has now become different because of the emergence of the Shangyuan League. Although there is no obvious ambition in the Shangyuan League, it does not mean that the Shangyuan League will never take action.

It has only been a few years since this happened. For the monks, the time of ten years is only blinking. Perhaps there are still plans for the Yuanmeng League that have not yet been displayed. Therefore, at this time, the nine major sects are really not suitable for large-scale conflicts. Moreover, it will be decided that the nine major sects will have to fight side by side. In advance, the strong people like Xu Ziyan will have a good relationship, and they will be able to get unexpected returns in the future.

A personally respected monk came to the small town of Cangwu Zongzhan. The arrival of these people made the Cangwu sects stationed in the small town stunned. They all knew that Xu Ziyan’s reputation was very loud, but they thought that it also knew Within the Cangwu Zongzhi, now he saw Shenji Zong, Danzong, Emperor Zong, Fu Zong, Tan Zong, Luo Tianzong and Tian Xiangzong who came to visit the great monks in the western land, which made them think in their hearts, Xu Ziyan Has the reputation of such a reputation been so strong in the nine major sects?

But but... she is just a late Emperor!

In particular, those who have been retreating in the Cangwu sect did not see the fighting power of Xu Ziyan. They were only disciples who heard the reputation of Xu Ziyan after the customs clearance. They had some dissatisfaction with Xu Ziyan’s heart. After seeing Xu Ziyan coming to the small town, he Sitting in the seat of all the matters here, I was thinking about finding a chance to have a purple smoke.

However, at this time they extinguished the original idea and believed in the legends about Xu Ziyan. The eyes that looked at Xu Ziyan became cautious, hiding those thoughts deep in the bottom of my heart, and more heatedly began to inquire about all the legends about Xu Ziyan.

At this time, within the hall of the Cangwu Zongxiaocheng, Xu Ziyan was entertaining the seven masters of the Zongmen who had arrived.

These people arrived shortly after Fang Tianlong left, and the time was less than a quarter of an hour, so Xu Ziyan simply greeted these people on the main hall and entertained them together.

Xu Ziyan was very enthusiastic, and even took out all kinds of fairy fruits in the purple smoke space, such as the big peach to entertain them. These people have not eaten the fairy fruit, and their respective sects have been planted, but they are only the great monks who are respected by the people. There are not many opportunities to get the fruits. It is good to have a chance in a hundred years.

not to mention……

There are also big peaches here. This kind of fairy fruit is never seen in every major door. Everyone eats their eyes and the atmosphere is harmonious.

But in this extremely harmonious atmosphere, the masters of the seven major sects also secretly exchanged their eyes. Think one by one:

"Sure enough, it was the late Emperor's Emperor! It was only a fairy king in the nine-time grand ceremony ten years ago. In just a short period of ten years, it climbed from the fairy king to the emperor, reaching the late Emperor."

"It's a enchanting!"

The seven monarchs of the monk and the Xu Ziyan squatted in the heart and showed a hint of embarrassment. The 200-year-old Emperor Xiandi! And her late Emperor and other fairy emperors can be different! The news from the same door was able to kill the late Emperor of the late Ming Dynasty!

"Mom*, how did she do it?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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