The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2090: Goodbye

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Seven people involuntarily swallowed a slobber, the 200-year-old Emperor Xian, only this point, even if she can not be more challenging, it is shocking enough.

These people ate the fruit in front of them with the speed of sweeping the leaves, and they only expressed their own Zongmen’s willingness to help the Clan to recapture the black city.

In fact, they also know that Xu Ziyan will never agree to them to help. Because if Xu Ziyan accepted their help, although it was easy to recapture the black-scented fairy city, the reputation of the celestial sect was ruined from now on, a sage that needed other sects to help, otherwise could not keep its own territory. In fact, Mou Zong has lost the qualification to compete with other big gates. From then on, it will fall into a weak position.

They said that they helped the Cangzong to release their goodwill, and the goodwill was released very enthusiastically. Anyway, it was just to talk about it, and it wouldn’t help. It’s just white who can’t say it!

For this kind of enthusiasm for them, Xu Ziyan is also a little bit smirking, and she still doesn't know the thoughts of these people in front of her. Only faintly quit.

"That... Xu Shimei, when are you going to recapture the black plain?" asked the monk of the sacred machine.

Xu Ziyan’s face was smiling with a faint smile: “If nothing unexpected, I am going to tie the camp of the Cangzong Zong to the black screen fairy city tomorrow.”


The faces of the seven great monks are all changed. I took a breath of air. The eyes are unbelievable, and there is even a feeling that I have got it wrong.

You must know that Xu Ziyan has just arrived here today, and he will counterattack the Mozu tomorrow. This is too... Don’t put the Mozu in his eyes?

They are all aware of the power of the Mozu. Moreover, they all know that the monks who attacked the clan of the Clan ancestors had the realm of the peak of the people. And the most important thing is that this attack on the shady fairy city of the demon has a strong fairy, and they have never had a lot of fairy charms, the number of which makes them all stunned.

Such a shady fairy city is said to be able to take it back after taking it back?

Luo Tianzong and Tian Xiangzong’s big monk’s face is really anxious, after all, Luo Tianzong. Tianxiangzong and Cangwu Zong have deep roots and are really allies who have experienced trials. They don’t want the four ancestors of the Danfu dynasty to form an alliance with the Cangwu sect. It is not very serious to deal with this alliance. Therefore, the great monks of Luo Tianzong and Tian Xiangzong immediately said:

"Xu Shimei, are you... are you too impulsive?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently, but there was no words. Luo Tianzong and Tian Xiangzong’s masters looked at each other and opened their eyes to Xu Ziyan. The look on his face became much more serious:

"Xu Shimei. We Luo Tianzong and Tian Xiangzong are willing to lead the same door to help the Clan."

Xu Ziyan looked at the serious look of the two people and knew that the two men were serious this time, and they could not help but reveal a grateful color on their faces. However, Xu Ziyan could not accept it and did not need to accept it, so he looked seriously:

"Thank you to the two brothers. If Cang Zongzong can't take back the black curtain fairy city tomorrow, then ask the brothers to help!"

The two great monks looked at each other. Suddenly flashed in the eyes, is it true that Xu Ziyan really has the power to recapture the black screen fairy city?

The two men sat back in their seats hesitantly, and the atmosphere inside the hall was a bit strange. After a while, these people gave their words one by one, and Xu Ziyan personally sent the seven monks out of the city.

Xu Ziyan returned to the hall and looked at the thousand cups drunk on the side: "The second brother is still rehabilitating?"

"Yes!" Thousands of cups drunk and nodded: "I have already sent the news of the younger sisters. I thought that after a while, the two brothers will receive a message to inform me."

At this time, in the main hall, there is still a person who respects the early peak of the monk. He is called Ge Lei. He is the elder of Wang Xuefeng in the Baifeng of Zongxuan Zongmeng, although his cultivation is slightly higher than the heart. But the power is not as good as the heart. Because he did not practice out of bounds.

Therefore, after the arrival of the heart of the Western Mozu in the land of the Western Mozu, he was completely responsible by the heart, and Ge Lei assisted him. However, after the heart was seriously injured, the leader of the Cangwu sect in the West fell on Gray.

but. After Xu Ziyan arrived, he sat without hesitation in the position of the leader. Although Ge Lei was depressed. However, he is very familiar with Xu Ziyan. He does not know the legendary performance of Xu Ziyan in the Shangmeng League Rankings, but he knows that Xu Ziyan has the identity of the innate Xiandan and the Congenital Seiko, which is based on these two identities. He did not dare to offend Xu Ziyan.

Therefore, Gray also consciously put himself in the position of assistance. It’s just that he has different opinions on Xu Ziyan’s decision to counterattack the shady fairy city immediately tomorrow.

The reason is that he has been somewhat feared by the Mozu. There is no way to be timid. The highest monks who came to the Mozu this time are only the peak of the people, but they have too many fairy charms this time. Shocked him. It is with these fairy charms that the Cangwu dynasty has been defeated several times.

“Xu Shimei...” Ge Lei had to say: “You may not know the reason for our repeated failures. The reason why our Cangzong ancestors failed repeatedly is not that our strength is not as good as the Mozu, but that they suddenly seem to be inexhaustible. The immortality, most of our clan disciples have died under those immortals."

"I know!" Xu Ziyan nodded lightly, then took out six storage rings and handed it to a thousand cups. "Five brothers, here are some of the refinements I have made, and they are some of the top nine classics." The next product is the congenital fairy. When the emperor has already paid me the fairy crystals of these immortals, you distribute these fairy symbols to all the monks in the city at this time."

Thousands of cups of drunken and gray eyes are a bright light, especially in the heart of the shock, there is still a trace of doubt.

"The top nine charms of the nine products will be gone. How can there be a congenital fairy?"

Think of it here. Ge Lei suddenly shocked: "Is Xu Ziyan still a congenital fairy teacher?"

Seeing Gray's look, Xu Ziyan's face showed a smile: "Five brothers, Ge brother has been here to assist the second brother, understand the situation here. You and Ge brother discuss how to distribute these fairy charms!"

Gray's gaze immediately fell on the storage ring of a thousand cups of drunken hands. He is now anxious to know if there are any congenital charms in the six storage rings.

Thousands of cups of drunk immediately got up and smiled and handed six storage rings to Ge Lei's hands. The Gray immediately took over six storage rings, and the gods swept through six storage rings. The hand was a trembling, then Huo Ran looked up and stared at Xu Ziyan, and the trembling said:

"Xu...Sister, you just said... These fairy charms are all made by you?"

"Not bad!" Xu Ziyan nodded and smiled.

"You, you, you... are you a fairy charmist?" Ge Lei didn't know what it was like in his heart. He already knew that Xu Ziyan was a congenital fairy teacher and a congenital Xiandan teacher, and he looked at the Ziyanfeng layout. The fairy tales have already vaguely guessed that Xu Ziyan is still a congenital sect, and now knows that Xu Ziyan is also a congenital fairy.

This is this... This is the big master of the four major aspects!

How can this be concentrated on one person?

And it is at this time. Xu Ziyan's look changed, her voice came to the heart of the heart, let her go to the heart of the retreat.

Xu Ziyan stood up and told himself that he was going to go to the heart, and then he left in a hurry. I came to the retreat of my heart. It was a small courtyard. Outside the courtyard, there were two monks in the early days of the emperor sitting on the ground to protect the law.

Presumably, these two emperors have just got a heart. When I saw Xu Ziyan coming, I immediately stood up from the ground and prayed to Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Shimei!"

"I have seen two brothers!" Xu Ziyan also hurriedly returned to the ceremony. Xu Ziyan knew that these two men were defending the law for the two brothers, so he was very polite in his demeanor:

"I want to go in and see my brother."

Although the two people started earlier than Xu Ziyan, the age is more than the purple smoke, but today's cultivation is not as good as the purple smoke, seeing Xu Ziyan polite, hurriedly flashed to the side, making the posture.

Reach out and push the firewood door. Entered into the small courtyard. Stepping towards the door. When he opened the door, he saw the heart sitting on a futon. The heart pointed to a futon opposite him and smiled at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan sat on the opposite side of the heart and knees, but before she opened her mouth, she saw the heart opening and asked:

"Is the Shangmeng League ranking game over?"


"how about it?"

"First place!" Xu Ziyan laughed.

The eyes of the heart are bright. Thumbs up toward Xu Ziyan: "The five divisions hurriedly hang up the jade brief, I don't know the situation of your ranking. Tell me."

Xu Ziyan simply said the process of the ranking game, but even if it is simple, it is enough to be thrilling, and it is enough to say about half an hour.

The mind was continually changing. After listening to Xu Ziyan’s speech, Xu Ziyan’s eyes were full of shock:

"Little sister, have you been able to kill the late peaks?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and shook his head. "If I try my best, I might be able to kill the ordinary sacred peaks, but I haven't had much combat power since. But I don't really have much confidence in the late stage of the cultivation of the land." ”

"Isn't that falling yang out of cultivation?"

"Not the same!" Xu Ziyan shook his head: "His true strength is only the beginning of the human respect, not the real peak of the late Zun. Forcing the strength through the secret law, but the power reached the peak of the late Zun, the real world did not improve much, Moreover, the understanding of Heaven does not improve at all, so he can not be counted as the true peak of the late.

I have seriously recalled the battle process with Luoyang in the past few days. In fact, I have a feeling that I can't really kill the ordinary peak of the old land, but it is possible. After all, a true peak of the late Ming Dynasty, his understanding of the heavens has reached a horrible state, and its control is not comparable to what I can nowadays. ”


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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