The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2091: Black flower

The heart has been sinking for a while, and it is not convincing to say: "Small sister, you said it is good. And you can have such a clear understanding, so that the brothers are very reassured. The brother is really afraid that after you passed this ranking game, confidence The heart is too bloated, and that would put you in jeopardy."

"Thank you two brothers!"

The heart gently shook his head and said: "Since you are here, how are you going to deal with those demons?"

Xu Ziyan chuckled: "The eight sects of the sects have proposed to help us to recapture the black-scented celestial city, but I refused."

"Refused is good!" The whole heart looks like a whole: "The things we have in the sky are not needed to intervene."

Xu Ziyan did not take care of the words, but looked up and down the heart, knowing that the heart was looked a little hairy by Xu Ziyan. I couldn’t help but ask:

"Why are you looking at me like this?"

"Hey..." Xu Ziyan chuckled: "I just wondered who the Mozu actually hurt the second brother? Isn't it true that the Mozu is the highest in the past, but it is the peak of the people? The second brother is only the beginning of the people. But it is not to be seriously injured by the peak of one person's early respect?"

"Of course not!" said the heart proudly.

"That... what happened to you?" Xu Ziyan looked at his heart inexplicably.

The face of the heart has a sly, half-sounding, and some twisted and squeaked and said: "I am somewhat arrogant, falling into the trap of the Mozu, being besieged by the peaks of their six people,"

"There are six people in the Devil's side who respect the initial peak?" Xu Ziyan was shocked.

"More than six, it should be exactly ten! There are eight people who respect the beginning."

"That... we are here..."

"We are not weaker than the Mozu on this side. There are nine monks in the early days of the people. There are six people in the early days. There are eleven in the early peaks of our people, and there are nine in the early days. But we are in the middle. The trap of the Mozu, two people respected the early peak monk and the three masters of the early monk fell.

In addition to my serious injuries, there are three people who have suffered from the initial peak and four people who were injured in the early days. This made them lose and lose again. Now that the momentum has faded to the extreme, even some garbage from Shenji Zong and Xingyu Zong are okay to come here to humiliate us. ”

"Do you know that Shenji Zong and Xingyu Zong humiliate our celestial sect?"

The heart turned a white-eyed road: "Of course I know, or I ordered the disciples of Cangwu not to go out. Waiting for me to recover, I will go to teach the **** machine and the celestial corps."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and looked at his heart and said: "How is your injury?"

The heart immediately became depressed and said: "This is a big trouble. I was interrupted by several meridians, and they broke into the seeds of a magical force in my body. They kept growing and changed my. The body, I have some people can't suppress them, I feel like this, I will become a demon."

Facing Xu Ziyan. There is nothing hidden in my heart. He knows that this little teacher is very extraordinary. He knows this in his case, it is called magic.

This situation has also appeared in the previous Shangyuan continent. No one can heal, even the nine sovereigns do not. Often these monks who are demonized are not killed by human monks, or they are taken back to the Zongmen and are never cured.

The reason why the heart is still insisting. Just waiting for the purple smoke, all his hopes are on the body of Xu Ziyan. If Xu Ziyan has no way, he has decided his own destination, that is, suicide.

"Oh, let me see!" Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Yan Peng and began to observe the body of the mind. It was only a moment that I saw the physical condition of my heart, closed my eyes, and sank into the purple smoke space and came to the chaos. Say the heart of the injury to the chaos.

In the view of Xu Ziyan. Chaos is a combination of the three elements of the fairy demon, and there are inheritances of the three demons of the demon demon, what should be done.

Sure enough, after the confusion was heard. Just a little meditation on the road: "This is very simple, I sucked the Mozu seed in his body into my body and refining it!"

Xu Ziyan heard it and realized it. correct! The chaos itself has the nature of the Mozu, and it is natural to be able to refine the body of the Mozu seed. This is not only the worst for the chaos, but also the benefits.

"Then we switch body now, you **** in the seeds of the Mozu in the second division."

The confusion wrinkled slightly and thought, "But there is still something wrong with it."

"Which is wrong?" Xu Ziyan asked anxiously.

"Now your brother's body is extremely weak. If I absorb the Mozu seed in his body, the seed will struggle, and I am afraid it will greatly damage his body. Even if I finally take the Mozu seed out. It will also aggravate his injury, I am afraid that it will not recover for a few hundred years."

"What should I do?"

The chaos was white and Xu Ziyan said: "You are a congenital immortal, you can not refine a medicinal herb to paralyze the demon seed. By that time, I will be able to do it without damaging your brother's body. The Mozu seeds are absorbed."


Xu Ziyan immediately began to search for the inheritance. It was only a moment, and his face was a joy. In the inheritance, he searched for an medicinal herb called Tiandan Dan. This kind of Tiandan Dan claims to be able to paralyze all creatures in the world. Xu Ziyan can't help but say something to the confusion:

"Chaos, I found an elixir, but it will be paralyzed by the two brothers' gods, causing the second brother to fall into a coma, so he loses the suppression of the demon seeds in the body, so that will not hurt. To the second brother?"

"No!" Chaos shook his head. "Before he was in a coma, I would suppress the Mozu seeds in his body and not let the Mozu seeds take the opportunity to hurt him."

"That's good!" Xu Ziyan nodded, but his face still showed a bitter smile: "But if you want to refine this immortal, you still lack the herbs. When I search for the herbs, I will say."

Xu Ziyan took back the sacred knowledge from the purple smoke space and looked at the nervous heart:

"You can still treat this injury."

"Little sister, do you really have a way?" The heart heard, the eyes immediately illuminate, the body's breath was unstable, and under the excitement, I forgot to suppress the spread of the Mozu seeds in the body, and a blood spurted out.

Xu Ziyan immediately extended a hand to hold the wrist of the heart, and transmitted his own power to help the heart suppress the spread of the Mozu seeds. Mind also knows that he made mistakes in excitement, and rushed to stabilize his mind and mobilize Yuan Li to cooperate with Xu Ziyan to repress the Mozu seeds again.

Xu Ziyan saw and suppressed the Mozu seeds, and then he took back his hand and looked at his heart and said:

"I know that Dan can cure this kind of injury!" Of course, she would not tell her heart that it was chaos to absorb the seeds of the demon in his body. Anyway, when the second brother was unconscious, he would not know.


Although this time, my heart was trying to stabilize my heart, but I still looked at Xu Ziyan with my eyes. After all, he thought that he had no hope, but he was waiting for Xu Ziyan with his luck.

“Yeah!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “But refining this immortal is still lacking in herbal medicine.”

“What herbs are needed?”

"It's an herb called black beard, which is born like a human beard, black, and palm-sized."

"Black beard? Is that also a herbal medicine?" The heart squinted.

"How? The two brothers know the black beard?" Xu Ziyan asked in surprise.

"Of course I know! It's everywhere in the dark plain!" But when it comes to it, the face of the heart becomes frustrated again:

"But they are all on the side of the Blackout Fairy!"

Xu Ziyan is a sigh of relief: "This is not a problem. We will get back the black curtain fairy city and you will get the black beard."

"It's easy!" said the heart and shook his head. "I don't know how the Mozu will have so many fairy charms this time?"

"I have some guesses..." Xu Ziyan's eyes showed a hint of suffocation.


Xu Ziyan nodded. "If I didn't make a mistake, this time the Mozu only attacked us in the Western Territory and has so many fairy charms because of the support of Tianfu Commercial Bank."

“Tianfu Commercial Bank? You are one of the three major commercial banks on the mainland, Tianfu Commercial Bank? It’s true that they have a collusion with the Mozu...”

Speaking of this, there is a trace of suspicion on the face of the heart: "But according to your guess, then Tianfu Commercial Bank is consciously targeting our Cangzong, why are they?"

"This..." Xu Ziyan’s face showed a hint of martyrdom: "This may be because of me..."

"because of you?"

"Because..." Xu Ziyan whispered her to the heart of the autumn water and the autumn wind, as well as the identity of the fall autumn water and the fall autumn wind.

"That falls..."

"It is a sideline of the family of the Tianfu business!"

"This matter should be reported to the lord, and then the lord summoned the nine masters to declare that Tianfu Commercial Bank colluded with the Mozu, and then wiped the Tianfu business from the Upper Yuan." Xindao said with hatred.

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "This doesn't work!"

"I don't work? Why?"

"Because I am only speculating, there is no evidence. And... this thing, the business firm must be very light, no matter what happens on the black plain, they will not have a person, even if they If the demons are repelled, they will not appear. They are using the Mozu in their own interests. It is best to kill me here. I can’t kill them and think of other methods. Anyway, the caution of Tianfu is not exposed. Half a bit."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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