The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2093: Black curtain fairy city

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Fifteen people have nodded their majors, and this is also their biggest concern. It is Xu Ziyan who does not call them, they will come to ask Xu Ziyan to ask.

Xu Ziyan's gaze swept through fifteen people in the same period, and asked: "Let you have a problem with a Mozu monk who is in the same realm with you?"

The fifteen people of the honorable monk indulged in a sudden stance: "There is no problem, that is, we can't kill them, and they can't help us."

"Really?" Xu Ziyan carefully asked a sentence.

The fifteen great monks indulged again. Finally, Ge Lei said: "Xu Shimei, even if some of us here are weaker, it is not easy for the Mozu monks to kill us if they want one-on-one. It’s not something that can be done in a short time. It’s just... If the time drags down... and the other party has three more people than us, the monk...”

"The three masters of the Mozu are dealt with by me. As long as you can hold on for a while, when I kill the three demons, I can help you."

The fifteen big monks looked like a glimpse, but when they saw the confidence on Xu Ziyan's face, they had to believe her. The room was quiet for a while. Finally, Gray asked softly:

"Xu Shimei, when the Mozu attacked our shady fairy city, they were all sneak attacks, and we are so bright and bright this time. Is this going to make the Mozu ready?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "What does Ge Sixi mean is that we also sneak?"

Gray did not speak, but he nodded seriously. The eyes of Xu Ziyan swept through the other fourteen monks, and the faces of the fourteen monks also showed a pair of approvals.

The look of Xu Ziyan also became serious: "At the beginning, the Mozu sneaked into the dark-skinned city of our sacred ancestors. It was that our celestial sect did not think that the demon who had retired would attack us, but now the Mozu robbed. After going to Cangwuzong, you said that the Mozu will always monitor our Cangzong, will they always be wary of our sects attacking them?"

After Xu Ziyan asked, the look of fifteen great monks became very ugly. At this point they also thought of it. The Mozu must be wary of the Cangwu sect, and it is impossible to attack the Mozu.

Then Xu Ziyan did not care about it: "And I don't think we need to attack the Mozu. In the dark city, the big city will be broken, and then a fairy will be thrown away. I don't believe them. There are many of us, and there is something high in the grade!"

These fifteen people respected the great monks in a moment of sudden realization, the purple smoke peak that they have seen far away, there is a speculation that Xu Ziyan is the identity of the innate fairy sect. As a result, the big city of the black screen fairy city in the eyes of Xu Ziyan is nothing, it is easy to break it.

Moreover, the number of immortals distributed by Xu Ziyan was too much, not only the quantity but also the grade. The worst grade is also the peak of the late nine products, and there are still a lot of late peaks. Such a grade, such a number of fairy charms thrown toward the shady fairy city, is a disaster for the Mozu.

As for the 18-person monk of the Mozu. Isn’t Xu Ziyan able to deal with three? The remaining……

"Right!" Just at this time, I suddenly heard the voice of Xu Ziyan: "I deal with the three monks who respected the peak of the Mozu monks."

The voice of Xu Ziyan fell, and everyone looked like a glimpse. Then the face showed a happy color, they did not doubt Xu Ziyan, since Xu Ziyan can say this sentence, it should be sure. As a result, they are a lot easier for fifteen people. There are ten people in the early days of the Mozu people. If Xu Ziyan can deal with three people, there are only seven left. In addition to the injured person, there are still nine left in the early stage of the Cangwu sect, so that two people will be rich and the first monk will be the first monk to deal with the Mozu. This is bound to prevail.

Because they have also played with the Mozu monks. They know each other's bottoms. In this way, the two monks in the early days of the Clan ancestors had great possibility to kill the two masters of the other two demons, and then to help their own counterparts, occupying a comprehensive advantage.

The only question is that Xu Ziyan can deal with the three prime ministers of the three Mozu people.

She is just a late Emperor!

But looking at Xu Ziyan's demeanor, everyone closed their mouths. They have also heard some of the legends of Xu Ziyan, especially the legends in the Thunder Xianfu. This makes them have some expectations while skeptical. This is because they haven't heard of Xu Ziyan's stunning performance in the Shangyuan League. If they heard it, there would be no doubt at all.

After explaining everything, Xu Ziyan dispersed this short meeting and everyone went out to prepare. Xu Ziyan, after setting up the formation method, began to condense the sword in the time array method that entered the purple smoke space. This time, she is still a gas sword that condenses a thousand peaks in the middle of the product.

The Black Curtain City is located in the middle of the entire shady plain, separating the shady plain into two parts. In the shady plains, there are rich minerals and herbs. At the beginning, Cangwuzong succumbed to one of the nine sects, and won this rich plain, but now it has been retaken by the Mozu.

The other sects, including those who were not attacked by the Mozu, were attacked by the Mozu only one of the nine sects, and they were almost driven out of the black plain. This is a Irony has become a big joke among the people of the entire Western Mozu.

The huge shady fairy city stands in the middle of the black plain, and there are many low-level demons around the shady city that are collecting herbs and mining. These ores and herbs are important things for them and the Terran in exchange for cultivation resources. ,

Each area has a higher level of the Mozu monks in the supervision, not the ground with a special whip to beat those low-level Mozu monks. Of course, the quality of these supervisors is not high, and the real high-ranking Mozu monks are now practicing or enjoying themselves in the Black City.

Every Mozu low-level monk sent a storage bag, they are to dig as much as possible of the ore and herbs here in a short time. These Mozu also know that Cangwu Zong did not pay too much attention to the shady fairy city. If the Cangwu Zong really valued it, they could not resist it. Therefore, they should collect everything on the plain of the dark curtain as soon as possible, and evacuate safely before the attention of the Cangwu dynasty.

Of course, they still have a task, that is, waiting for a female disciple named Xu Ziyan from Cangwu Zong. If she comes, they will kill them and complete the task. ,

Once this task is completed, it is said that the Terran will also give them a lot of cultivation resources, such as Xianfu and Xianju. ,

At this time, on the tower in the black city of Xianmu, the konjac stood at the highest point of the tower and looked at the endless black plain. On several occasions, he defeated the monk of Cangwu, and he had already rushed to the edge of the black plain, which made him smug. At this time his mentality has changed.

The collision with Cang Zongzong several times made his ambition extremely inflated. He was the leader of this Mozu action. After several collisions with Cang Zongzong, the original plan he gradually gave up. idea.

In his view, there is nothing remarkable about Cang Zongzong. He has the idea of ​​long-term occupation of the plain of the dark. In his view, the highest level of the monks who left the Western monks was the peak of the people, and he was a realm. Moreover, according to the habits of the Terran, as long as there is no higher-prepared monk on this side, the Terran will not send a higher monk.

As a result, what else is he afraid of?

Standing next to him is a Mozu monk, looking at the konjac's proud look, how he did not know the latest ideas of the konjac, said faintly:

"Capricorn, don't forget the task of our trip!"

"Of course I have not forgotten, Uncle Momei, isn't that Xu Ziyan? As long as she dares to come, it is her death."

Momei frowned slightly: "I am not talking about this, but your thoughts now. I know what you are thinking, but I want to remind you that it is not practical. Cang Zong will not let you occupy it for a long time. The black plain, if you have this idea, it is the moment of your death."

The konjac was silent, and Momei continued: "So you don't want to hold that illusory illusion. We are waiting here. If Xu Ziyan comes, we will immediately evacuate after killing it. If she does not come, Cang Zongzong has increased the power we cannot resist, and we must evacuate immediately. Therefore, what you are going to do now is not to imagine the long-term occupation of the black plain, but to be ready to evacuate. Do not add unnecessary sacrifice to our demon. ""

"Okay!" said the konjac. After a while, he said: "Uncle, do you say that the demon king is too cautious? Kill a Xu Ziyan with a big monk who you are in the late stage? For Xu Ziyan, you have been hiding, just for the purple smoke Hello, give her a fatal blow. Let me say that you don’t need your uncle to shoot, you can kill the purple smoke with a stroke, she is just a fairy emperor."

"Don't despise anyone. The devil's adult must have his reason. There are some investigations about Xu Ziyan. She is not easy."

"How can it be easier? It’s just a fairy emperor." The konjac said, "I have received the news that the purple smoke had left the Yuanmeng League a few days ago and came to the black plain. It is estimated that it is coming soon." ""

The magic plum frowned slightly: "So, the ranking game of Shangyuan League is over? Is there any person in the Terran who said that the current cultivation of Ziyan and her ranking in the ranking competition?"

"No, the news came from saying that Xu Ziyan has already started from Shangyuan League, and he must have not achieved any good rankings."

"Should be it!" Momei still frowned, and his heart always felt inexplicably annoyed and upset.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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