The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2094: Fairy war

Congratulations to mableip students to become the best elders!


"After two days, I took my hand to the small town of Cangwu Zong and killed Xu Ziyan." The konjac's eyes released a fierce light.

"Alright, we can evacuate earlier as soon as we complete the task. Today I always have a feeling of uneasiness. Right, konjac, also defended against the sect of the Cangwu sect."

The look of the konjac stunned, and then there was a burst of laughter: "Hahaha... my uncle, you won't say that the purple smoke will lead the people of Cangwu to attack us?"

How can this be?

Don't be kidding! She is a fairy emperor, let alone she does not have that guts, even if she has that guts, can she order the monks of the Cangwu? It is necessary to know that there is a monk in the shady plain in the dark plain, where she got a fairy emperor, haha..."

"Be careful, no big mistake!" Devil said softly.

Although the konjac's laughter stopped, but the smile on his face was still the same. At this time, he felt that his uncle also valued the purple smoke too much. He could not help but shake his head and said with disdain in his tone:

"If that purple smoke dare to bring someone to come, I will personally unscrew her neck... then that... what?"

The words of the konjac have not been finished yet, and his face suddenly shows a horror. In his vision, he sees a cloud in the sky drifting toward them. It is not a real cloud, but more than one. Wan’s monk was driving over the clouds to the shady city.


In the day of the business.

Falling Tianyu and the falling snow are sitting opposite each other. The face of the falling snow is a bit unwilling: "The patriarch, why don't we tell the true strength of Xu Ziyan to the Mozu? So we can let the Mozu send a stronger monk. Killing Xu Ziyan. With the strength of Xu Ziyan today, the preparations for the Mozu are probably useless."

Luo Tianyu glanced at the falling snow, and there was a bitter bitterness between the look: "Tianxue, have you ever thought about it, if you tell the true strength of Xu Ziyan to the Mozu? The monk needs to send a realm of monks to kill. Xu Ziyan?"

The falling snow sank and said: "At least it should be the beginning of Tianzun?"

"Yeah!" Luo Tianyu bitterly smiled and said: "Even if we use the financial resources of our business, we must ask the Mozu to take a shot. It will also hurt the bones. Although I am the patriarch of this family, I am not able to The whole party is the master. After all, the family has the Presbyterian Church.

This time, working with the Mozu, it took a lot of resources, which has already caused the dissatisfaction of the Presbyterian Church. If we add additional resources, the Presbyterian Church will never agree. It’s just my son and daughter who are dead, not theirs. The Presbyterian Church always said that this is a private venge, saying that I forgot my family’s interests for personal gain. In fact, from their point of view, there is nothing wrong with it. ”

"Then... why don't you patriarchs personally?"

Falling Tianyu looked hesitantly said: "Tianxue. That Xu Ziyan is very strange. Her cultivation is suddenly up and down. The outside has been showing the cultivation of the Xiandi period, but when it is against the fall, it suddenly Soaring to the late stage of human respect, and later it was soaring to the late stage of the land. After he killed the Luoyang, the repair fell to the late stage of the humanity, and then returned to the late Emperor.

"Is she using a secret method?"

"No!" Luo Tianyu shook his head and said: "When using the secret method, the smell of the body will be unstable. Just like the original Luoyang."

"That...she ate the elixir that she had improved in a short period of time?"

"Not!" Luo Tianyu continued to shake his head: "Taking a short time to improve the cultivation of the elixir, there will be great side effects after the efficacy of the drug, the powerlessness is certain. But the purple smoke is alive and kicking."

"This is... what is going on here?"

"I don't know!" Luo Tianyu said with some sorrow: "Xu Ziyan is too mysterious. Maybe the elite disciples in the big door have mysterious things. This is the reason why the big doors can't stand up. I don't know the bottom of my heart. I don't know. The late stage of the land is not the last card of Xu Ziyan. If not, I personally go to kill Xu Ziyan, there is a risk. Tianxue, this risk can not take it!"

"What should I do? Is this the way I let Xu Ziyan?"

"Let's take a look at it and see the performance of Xu Ziyan going to the black plain." Luo Tianyu indulged for a while: "Then stop the action on Xu Ziyan temporarily. She should not know that the action of the Mozu is our Tianfu business and A transaction of the Mozu. Only we have no action against her. She will not find the trouble of our business. We will continue to understand Xu Ziyan and then slowly look for opportunities."


Black curtain fairy city.

The konjac looked at the heavenly monk, and his face changed immediately. He did not think that Cang Zongzong really dared to attack him. Just now he still said there that Cang Zongzong did not dare to come. When they came, they were allowed to go back and there was no sound. The monks of the Cangwu sect appeared in front of him.

This can't be someone else. He knows the costumes of Cangwu Zong. How can Cang Zongzong take the initiative to attack? Haven't they been beaten yet?

Is that Xu Ziyan?

Can he really order all the monks in the plain of the dark?

These thoughts were in the minds of Konjac for a moment, and then he reacted. Now, when I don’t think about these things, the gods quickly spread the entire black-skinned city and shouted in the gods:

"Cang Zongzong has come over and is ready to fight!"

All the demon monks in the shady fairy city are a glimpse, what kind of jokes, have they always been looking for the monks and monks to fight well? When did Cangwu Zong dare to take the initiative?

However, at this time, they saw three or six dazzling purple rays from the air, dragging a long purple light toward the black screen fairy city.

That is the thirty-six-handed purple giant sword. On each sword, the power of the inferior Xianbao of Zhongpin Peak is released, and the thirty-six nodes of the Dacheng Xiancheng defending city are shocked.


After a series of bursts, the entire moat swayed for a while, and then the "bang" dissipated. The huge shock caused by the bursting of the big array caused the body of the konjac to shake, and the feeling was like a catastrophe. Then he was in a cold, and he saw the brilliance of the sky...

It was a Zhang Fuyu, and he recognized at a glance that those with the lowest grades were also the late peaks of the nine products, and the powers in the mix were more than the peaks of the late nine products...

I haven't waited for him to react from the extreme shock, and I saw that the layers of densely-packed fairy bursts, and suddenly the whole sky seems to have seen countless suns falling toward the dark city.

When Mumei’s hands turned over, he immediately rushed out of the boundless black cloud and wrapped himself and the konjac in power, and fell to the dark city of Xiancheng. At this time, the konjac also reacted and hurriedly released the magic to resist these fairy charms.

Although these fairy charms are powerful, they still have some distance to hurt them. After the devil fell to the black curtain fairy city, he immediately said to the konjac:

"The konjac, this time the celestial ancestors were prepared, they brought a large number of immortals. Can not let them continue to throw this way, immediately summon all the monks to kill the air and approach them."

"Not bad!" At this time, the konjac also reacted: "As long as we kill them a few people, the monks will rush to escape. Uncle, what about the purple smoke?"

"You go up first, it is best to kill her. If there is a problem, I will shoot."

"it is good!"

Momei immediately hid in the corner of the black-scented fairy city, looking in the air of the monks in the sky. He has an image of Xu Ziyan and naturally knows Xu Ziyan.

At this time, the konjac has organized the Mozu monks and rushed toward the sky.

Xu Ziyan’s body shape also rushed over to the Mozu monks. At the same time, he said: “The monks who worship the enemy meet the enemy, and the rest of the monks use the fairy to sway the Mozu.”

The shape of Xu Ziyan rushed out like a sharp arrow, and behind her, followed the people of the Cangwu Zong. However, they were sluggish, not only because they were sluggish, but also because the monks who were flying over the Mozu were not allowed to stay. They were all horrified to see Xu Ziyan throwing out one...

Do not!

It seems to be a set of symbols.

There are a total of nine characters, each of which occupies a position of a nine-square house, and then rotates in the air, and the nine-character symbol disappears in an instant, turning into an independent space, with a colorful light, facing a demon person. At the beginning of the peak, the monks shrouded the past.

At that time, the Mozu people were in the early days of the monk, and they were sucked into the space of rapid rotation.

This is the nine bells and charms that Xu Ziyan released. Although it is only the peak of the nine bells, but the nine characters are out, they already have the power of the late peaks of the people. Is it the first peak of one person to resist? And still in the absence of what he expected?

In this case, let's not say the Mozu, that is, the monks and monks behind Xu Ziyan couldn't help but swallow a sip of water. It was so terrible that the first monk was destroyed. To know that they have played against the Mozu many times, knowing that the Mozu monk is so powerful, but in the hands of Xu Ziyan is so vulnerable.

Xu Ziyan refers to the movement, and the nine-character space in the air has shrouded the past with the Mozu monks who are at the peak of another person.


At this time, the konjac has already reacted. The nine-character space in the air is definitely not something that any of them can resist. Only by combining them will explode it.

At the same time, his heart is also extremely confident. As long as the nine-character space is bombarded, Xu Ziyan will not have any advantage. After all, it is already the limit of having such a set of powers, and Xu Ziyan can no longer exist.



Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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