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A loud bang in the sky, the seventeen-person monk monks joined forces and smashed the nine-character space of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan turned back and shouted at the sluggish monks of Cangwu Zong:

"What are you doing?"

Grye and other fifteen people, such as the monk, were stunned by Xu Ziyan from a stagnation, and each face showed shyness, screaming and rushing to the opposite of the seventeen Mozu monks.

The seventeen Mozu monks also slammed into the clan, and the fifteen people of the Clan dynasty collided with the monks. Now the ten monks of the Mozu are the first monks of the Mozu to be killed by Xu Ziyan, so their people respected the early days. There are also nine remaining peaks, and more than the Cangwu. At this time, the nine people respected the early peaks of the Mozu monks in the early days of the monks and priests. And two more people respected the early Mozu monks who were caught in the Xu Zi cigarette package.


The two swords of the middle of the peak shot the two swords to the two masters of the early Mozu monks, and Xu Ziyan did not take care of them at all, the big sleeves rose, the air also gave a nine-character space, toward a positive The people who went to Lei Fei’s early monarchs shrouded the past.

The Mozu monk did not expect it at all. Like the konjac, he thought that Xu Ziyan could not have a nine-space space. The look was slightly stunned, and it was sucked in by the nine-character space.

Xu Ziyan swayed in the air, and the nine-character space shrouded the past with another monk. The Mozu monk struggled with excitement. But still flying fast toward the nine-space space.

When the body of the Mozu monk flew into the space of the nine-character space, he resolutely chose to blast himself.


The nine-character space immediately became extremely dim, and its power has gone very six points.

Xu Ziyan is pondering whether he will collect the nine bells, and he will see a figure from the dark city of Xiancheng. It is extremely fast, like a streamer, and the most important thing is that his body exudes a very strong atmosphere.

"This is the late stage of human respect..."

Xu Ziyan was shocked. It seems that Tianfu Commercial Bank is really making a big profit. There is also a person who respects the late Mozu monks, who are left to deal with themselves.

At this time, the remaining fifteen pairs of people have been entangled in the monks, but the monks of the Cangwu sect saw the appearance of the magic plum, and all of them immediately cooled down.

Both Gree and Demon Mei belong to the great monk of the human respect, so although the repair of the devil is higher than the Ge Lei, but Ge Lei and others can also vaguely see that the devil is the late revision of the deity. .

"How is this still played? The other party suddenly appears to be a late monk in the late stage. That is the overwhelming power. There is no such thing as a person who can stop the other side."

Everyone's heart is scared!


Magic plum danced with both hands. Two large sleeves fluttered, and nine black magic dragons rushed to the sky, whistling and rushing to the space. Then I saw that the nine dragons crashed into the already-fading nine-character space, bursting into bursts, and also smashing the nine-character space.

The space between Xu Ziyan and Momei is stirring and the space is distorted, creating cracks in countless small spaces. When all this disappeared, Xu Ziyan and Mo Mei were looking forward to each other.

The heart is far from standing on the cloud baby's body and looking at Xu Ziyan, and my heart is full of worry. He can naturally see that the konjac is the late man, and also heard from Xu Ziyan that she had killed the dying sun. However, after all, it was only heard, but not seen, a heart mentioned the eyes of the blind.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was too lazy to ink with each other. She did not want to cause unnecessary loss to the monks and monks, but also to give the Mozu a profound lesson. So she immediately switched to chaos, and she stayed in the chaotic sea of ​​knowledge.

In the eyes of outsiders. Xu Ziyan’s repairs quickly soared. From the late Emperor of the Emperor to the late Ren.

"People are late..."

The throat of the heart squirmed dryly. Of course, he could see that this is definitely not the secret method used by Xu Ziyan, or the medicinal herb, because the breath of Xu Ziyan is too stable. This is definitely a late person.

Is it that the younger sister has already broken through to the late stage of human respect, but only hides her own cultivation?

If it is true. The cultivation speed of Xiaoshimei is terrible...

The monks of the Cangwu dynasty are even more incredible, especially the great monks who are fighting with the monks and monks, and seeing the cultivation of Xu Ziyan ascending to the late stage of the people, even the immortals that are being issued are A meal, if it is not the opposite of the Mozu monk is also a stay, it is possible to be taken by the Mozu monks to take their lives.

This is this... The 200-year-old person respects the late monk, does the whole Yuanyuan still have such a enchanting existence?

At this time, Mo Mei also looked shocked and looked at Xu Ziyan. If Xu Ziyan, who is not in front of her eyes, is exactly the same as in the image, she can’t believe that this person’s late monk will be Xu Ziyan.

Is it so good to cultivate in the late stage? Will such a young person say that someone will believe it later? Therefore, Mo Mei still revealed a trace of suspicion:

"You are Xu Ziyan?"

"Not bad!"

"Xu Zizhong's Xu Ziyan?" Momei still does not give up, the strength of Xu Ziyan's display and the news gap he got is really too big.


Xu Ziyan's attitude has always been very elegant, with confidence in elegance, this is a strong attitude.

Magic Mei’s heart jumps...

At this time, he and Xu Ziyan are only about 200 meters apart. He can feel the strong breath emitted by Xu Ziyan. The heaven and earth around Xu Ziyan fluctuate drastically. This kind of force fluctuation gives him a big Stress, let him have a feeling, although he is the same as Xu Ziyan at this time. But it is definitely not the opponent of Xu Ziyan.

"too terrifying……"

The devil's heart gradually sank, and the look on his face became dignified. The intensity of Xu Ziyan at this time was completely different from what he imagined.

At this time, he recalled why he always had a feeling of uneasiness today. It turned out to be because of the purple smoke in front of him. At this time, the anxiety in his heart is increasing.

At this time, Momei is worried about whether the opposite purple smoke has been cultivated out of bounds. To know that he did not practice out of bounds. If Xu Ziyan has a boundary, then there is no way to fight.

In his thoughts, the face opposite Xu Ziyan seems to have been impatient, and his hands have a fairy print on his chest. Then I turned over to the magic plum.

There was no bursting sound, and there was no huge roar. Instead, there was a heart-rending singer-sounding sound. A fairy palace was swirling in the air and pressed against the magic plum. ,

It is the chaotic immortal print.

Magic Mei didn't have to think about it at this time, because he had already found himself locked by the other's immortal palace, and it was impossible to escape.

The whole body was black and mad, and his arms danced in the air. Like a mixed king.


Nine demon dragons are born, it is he who became famous Hell Black Dragon.

A magical sway, half of the sky is covered by the demon dragon, one is the fairy sound, the fairy palace is mighty, and the two opposite celestial bombardments are in one place, and the entire darkness of the fairy city swayed the power of extinction.

The nine dragons brought a piece of darkness and a piece of light from the fairy palace to collide. The entanglement of each other turns the sky into black and white.

At this time, both sides are the late monks of the people. The understanding of the heavens has a certain depth. The two people kept flipping the fairy, but in the blink of an eye, they issued several attacks.

Whether it is a black robes hidden in the magic of the devil, or a jewel blue dress floating in a bright Xu Ziyan, the strength of the two people have made the monks and the Mozu monks feel shocked.

"Boom..." Ge Lei, a fairy scorpion repelled the Mozu monk, and forgot to pursue, just looked up at Xu Ziyan in the sky.

"She, she, she... she really is the late person..."

The masters of these people’s respects can see the scores at this time. Although Xu Ziyan is the same as Momei, it is the cultivation of the late Ren. However, Xu Ziyan now clearly has the upper hand.

A 200-year-old person is in the late stage. As long as he thinks about this, all the people who have respected the monks have a little mentality imbalance.

why? Why is that?

Why did I have worked hard for tens of thousands of years to reach the peak of the early respect of human beings, but now only two hundred years old is already the late stage of human respect. exceed oneself.

Where is the fairness of this world?

The loss in the heart of Gry and others turned into anger, and all the anger was vented to the monks of the Mozu. More madly attacking the past with the Mozu monks.

At this time, those emperors below the Xianzun, the Emperor and the Emperor saw the advantage of the Cangwu Zong, and the confidence was greatly enhanced. The grievances that had been suppressed in the heart broke out at this moment and will be in the hands. The fairy symbol was thrown over to the Mozu monk as a snow flake.

For a time, the entire black-screen fairy city was full of roaring, continuous roaring, the sky has been lost in various colors to lose the original color. The power of 澎湃 将 打 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔The immortal that was released by various fairy symbols was drowned.

More than 10,000 monks throwing fairy charms together. This explosive power can only be described by the words "extremely horrible". The monks and monks also have fairy charms, and the number is quite large. It is necessary to fight with the monks of Cangwu.

However, their immortal grades simply cannot be compared with the fairy charms in the hands of the monks. The highest level of the fairy charm in the hands of the Mozu monks is only the late peak of the nine-character, and the fairy in the hands of the monks in the Cangwu sect is the lowest grade of the nine-character.

This is not at all a grade, and all the darkness of the fairy city is like a plowing land.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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