The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2096: Devil died

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Numerous Mozu monks instantly turned into powder, and some of them ran around, and some became magical and desperately resisted. But more is continually dying.

Before Xu Ziyan did not come to the Shady Plain, the Mozu was so opposed to the monks of the Cangwu. If the situation is completely reversed, it becomes a monk’s monk to deal with the Mozu monks.

Simple and rude! Let the Mozu monks taste this taste.

The eight masters who are hidden in the cloud, the monks who sit in the town, and the monks who sit in the middle and small sects of the town are all in a daze. The sudden outbreak of Xu Ziyan has shocked them unbelievably. Now they see more than 10,000 monks in the Cangwu dynasty. The words are thrown out like throwing waste paper, which makes them completely paralyzed.

When was the monk of Cangwu Zong so rich?

At this time, the Mozu monks who were fighting with the monks of the Cangwu Clan in the sky could not feel the feelings of the eight masters. At this time, their hearts were raised with infinite fear.

The Mozu monks on the ground have no resistance at all under the tyranny of the fairy, and the monks in the air are completely at a disadvantage.

"This time the loss is big..."

At this time, it is not a question of whether or not to kill Xu Ziyan, but the problem of their tens of thousands of Mozu monks still have no life to go back. ”

While the konjac struggled with Gray, while taking time to watch the magic plum, his only hope was that Momei could kill Xu Ziyan, so that Momei could pour out his hand to support them, so they still have the chance to win.

In fact, Momei does not say to kill Xu Ziyan at this time. It is impossible for him to escape, let alone help the konjac.

At this point, he has been completely locked up by the chaos, who is the confusion?

She is a mixture of fairy demons. There are three inheritances of the fairy demon, and the magical method of the demon is better than the opposite demon, and the other party’s flaws are clear. And the confusion was originally a person who could overcome the challenge. Where is the magical opponent?

In fact. At this time, Momei is also very clear about his situation. If he can no longer create a chance to escape, and wait until the opposite Xu Ziyan completely grasps the situation, he will really fall into this place.

Devil's face suddenly appeared in the color of madness, the two hands of the magic seal quickly formed, and the chaos confronted the nine magic dragon suddenly issued a neat shout, turned to the devil Mei flew past, blink of an eye. Nine dragons got into the body of the dragon.


Devil May raised a sound like a dragon, and then saw that his body changed, and instantly turned into an infinite black cloud, and then the black cloud gathered in the middle and became a sprawling Black dragon.

There is a hint of caution in the eyes of confusion. She naturally knows that this is a secret method of the Mozu, called the magic dragon. This secret method will turn the Mozu monk into a magic dragon, and the monk will directly raise a step, but this secret method is only a quarter of an hour. After a quarter of an hour, it will be weak within ten days, and it will fall into the realm.

The chaotic hands quickly bear the immortal seal, and the mysterious fairy prints are sprayed out, and the mysterious fairy prints in the air, faintly emitting four words:

"The Promise Fairy!"

The time is centered on chaos, and the colorful light spreads out, and the clouds are fluttering. Xianyin. The black dragon had just entered the colorful light, and the body began to rise in black air, and the rising black air was quickly refining with the colorful light.

The monks around have been stupid. What is this fairy?

Although they can't see what this is. But undoubtedly the chaotic release of the fairy is exactly the nemesis of the Mozu, as long as it is visible to anyone with eyes.

"Xu Ziyan. Too powerful..."


The magic dragon screamed and slammed into the distance, but the piece of Promise spread faster than the dragon escaped, and the second half of the dragon was shrouded in it. Still slowly swallowing the dragon. The second half of the dragon is being refining with the Promise.


The magic dragon screamed, and looked back at the chaos, and suddenly heard:


An infinite roar, the dragon detonated his second half, blasted the Promise, and the remaining half quickly fled to the distance.


The chaotic figure suddenly disappeared in the space. Just between the fingers, I saw a chaotic figure appearing above the dragon, and one foot stepped toward the dragon.

A foot that has not waited for the chaos stepped on the dragon, and spread out from the chaos of the world.

Dark clouds, endless fairy palaces, hot magma...

That is the realm of chaos. In this world, the dragon will be shrouded in an instant, and then the dragon will disappear into the space. Only a mess of one person standing in the air fluttering.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has switched to the body again with chaos, and at the same time said to the chaos in the gods:

"Confusion, hurry up, get the demon dragon into the gloom and devour the horse."

The chaotic heart thought, and the dragon that had no half life was sent into the gloom. In the gloom of the horse, the original feeling of the people's respect for the late, the heart was shocked, back two steps. When I saw that this person had only half a life left in the late stage, I immediately rushed over, opened my mouth and sucked, and swallowed the magical beauty that had already recovered.

Xu Ziyan also sank into a glimpse of the gods and saw all of this. When the mind was moved, he threw the Nether in the time array.

At this time, both the sky and the ground stopped fighting. Whether it was the Terran or the Mozu, they all stared at Xu Ziyan. One person respected the late Mozu monks and died in such a dozen times...


This time, the konjac is really scared. The devil in the late period is dead. If Xu Ziyan comes over to help the monks and monks, who else can resist her?


Today, Xu Ziyan has become a refinement of the late Emperor of the Emperor, but Ge Lei will never believe that Xu Ziyan is a fairy emperor at this time, and his heart can not help but secretly:

"It's too sinister. You said that you are a monk in the late period. It's okay to make a fairy emperor. Isn't this a pit person?"

Therefore, the only thought he left at this time is to escape, how far he can escape and how far he can escape. It is best to return to his own nest. There are devils there.

At this time, where did he remember the task of killing Xu Ziyan? If you are not killed by Xu Ziyan, you will burn it!

However, he wants to escape to escape. At this time, the monks of the Cangwu Zong completely occupied the upper hand. How long have they been bent over for a long time, how can they let go of these Mozu monks?

The monks of the Clan ancestors immediately rushed to the great monks of the Mozu, and they entangled with them. They simply did not give them the opportunity to escape. The rest of the monks also threw the fairy charms at the same time. Out of the fairy, screaming and rushing to the black curtain fairy city, like a meteor, behind the delay of the fairy light to the demon monk on the ground.

Xu Ziyan still quietly stood in the air, she did not kill them like the fear of the Mozu monks, but so empty in the air, from time to time sweeping the battlefield in the air and the ground.

Xu Ziyan naturally will not let go of these demons, not to mention the hatred between the demons, nor their actions against the Cangzong. It is because they are the Mozu Xu Ziyan will not let them out, because in the view of Xu Ziyan, these Mozu are the nutrients to enhance the strength of the glory.

After a short time outside, the time array method has exceeded 100,000 moments.

Xu Ziyan also sank into a fascinating sensation and entered the gloom. After seeing the horses devour the demon, the strength is constantly improving.

In the eyes of outsiders, Xu Ziyan only had a few moments in the air, but it has been nearly a year in the time array in the purple smoke space.

After the power of Ma Jiao was swallowed up by a late monk, he has risen to the peak of Ren Zun.

There were originally more than 50,000 demon people in the black-scented fairy city. They were just smashed by the monks of the Cangwu dynasty. They died more than 20,000 in the living place. At this time, more than 20,000 monks were struggling to break through. They are now also Those who don’t care for the air are honored as monks, and can only escape to themselves.

More than 10,000 monks and priests can't stop more than 20,000 demon monks. If this is not the immortality, these monks will be almost wounded. I am afraid that the monks have already gone out. . In this way, the monks of the Cangwu monarch are also in a situation of retreat.

However, the situation in the air is another scene. At this time, there have been two demon monks who have fallen, and the monks of the Cangwu Zong have begun to besiege the Mozu monks, and the Mozu monks are tightly confined. Let them not have the chance to escape.

Xu Ziyan sank into a glimpse of the gods and watched the horses in the gloom while watching the situation below.

Xu Ziyan certainly will not let go of these Mozu monks, let them escape. This time, the dark plains of the Cangwu dynasty can be said to have lost adults. If these Mozu monks are allowed to escape, there may be some forces in the future to invade the Cangzong ancestors.

This is definitely not the hypothesis of Xu Ziyan. Didn't you see that in the previous period, both Shenji Zong and Xingyu Zong had found trouble with Cangwu Zong?

Therefore, Xu Ziyan needs a deterrent, leaving all of these demons in the black-skinned city, allowing those forces, whether they are the forces of the Mozu, or the forces of the Terran, before the West wants to invade the Clan. It is necessary to think about whether they can afford to infringe on the consequences of the Clan.

At this time, in the far-reaching clouds, the eight major sects and the small and medium-sized sects, and some unidentified monks are hidden there, paying attention to the battlefield of the black cemetery.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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