The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2097: Nether

At the beginning, the power of Xu Ziyan really shocked them. In particular, the monks of Shenji Zong and Xingyu Zong began to feel uneasy. After all, their Zongmen people used to ridicule the people of the Cangzong, and even played a few monks.

Although they went to the small town of Cangwu Zong yesterday, they released goodwill to Xu Ziyan.


Who knows that Xu Ziyan’s person remembers no hate! Once the vengeance is over, with the repair of Xu Ziyan, when do you count them, are they still alive?

However, their mood has now eased, because they have seen that the advantages of Cangwu Zong are being lost, and they are completely at a disadvantage.

Although the sky is still an absolute advantage, the Cangzong on the ground has begun to retreat, and some people have begun to suffer casualties.

Xu Ziyan is still too young. Even without absolute certainty, he dared to attack more than 50,000 Demon monks with more than 10,000 people.

Although this is very strong, there are no fears for those who lack wisdom.

They have already thought about it. If Xu Ziyan dares to be against them, they may wish to design a trap to kill Xu Ziyan. Anyway, the IQ of Xu Ziyan should be easy to deal with!


At this time, they saw that Xu Ziyan took out a flag and raised his hand, and the flag was inserted in the middle of the Mozu monk in the black city.

The flagpole, which was originally one foot long, was quickly enlarged in the process of falling...


The huge flag of a few feet high was suddenly inserted in the land of the black curtain fairy city.

From the secluded scorpion, a thick ink-like black gas was created, creating a huge whirlpool, but it instantly covered the entire darkness of the fairy city.


Thousands of black tentacles hang from the huge whirlpool. Quickly entangled with the Mozu monks.


Numerous Mozu monks were caught by tentacles, inhaled into the gloom, and then Xu Ziyan put them into the space of the secluded scorpion, once to make a Mozu monk to swallow the horse.

The eight great sects and other monks stared at the flagpoles of a few feet high. At this point they realized that Xu Ziyan was not lacking in wisdom at all, nor was she because she was too young to make reckless mistakes, but she was fully prepared. With that strength, all the democrats here are killed.

The monks and monks on the ground quickly retreated, and although the dense tentacles did not entangle them, they were enough to make them fear.

Just because they knew that this was released by Xu Ziyan, they didn't sneak away, but just drifted back a distance and stopped, silently watching what was happening in front of them.

It was not less than two quarters of an hour, and the otherwise noisy shady fairy city was completely quiet, and the entire shady fairy city became an empty city. Outside the empty city is a tens of thousands of monks and monks.

In the middle of the silent black-scented fairy city, a huge secluded scorpion is inserted, and the wind sings and sings.

Xu Ziyan quietly floated in the air, looking up to the people who were fighting in the high air.

The remaining thirteen demons in the air, the heart is a trembling, the demon monk who had already fallen to the wind is even more unbearable.

The monks who were hiding in the clouds looked around and gathered more than 20,000 Mozu monks. At this time, it was an empty black screen fairy city. One by one seems to be doing a weird nightmare.


All the monks who were hiding in the clouds were collectively aphasia, and their mouths were only able to make a "squeaky" voice, and the body was stiff and almost fell from the clouds.

Xu Ziyan glanced at the thirteen demons of the demon in the air. The fingers slammed into the air, and the faint whirlpool suddenly turned up. The black whirlpool suddenly boiled up, and countless black tentacles quickly extended toward the sky. To the thirteen of the devils who were fighting with the monks of the Cangwu Zongda in the air.

Only in a flash, the thirteen demons of the Mozu were entangled in thousands of black tentacles, but the thirteen masters were not the emperors in the dark city, but the early monks in the people. There are also people who respect the early peaks. The black tentacles wrapped around them were constantly broken by them. Seeing that you are going to break free.

The fifteen monks of Cangwu Zong have been hiding far away, although they know that these black tentacles are released by the sorrowful scent of Xu Ziyan, but they still have fear in their hearts.

Because this is too scary, one by one is far away.

Time. The Nether and the thirteen demons of the Mozu were deadlocked.

Suddenly, a head like a horse head was discovered from the gloom. Opened a big mouth, revealing a row of sharp fangs.


A loud roar, the big head suddenly zoomed in, and the black vortex was drilled. The open mouth suddenly slammed into a demon monk, and then dragged into the phantom.

Then, the big head is extended again, biting the second, the third... thirteenth.

It’s just less than a dozen times to drag the thirteen Mozu masters in the sky into the gloom. Thousands of tentacles took back to the huge black vortex, and then the black giant whirlpool ran into the gloom, and entered the gloom, then the gloom began to fly toward the air of Xu Ziyan, flying more and smaller, and finally turned into a One foot long of the flagpole was caught by Xu Ziyan, and then the purple smoke space was given to the chaos.

At this time, the peace between the heavens and the earth has been restored, and the clouds are light and windy. Xu Ziyan floated quietly in the air, and the sapphire blue dress floated with the breeze, noble and graceful.

But in the eyes of these monks around, it was not the case at all. They felt that Xu Ziyan was too horrible. This opportunity is to destroy the life of more than 20,000 demon kings to the emperor with one person, and the demon monk of thirteen people.

"Everyone is at the same door, let's rebuild the shady fairy city!"

Xu Ziyan glanced over the various monks hidden in the clouds in the distance, and then retracted his eyes and said softly to the monks around the Cangwu.

The monks hidden in the distant clouds were swept away by the eyes of Xu Ziyan, and they knew that Xu Ziyan had already known their existence, and the look could not help but one by one. They immediately emerged from the cloud and marched toward Xu Ziyan:

"Congratulations to Xu Shimei to take back the black curtain fairy city!"

Xu Ziyan’s face also showed a gentle smile, and he shook hands at the monks in the clouds:

"Thank you all the brothers, but today the shady fairy city has been razed to the ground, there is no place to entertain you, sorry!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome, then we will leave, and there is a sigh in the future, I hope that Xu Shimei can gather with us."


The monks of all the sects of the sects were graciously gone, but only a few moments of time, the entire black-skinned fairy city left the monks.

"Let's go on!"

Xu Ziyan first fell to the black curtain fairy city and fell into the black curtain fairy city. At this time, the entire shady fairy city has completely become a huge ruin. The originally flat ground is now pitted, and it is not a general pit, but a giant pit. Even some of the giant pits have groundwater.

Without the analysis of the great monks, the immortals, the emperors and the emperors have begun to rebuild the shady fairy city. And the people of a soil property respected the early masters, and the hands were turned upside down. The ground between the eyes was raised upwards, forming a small building. Xu Ziyan and these people have entered the small building.

As soon as he entered the small building, his heart hurriedly asked: "Ziyan, what is the treasure of the flag? Is it all the monks to clean up?"

When the words fell, the surrounding monks and clan monks also looked at each other with a pair of eyes.

"Is it a congenital fairy?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded. When the Yanshan soul was in the valley, the Yanshan soul re-refined the fairyware owned by Xu Ziyan. This ecstasy is no exception. Of course, Xu Ziyan would not say that it is the best innate treasure, but only vaguely agreed.

"Sure enough, it is a congenital treasure, it is really powerful!" The heart was excitedly staring at Xu Ziyan: "When did you also tailor a congenital fairy?"

"Well, as long as the two brothers think about what kind of congenital Xianbao needs to tell the sister." Xu Ziyan nodded quickly.

"Not right!" The heart seemed to react to something again, hesitantly looking at Xu Ziyan: "Looking at the power of the Nether is not like the inferior fairy treasure, how is it a congenital treasure!"

"This..." Xu Ziyan said with some helplessness: "Recently, my refining technique has made some breakthroughs..."


As soon as I heard this sentence, I jumped directly from the chair and looked at Chugo Road with shock:

"What do you mean? Is it that you are already a good-natured teacher?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

Looking at the heart for a while, Xu Ziyan suddenly went out of the door and said, "I am going to find a room to think about what kind of middle-aged Xianbao."

The other dozens of Cangwu clan revered the big monk's lips and moved, and also wanted Xu Ziyan to refine a middle-aged immortal treasure for them, but their relationship with Xu Ziyan is really general, and there is no communication with Xu Ziyan. It’s really hard to talk about it for a while.

Xu Ziyan was very tired at this time. After all, he controlled the sorrowful sorrows and absorbed 13 tribes and more than 20,000 monks. Her mental strength was not exhausted, but she also felt exhausted. Smiling toward a dozen monks and monks, smiling:

"You brothers and sisters, if there is nothing else, I will go to a room to adjust the interest."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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